Sorting plist data - swift

I've got some repeating data in a plist, I then extract it into a dictionary and display it in my app. The only problem is that it needs to be in the same order i put it in the plist, but obviously, dictionary's can't be sorted and it comes out unsorted. So how would i achieve this?
My plist data repeats like this
I then convert that into a dictionary of type [Int : ItemType], ItemType is my data protocol, like this:
class ExhibitionUnarchiver {
class func exhibitionsFromDictionary(_ dictionary: [String: AnyObject]) throws -> [Int : ItemType] {
var inventory: [Int : ItemType] = [:]
var i = 0;
for (key, value) in dictionary {
if let itemDict = value as? [String : String],
let title = itemDict["title"],
let audio = itemDict["audio"],
let image = itemDict["image"],
let description = itemDict["description"]{
let item = ExhibitionItem(title: title, image: image, audio: audio, description: description)
inventory.updateValue(item, forKey: i);
i += 1;
return inventory
Which results in a dictionary like this:
[12: App.ExhibitionItem(title: "Water Bonsai", image: "waterbonsai.jpg", audio: "exhibit-audio-1", description: "blah blah blah"), 17: App.ExhibitionItem.....
I was hoping that since i made the key's Int's i could sort it but so far i'm having no luck. You might be able to tell i'm fairly new to swift, so please provide any info you think would be relevant. Thanks!

A Dictionary has no order. If you need a specific order, make root of type Array:
or sort it by the key manually:
var root = [Int:[String:String]]()
root[1] = ["title":"Hi"]
root[2] = ["title":"Ho"]
let result = root.sorted { $0.0 < $1.0 }
[(1, ["title": "Hi"]), (2, ["title": "Ho"])]


How to get key and value of Firestore mapped object

I have an app where users can rate films they have watched, and I want to be able to put these in a tableView. The rating is stored in Firestore, and I want to put both the KEY and value into a Struct so I can access it for the tableView.
However any site/tutorial/stack question I have seen only gets the Maps value, but not the key (in this case, the title name). I can access the value, but only by using the field key, but that is what I am trying to get (see attempt 1)
struct Rating: Codable {
var ratedTitle: String
var ratedRating: Int
var ratedList = [Rating]()
Load data function (attempt 1):
let dbRef = db.collection("Users").document(userID)
dbRef.getDocument { document, error in
if let error = error {
print("There was an error \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
if let docData = document!.data() {
let titleRating = docData["Title Ratings"] as? [String: Int]
let midnightMass = titleRating!["Midnight Mass"]
print("Rating given to Midnight Mass: \(midnightMass!) stars")
//Prints: Rating given to Midnight Mass: 2 stars
Also tried (but I don't know how to get this array onto a tableView and have the first index as the Title label, and the second index a Rating label for each movie in the array) attempt 2:
if let docData = document!.data() {
let titleRating = docData["Title Ratings"] as? [String: Int]
self.userRatedList = titleRating!
print("userRatedList: \(self.userRatedList)")
//Prints: userRatedList: ["Midnight Mass": 2, "Bly Manor": 5]
Attempt 3:
if let docData = document!.data() {
let titleRating = docData["Title Ratings"] as? [String: Int]
self.ratedList = [Rating(ratedTitle: <#T##String#>, ratedRating: <#T##Int#>)]
//Don't know what I would put as the ratedTitle String or ratedRating Int.
self.ratedList = [Rating(ratedTitle: titleRating!.keys, ratedRating: titleRating!.values)]
//Cannot convert value of type 'Dictionary<String, Int>.Keys' to expected argument type 'String'
//Cannot convert value of type 'Dictionary<String, Int>.Values' to expected argument type 'Int'
Firstly, I am not sure why you need the struct to conform to Codable?
Now, based off what I see, "Title Ratings" is a dictionary with a String key and an Int value. You are overcomplicating this. If you want to access the key and value of each element individually, use a for-in loop.
//Declare your global variable
var ratedList = [Rating]()
//If you are using an if let, there is not need to force unwrap
if let docData = {
if let userRatingList = docData["Title Ratings"] as? [String: Int] {
for (key, value) in userRatingList {
let rating = Rating(ratedTitle: key, ratedRating: value)
//reload your tableView on the main thread
DispatchQueue.main.async {

