I want to implement ItemEncoder type class for Element class and encode elements collection
trait Tag
case class Element[A](attrName: String, value: A) extends Tag
val elements = Element("name", "foo") :: Element("age", 37) :: Element("married", true) :: HNil
trait ItemEncoder[A] {
// labeled generic - field name and field value
def encode(element: Element[A]): List[Item]
object ItemEncoder {
def apply[A](implicit encoder: ItemEncoder[A]): ItemEncoder[A] = encoder
def instance[A](f: Element[A] => List[Item]): ItemEncoder[A] =
new ItemEncoder[A] {
override def encode(element: Element[A]) = f(element)
implicit val stringEncoder: ItemEncoder[String] =
ItemEncoder.instance(element => {
val item = new Item()
item.setString(element.attrName, element.value)
implicit val intEncoder: ItemEncoder[Int] =
ItemEncoder.instance(element => {
val item = new Item()
item.setInt(element.attrName, element.value)
implicit val booleanEncoder: ItemEncoder[Boolean] =
ItemEncoder.instance(element => {
val item = new Item()
item.setBoolean(element.attrName, element.value)
implicit def hlistEncoder[K, H, T <: HList](
hEncoder: ItemEncoder[H],
tEncoder: ItemEncoder[T]
): ItemEncoder[Element[K] :: T] = {
ItemEncoder.instance {
Given the following typeclass and some instances for common types
trait Encoder[A] {
def encode(a: A): String
object Encoder {
implicit val stringEncoder = new Encoder[String] {
override def encode(a: String): String = a
implicit val intEncoder = new Encoder[Int] {
override def encode(a: Int): String = String.valueOf(a)
implicit def listEncoder[A: Encoder] =
new Encoder[List[A]] {
override def encode(a: List[A]): String = {
val encoder = implicitly[Encoder[A]]
Is there a way to make it work
Encoder.listEncoder.encode(List("a", 1))
If you define an instance for Any
object Encoder {
implicit val anyEncoder = new Encoder[Any] {
override def encode(a: Any): String = a.toString
//instances for String, Int, List[A]
Encoder.listEncoder[Any].encode(List("a", 1))
will work.
You have to specify type parameter here explicitly (listEncoder[Any]) because that's how type inference work in scala. Indeed, after the type of argument of encode is inferred
Encoder.listEncoder[???].encode(List("a", 1))
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// List[Any]
it's too late to come back to infer the type parameter of listEncoder.
If you define a delegator function
def encode[A](a: A)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]): String = encoder.encode(a)
or syntax
implicit class EncoderOps[A](a: A)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]) {
def encode: String = encoder.encode(a)
// or
// implicit class EncoderOps[A](a: A) {
// def encode(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]): String = encoder.encode(a)
// }
then you don't have to specify type parameter explicitly
encode(List("a", 1))
List("a", 1).encode
By the way, List("a", 1) is not a heterogenous list, it's an ordinary homogenous list with element type Any. A heterogenous list would be
val l: String :: Int :: HNil = "a" :: 1 :: HNil
You can try a magnet instead of type class
trait Magnet {
def encode(): String
object Magnet {
implicit def fromInt(a: Int): Magnet = new Magnet {
override def encode(): String = String.valueOf(a)
implicit def fromString(a: String): Magnet = new Magnet {
override def encode(): String = a
def encode(m: Magnet): String = m.encode()
List[Magnet]("a", 1).map(_.encode())
or HList instead of List[A]
sealed trait HList
case class ::[+H, +T <: HList](head: H, tail: T) extends HList
case object HNil extends HList
type HNil = HNil.type
implicit class HListOps[L <: HList](l: L) {
def ::[A](a: A): A :: L = new ::(a, l)
trait Encoder[A] {
def encode(a: A): String
object Encoder {
implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = new Encoder[String] {
override def encode(a: String): String = a
implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = new Encoder[Int] {
override def encode(a: Int): String = String.valueOf(a)
implicit val hnilEncoder: Encoder[HNil] = new Encoder[HNil] {
override def encode(a: HNil): String = ""
implicit def hconsEncoder[H, T <: HList](implicit
hEncoder: Encoder[H],
tEncoder: Encoder[T]
): Encoder[H :: T] = new Encoder[H :: T] {
override def encode(a: H :: T): String =
def encode[A](a: A)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]): String = encoder.encode(a)
implicit class EncoderOps[A](a: A)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]) {
def encode: String = encoder.encode(a)
val l: String :: Int :: HNil = "a" :: 1 :: HNil
I would like to create a generic version of the following code:
