Rmarkdown - .rmd file still caching even if cache= FALSE? - knitr

I am building a website in Rmarkdown. One of the .rmd files I am using loads some elements of its content from a table that is created when the user clicks on a link to the .rmd document.
The reason why I have chosen this approach is that I want to use a single .rmd file to make the page layout, but re-creating parts of the content every time, by loading elements on the basis of which link object the user clicks on.
However, when the user clicks on more than one link in the same session, the page from the .rmd document always shows the content from the very first link clicked. I am guessing this is a caching problem, although it does not change if I set opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE). I have also tried opts_chunk$set(cache.extra=file.info("~/subset_table.csv")$mtime) as suggested here , but it also does not work.
NB: I am running the documents from RStudio, at the moment. I am not sure if the issue has to do with the .rmd document being called from the same RStudio session in the same run of the index.rmd document.
Below is the code.
I am using rows in a shiny app DT table as links:
ui<- fluidpage(
sidebarPanel(textInput("type",label = "type", value = ""),
server<- function(input,output, data= dt) {
output$res=DT::renderDataTable( {
}, selection=single, server=T)
if (length(rown)) {
tableSubset= subset(dt,dt$ID==name)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
This is the Rmarkdown document:
output: html_document
_ _ _ _
``` {r setup, include=FALSE}
```{r contentLoader}
myTable=read.csv("~/subset_table.csv", header=T)
## `r name `


How to properly close Word documents after Documents.Open

I have the following code for a C# console app. It parses a Word document for textboxes and inserts the same text into the document at the textbox anchor point with markup. This is so I can convert to Markdown using pandoc, including textbox content which is not available due to https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/3086. I can then replace my custom markup with markdown after conversion.
The console app is called in a PowerShell loop for all documents in a target list.
When I first run the Powershell script, all documents are opened and saved (with a new name) without error. But the next time I run it, I get an occasional popup error:
The last time you opened '' it caused a serious error. Do you still want to open it?
I can get through this by selecting yes on every popup, but this requires intervention and is tedious and slow. I want to know why this code results in this problem?
string path = args[0];
Console.WriteLine($"Parsing {path}");
Application word = new Application();
Document doc = word.Documents.Open(path);
foreach (Shape shp in doc.Shapes)
if (shp.TextFrame.HasText != 0)
string text = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text;
int page = shp.Anchor.Information[WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber];
string summary = Regex.Replace(text, #"\r\n?|\n", " ");
Console.WriteLine($"++++textbox++++ Page {page}: {summary.Substring(0, Math.Min(summary.Length, 40))}");
string newtext = #$"{Environment.NewLine}TEXTBOX START%%%{text}%%%TEXTBOX END{Environment.NewLine}";
var range = shp.Anchor;
range.Text = newtext;
string newFile = Path.GetFullPath(path) + ".notb.docx";
The console app is called in a PowerShell loop for all documents in a target list.
You can automate Word from your PowerShell script directly without involving any other dependencies. At least that will allow you to keep a single Word instance without creating each time a new Word Application instance for each document:
Application word = new Application();
Document doc = word.Documents.Open(path);
In the loop you could just open documents for processing and then closing them. It should improve the overall performance of your solution.
When you are done processing a document you need to close it by using the Close method which closes the specified document.
Also when a new Word Application instance is created, don't forget to close it as well by calling the Quit method which quits Microsoft Word and optionally saves or routes the open documents.
Application.Quit SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges, OriginalFormat:=wdWordDocument

