Views and search_path - postgresql

My Postgres database is a multi-schema one.
Each schema got the same structures but the data are differents.
It was working fine since i encountered a specific problem.
It seems that views are generated based on the current search_path.
Let's say my database is like :
If i SET search_path TO schema1, public.
Then SELECT * FROM schema1.view;
It will retrieve the data from the public schema.
I tried to change the search_path before generating my view, it didn't work.
I tried to prefix my tables into my view, it worked. My solution is to prefix with the target schema before creating my views with my 'new database' script. But i find it a bit 'dirty';
I'd love to have more insight on the subject !

When a view is created, all unqualified object names in the view definition are resolved according to the value of search_path at the time the view is created. The Object-ID of the referenced tables is part of the view definition.
So it does not matter what search_path is set to when you SELECT from the view.


Replacing schema name when sharing sql script with other users

When collaborating with colleagues I need to change the schema name every time I receive a SQL script (Postgres).
I am only an ordinary user of a corporate database (no permissions to change anything). Also, we are not allowed to create tables in PUBLIC schema. However, we can use (read-only) all the tables from BASE schema.
It is cumbersome for the team of users, where everybody is creating SQL scripts (mostly only for creating tables), which need to be shared amongst others. Every user has its own schema.
Is it possible to change the script below, where I will share the script to another user without the need for the other user to find/replace the schema, in this case, user1?
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user1.table1;
CREATE TABLE user1.table1 AS
SELECT * FROM base.table1;
You can set the default schema at the start of the script (similar to what pg_dump generates):
set search_path = user1;
SELECT * FROM base.table1;
Because the search path was change to contain user1 as the first schema, tables will be searched in that schema when dropping and creating. And because the search path does not include any other schema, no other schema will be consulted.
If you
However the default search_path is "$user", public which means that any unqualified table will be searched or created in a schema with the same name as the current user.
Note that a DROP TABLE will drop the table in the first schema found in that case. So if table1 doesn't exist in the user's schema, but in the public schema, it would be dropped from the public schema. So for your use-case setting the path to exactly one schema might be more secure.

Is it possible to have database-wide table aliases?

I am about to model a PostgreSQL database, based on an Oracle database. The latter is old and its tables have been named after a 3-letter-scheme.
E.g. a table that holds parameters for tasks would be named TSK_PAR.
As I model the new database, I'd like to rename those tables to a more descriptive name using actual words. My problem is, that some parts of the software might rely on these old names until they're rewritten and adapted to the new scheme.
Is it possible to create something like an alias that's being used for the whole database?
E.g. I create a new task_parameters database, but add a TSK_PAR alias to it, so if a SELECT * FROM TSK_PAR is being used, it automatically refers to the new name?
Postgres has no synonyms like Oracle.
But for your intended use case, views should do just fine. A view that simply does select * from taks_parameters is automatically updateable (see here for an online example).
If you don't want to clutter your default schema (usually public) with all those views, you can create them in a different schema, and then adjust the user's search path to include that "synonym schema".
For example:
create schema synonyms;
create table public.task_parameters (
id integer primary key,
create view synonyms.task_par
select *
from public.task_parameters;
However, that approach has one annoying drawback: if a table is used by a view, the allowed DDL statements on it are limited, e.g. you can't drop a column or rename it.
As we manage our schema migrations using Liquibase, we always drop all views before applying "normal" migrations, then once everything is done, we simply re-create all views (by running the SQL scripts stored in Git). With that approach, ALTER TABLE statements never fail because there are not views using the tables. As creating a view is really quick, it doesn't add overhead when deploying a migration.

Accessing table without using schema name

I am new with DB2.
I am not able to get data from a table without using the schema name. If I use a schema name with table name, I am able to fetch data.
It is giving me error, while
is fetching a result.
What do I have to set up not to always have to use the schema name?
By default, your username is used as the schema name for unqualified object names. You can see the current schema with, e.g. VALUES CURRENT SCHEMA. You can change the current schema for you current session with SET SCHEMA new_schema_name, or via e.g. a JDBC connection parameter. Most query tools also have a place to specify/change the current schema.
See the manual page for SET SCHEMA
The full rules for the qualification of unqualified objects is here
Unqualified alias, index, package, sequence, table, trigger, and view names are implicitly qualified by the default schema.
However, you can create a public alias for a table, module or sequence if you wish to be able to reference it regardless of your CURRENT SCHEMA value.
(P.S. all the above assumes you are using Db2 LUW)
Try using SET SCHEMA to set the default schema to be used in the session:
When using DBeaver - right click on connection > Connection Settings > Initialization, and select your default DB and default Schema:
After that, open your SQL Script and select Active DB:

SET/RESET command in ALTER DATABASE is not supported

Encountered this issue when trying to modify the search_path to my new Redshift db.
Presently, I've migrated the contents of my MySQL db into a redshift cluster via AWS' Data Migration Service. The data was imported into a schema lets call my_schema. When I try to execute queries against the cluster it requires me to prefix table names with the schema name
select * from my_schema.my_table
I wanted to change the setup so that I can reference the table directly without needing the prefix. After a bit of looking around I found out that this was possible by modifying the search_path attribute.
First I tried doing this by running
set search_path = "$user", my_schema;
This appeared to work but then I realized that this was simply setting my_schema as the default schema in the context of the current session, I wanted it set on a database level. I found several sources saying that the way to do this was to use the alter command like so...
alter database my_db set search_path = "$user", public, my_schema
However, running this command results in the following error which somehow shows up in 0 google results:
SET/RESET commmand in ALTER DATABASE is not supported
I'm pretty baffled by how the above error hasn't ever had a post made about it but I'm also pretty interested in figuring out how to resolve my initial issue of setting a global default schema for my redshift cluster.
ALTER DATABASE SET is not supported in Redshift. However you can SET/RESET configuration parameters at USER level using the ALTER USER SET SEARCH_PATH TO <SCHEMA1>,<SCHMEA2>;
Please check:
When you set the search_path to <SCHEMA1>,<SCHMEA2> in db1 for a user it is not for just current session, it will be set for all future sessions.

IBM Data Studio Table name issue

When I create a new SQL script , for example
select * from table
When I execute this the sql that gets ran is
I understand DB2 does this , but I want the schema name to be concatenated onto the table names, not my username.
It did this for me before, but I dont know what changed that it now only puts the database username at the end of the tables.
Does anyone know how to set it so the schema name gets added on?
Best way in my eyes for Data Stuio is setting the special register "Current schema" on the Special Registers tab of the SQL Editor. Here is a screenshot
Schema name defaults to your authorisation ID (user name in most cases). To use a different name to qualify unqualified object names, set the special register CURRENT_SCHEMA appropriately:
SET SCHEMA whatever
Could you try this;
In Data Project Explorer,
right clicked, properties
Driver properties
type your schema in Default schema
disconnect and reconnect database;
and try without SCHEMANAME.