I have a case class and an encryption function
case class Cat(name: String, age: Int, color: String)
val encrypt : String => String = _.hashCode.toString // as an example
val encryptableFields = Seq("color")
I have the Poly1 which will do the mapping in my HList
import shapeless._
import labelled._
import record._
trait enc extends Poly1 {
implicit def defaultEncrypt[K,V] = at[(K, V)] { case (k,v) =>field[K](v)}
object pol extends enc {
implicit def stringEncrypt[K <: Symbol] = at[(K, String)] { case (k,v) => field[K](if(encryptableFields contains k.name) encrypt(v) else v)}
When I'm using it it works as expected:
val cat = Cat("name", 1, "black")
val lgCat = LabelledGeneric[Cat]
val la = lgCat.to(cat)
val a = la.fields.map(pol)
// Cat("name", 1, "93818879")
Because it works I was thinking about creating it a generic way and encapsulate the functionality and a type class like:
trait Encryptor[T] {
val fields: Seq[String]
def encryptFields(source: T, encrypt: String => String): T
object Encryptor {
def forClass[A <: Product](f: Seq[String]) = new Encryptor[A] {
val fields: Seq[String] = f
override def encryptFields(source:A, encrypt: String => String): A = {
object pol extends enc {
implicit def stringEncrypt[K <: Symbol] = at[(K, String)] { case (k, v) => field[K](if (f contains k.name) encrypt(v) else v) }
val gen = LabelledGeneric[A]
val hList = gen.to(source)
val updated = hList.fields.map(pol)
With this implementation I get the following compile time error:
Error:could not find implicit value for parameter lgen: shapeless.LabelledGeneric[A]
val gen = LabelledGeneric[A]
Tried to solve it with passing the LabelledGeneric[A] implicitly raises more questions.
def forClass[A <: Product, R <: HList](f: Seq[String])(implicit gen: implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R]) = new Encryptor[A] { ... }
Complaining about Error:(46, 27) could not find implicit value for parameter fields: shapeless.ops.record.Fields[gen.Repr]; val updated = hList.fields.map(pol)
When trying to pass one:
def forClass[A <: Product, R <: HList, FOut <: HList](f: Seq[String])(
implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], fields: Fields.Aux[R, FOut])
I have the same issue.
I wonder how to overcome this issue.
I came up with another approach.
Instead of doing everything at once you can break it down to smaller pieces and operate on the HList with a different approach.
Let's create a type class for the inner representation:
trait Encryptor[T] {
def encryptFields(source: T, encrypt: String => String, fields: Seq[String]): T
In your example you have only Int and String fields so I'll stick to that.
import shapeless._
import labelled._
object Encryptor {
def apply[A](implicit enc: Encryptor[A]): Encryptor[A] = enc
implicit val stringEncryptor: Encryptor[String] = new Encryptor[String] {
override def encryptFields(source: String, encrypt: String => String, fields: Seq[String]) = encrypt(source)
implicit val intEncryptor: Encryptor[Int] = new Encryptor[Int] {
override def encryptFields(source: Int, encrypt: String => String, fields: Seq[String]) = source
implicit val hnilEncryptor: Encryptor[HNil] = new Encryptor[HNil] {
override def encryptFields(source: HNil, encrypt: String => String, fields: Seq[String]) = HNil
implicit def hlistEncryptor[A, K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](
witness: Witness.Aux[K],
hEncryptor: Lazy[Encryptor[H]],
tEncryptor: Encryptor[T]
): Encryptor[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = new Encryptor[FieldType[K, H] :: T] {
val fieldName: String = witness.value.name
override def encryptFields(source: FieldType[K, H] :: T, encrypt: String => String, fields: Seq[String]) = {
val tail = tEncryptor.encryptFields(source.tail, encrypt, fields)
val head = if (fields contains fieldName) field[K](hEncryptor.value.encryptFields(source.head, encrypt, fields))
else source.head
head :: tail
import shapeless.LabelledGeneric
implicit def genericObjectEncryptor[A, H <: HList](
generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, H],
hEncryptor: Lazy[Encryptor[H]]
): Encryptor[A] = new Encryptor[A] {
override def encryptFields(source: A, encrypt: String => String, fields: Seq[String]) = {
generic.from(hEncryptor.value.encryptFields(generic.to(source), encrypt, fields))
Because in your example you apply the encrypt function only on the String fields it is only used in the stringEncrytor instance. The Encryptor for the HList checks if Symbol's name of the head of HList is in the provided fields if so it applies the the encypt otherwise it skips it.