Detecting if browser extension popup is running on a tab that has content script

There a few similar questions, but none of them have really gotten at what I'm asking.
I have a browser action popup. In the popup, I want to display settings if you're on a page where the content script has been injected (i.e., any page that matches the matches key within the content_scripts in the `manifest).
If I'm on a page that doesn't match the content_scripts matches pattern (and so wasn't injected), I just want to display a generic message "this plugin activates when you're on so-and-so sites".
What is the cleanest way to do it, without adding any unnecessary permissions?
It seems like one option is sending a message to a content script in the active tab, and seeing if I get a reply, but that seems really.. hacky. I should be able to know just based on a regex if I'm on one of the domains that matches my content script.
I'm looking for something that works in both manifest v2 and v3, btw.
What's the simplest way to display a "you're on a page that matches your content_script" or "you're not on a page that matches your content_script" in a browser_action popup?
I build chrome extensions full time for an agency and have had projects where I needed to do exactly what you're asking.
The solution can be implemented w/o any permissions whatsoever. I built mine locally with an empty array for permissions. (for mv3)
for popup.html just create 2 divs and have them default to display none.
<div id="unsupported" style="display: none;">Ooops! This is not a supported site.</div>
<div id="supported" style="display: none;">Wohoo! This is a supported site!!!!!</div>
for your script.js, wait till the popup loads then query the active tab in the current window and get that tab's ID to send a message directly to it. If the tab is supported with a content script, it will send a true response (see last code snippet). If it wasn't supported, it will be an 'undefined' response.
async function setUI() {
let tabData = await chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true })
let tabId = tabData[0].id // tabs.query returns an array, but we filtered to active tab within current window which yields only 1 object in the array
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {
'message': 'isSupported'
}, (response) => {
// response will be true if the message was successfuly sent to the tab and "undefined" if the message was never received (i.e. not supported w/ your content script)
if (response) return showSupportedHTML()
// else
function showSupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#supported').style['display'] = ''
function showUnsupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#unsupported').style['display'] = ''
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
Lastly, in your content script, add a message listener to receive the message 'isSupported' that comes in from your content script. If the content script receives that message, have it send a response back with 'true'.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.message == 'isSupported') {
Now, this of course only works for manifest v3 because as far as I know you can't use chrome.tabs.query for mv2. However, I recommend this solution as I've implemented pretty much this exact same code in other projects for clients and it's never had any issues.
I could look into a solution for mv2, though using the "activeTab" permission would be the right way to do it, I believe. Now, if you really don't want to go that route then you could implement a rather hacky solution. For example, you could use window 'focus' and window 'blur' events to see when a user has entered or left a tab. Then set a local storage variable every time a user enters / leaves a supported page. The order of operations for blur and focus is always blur => focus. So, when the blur event occurs you set a local storage variable to false. However, if you leave a supported tab for another supported tab then the 'focus' event will trigger immediately afterwards so you can set that same storage variable back to true.
Now, your content script will load after the tab has been focused so you'll need to add a function for when the page loads. You can run something like document.hidden and if that returns true, do nothing because the user already left this tab. If it returns false, then the user is still on the tab and you can set your local storage variable to true.
When the user opens the popup, you'll check that local storage variable and if its true or false, you can set the UI accordingly.
Let me know if the mv2 solution made sense or sounds too hacky. Happy to look into it more! :)
edit: Here is the code for mv2, I tested it and it does work and without any permissions, other than storage which is not an invasive permission.
Script.js for the mv2 popup:
async function setUI() {
chrome.storage.local.get(['isSupported'], function (response) {
// response will be true if the message was successfuly sent to the tab and "undefined" if the message was never received (i.e. not supported w/ your content script)
if (response['isSupported']) return showSupportedHTML()
// else
function showSupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#supported').style['display'] = ''
function showUnsupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#unsupported').style['display'] = ''
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
code for the content script in mv2:
if (!document.hidden) chrome.storage.local.set({'isSupported': true})
window.addEventListener('blur', () => {
console.log('left site')
chrome.storage.local.set({'isSupported': false})
window.addEventListener('focus', () => {
console.log('entered site')
chrome.storage.local.set({'isSupported': true})
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Disclaimer: I have no prior browser extension development experience and am just going by the docs. I might be spouting nonsense or giving an answer that is plainly against your requirements, but that would be out of ignorance and not malicious intent. If you find my answer problematic, comment, or cast a vote and move on.
According to MDN, the activeTab permission allows to read the active tab's Tab.url property. One solution could be to request that permission, and then use that API to get the active tab's URL, and then use the same regex from the manifest.json's matches property to test for a match, and then use that information to modify your extension's browser_action UI.
You should be able to read the matches property from the manifest file via the .runtime.getManifest() API. MDN docs, chrome docs.
Snippet to get active tab in a background script: tabs.query({active: true}). (link to MDN docs). A content script should instead use tabs.getCurrent and the Tab.active property of the resolved result.
If you don't want to request the activeTab permission, what you're suggesting with the message-passing between the browser_action scripts and the content scripts might be the right way to go, but I don't know for a fact. The tabs.onActivated event would probably be useful with this approach. Note that to send a message from a background script to a content script, you need to use tabs.sendMessage (MDN docs, chrome docs) instead of runtime.sendMessage.
Another possible (maybe?) approach would be to listen for the tab change in the content script and then send the notification message from the content script to the extension's background scripts via the onfocus event (or similar events), and runtime.sendMessage.
If you go with a messaging-related approach, you might want to put a condition in the content script to only do messaging if the content script is in the top frame of the tab (Ie. iframes don't do messaging), since only one frame of the tab really needs to do this kind of messaging when the active tab changes, and content scripts can be applied to all frames in a browsing context.
Of these possible solutions I can think of, I don't know which is best for you, since you want both minimal permission requirements and a simple/clean approach, and each seems to be a tradeoff.

