Subtyping in Scala - scala

I created a class that extends to Counter and it keeps track of the additions and subtractions. im trying to call xs and then return the sum of times that the number goes up or down that were called on instance by xs, Its compiling but its failing.
class Counter {
private var n = 0
def increment () = { n = n + 1 }
def decrement () = { n = n - 1 }
def get () : Int = n
def x (xs : Counter => Unit) : Int = {
class foo extends Counter {
var count = 0
def incrementAndGet = {count += 1; count}
def decrementAndGet = {count -= 1; count}
val counter1 = new foo
Thanks everyone, I was actually able to pass it. I needed to create another variable that can keep track of my increments and decrements and then inside the def inc and def dec, i would add in to either add or subtract from count :)

I suggest that you have a look at the Java design patterns & best practices first. Your foo class does not really extend counter since it does not shadow or override anything. Moreover you should use a singleton (object counter...) to keep track of your additions & substractions. Good luck.


Is there any way to replace nested For loop with Higher order methods in scala

I am having a mutableList and want to take sum of all of its rows and replacing its rows with some other values based on some criteria. Code below is working fine for me but i want to ask is there any way to get rid of nested for loops as for loops slows down the performance. I want to use scala higher order methods instead of nested for loop. I tried flodLeft() higher order method to replace single for loop but can not implement to replace nested for loop
def func(nVect : Int , nDim : Int) : Unit = {
var Vector = MutableList.fill(nVect,nDimn)(math.random)
var V1Res =0.0
var V2Res =0.0
var V3Res =0.0
for(i<- 0 to nVect -1) {
for (j <- i +1 to nVect -1) {
var resultant = Vector(i).zip(Vector(j)).map{case (x,y) => x + y}
V1Res = choice(Vector(i))
V2Res = choice(Vector(j))
V3Res = choice(resultant)
if(V3Res > V1Res){
Vector(i) = res
if(V3Res > V2Res){
Vector(j) = res
There are no "for loops" in this code; the for statements are already converted to foreach calls by the compiler, so it is already using higher-order methods. These foreach calls could be written out explicitly, but it would make no difference to the performance.
Making the code compile and then cleaning it up gives this:
def func(nVect: Int, nDim: Int): Unit = {
val vector = Array.fill(nVect, nDim)(math.random)
for {
i <- 0 until nVect
j <- i + 1 until nVect
} {
val res = vector(i).zip(vector(j)).map { case (x, y) => x + y }
val v1Res = choice(vector(i))
val v2Res = choice(vector(j))
val v3Res = choice(res)
if (v3Res > v1Res) {
vector(i) = res
if (v3Res > v2Res) {
vector(j) = res
Note that using a single for does not make any difference to the result, it just looks better!
At this point it gets difficult to make further improvements. The only parallelism possible is with the inner map call, but vectorising this is almost certainly a better option. If choice is expensive then the results could be cached, but this cache needs to be updated when vector is updated.
If the choice could be done in a second pass after all the cross-sums have been calculated then it would be much more parallelisable, but clearly that would also change the results.

Replacing while loop with idiomatic functional style

Below code demonstrates two methods of summing a value where the termination condition is if the value reaches 5 :
object ob extends App {
def withoutRecursion = {
var currentTotal = 0.0;
while(5 > currentTotal){
currentTotal = currentTotal + scala.util.Random.nextFloat
def withRecursion = {
var currentTotal = 0.0;
def whileLoop(cond : =>Boolean)(block : =>Unit) : Unit =
if(cond) {
whileLoop(5 > currentTotal) {
currentTotal = currentTotal + scala.util.Random.nextFloat
Is the withRecursion method the idiomatic method of replacing a while loop with a functional programming style in this case ?
Not really. In your examples you are still using a var to collect the intermediate results. That's not very FP.
One (of many) options is to create an infinite, but lazy, Stream to repeat the necessary calculations. Then if you want all the intermediate values you takeWhile(), or if you want just the end result you dropWhile().
Stream.iterate(0F)(_ + util.Random.nextFloat).takeWhile(_ < 5)
This creates a finite Stream with all the values from 0.0 to the largest sum less than 5.
On the other hand ...
Stream.iterate(0F)(_ + util.Random.nextFloat).dropWhile(_ < 5).head
... this will give you the first result greater than 5.