Swift replace key value in array of dictionaries with nested dictionaries

I have swift dictionary [String: Any] which I store in UserDefauls as an array [[String: Any]]
what I want to do is replace key: value with another one, e.g. "id": "x:coredataid"with"id": "server id"
I need to loop through array first and then through all key values. Is there any elegant solution for this purposes?
If not how then simple iterate through all key values and all nested levels in dictionary?
I have this code: for (key, value) in params
but it's only for top level keys.
Let me explain more in details. As you see I have phases key which an array. Also each phase contains day key which also an array.
So I don't care actually about key naming, phases it or days whether, what I want is to iterate all of key, values from provided [String: Any] dictionary and check if key contains a value which equal provided string.
As you see currently workoutId equals: <x-coredata://C3C82F5A-8709-4EDC-8AE5-C23C65F220D5/WorkoutEntity/t072831FB-8F5C-4589-85CB-6D084671C097815> I underscore it with red line.
So I want to loop a dictionary to catch this key workoutId and check if this equal <x-coredata://C3C82F5A-8709-4EDC-8AE5-C23C65F220D5/WorkoutEntity/t072831FB-8F5C-4589-85CB-6D084671C097815>
One more time I don't care about workoutId name, key can be actually named as exerciseId or id never mind. I just want to find a value <x-coredata://C3C82F5A-8709-4EDC-8AE5-C23C65F220D5/WorkoutEntity/t072831FB-8F5C-4589-85CB-6D084671C097815> in my entire dictionary and if there are lot of them replace all of them.
The reason why I need it is connected to identifier I store localy which are equals to CoreData identifiers as you my noticed. But when I modified my CoreData records with new identifiers returned from server I want to replace my UserDefaults off-line requests store with new ids.
I've added also modification to this code:
func update(_ dict: [String: Any], set serverId: Any, for localId: String) -> [String: Any] {
var newDict = dict
for (k, v) in newDict {
if let mobileLocalId = v as? String {
if mobileLocalId == localId {
newDict[k] = serverId
} else { newDict[k] = v }
} else if let subDict = v as? [String: Any] {
newDict[k] = update(subDict, set: serverId, for: localId)
} else if let dictionaries = v as? [[String: Any]] {
for dictionary in dictionaries {
newDict[k] = update(dictionary, set: serverId, for: localId)
return newDict
but it somehow drop days for me and newDict now looks like this:
(lldb) po newDict
▿ 2 elements
▿ 0 : 2 elements
- key : "position"
- value : 0
▿ 1 : 2 elements
- key : "workoutId"
- value : "5d51723b3faceb53f9d2d5ed"
where actully I susscefully changed identifiers, but now all other key pairs from above example are missed.
Here is a solution with a recursive function that replaces all values for a given key.
func update(_ dict: [String: Any], set value: Any, for key: String) -> [String: Any] {
var newDict = dict
for (k, v) in newDict {
if k == key {
newDict[k] = value
} else if let subDict = v as? [String: Any] {
newDict[k] = update(subDict, set: value, for: key)
} else if let subArray = v as? [[String: Any]] {
var newArray = [[String: Any]]()
for item in subArray {
newArray.append(update(item, set: value, for: key))
newDict[k] = newArray
return newDict
Note that it doesn't check what type the existing value is but directly replaces it with the new value. Also the code assumes the only types of nested arrays are arrays of dictionaries.
For the array this function can be used with map
let out = { update($0, set: "newValue", for: "id")}
This recursive function will iterate through all key values:
func iterateThroughAllKeyValues<Key: Hashable, Value>(of dictionary: Dictionary<Key, Value>, execute execution: ((Key, Value))->()) {
for element in dictionary {
if let dictionary = element.value as? [Key: Value] {
iterateThroughAllKeyValues(of: dictionary, execute: execution)
} else {
Also you can achieve calling execution on the main node of any nested dictionary with a little bit of change.
And this is the extension mode:
extension Dictionary {
func iterateThroughAllKeyValues(execute execution: ((Key, Value))->()) {
for element in self {
if let dictionary = element.value as? [Key: Value] {
dictionary.iterateThroughAllKeyValues(execute: execution)
} else {
Note: Careful about the order
Usage Example:
let dictionary: [String: Any] = [
"id0": "value0",
"nested": ["id1": "value1"],
"nestedNested": ["id2": "value2",
"nested": ["id3": "value3"]]
dictionary.iterateThroughAllKeyValues { (key, value) in
print("key:", key, "Value:", value)
key: id0 Value: value0
key: id1 Value: value1
key: id3 Value: value3
key: id2 Value: value2

