Can PMD be used for dataflow analysis on Java? - pmd

i'd like to know if i can use PMD to perform some basic data flow analysis actions. It's an assignment so it doesn't matter if it's trivial.
I can't find any code examples online.
Is the DFA module working? Should i go the reverse engineering way to see what's going on?
Thanks lots

PMD's Data Flow Analysis module is operational. There are rules using it shipping with PMD, for instance DataflowAnomalyAnalysis.
However, it is true the PMD team plans to revamp that implementation at some point in the future.
DFA is only usable through Java rules (XPath rules can't be used). Writing a DFA rule consists of:
Writing a visitor in which you get the DFA node for the method / constructor you want to analyze:
public Object visit(ASTMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, Object data) {
final DataFlowNode node = methodDeclaration.getDataFlowNode().getFlow().get(0);
final DAAPathFinder pathFinder = new DAAPathFinder(node, executable, getProperty(MAX_PATH_DESCRIPTOR));;
return data;
Writing a proper Executable to enforce your rule.
public void execute(CurrentPath path) {
// your code here to analyze the current path
A working example can be found here


is there any way to iterate two lists parallely in sightly?

Consider this code in java
for(int i=0,j=0;i<list1.size() && j<list2.size();i++,j++){
//do something
Can we do the similar thing in sightly? I tried best on my level but I couldn't find a way to do it. Please help on this.
There is no support for this kind of iteration and this is intended (in order to avoid putting your business logic in the HTL/Sightly template). You should instead invoke an Use-Api object which applies this logic and returns a collection of tuples from the two lists.
Adding to the answer posted by Vlad, You could either use
Sling Models
WCMUse class
server side javascript to perform such business logic
I would say it is better to use nodejs for such simple problems as it is more productive, easy to write and lives in the same folder as the sightly/HTL code.
For example, if your component name is 'componentA'
your HTL/sightly code is componentA.html residing inside componentA folder
and your business logic can be componentA.js residing in the same folder.
use(function() {
Business logic
return {
name: valueName,
list: listObject
Sling Models are very effective when you need to perform business logic using injected properties and resources. For example, a component that has several primitive and derived (from resource) properties.

Proper way to modify public interface

Let's assume we have a function that returns a list of apples in our warehouse:
List<Apple> getApples();
After some lifetime of the application we've found a bug - in rare cases clients of this function get intoxication because some of the apples returned are not ripe yet.
However another set of clients absolutely does not care about ripeness, they use this function simply to know about all available apples.
Naive way of solving this problem would be to add the 'ripeness' member to an apple and then find all places where ripeness can cause problems and put some checks.
const auto apples = getApples();
for (const auto& apple : apples)
if (apple.isRipe())
However, if we correlate this new requirement of having ripe apples with the way class interfaces are usually designed, we might find out that we need new interface which is a subset of a more generic one:
List<Apple> getRipeApples();
which basically extends the getApples() interface by filtering the ones that are not ripe.
So the questions are:
Is this correct way of thinking?
Should the old interface (getApples) remain unchanged?
How will it handle scaling if later on we figure out that some customers are allergic to red/green/yellow apples (getRipeNonRedApples)?
Are there any other alternative ways of modifying the API?
One constraint, though: how do we minimize the probability of inexperienced/inattentive developer calling getApples instead of getRipeApples? Subclass the Apple with the RipeApple? Make a downcast in the getRipeApples?
A pattern found often with Java people is the idea of versioned capabilities.
You have something like:
interface Capability ...
interface AppleDealer {
List<Apples> getApples();
and in order to retrieve an AppleDealer, there is some central service like
public <T> T getCapability (Class<T> type);
So your client code would be doing:
AppleDealer dealer = service.getCapability(AppleDealer.class);
When the need for another method comes up, you go:
interface AppleDealerV2 extends AppleDealer { ...
And clients that want V2, just do a `getCapability(AppleDealerV2.class) call. Those that don't care don't have to modify their code!
Please note: of course, this only works for extending interfaces. You can't use this approach neither to change signatures nor to remove methods in existing interfaces.
Regarding your question 3/4: I go with MaxZoom there, but to be precise: I would very much recommend for "flags" to be something like List<String>, or List<Integer> (for 'real' int like flags) or even Map<String, Object>. In other words: if you really don't know what kind of conditions might come over time, go for interfaces that work for everything: like one where you can give a map with "keys" and "expected values" for the different keys. If you go for pure enums there, you quickly run into similar "versioning" issues.
Alternatively: consider to allow your client to do the filtering himself, using something like; using Java8 you can think of Predicates, lambdas and all that stuff.
Predicate<Apple> applePredicate = new Predicate<Apple>() {
public boolean test(Apple a) {
return a.getColour() == AppleColor.GoldenPoisonFrogGolden;
List<Apples> myApples = dealer.getApples(applePredicate);
IMHO creating new class/method for any possible Apple combination will result in a code pollution. The situation described in your post could be gracefully handled by introducing flags parameter :
List<Apple> getApples(); // keep for backward compatibility
List<Apple> getApples(FLAGS); // use flag as a filter
Possible flags:
So a call like below could be possible:
List<Apple> getApples(RIPE_FLAG & RED_FLAG & SWEET_FLAG);
that will produce a list of apples that are ripe, and red-delicious.