Incrementing 'i' in scala for loop by differing amounts depending on circumstance

I want to write a for loop in scala, but the counter should get incremented by more than one (the amount is variable) in some special cases.
You can do this with a combination of a filter and an external var. Here is an example:
var nextValidVal = 0
for (i <- 0 to 99; if i >= nextValidVal) {
var amountToSkip = 0
// Whatever this loop is for
nextValidVal = if (amountToSkip > 0) i + amountToSkip + 1 else nextValidVal
So in the main body of your loop, you can set amountToSkip to n according to your conditions. The next n values of i´s sequence will be skipped.
If your sequence is pulled from some other kind of sequence, you could do it like this
var skip = 0
for (o <- someCollection if { val res = skip == 0; skip = if (!res) skip - 1 else 0; res } ) {
// Do stuff
If you set skip to a positive value in the body of the loop, the next n elements of the sequence will be skipped.
Of course, this is terribly imperative and side-effecty. I would look for other ways to to this where ever possible, by mapping or filtering or folding the original sequence.
You could implement your own stream to reflect step, for example:
import scala.collection.immutable.Stream
import ForStream._
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val range = 0 to 20 by 1 withVariableStep; // in case you like definition through range
//val range = ForStream(0,20,1) // direct definition
for (i<- range) {
range.step = range.step + 1
object ForStream{
implicit def toForStream(range: Range): ForStream = new ForStreamMaster(range.start, range.end,range.step)
def apply(head:Int, end:Int, step:Int) = new ForStreamMaster(head, end,step)
abstract class ForStream(override val head: Int, val end: Int, var step: Int) extends Stream[Int] {
override val tailDefined = false
override val isEmpty = head > end
def withVariableStep = this
class ForStreamMaster(_head: Int, _end: Int, _Step: Int) extends ForStream(_head, _end,_Step){
override def tail = if (isEmpty) Stream.Empty else new ForStreamSlave(head + step, end, step, this)
class ForStreamSlave(_head: Int, _end: Int, _step: Int, val master: ForStream) extends ForStream(_head, _end,_step){
override def tail = if (isEmpty) Stream.Empty else new ForStreamSlave(head + master.step, end, master.step, master)
This prints:
You can define ForStream from Range with implicits, or define it directly. But be carefull:
You are not iterating Range anymore!
Stream should be immutable, but step is mutable!
Also as #om-nom-nom noted, this might be better implemented with recursion
Why not use the do-while loop?
var x = 0;
if(condition){change x to something else}
else{something else}
}while(some condition for x)

How to add 'Array[Ordered[Any]]' as a method parameter

Below is an implementation of Selection sort written in Scala.
The line ss.sort(arr) causes this error :
type mismatch; found : Array[String] required: Array[Ordered[Any]]
Since the type Ordered is inherited by StringOps should this type not be inferred ?
How can I add the array of Strings to sort() method ?
Here is the complete code :
object SelectionSortTest {
def main(args: Array[String]){
val arr = Array("Hello","World")
val ss = new SelectionSort()
class SelectionSort {
def sort(a : Array[Ordered[Any]]) = {
var N = a.length
for (i <- 0 until N) {
var min = i
for(j <- i + 1 until N){
if( less(a(j) , a(min))){
min = j
exchange(a , i , min)
def less(v : Ordered[Any] , w : Ordered[Any]) = {
v.compareTo(w) < 0
def exchange(a : Array[Ordered[Any]] , i : Integer , j : Integer) = {
var swap : Ordered[Any] = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = swap
Array is invariant. You cannot use an Array[A] as an Array[B] even if A is subtype of B. See here why: Why are Arrays invariant, but Lists covariant?
Neither is Ordered, so your implementation of less will not work either.
You should make your implementation generic the following way:
object SelectionSortTest {
def main(args: Array[String]){
val arr = Array("Hello","World")
val ss = new SelectionSort()
class SelectionSort {
def sort[T <% Ordered[T]](a : Array[T]) = {
var N = a.length
for (i <- 0 until N) {
var min = i
for(j <- i + 1 until N){
if(a(j) < a(min)){ // call less directly on Ordered[T]
min = j
exchange(a , i , min)
def exchange[T](a : Array[T] , i : Integer , j : Integer) = {
var swap = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = swap
The somewhat bizarre statement T <% Ordered[T] means "any type T that can be implicitly converted to Ordered[T]". This ensures that you can still use the less-than operator.
See this for details:
What are Scala context and view bounds?
The answer by #gzm0 (with some very nice links) suggests Ordered. I'm going to complement with an answer covering Ordering, which provides equivalent functionality without imposing on your classes as much.
Let's adjust the sort method to accept an array of type 'T' for which an Ordering implicit instance is defined.
def sort[T : Ordering](a: Array[T]) = {
val ord = implicitly[Ordering[T]]
import ord._ // now comparison operations such as '<' are available for 'T'
// ...
if (a(j) < a(min))
// ...
The [T : Ordering] and implicitly[Ordering[T]] combo is equivalent to an implicit parameter of type Ordering[T]:
def sort[T](a: Array[T])(implicit ord: Ordering[T]) = {
import ord._
// ...
Why is this useful?
Imagine you are provided with a case class Account(balance: Int) by some third party. You can now add an Ordering for it like so:
// somewhere in scope
implicit val accountOrdering = new Ordering[Account] {
def compare(x: Account, y: Account) = x.balance - y.balance
// or, more simply
implicit val accountOrdering: Ordering[Account] = Ordering by (_.balance)
As long as that instance is in scope, you should be able to use sort(accounts).
If you want to use some different ordering, you can also provide it explicitly, like so: sort(accounts)(otherOrdering).
Note that this isn't very different from providing an implicit conversion to Ordering (at least not within the context of this question).
Even though, when coding Scala, I'm used to prefer functional programming style (via combinators or recursion) over imperative style (via variables and iterations), THIS TIME, for this specific problem, old school imperative nested loops result in simpler and performant code.
I don't think falling back to imperative style is a mistake for certain classes of problems, such as sorting algorithms which usually transform the input buffer (more like a procedure) rather than resulting to a new sorted collection.
Here it is my solution:
package bitspoke.algo
import scala.math.Ordered
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
abstract class Sorter[T <% Ordered[T]] {
// algorithm provided by subclasses
def sort(buffer : Buffer[T]) : Unit
// check if the buffer is sorted
def sorted(buffer : Buffer[T]) = buffer.isEmpty || { t => t._2 > t._1 }
// swap elements in buffer
def swap(buffer : Buffer[T], i:Int, j:Int) {
val temp = buffer(i)
buffer(i) = buffer(j)
buffer(j) = temp
class SelectionSorter[T <% Ordered[T]] extends Sorter[T] {
def sort(buffer : Buffer[T]) : Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until buffer.length) {
var min = i
for (j <- i until buffer.length) {
if (buffer(j) < buffer(min))
min = j
swap(buffer, i, min)
As you can see, to achieve parametric polymorphism, rather than using java.lang.Comparable, I preferred scala.math.Ordered and Scala View Bounds rather than Upper Bounds. That's certainly works thanks to Scala Implicit Conversions of primitive types to Rich Wrappers.
You can write a client program as follows:
import bitspoke.algo._
import scala.collection.mutable._
val sorter = new SelectionSorter[Int]
val buffer = ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 4, 2, 1)