Jumping into swift - trouble with array of dictionary from json

json comes in and is an array of dictionary:
let dict = try JSONSerialization.dictionary(data: data, options: .allowFragments)
(key: contact_383348580, value: {
email = "";
"first_name" = Jon;
"last_name" = B;
tags = "";
(key: contact_445575065, value: {
email = "";
"first_name" = "<null>";
"last_name" = "<null>";
tags = "";
Trying to map this to a User class (and then sort alpha by first name(?)) and then populate a tableview.
I'm all obj-c but trying to add this feature in my objc project through swift to improve my skills incrementally. But googling returns all different ways with different swift versions that don't seem to work (or frankly make sense to me anyway but I'll get there).
Currently I can create users but the names are empty.
for objects in dict {
let first = dict["first_name"] as? String
let last = dict["last_name"] as? String
let name = "\(first ?? "asas") \(last ?? "sdasd")"
let object = User(username: name)
print(" contacts \(contacts)")
You say you have an array of dictionaries and if that is correct then you have fooled yourself with the naming of your variables because dict is an array and objects a dictionary. I assume your code doesn't compile?
What about this
let array = try JSONSerialization.dictionary(data: data, options: .allowFragments)
for dict in array {
let first = dict["first_name"] as? String ?? "asas"
let last = dict["last_name"] as? String ?? "sdasd"
let name = "\(first) \(last)"
let object = User(username: name)

How to create nested dictionary elements in Swift?

