Big gif from a third party site does not show in the of github? - github

I want to show a gif in a of github.
And it works fine when the target gif is small with:
<img src="targetGifUrl" width="400">
but when the gif is big, it is not showing as expected, take this gif as an example. When I add it into, it just shows:
and after clicking, it shows a website with the tip
Content length exceeded
As the gif is from a third site, I can not change its size.
So, is it possible to show this big gif without saving and resizing it?

It looks like someone else had this issue before,
When I open this link in Firefox, I only get the text "Content length exceeded".
and here is the commit that fixed it.
Add gif locally
-![Sample Gif](
+<img src="/art/sample.gif?raw=true" width="200px">
Looks like all you have to do is save the gif and put it in your repository, no need to resize it, just link to the version in your repository. Notice how the width is specified and raw=true is an included parameter.

Put Gif files in the local directory on your git repo. Then call it in readme file.
For example, If you just created a folder called demo in the root directory and put demo.gif inside it. Then you can call that in your readme file like this.
![Demo File](


How to add an image to github file

I have tries all the below and the image does not seems to be appearing on my read me file. I've added the image under the issues as someone suggested but nothing. also tried numerous other methods but the image does not want to appears and on the video tutorials i'm doing line by line but nothing.
link to the isssues:
using the img tag with the image that are in the root folder
<img src="">
The most used method to add image to read me file with image under the issues
image stored on the root repo with image link
** Image with the root directory**
What is funny is that it is working within stack overflow but not on github with the img tag with root directory.
Answer provided in #Benjamin W's comment; thank you, much appreciated. Please see answer below:
I took a look at your file, and the problem is that your text blocks are indented. In Markdown, that means "code block", where everything is interpreted literally. You have to un-indent them. I have created a PR to show you how.

Add an image to Github Readme file

I am trying to add an image to a Github ReadmE file and have found the same answers several times on different places, the only thing is that it doesn't work for me. I tried 2 methods, first is to upload to a site and add it to Readme like this:
Which is the answer here. However, this just gives me this as result, where the link doesn't even go to my picture:
I also tried the method of putting the picture in a github folder in my project as described here, like this:
![alt text](
By clicking the link I do get to the folder where my image is located, but the image itself won't show in the Readme. It just shows the same broken image icon as the first method. Removing the ?raw=true had no effect.
Why is this so hard? Can someone please let me know how to add an image to Github.

Image not displayed in markdown file on github page

The image is not shown on my GitHub page for some reason even though I can view it locally.
I have tried multiple ways but can't get it done:(
Try to change the relative path to an absolute path in the src of the image.

How to upload demo image in my android github project

I have uploaded my project to github account successfully but i am
able to add a demo image or gif to it.
You just need to follow the suggestion at the bottom of your screenshot: Add a README
There you can embed images, both still or moving
Click Add a README on your screen, or manually submit a file called in the page that you want an image to be on (You can have a different file on every folder)
In that file add a link to an image using this tag:
![screen shot](

images in GitHub are not working on Readme

I recently tried to add some screenshots on my repository readme using the mark up
![](url for the picture)
and I couldn't get it the screenshot to show, I am very new to GitHub, I watched a couple videos but I can't find out why this is happening.
Thanks a lot!
You could check out a repository and see how they did it.
For example check the repo Material Dashboard .
Now in the code section press the file and open a raw view, ie. raw.
You can see that they add png/images like so:
[![Start page](assets/github/dashboard.png)]
Note that you'll have to add a folder named assets and upload (or push) the images you want to show.