How can I write a code generator in Ceylon

I want to write a code generator that generates a class based on the meta model of another ceylon class. I want the code generator to run at compile time. What is the best way for me to do this. I could probably accomplish this by writing a plugin for gradle or the ceylon build system but I'm hoping for a simpler solution. Unfortunately, I don't see any support for code generators in ceylon. Also, are there any plans for code generators in ceylon?
I want to write this code generator because I'm thinking about writing a simple web framework for ceylon that look at a class like the following using the meta-model:
shared class Controller() {
shared void doSomething() => print("did it!");
I plan for it to be like Spring MVC. This framework would make a restful API from the Controller class that allows someone to write an AJAX call like this:
I want to make things more convenient, high level, and simple by doing something like GWT. I want to create a code generator that automatically generates a class like this:
shared class RemoteController() {
shared void doSomething() {
The RemoteController would be run in a user's browser as javaScript and allow client side ceylon code to do an Ajax call like this:
That would end up calling the Controller().doSomething() on the server so "did it!" would be printed.
AST Transformers have been proposed, but are still in the early design phase. For now, to do compile-time code generation, you’ll have to rig up something of your own.
To actually generate the code, I would recommend use of ceylon.ast and ceylon.formatter. The workflow would roughly be:
analyze source code –
either parse it with ceylon.ast (ceylon.ast.redhat::compileAnyCompilationUnit) and analyze it without typechecking,
or parse it using the compiler, run the typechecker, then convert it to ceylon.ast (ceylon.ast.redhat::anyCompilationUnitToCeylon), keeping the typechecker information using the new update hooks in the very soon upcoming 1.2.0 release
edit the source code AST to add your new code (using a custom ceylon.ast.core::Editor that injects new class definitions into the CompilationUnits), or perhaps create entirely new compilation units if the RemoteController lives in a different module
convert the ceylon.ast AST to a compiler AST and feed it into ceylon.formatter to turn the AST into code again (see here for an example of that)
Alternatively, if you integrate this into your build step, you could skip the ceylon.formatter part of step 3 and instead feed the converted compiler AST into the typechecker and rest of the compiler directly.

how to run the example of uima-text-segmenter?