How to get MS Word total pages count using Open XML SDK?

I am using below code to get the page count but it is not giving actual page count(PFA). What is the better way to get the total pages count?
var pageCount = doc.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.Pages.Text.Trim();
Note: We cannot use the Office Primary Interop Assemblies in my Azure web app service
Thanks in advance.
In theory, the following property can return that information from the Word Open XML file, using the Open XML SDK:
int pageCount = (int) document.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.Pages.Text;
In practice, however, this isn't reliable. It might work, but then again, it might not - it all depends on 1) What Word managed to save in the file before it was closed and 2) what kind of editing may have been done on the closed file.
The only sure way to get a page number or a page count is to open a document in the Word application interface. Page count and number of pages is calculated dynamically, during editing, by Word. When a document is closed, this information is static and not necessarily what it will be when the document is open or printed.
See also https://github.com/OfficeDev/Open-XML-SDK/issues/22 for confirmation.
This code worked for me. It adds "Page X of Y" to the document.
para = new Paragraph(new Run(
new Text() { Text = "Page ", Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve },
new SimpleField() { Instruction = "PAGE" },
new Text() { Text = " of ", Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve },
new SimpleField() { Instruction = "NUMPAGES \\*MERGEFORMAT" }));

How can I create and update pages dynamically in Sulu CMS?