Using LabelledGeneric for making it work on any case class
To provide the same interface:
trait PayloadEncryptor[T] {
def encrypt(source: T, encrypt: String => String): T
object PayloadEncryptor {
def forClass[T](fieldNames: String*)(implicit encryptor: Encryptor[T]): PayloadEncryptor[T] = new PayloadEncryptor[T] {
override def encrypt(source: T, encrypt: String => String): T = {
encryptor.encryptFields(source, encrypt, fieldNames)
do you think what i did make sense? Is there a better way do encode a case class into Item? e.g. i'm not happy with ignoring in some cases an input param!
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
import shapeless.{::, DepFn2, HList, HNil, LabelledGeneric, Witness}
import scala.collection.mutable
// mock of sdk item
class Item(val map: mutable.Map[String, Any] = mutable.Map[String, Any]()) {
def getString(attrName: String): String = map.get(attrName).get.asInstanceOf[String]
def getInt(attrName: String): Int = map.get(attrName).get.asInstanceOf[Int]
def getBoolean(attrName: String): Boolean = map.get(attrName).get.asInstanceOf[Boolean]
// def getMap(attrName: String): Map[String, String] = Map("attrName" -> "attrValue")
def setString(attrName: String, value: String): Unit = map.put(attrName, value)
def setInt(attrName: String, value: Int): Unit = map.put(attrName, value)
def setBoolean(attrName: String, value: Boolean): Unit = map.put(attrName, value)
override def toString() = map.toString()
trait ItemEncoder[A] extends DepFn2[String, A] {
type Out = Item
object ItemEncoder {
def apply[A](implicit encoder: ItemEncoder[A]): ItemEncoder[A] = encoder
def instance[A](f: (String, A) => Item): ItemEncoder[A] =
new ItemEncoder[A] {
override def apply(attrName: String, value: A): Out = f(attrName, value)
implicit val stringEncoder: ItemEncoder[String] =
ItemEncoder.instance { (attrName, value) =>
val item = new Item()
item.setString(attrName, value)
implicit val intEncoder: ItemEncoder[Int] =
ItemEncoder.instance { (attrName, value) =>
val item = new Item()
item.setInt(attrName, value)
implicit val booleanEncoder: ItemEncoder[Boolean] =
ItemEncoder.instance { (attrName, value) =>
val item = new Item()
item.setBoolean(attrName, value)
implicit val hnilEncoder: ItemEncoder[HNil] =
ItemEncoder.instance((attrName, value) => new Item())
def merge(i1: Item, i2: Item): Item = new Item(i1.map ++ i2.map)
implicit def hlistEncoder[K <: Symbol, L, H, T <: HList](
witness: Witness.Aux[K],
hEncoder: ItemEncoder[H],
tEncoder: ItemEncoder[T]
): ItemEncoder[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
ItemEncoder.instance { (_, value) =>
val attrName = witness.value.name
merge(hEncoder.apply(attrName, value.head), tEncoder.apply(attrName, value.tail))
implicit def genericEncoder[A, R](
generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
itemEncoder: ItemEncoder[R]
): ItemEncoder[A] =
ItemEncoder.instance { (attrName, value) =>
itemEncoder.apply(attrName, generic.to(value))
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, married: Boolean, manager: Boolean)
case class IceCream(name: String, subName: String, price: Int)
val genericPerson = LabelledGeneric[Person].to(Person("bob", 37, true, true))
def encode[A](toEncode: A)(implicit itemEncoder: ItemEncoder[A]) =
itemEncoder("", toEncode)
Maybe it will be better to use ToMap or something like this, and the convert it to Item
After getting deeper into the topic i managed to implement ItemEncoder that converts a case class with arbitrary nesting into Item like this:
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Item
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
import shapeless.{::, HList, HNil, LabelledGeneric, Witness, _}
trait ItemEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): Item
object ItemEncoder {
def apply[A](implicit encoder: ItemEncoder[A]): ItemEncoder[A] = encoder
def instance[A](f: A => Item): ItemEncoder[A] =
new ItemEncoder[A] {
override def encode(value: A): Item = f(value)
implicit def stringEncoder[K <: Symbol, V <: String](
implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]
): ItemEncoder[FieldType[K, V]] =
instance { value =>
val item = new Item
item.withString(witness.value.name, value)
implicit def intEncoder[K <: Symbol, V <: Int](
implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]
): ItemEncoder[FieldType[K, V]] =
instance { value =>
val item = new Item
item.withInt(witness.value.name, value)
implicit def booleanEncoder[K <: Symbol, V <: Boolean](
implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]
): ItemEncoder[FieldType[K, V]] =
instance { value =>
val item = new Item
item.withBoolean(witness.value.name, value)
// K is key, A is value, R is HList representation of A
implicit def nestedClassEncoder[K <: Symbol, A, R](
