Get all Bugs in Jira via Rest API - rest

I am able to get all the issues in Jira via the REST API but how to get only bugs via REST? Bug is one of the issuetype configured in my Jira project.

To get all issue from a certain type (Bug in your case) you can use:
Here is a link with more information on the use of JQL queries:


How does Jira confluence software talk to Github server?

So, As github is deprecating authorization through access_token query param, we were sent a mail from github that a call has been made with access_token in query param and were asked to update things to include authorization info in request headers.
We are suspecting that the api call is made from Jira confluence app from the github integration that was done by admin which we don't have control over.
So, just trying to debug things here. Does anyone know how Jira confluence internally communicates with Github servers using access_token to update pull requests and commits etc in Jira tickets?
If this is not the correct domain for this please move it to the right one.
It is very possibly the Github/Jira integration. This bug ticket was resolved in August but based on the comments there it's not completely fixed or released.
This issue has some back-and-forth but this comment clears things up: it looks like GitHub recommends uninstalling the old Jira integration and using the one GitHub maintains instead.

Get the team backlog using TFS REST API

Is there a REST API I can call to retrieve the backlog (as in "the list of work items on the backlog") for a particular team in TFS?
I have found that TFS uses a private API to retrieve the content, but I am not particularly confortable using it since it is not documented.
Btw, the private API in question is
I've tested this API on my side, it does get all information on Backlog site. Although it is not documented, you can use it to get information you want.

Jira Rest Api for getting newest ticket

how can i get json of newest ticket in jira Queue page for below link
I don't think there is a specific REST Endpoint available for that. But I believe you can query it via the JQL. If that's suits, you can use rest/api/2/search?jql=
This query via the REST API search endpoint will provide you with the list of tickets ordered by the created date, newest tickets first:

GitHub API v3 get all issues for user

I am currently developing a project using githubs v3 api and I am trying to find a way to get all issues across all repositories a user owns and is watching. How can I do that? The /user/issues and /issues only returns issues that a person is assigned to.
The endpoint you are using is correct:
According to the GitHub API page on issues, you can get all issues a user is subscribed to by including the filter parameter set to subscribed with your request.
You can get all issues a user is subscribed to at

Get Pipeline Value of GitHub Issues?

I use ZenHub to manage my Issues on GitHub.
When I go to the detail of an issue I can see the property "pipeline" in GitHub which is exactly the column where the Issue is saved.
Now I want to get the pipeline information out of my issues using the API of GitHub. But none of the Issue-Methods
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues or GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number seem to have any information about the pipeline. Is it hidden anywhere else?
Pipeline is purely a ZenHub feature.
As such, it is not exposed in the Github API Issues (or in any other GitHub API)
A ZenHub public API is in the making (issue 172).
Update: The API is available: ZenHub API
With the Github API v4, you can query the combinedContexts of a commit to retrieve a list of status contexts and check runs for the commit triggering your pipelines.