Finite Growable Array in Scala

I would like to be able to grow an Array-like structure up to a maximum size, after which the oldest (1st) element would be dropped off the structure every time a new element is added. I don't know what the best way to do this is, but one way would be to extend the ArrayBuffer class, and override the += operator so that if the maximum size has been reached, the first element is dropped every time a new one is added. I haven't figured out how to properly extend collections yet. What I have so far is:
class FiniteGrowableArray[A](maxLength:Int) extends scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer {
override def +=(elem:A): <insert some return type here> = {
// append element
if(length > maxLength) remove(0)
<returned collection>
Can someone suggest a better path and/or help me along this one? NOTE: I will need to arbitrarily access elements within the structure multiple times in between the += operations.
As others have discussed, you want a ring buffer. However, you also have to decide if you actually want all of the collections methods or not, and if so, what happens when you filter a ring buffer of maximum size N--does it keep its maximum size, or what?
If you're okay with merely being able to view your ring buffer as part of the collections hierarchy (but don't want to use collections efficiently to generate new ring buffers) then you can just:
class RingBuffer[T: ClassManifest](maxsize: Int) {
private[this] val buffer = new Array[T](maxsize+1)
private[this] var i0,i1 = 0
private[this] def i0up = { i0 += 1; if (i0>=buffer.length) i0 -= buffer.length }
private[this] def i0dn = { i0 -= 1; if (i0<0) i0 += buffer.length }
private[this] def i1up = { i1 += 1; if (i1>=buffer.length) i1 -= buffer.length }
private[this] def i1dn = { i1 -= 1; if (i1<0) i1 += buffer.length }
private[this] def me = this
def apply(i: Int) = {
val j = i+i0
if (j >= buffer.length) buffer(j-buffer.length) else buffer(j)
def size = if (i1<i0) buffer.length+i1-i0 else i1-i0
def :+(t: T) = {
buffer(i1) = t
i1up; if (i1==i0) i0up
def +:(t: T) = {
i0dn; if (i0==i1) i1dn
buffer(i0) = t
def popt = {
if (i1==i0) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
i1dn; buffer(i1)
def poph = {
if (i1==i0) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
val ans = buffer(i0); i0up; ans
def seqView = new IndexedSeq[T] {
def apply(i: Int) = me(i)
def length = me.size
Now you can use this easily directly, and you can jump out to IndexedSeq when needed:
val r = new RingBuffer[Int](4)
r :+ 7 :+ 9 :+ 2
r.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 7 9 2
r.popt // Returns 2
r.poph // Returns 7
r :+ 6 :+ 5 :+ 4 :+ 3
r.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 6 5 4 3 -- 7 fell off the end
0 +: 1 +: 2 +: r
r.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 0 1 2 6 -- added to front; 3,4,5 fell off
r.seqView.filter(_>1) // Vector(2,6)
and if you want to put things back into a ring buffer, you can
class RingBufferImplicit[T: ClassManifest](ts: Traversable[T]) {
def ring(maxsize: Int) = {
val rb = new RingBuffer[T](maxsize)
ts.foreach(rb :+ _)
implicit def traversable2ringbuffer[T: ClassManifest](ts: Traversable[T]) = {
new RingBufferImplicit(ts)
and then you can do things like
val rr = List(1,2,3,4,5).ring(4)
rr.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 2,3,4,5