I want to create a variable which stores this:
["messageCode": API_200, "data": {
activities = (
action = 1;
state = 1;
messages = (
body = hi;
// ...
}, "message": ]
What I have done is this:
var fullDict: Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = [:]
fullDict["messageCode"] = "API_200" as AnyObject
var data: Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = [:]
fullDict ["data"] = data as AnyObject
Is this way is correct and how I can add activities?
I would suggest to go with creating a custom Model:
struct Model {
var messageCode: String
var data: MyData
var message: String
struct MyData {
let activities: [Activity]
let messages: [Message]
struct Activity {
var action: Int
var state: Int
struct Message {
var body: String
// ...
Thus you could use it as:
let data = MyData(activities: [Activity(action: 1, state: 1)], messages: [Message(body: "hi")])
let myModel = Model(messageCode: "API_200", data: data, message: "")
However, if you -for some reason- have to declare it as a dictionary, it could be something like this:
let myDict: [String: Any] = [
"messageCode": "API_200",
"data": ["activities": [["action": 1, "state": 1]],
"messages": [["body": "hi"]]
"message": ""
which means that myDict is a dictionary contains:
messageCode string.
data as nested dictionary, which contains:
activities array of dictionaries (array of [String: Int]).
messages array of dictionaries (array of [String: String]).
message string.
One of the simplest reasons why you should go with the modeling approach is because when it comes to read from myModel, all you have to do is to use the dot . notation. Unlike working with it as a dictionary, you would have to case its values which could be a headache for some point. For instance, let's say that we want to access the first message body in data messages array:
if let data = myDict["data"] as? [String: [[String: Any]]],
let messages = data["messages"] as? [[String: String]],
let body = messages.first?["body"] {
Since you explicitly want it as [String:AnyObject]:
var dict: [String:AnyObject] = ["messageCode":"API_200" as AnyObject,
"data": ["activities": [["action":1,
"messages": [["body":"hi"]]] as AnyObject,
"message": "" as AnyObject]
Basically all the root values should be typecasted as AnyObject
Or the long way:
//Activities is as Array of dictionary with Int values
var activities = [[String:Int]]()
activities.append(["action": 1,
"state": 1])
//Messages is an Array of string
var messages = [[String:String]]()
messages.append(["body" : "hi"])
//Data is dictionary containing activities and messages
var data = [String:Any]()
data["activities"] = activities
data["messages"] = messages
//Finally your base dictionary
var dict = [String:AnyObject]()
dict["messageCode"] = "API_200" as AnyObject
dict["data"] = data as AnyObject
dict["message"] = "" as AnyObject
Parsing this to get your data back will be hell; with all the type casts and all.
Example (lets capture action):
let action = ((dict["data"] as? [String:Any])?["activities"] as? [String:Int])?.first?.value
As you can see you need to typecast at every level. This is the problem with using dictionaries in Swift. Too much cruft.
Sure, you could use a third-party library like SwiftyJSON to reduce the above to:
let action = dict["data"]["activities"][0]["action"]
But do you want a dependency just for something as simple as this?
If your structure is defined then create models instead; as Ahmad F's answer suggests. It will be more readable, maintainable and flexible.
...but since you asked, this is how one would do it with pure Dictionary elements.

How do I add more items to this type of name value pair array? [duplicate]