I want to call the API of uima-text-segmenter to run an example.
But I don`t know how to call the API...
the readme said,
With the DocumentAnalyzer, run the following descriptor
`desc/textSegmenter/wst-snowball-C99-JTextTilingAAE.xml` by taking the
uima-examples data as input.
Could anyone give me some code which could be run directly in main func for example?
Thanks a lot!
Long answer:
The link describes how you would set up the application from within the Eclipse UIMA environment. This sort of set-up is typically targeted at subject matter specialists with little or no coding experience. It allows them to work (relatively fast) with UIMA in a declarative way: all data structures and analysis engines (computing blocks within UIMA) are declared in xml (with a GUI on top of it), after which the framework takes care of the rest. In this scenario, you would typically run a UIMA pipeline using a run configuration from within Eclipse (or the included UIMA pipeline runner application). Luckily, UIMA allows you to do exactly the same from code, but I would recommend using UIMAFit ( for this purpose instead of of UIMA, as it bundles lots of useful things and coding shortcuts.
Short answer:
Using UIMAFit, you can call Factory methods that create CollectionReader (read input), AnalysisEngine (process input) and Consumer objects (write/do other stuff) from (third-party provided) XML files. Use these methods to construct your pipeline and the SimplePipeline class to run it. To extract the data you need, you would manipulate the CAS object (containing your data) in a Consumer object, possibly with a callback. You could also do this in a Analysis Engine object. I recommend using DKPro's FeaturePathFactory ( to quickly access the feature you are after.
Code examples: contains examples, but they all go in the opposite direction (class objects are used in the factory methods, instead of XML files - XML is generated from these classes). Take a look at the UIMAFit API to find the method you need, AnalysisEngineDescription from XML for example:

How to call a step from another step in Cucumber-JVM

In Cucumber (the ruby version) you can easily call steps from other steps and thus build hierarchical libraries of steps making it easy to write the Gherkin feature specifications in the most generic terms.
However it is not readily apparent how to do this in Cucumber-JVM and I have been unable to find documentation for it.
Let me be clear I am not interested in calling the step implementation function directly because I don't want to have to know what its signature is, nor to change the call every time the implementation changes.
Rather, I want to pass an arbitrary string that will go through the regex matcher and automatically find the matching step and execute it. Just as the engine runs all steps.
simple example of what I would expect syntax to look like to define synonym "logout":
When("user logs out") { () =>
When("logout") { () =>
Step("user logs out")
This functionality is not supported in Cucumber-JVM. (Note that the Cucumber Backgrounder document you link in your question describes using Steps within Steps as "an anti-pattern")
Essentially, we believe that Cucumber is a collaboration tool and that Gherkin is not a programming language.
You can see a longer discussion of how we arrived at this decision here
To call steps within step definitions, inherit cuke4duke.Steps in java
import cuke4duke.StepMother;
import cuke4duke.Steps;
import cuke4duke.annotation.I18n.EN.When;
public class CallingSteps extends Steps {
public CallingSteps(StepMother stepMother) {
#When("^I call another step$")
public void iCallAnotherStep() {
Given("it is magic"); // This will call a step defined somewhere else.
Note: cuke4duke support scala as well
Calling steps within steps is a terrible anti-pattern that can easily be replaced by something much simpler.
Instead of one step calling another step, have both steps call the same helper method.
If you apply this pattern with rigour you and up with
step definitions that are all just single calls to helper methods
a suite of helper methods that collectively provide a test-api
The art of elegantly implementing your Cucumber scenarios now becomes a known programming problem as all your functionality is now directly in code in your programming language rather than being in some restrictive construct specific to Cucumber.
You can now
refactor your helper methods to provide cleaner interaces
use parameters to give methods greater power
use naming to give all your calls greater clarity
use a helper method as an entry point to a suite of extra functionality
use delegation to move functionality out of helper methods and into test service objects
Providing this separation can be initially challenging if you are not a programmer or not experienced in the particular programming language in use. However once you get past this initial hurdle the code you can and should produce will be much easier to work with than the tangled mess that inevitably occurs with step nesting.
In Cucumber each Step is a Method. That way, you can call other methods in any step that you want.
#When("^click on \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void clickOn(String arg1) throws Throwable {
#Then("^should see the static elements changing$")
public void shouldSeeTheStaticElementsChanging() throws Throwable {