witness: Witness.Aux[K],
generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
encoder: ItemEncoder[R]
): ItemEncoder[FieldType[K, A]] =
instance { value =>
val i = encoder.encode(generic.to(value))
val item = new Item
val m = new java.util.HashMap[String, Any]()
item.withMap(witness.value.name, i.asMap())
import cats.Monoid
implicit val itemMonoid: Monoid[Item] = new Monoid[Item] {
override def empty: Item = new Item()
override def combine(x: Item, y: Item): Item = {
val m = x.asMap
implicit val hnilEncoder: ItemEncoder[HNil] =
instance(_ => new Item())
implicit def hlistEncoder[H, T <: HList](
hEncoder: Lazy[ItemEncoder[H]],
tEncoder: ItemEncoder[T],
monoid: Monoid[Item]
): ItemEncoder[H :: T] =
instance { value =>
// println("hlist enc")
val itemX = hEncoder.value.encode(value.head)
val itemY = tEncoder.encode(value.tail)
monoid.combine(itemX, itemY)
implicit def genericEncoder[A, R](
generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
itemEncoder: Lazy[ItemEncoder[R]]
): ItemEncoder[A] =
instance { value =>
// println("gen enc")
def encode[A](toEncode: A)(implicit itemEncoder: ItemEncoder[A]) =
Current implementation is a bit simplified. So it contains ItemEncoder implementation only for such a primitive types as String, Int and Boolean. But other primitive types can be easily added by using the present ones as example.
You can find complete implementation with QuickCheck tests on Git
I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on a problem I'm having. I've made a gist with some code and explanation of my problem: https://gist.github.com/tbrown1979/9993f07c8f4fa2786c83
Basically I'm trying to make something that will allow me to convert List[String] to a case class. I've made a Reader that will allow me to do so, but I've run into the issue where a Reader defined for a case class can't contain a reader for a separate case class.
Looking at the 'non-working example' below - I encounter an issue where, when reading, I don't know how many items to pull out of the list. With Bar, which holds a Test, I would need to pull 2 elements out (because Test has two parameters). Is there a way for me to know the amount of fields a case class has just from its type? Is there a better way to do this?
Here is an example of how to use the Reader. I've included a non-working example as well.
////Working Example////
case class Foo(a: Int, s: String)
object Foo {
implicit val FooReader : Reader[Foo] =
Reader[Int :: String :: HNil].map(Generic[Foo].from _)
val read: ValidationNel[String, Foo] = Reader.read[Foo](List("12","text"))
println(read)//Success(Foo(12, "text"))
////Non-working Example////
case class Test(a: Int, b: String)
object Test {
implicit val TestReader: Reader[Test] =
Reader[Int :: String :: HNil].map(Generic[Test].from _)
case class Bar(c: Test)
object Bar {
implicit val BarReader: Reader[Bar] =
Reader[Test :: HNil].map(Generic[Bar].from _)
val barRead = Reader.read[Bar](List("21", "someString"))
println(barRead) //Failure(NonEmptyList("Invalid String: List()", "Exepected empty, but contained value"))
Something like this works for me (modification of this)
object ShapelessStringToTypeConverters {
import cats._, implicits._, data.ValidatedNel
import mouse._, string._, option._
import shapeless._, labelled._
private type Result[A] = ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
case class ParseFailure(error: String)
trait Convert[V] {
def parse(input: String): Result[V]
object Convert {
def to[V](input: String)(implicit C: Convert[V]): Result[V] =
def instance[V](body: String => Result[V]): Convert[V] = new Convert[V] {
def parse(input: String): Result[V] = body(input)
implicit def booleans: Convert[Boolean] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not a Boolean ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def ints: Convert[Int] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Int ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def longs: Convert[Long] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Long ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def doubles: Convert[Double] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Double ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def strings: Convert[String] = Convert.instance(s => s.validNel)
sealed trait SchemaMap[A] {
def readFrom(input: Map[String, String]): ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
object SchemaMap {
def of[A](implicit s: SchemaMap[A]): SchemaMap[A] = s
private def instance[A](body: Map[String, String] => Result[A]): SchemaMap[A] = new SchemaMap[A] {
def readFrom(input: Map[String, String]): Result[A] =
implicit val noOp: SchemaMap[HNil] =
SchemaMap.instance(_ => HNil.validNel)