I have a simple Dictionary which is defined like:
var dict : NSDictionary = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]
Now I want to add an element into this dictionary: 3 : "efg"
How can I append 3 : "efg" into this existing dictionary?
You're using NSDictionary. Unless you explicitly need it to be that type for some reason, I recommend using a Swift dictionary.
You can pass a Swift dictionary to any function expecting NSDictionary without any extra work, because Dictionary<> and NSDictionary seamlessly bridge to each other. The advantage of the native Swift way is that the dictionary uses generic types, so if you define it with Int as the key and String as the value, you cannot mistakenly use keys and values of different types. (The compiler checks the types on your behalf.)
Based on what I see in your code, your dictionary uses Int as the key and String as the value. To create an instance and add an item at a later time you can use this code:
var dict = [1: "abc", 2: "cde"] // dict is of type Dictionary<Int, String>
dict[3] = "efg"
If you later need to assign it to a variable of NSDictionary type, just do an explicit cast:
let nsDict = dict as! NSDictionary
And, as mentioned earlier, if you want to pass it to a function expecting NSDictionary, pass it as-is without any cast or conversion.
you can add using the following way and change Dictionary to NSMutableDictionary
dict["key"] = "value"
I know this might be coming very late, but it may prove useful to someone.
So for appending key value pairs to dictionaries in swift, you can use updateValue(value: , forKey: ) method as follows :
var dict = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]
dict.updateValue("efg", forKey: 3)
var dictionary = [Int:String]()
dictionary.updateValue(value: "Hola", forKey: 1)
dictionary.updateValue(value: "Hello", forKey: 2)
dictionary.updateValue(value: "Aloha", forKey: 3)
So, your dictionary contains:
dictionary[1: Hola, 2: Hello, 3: Aloha]
If your dictionary is Int to String you can do simply:
dict[3] = "efg"
If you mean adding elements to the value of the dictionary a possible solution:
var dict = Dictionary<String, Array<Int>>()
dict["key"]! += [1]
Swift 3+
Example to assign new values to Dictionary. You need to declare it as NSMutableDictionary:
var myDictionary: NSMutableDictionary = [:]
let newValue = 1
myDictionary["newKey"] = newValue
For whoever reading this for swift 5.1+
// 1. Using updateValue to update the given key or add new if doesn't exist
var dictionary = [Int:String]()
dictionary.updateValue("egf", forKey: 3)
// 2. Using a dictionary[key]
var dictionary = [Int:String]()
dictionary[key] = "value"
// 3. Using subscript and mutating append for the value
var dictionary = [Int:[String]]()
dictionary[key, default: ["val"]].append("value")
In Swift, if you are using NSDictionary, you can use setValue:
dict.setValue("value", forKey: "key")
Given two dictionaries as below:
var dic1 = ["a": 1, "c": 2]
var dic2 = ["e": 3, "f": 4]
Here is how you can add all the items from dic2 to dic1:
dic2.forEach {
dic1[$0.key] = $0.value
Dict.updateValue updates value for existing key from dictionary or adds new new key-value pair if key does not exists.
var caseStatusParams: [String: AnyObject] = ["userId" : UserDefault.userID ]
caseStatusParams.updateValue("Hello" as AnyObject, forKey: "otherNotes")
▿ : 2 elements
- key : "userId"
- value : 866
▿ : 2 elements
- key : "otherNotes"
- value : "Hello"
For the fellows using [String:Any] instead of Dictionary below is the extension
extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == Any {
mutating func append(anotherDict:[String:Any]) {
for (key, value) in anotherDict {
self.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
As of Swift 5, the following code collection works.
// main dict to start with
var myDict : Dictionary = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]
// dict(s) to be added to main dict
let myDictToMergeWith : Dictionary = [ 5 : "l m n"]
let myDictUpdated : Dictionary = [ 5 : "lmn"]
let myDictToBeMapped : Dictionary = [ 6 : "opq"]
myDict.updateValue("ijk", forKey: 4)
myDict.merge(myDictToMergeWith){(current, _) in current}
myDict.merge(myDictUpdated){(_, new) in new}
print(myDict) {
myDict[$0.0] = $0.1
To add new elements just set:
listParameters["your parameter"] = value
There is no function to append the data in dictionary. You just assign the value against new key in existing dictionary. it will automatically add value to the dictionary.
var param = ["Name":"Aloha","user" : "Aloha 2"]
param["questions"] = "Are you mine?"
The output will be like
["Name":"Aloha","user" : "Aloha 2","questions" : ""Are you mine"?"]
To append a new key-value pair to a dictionary you simply have to set the value for the key. for eg.
// Initialize the Dictionary
var dict = ["name": "John", "surname": "Doe"]
// Add a new key with a value
dict["email"] = ""
Output -> ["surname": "Doe", "name": "John", "email": ""]
var dict = ["name": "Samira", "surname": "Sami"]
// Add a new enter code herekey with a value
dict["email"] = ""
Up till now the best way I have found to append data to a dictionary by using one of the higher order functions of Swift i.e. "reduce". Follow below code snippet:
newDictionary = oldDictionary.reduce(*newDictionary*) { r, e in var r = r; r[e.0] = e.1; return r }
#Dharmesh In your case, it will be,
newDictionary = dict.reduce([3 : "efg"]) { r, e in var r = r; r[e.0] = e.1; return r }
Please let me know if you find any issues in using above syntax.
Swift 5 happy coding
var tempDicData = NSMutableDictionary()
for temp in answerList {
tempDicData.setValue("your value", forKey: "your key")
I added Dictionary extension
extension Dictionary {
func cloneWith(_ dict: [Key: Value]) -> [Key: Value] {
var result = self
dict.forEach { key, value in result[key] = value }
return result
you can use cloneWith like this
newDictionary = dict.reduce([3 : "efg"]) { r, e in r.cloneWith(e) }
if you want to modify or update NSDictionary then
first of all typecast it as NSMutableDictionary
let newdictionary = NSDictionary as NSMutableDictionary
then simply use
newdictionary.setValue(value: AnyObject?, forKey: String)