Pull one value from multiple rows in column - crystal-reports

I'm building an advanced report to pull data from wordpress/woocommerce. Most data is in a meta_value column with a meta_key to link with.
I want to pull the meta_value where meta_key is equal to a few key values, such as _price or _stock. I can write the below formula to pull one specific item from that table, but I need about 10 different items and the ability to group by the values. We're not able to add additional groups by running totals.
if {wpyj_postmeta1.meta_key} = "_stock" then {wpyj_postmeta1.meta_value}
How can this be done without subreports?


How can I create filters on a series of tables where the final table yields a single data observation?

I am creating an interactive 'calculator' using tableau. I have a series of dataframes that I have crossed with one another, such that the resulting dataframe is every possible combination between the tables, and every row is unique.
Each column is its own worksheet as a table. Each table in the dashboard is a pane. So, here we have a series of tables with selectable units of measurement, and the final pane on the dashboard should filter to the cell for its respective column, on the unique row of the dataset that the user has selected and 'filtered out'.
I'm having some issues getting this to work and not sure why.
The closest I can think to solving this would be 'Cascading Filters.' Here are a couple resources:
General Use
In dashboard action-filter form
The critical piece, however, is that the filters must be selected in a specific order - therefore making them 'cascading.' This may differ from your presumed concept of clicking/filtering in any order on the worksheets to then arrive to a final answer. I do think that this may be a limitation of Tableau - I don't think that a 'many to many' type of relationship can be set up within Action Filters.

Dynamic columns number in Crystal Report?

I want to make a report that runs a query on database, it gets the count of items used in a specific transaction grouped by their name, so both item's name and its count are retrieved from db, is it possible ?
The query will get results similar to this:
You can use cross tabs for this purpose.
Create a cross tab and use Item name in columns and count in rows.
There are many links when google, below is as sample

Consolidate rows in report

If a row has the same ID as the last one, I want to combine them - summing up the cubicFt and Savings. $perFt divides the savings by the cubicFt, so it wouldn't be summed, simply dividing the new results. I also want the Descriptions to be concatenated, like this:
Make a Group based on ID (or whatever the leftmost column is). Then suppress the Details section and the Group Header. Instead, you'll be putting all the fields you want to display in the Group Footer. From there it's simple:
Create a Summary or Running Total for both cubicFt and Savings.
Reconfigure your $PerFt to use the summary/running total fields you made in step 1.
Combine the Descriptions by creating a shared string variable Descriptions. Whenever the group changes, reset it with Descriptions = "". Whenever the group doesn't change, add the description string to your variable. Something like:
Descriptions = Descriptions & " ; " & {yourtable.Description}
Then create a final formula ShowDescription in the Group Footer to display the results with RIGHT(Descriptions, LEN(Descriptions)-2)
You need to do grouping, either by modifying the SELECT statement or the stored query that generates the data, or within Crystal Reports. I'm literally 20 years out of date on Crystal Reports, although I have used similar software, so this will have to be tweaked.
For the first solution, all you need is a concatenation aggregation function for the string field. Your DB may or may not have one built in, so you may need to add it.
SELECT Building, ID,
SUM(cubicFt), SUM(savings),
SUM(savings)/SUM(cubicFt) AS [$perft],
LEFT(STRING_AGG(description, ';'), -1) -- drop extra ; at end
GROUP BY Building, ID;
However, you should be able to do the same within Crystal by setting this up as a subtotal group (not sure if you have to do user definitions for the string aggregation), and then hiding the detail section.

Crystal Reports: Accessing printed records

I've been working on a report that uses subreports to print records.
The problem is: for the same information, there may be several records - i.e.:
There may be several records for the same product if those records differ in one single column. My goal here is to make a Record Selection Formula that says: "if that item is already shown, then don't show it once again."
I've tried to use (shared) variables for this, but can't seem to find the way, because of the evaluation time.
Selection formulas are already being used to apply some filtering criteria. The column that may differ between two ocurrences of the same record is not always the same, so using a simple Selection Formula is not likely to work...
Any suggestions?
I used the record selection to tell the report:
"Show me all the products according to these criteria (warehouse=parameter1 and category=parameter2 for example)".
But there may be more than one record for the same product of the same category and inside the same warehouse, if one or more fields are different (for example, different price, different lot)
I want not to display those repetitions.
Your approach is wrong... Record Selection Forumula is something that is applied at report level not on the row level or column level.
If you requirement is not to show the records that duplicates then you need to write the supress condition for those, As per your requirement apply supress condition to the rows or columns.

Joining two datasets to create a single tablix in report builder 3

I am attempting to join two datasets in to one tablix for a report. The second dataset requires a personID from the first dataset as its parameter.
If i preview this report only the first dataset is shown. but for my final result what i would like to happen is for each row of a student there is a rowgrouping (?) of that one students modules with their month to month attendance. Can this be done in report builder?
The best practice here is to do the join within one dataset (i.e. joining in SQL)
But in cases that you need data from two separate cubes(SSAS) the only way is the following:
Select the main dataset for the Tablix
Use the lookup function to lookup values from the second dataset like this:
=Lookup(Fields!ProductID.Value, Fields!ID.Value, Fields!Name.Value, "Product")
Note: The granularity of the second dataset must match the first one.
We had a similar issue and that can be resolved this way.
First of All, ensure the first data set's query and second data set's query are working fine by executing separately on the Database client tool such as Datastudio.
Build two data sets on SSRS tool with the respective queries and make sure both the data sets have same key column (personID).
On the SSRS report design, create a table from tool box and add the required columns from the first data set along with the matching key column(personID). Add a new column and use look up function to get the required column from the other data set against the same key column (personID).