I have the following situation:
A database stores information about houses (address, number of rooms, date built, last selling price, etc.)
This database is being manipulated through an app (let's call that app the "backend house app") that cannot be directly integrated in a Sulu-driven app. I can access the stored data through an API that gives me JSON-representations of House-objects. I can also have the app launch some sort of call to a Sulu-driven app when a house is created, updated or deleted.
The Sulu-driven app (let's call that the "frontend house app") with templates for "house", "room", etc., is connected to a different database on a different server. This Sulu-driven app's website-environment shows house-pages with room-pages where some content is pre-filled through a connection to the "backend house app". Other content only exists on the database of the "frontend house app", like user comments, appraisals of interior design, etc., according to configured aspects of the Sulu-templates.
What I want to achieve, is a way to automate the creation, updating and deletion of "frontend house app"-pages based on activity in the "backend house app".
For instance, when a new house is added in the "backend house app", I want it to notify the "frontend house app" so that the "frontend house app" will automatically create the entire node-tree for the newly added house. Meaning: a "house"-page with the required data filled in, "room"-pages for each room, etc., so that the content manager of the "frontend house app" can see the entire tree of the newly added house in the workspace and can start manipulating content in the already available templates. In addition to automatically creating these pages, I also want to pre-set the rights to update and create, since the content manager of the "frontend house app" must not be able to create new rooms or change the name of the house, for instance.
I did not manage to get it working, I'll just add what I already done to show where I got stuck.
I started out with the following code, in a controller that extends Sulu's own WebsiteController:
$documentManager = $this->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
$nodeManager = $this->get('sulu_document_manager.node_manager');
$parentHousesDocument = $documentManager->find('/cmf/immo/routes/nl/huizen', 'nl');
$newHouseDocument = $documentManager->create('page');
// The backendApi just gives a House object with data from the backend
// In this case we get an existing House with id 1
$house = $backendApi->getHouseWithId(1);
$newHouseDocument->setTitle($house->getName()); // For instance 'Smurfhouse'
$newHouseDocument->setLocale('nl'); // Nl is the only locale we have
$newHouseDocument->setParent($parentHouseDocument); // A default page where all the houses are listed
$newHouseDocument->setStructureType('house'); // Since we have a house.xml template
// I need to grab the structure to fill it with values from the House object
$structure = $newHouseDocument->getStructure();
'title' => $house->getName(),
'houseId' => $house->getId(),
$newHouseDocument->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED); // You would expect this to automatically publish the document, but apparently it doesn't... I took it from a test I reverse-engineered in trying to create a page, I have no clue what it is supposed to change.
$nodeManager->createPath('/cmf/immo/routes/nl/huizen/' . $house->getId());
'path' => '/cmf/immo/contents/huizen/' . Slugifier::slugify($house->getName()), // Assume for argument's sake that the Slugifier just slugifies the name...
'auto_create' => true, // Took this value from a test that creates pages, don't know whether it is necessary
'load_ghost_content' => false, // Idem
Now, when I fire the controller action, I first get the exception
Property "url" in structure "house" is required but no value was given.
I tried to fix this by just manually binding the property 'url' with value '/huizen/' . $house->getId() to $structure, at the point where I bind the other values. But this doesn't fix it, as apparently the url value is overwritten somewhere in the persist event chain, and I haven't yet found where.
However, I can, just for testing purposes, manually override the url in the StructureSubscriber that handles the mapping for this particular persist event. If I do this, something gets created in the Sulu-app-database - hurray!
My phpcr_nodes table lists two extra records, one for the RouteDocument referring to /cmf/immo/routes/nl/huizen/1, and one for the PageDocument referring to /cmf/immo/contents/huizen/smurfhouse. Both have the workspace_name column filled with the value default_live. However, as long as there are not also records that are complete duplicates of these two records except with the value default in the workspace_name column, the pages will not appear in the Sulu admin CMS environment. Needless to say, they will also not appear on the public website proper.
Furthermore, when I let the DocumentManager in my controller action try to ->find my newly created document, I get a document of the class UnknownDocument. Hence, I cannot have the DocumentManager go ->publish on it; an Exception ensues. If I visit the pages in the Sulu admin environment, they are hence unpublished; once I publish them there, they can be found by the DocumentManager in the controller action - even if I later unpublish them. They are no longer UnknownDocument, for some reason. However, even if they can be found, I cannot have the DocumentManager go ->unpublish nor ->publish - that just has NO effect on the actual documents.
I was hoping there would be a Sulu cookbook-recipe or another piece of documentation that extensively describes how to create fully published pages dynamically, thus without going through the 'manual labor' of the actual CMS environment, but so far I haven't found one... All help is much appreciated :)
PS: For the purposes of being complete: we're running Sulu on a Windows server environment on PHP 7.1; dbase is PostgreSQL, Sulu being a local forked version of release tag 1.4.7 because I had to make some changes to the way Sulu handles uploaded files to get it to work on a Windows environment.
EDIT: a partial solution for making a new house page if none exists already (not explicitly using the AdminKernel, but should of course be run in a context where the AdminKernel is active):
public function getOrCreateHuisPagina(Huis $huis)
$parent = $this->documentManager->find('/cmf/immo/routes/nl/huizen', 'nl'); // This is indeed the route document for the "collector page" of all the houses, but this doesn't seem to give any problems (see below)
try {
$document = $this->documentManager->find('/cmf/immo/routes/nl/huizen/' . $huis->id(), 'nl'); // Here I'm checking whether the page already exists
} catch(DocumentNotFoundException $e) {
$document = $this->setupPublishedPage();
'title' => $huis->naam(), // Not sure if this is required seeing as I already set the title
'huis_id' => $huis->id(),
'parent_path' => '/cmf/immo/contents/huizen', // Explicit path to the content document of the parnt
$this->documentManager->publish($document, 'nl');
return $document;
First of all I think the following line does not load what you want it to load:
$parentHousesDocument = $documentManager->find('/cmf/immo/routes/nl/huizen', 'nl');
It loads the route instead of the page document, so it should look like the following:
$parentHousesDocument = $documentManager->find('/cmf/immo/contents/nl/huizen', 'nl');
Regarding your error with the URL, instead of overriding the StructureSubscriber you should simple use the setResourceSegment method of the document, which does exactly what you need :-)
And the default_live workspace is wrong, is it possible that you are running these commands on the website kernel? The thing is that the WebsiteKernel has the default_live workspace as default, and therefore writes the content in this workspace. If you run the command with the AdminKernel it should land in the default workspace, and you should be able to copy it into the default_live workspace with the publish method of the DocumentManager.
I hope that helps :-)

Symfony FileFormField - Testing (WebTestCase) multiple file upload

In my Symfony web application I have a form allowing multiple file upload (easily done by setting the multiple property of the FileType equal to true). And this works fine: I can select multiple files and upload them. Processing the form and getting all uploaded files also goes fine. But of course, I want to foresee an integration test (WebTestCase) but I don't find any possibility to simulate a multiple file upload.
What I have now:
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile(...);
$form = ...; // get the form from the crawler
That works fine.
But now I want to upload 2 files by 1 form submission (because the processing logic can behave differently when multiple files are uploaded at once). How can I do this? When I look at http://api.symfony.com/3.0/Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Field/FileFormField.html I don't see any way to pass in, for example, an array of UploadedFile objects. Anyone experience with this?
If the multiple property is set, crawler creates a file form field array with single FileFormField field. One field can hold a single file so you need multiple fields for multiple files. I came to a solution by manually adding more FileFormField to the form.
$form = ...
// get file field node in DOM
$node = $crawler->filter("input[name='formtype[filename][]']")->getNode(0);
// add additional fields to form (you can create as many as you need)
$newField = new FileFormField($node);
// set files with upload()
//or with submit values
$crawler->submit($form, [
'formtype[filename]' => [$uploadedFile1, $uploadedFile2]