Unable to find built projects in Drools/KIE Workbench after restarting the machine - drools

A small application was implemented on Drools/KIE Workbench. The project was built and task was started and worked fine. Then I stopped the server and restarted the machine. Then I couldn't find the project in project explore. I did the same scenario 2, 3 times, but I got same result. I used wildfly-10.0.0.Final server on windows.


Confused about "Remote Debugging" Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06

I need to be able to "remotely debug" a Java/Jakarta EE servlet running under Wildfly 20 under Ubuntu 20 from Eclipse 2020-06 running on Windows 10 at a different IP.
My research has discovered what appears to be two different approaches: one is what I want and the other is a simpler "subset".
*** First the "simple" approach. This approach is supposed to let me debug from Eclipse an app that is already deployed and running on Wildfly. To do this I uncomment this line in standalone.conf:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n"
Then I start Wildfly and ensure the app also starts.
In Eclipse I create in Debug Configuration a new Remote Java Application and ensure I use the same port 8787 as above. Then I just push "Debug".
I get this error:
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused. Connection refused: connect
If I return to the Wildfly system and run the following I see that port 8787 is not being monitored so that sure looks like a problem:
ss -tp | grep 8787
(nothing is found)
*** The other approach appears to be what I want to do which is to have Eclipse deploy changed files to Wildfly and also allow me to debug remotely. That is how I worked with Eclipse Oxygen and Wildfly 10 when both were installed on the same Windows machine.
In this case I set up a new Remote Connection in Eclipse and then a new Server (and attach my Project to the Server) using that Connection. I then start the Server in Debug mode. In the Progress View I can see files being copied to a Path on the Wildfly server so that seems like progress but after 20 seconds I see the same error I got in the "simple" approach above.
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
What's interesting is that if, in the Remote Systems View I open the Remote Connection I created, I am able to use the sftp item to see files on the remote Wildfly system. So it seems that I am able to connect to Wildfly.
I need help fixing both of these problems but especially the last one since I need to have Eclipse deploy changes to Wildfly as it did when Wildfly was local.
Thank you in advance.

Tomcat webapp failing to run on someone else's computer

I have an apache-tomcat (8.5.35) that runs a web app. It runs on different computers (Windows 10, Mac OS X) without a problem but won't work on a specific computer (also Windows 10). I am not really sure why and have spent hours trying to find out why it won't work. The log files display
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferenceJdbc The web application [web-app] registered the JDBC driver [org.postgresql.Driver] but failed to unregister it whenthe web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC has been forcibly unregistered.
Any idea why it won't work with this specific computer? I have postgresql 10 (x86) installed in this computer. I thought Kaspersky would have been an issue so I disabled it and uninstalled both the Small Office Security and Secure Connection but the problem seems to be linked into Windows or something.
I also tried different versions of tomcat, postgresql, and jdbc drivers (postgresql jar files).

Eclipse che cannot deploy web application archive

I'm trying to run eclipse che and i'm stuck. Everything runs fine until the 3rd step of workspace creation "injecting and starting workspace agent".
After deploying web application archive it just shows an error that the workspace agent is not responding and it will be stopped. There isn't any other error during the initialization and everything seems to load fine. I suppose
I got the same issue on both windows (8 and 10) and ubuntu latest LTS. I suppose docker is responsible for the error but i can't find any solution.
Uninstalling everything, and downloading the docker toolbox manually solved the issue on windows. Seems like the eclipse che installer has some version issues.

Terminating Flask's Internal Server in Eclipse ( Aptana Pydev)

I am using Aptana plugin in eclipse Luna. Pydev is already there in Aptana.
I am doing flask development using flask's internal web server (Werkzeug/0.10.1 Python/2.7.6).
When i run my project everything goes well but when i terminate run, my app server remain active.
It keeps serving and when i run my project again it gives me following socket error.
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
Previously i was using pydev without aptana and it was working fine. Now for every run i am killing process manually which is very annoying.
I am using ubuntu and virtualenv.
How can i overcome this issue ?
I found solution after reading this thread.
Trick is while running your application pass use_reloader=False.
app.run("", 5051, debug=True, use_reloader=False)

Remote Tomcat 7 debug issues in Eclipse

I'm able to create a simple Web project in Eclipse that has a simple single HelloWorld servlet. I'm able to debug this fine with the local Tomcat (setting breakpoints in the index.jsp or in the servlet), which land when I try the sample URL:
However, when I try to use the Eclipse debug configuration for a remote java application, I am able to connect and see the server threads, but my application does not deploy, and the URL appears as if the web module never deployed. (There are 404 errors for the same URL above.) Help me StackOverflow, you're my only hope.
Things I have tried:
Set environment variables such as JPDA_ADDRESS to 8000, JPDA_TRANSPORT to dt_socket.
Set those in the catalina.sh (on a remote linux Tomcat7 server) or catalina.bat
Run the catalina startup script with jpda run, or with jpda start
I've extensively scoured online resources and noone else seems to have this problem, other than one article that simply recommended Jetty. (I came from a background of never having a problem with this using WAS.)
Other pieces of info:
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
MyEclipse 10 (based on Eclipse 3.7.2)