implicit def parsing[K <: Symbol, V: Convert, T <: HList](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K], next: SchemaMap[T]): SchemaMap[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
SchemaMap.instance { input =>
val fieldName = key.value.name
val parsedField = input
.cata(entry => Convert.to[V](entry), ParseFailure(s"$fieldName is missing").invalidNel)
.map(f => field[K](f))
(parsedField, next.readFrom(input)).mapN(_ :: _)
implicit def classes[A, R <: HList](implicit repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], schema: SchemaMap[R]): SchemaMap[A] =
SchemaMap.instance { input =>
schema.readFrom(input).map(x => repr.from(x))
sealed trait SchemaList[A] {
def readFrom(input: List[String]): ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
object SchemaList {
def of[A](implicit s: SchemaList[A]): SchemaList[A] = s
private def instance[A](body: List[String] => Result[A]): SchemaList[A] = new SchemaList[A] {
def readFrom(input: List[String]): Result[A] = body(input)
implicit val noOp: SchemaList[HNil] =
SchemaList.instance(_ => HNil.validNel)
implicit def parsing[K <: Symbol, V: Convert, T <: HList](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K], next: SchemaList[T]): SchemaList[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
SchemaList.instance { input =>
val fieldName = key.value.name
val parsedField = input
.cata(entry => Convert.to[V](entry), ParseFailure(s"$fieldName is missing").invalidNel)
.map(f => field[K](f))
(parsedField, next.readFrom(input.tail)).mapN(_ :: _)
implicit def classes[A, R <: HList](implicit repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], schema: SchemaList[R]): SchemaList[A] =
SchemaList.instance { input =>
schema.readFrom(input).map(x => repr.from(x))
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Boolean)
def m: Map[String, String] = Map("a" -> "hello", "c" -> "true", "b" -> "100")
def e: Map[String, String] = Map("c" -> "true", "b" -> "a100")
val result = SchemaMap.of[Foo].readFrom(m)
val lst = List("145164983", "0.01862523", "16.11681596", "21:38:57", "bid")
case class Trade0(tid: Long, price: Double, amount: Double, time: String, tpe: String)
val result2 = SchemaList.of[Trade0].readFrom(lst)
I have following question: having typeclass for ADT derived with LabelledTypeClassCompanion (where both product and coproduct are correctly defined) inside Scala object, why compiler can't find instance for datatype itself (coproduct), but is able to do so for parameters of specific data constructors (product) when called inside the same object and assigned to val?
Below is a snippet for Show typeclass which is mostly borrowed from corresponding Shapeless example:
import shapeless._
object ShowGeneric {
trait Show[T] {
def show(t: T): String
object Show extends LabelledTypeClassCompanion[Show] {
implicit def intShow: Show[Int] = new Show[Int] {
override def show(i: Int): String = i.toString
implicit def booleanShow: Show[Boolean] = new Show[Boolean] {
override def show(b: Boolean): String = b.toString
implicit def listShow[A](implicit showA: Show[A]): Show[List[A]] = new Show[List[A]] {
override def show(l: List[A]): String = l.map(showA.show).mkString("List(", ", ", ")")
object typeClass extends LabelledTypeClass[Show] {
override def emptyProduct: Show[HNil] = new Show[HNil] {
override def show(t: HNil): String = ""
override def product[H, T <: HList](name: String, sh: Show[H], st: Show[T]): Show[H :: T] = new Show[H :: T] {
override def show(t: H :: T): String = {
val head = s"$name = ${sh.show(t.head)}"
val tail = st.show(t.tail)
if(tail.isEmpty) head else s"$head, $tail"
override def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct](name: String, cl: => Show[L], cr: => Show[R]): Show[L :+: R] = new Show[L :+: R] {
override def show(t: L :+: R): String = t match {
case Inl(l) => s"$name(${cl.show(l)})"
case Inr(r) => cr.show(r)
override def emptyCoproduct: Show[CNil] = new Show[CNil] {
override def show(t: CNil): String = ""
override def project[F, G](instance: => Show[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): Show[F] = new Show[F] {
override def show(t: F): String = instance.show(to(t))
implicit class ShowOps[T](t: T)(implicit showT: Show[T]) {
def show: String = showT.show(t)
sealed trait Whatever
case class IntBool(i: Int, b: Boolean) extends Whatever
case class BoolInt(b: Boolean, i: Int) extends Whatever
case class BoolListInt(b: Boolean, l: List[Int]) extends Whatever
def showWhatever(whatever: Whatever)(implicit showWhatever: Show[Whatever]): String = {
val stringBoolInt = BoolInt(false, 100).show // Compiles
val stringShowWhatever = showWhatever(BoolInt(false, 100)) // Doesn't compile: could not find implicit value for parameter showWhatever:ShowGeneric.Show[ShowGeneric.Whatever]
Thanks in advance for your answers!