Is there a way to achieve Dynamic Client Registration with IdentityServer? - identityserver3

Our company has an SSO app that I'm looking to replace a significant chunk of the authentication pipeline with IdentityServer4 or 3. The version I'm replacing has its own custom implementation of Dynamic Client Registration (not to spec) and a UI to manage it.
There are a number of Github issues across the IdentityServer project discussing the issue and the resolution appears to be that it hasn't been implemented and someone looking to use DCR should write their own implementation of the spec as an extension.
Am I correct that this is currently not possible and I would be better served creating my own DCR extension on Github for IdentityServer? Or have I missed something with my Google-fu and someone's already written an extension?
Note I'm happy to implement my own if it's necessary.

IdentityServer 4 does not provide any implementation of dynamic client registration as they consider it out of scope for the project.
However you can implement your own, either as a middleware or as a MVC controller.
You need an endpoint that uses ConfigurationDbContext to the Clients table.
Source code for this is a issue on GitHub.

IdentityServer itself (the STS) has no implementation of OIDC DCR
This is more of an admin type functionality.

The Azure AD team has a sample which authenticates against the AAD common endpoint and uses the returned claims to automatically provision new tenants. It might be a good place to start...


JWT authentication for jBASE RESTful API

We are in the process of designing a front-end application with Angular which will call a jBASE server through RESTful APIs. APIs are created from jBASE component called jAgent.
Does jAgent support creating and verifying JWTs?
If not, what is the best way to handle authentication/authorization for the Angular application?
If we need to use JWTs, do we have to use a authentication middleware application (.NET Core or node.js) for that?
Great question! At the moment there is no handler within jAgent and our recommendation is to implement this, and advanced web server/API gateway technology by way of other applications like HAproxy or Kong.
An expansion of jAgent functionality to include things like this is something we're still considering but keep in mind, the power of jBASE lies in its native interactions with the host OS. Since there is no virtual OS layer it can be easier to plug and play off the shelf things to fill in for additional functionality, which gives you the flexibility to bring your own tooling.
In summary:
Not at the moment
Using an off the shelf package to act as your API gateway
Subject to the package you choose
That relegates jAgent to management of the API layer as it exists on the PICK/jBASE side while the off the shelf package manages your API security layer.
One other note for you--I noticed that you included a link to the old jBASE docs hosted on HelpJuice. It's worth mentioning that we've migrated those docs to You'll find the docs there to be more up to date, and also completely open sourced--part of the migration included their move to a GitHub repo, where we're happy to take community contributions.
For reference, the article you mentioned is available at
One of our engineers has a program that will use openssl to generate the tokens for you, which you can find at
You will need openssl installed on the machine and in the path.
The WJWT.TEST program shows the usage. The important piece is the SECRET.KEY which is your internal KEY you use to sign the payloads.
When a user first authenticates you create the token with SIGN. Claims are any items/fields you wish to save/store. Do NOT put sensitive data in here as it is viewable by anybody. The concept is we sign this with our key, give it back to the client. On future calls the client sends the token and we pull it and call the VERIFY function which basically re-signs the payload and validates the signatures match. This validates the payload was not manipulated.
Activities such as expiration you would build into your code.
Long term we plan to take this library and refactor the code into our MVDB Toolkit library with more functionality. That library is something we provide to jBASE customers at no additional charge.

Consuming NetSuite SOAP Webservice in .Net Core

I am having a bit of an issue with integrating with NetSuite API on .Net Core using VS2017 and it has no option to add Web Service. When I consumed their web service using add connected services some objects and classes are missing.
In .Net 4.5, the classes and object are available. My manager wants me to write the API in .Net Core.
I took the sample code from NetSuite and the very first thing is class NetSuiteService which has important Passport property for login.
Anyone had a solution to this?
It's fairly easy to integrate SuiteTalk with Dot NetCore, all you need to do is import the WSDL into .NetCore project via adding it as ConnectedService reference and it will set you up with WCF.
The DEMO code that NetSuite people have provided will not match the code generated on your machine. I would recommend you using TBA instead of other authentications.
(just copy paste the code provided by NetSuite's folks for authentication as that is the convention, you can change the crypt algorithm if you want to, just generate the Keys, put them in your configs and you're good to go)
Class "NetSuitePortTypeClient" will contain your endpoints for all types of communication to NetSuite web services.
Read the first 50-100 pages of the documentation manual that NetSuite provides for learning the conventions to be used throughout your journey.
Hope this will give you a headstart.

Rest API and admin in the same application

I'm new to building APIs, I made the first one using an MVC framework: codeigniter, with chris kacerguis rest implementation.
I'm not really sure this was the best think to do because I believe maybe the framework is not that "slim" or light just to API's purposes.
I plan to do a mobile App, an admin and a website so the three can consume the Api's services.
Is it a bad idea to have the API, the website and the admin on the same project? which are the pros and cons? or the best architectural approach?
Otherwise I will have: One Codeigniter project for the API and Another Codeigniter project for website and admin
You can create folders in "controllers" folder to organize your project and use the same project/env configuration :
Edit : You will share models and libraries too.
In my project I realized 2 types of controller - REST and API. Admin js gui work with REST, other world work with API. You can do it simply with silex framework, a little brother of symfony.
The purpose of building a REST API so that you only have to build one project for your business model. This allows you to construct any number of applications on any platform, only requiring you to consume the API in different ways. This essentially separates/decouples the user interface from the business logic, and vice versa.
You should create separate projects for the REST API and each UI project should also be separated projects. This allows you to change the underlying code, language and platform in any one of the projects without breaking any of the other projects as long as the API signatures remain the same.
For example, you could have a live version of your website built using Codeignitor while developing another septate project using AngularJS. When your AngularJS project is complete you would simply swap out the project on your server (or create an entirely new website or server) still allowing you to use the other if required. Additionally, you may decide that you would like to move the API onto a different platform, language or database, develope it and swap the implementation when finished causing no changes to any of your UI projects assuming you have not changed the API signatures.

Visual REST API playground

What are some web apps that allow me to play with any REST APIs visually (by clicking) and also get some code generated (in any language) that captures what I have described visually?
Similar to Swagger or Google API Playground but allows me to talk to anything that speaks REST (assuming I have the proper auth credentials and I know what messages it understands).
Bonus points for something that can also "discover" what messages are understood, given a URL endpoint.
Microsoft has 2 that I know of
OData API explorer
The data market service explorer (requires signing in, and then you can access free data sets)
Considering that REST API's are going to follow their own conventions, terms, and have their own documentation (hopefully), this is an impossible problem. If you restrict your quest to visualizing API's that follow a "standard" form of self-documentation (see REST web service WSDL? for some hopeful scenarios) you might be able to accomplish this.
Or you can use something like to discover tutorials, tools, examples, and mashups of various existing APIs.
You could mock an API at
You could explore and existing one through tools (e.g. REST Console for Chrome)
What you can't have, is one-size-fits-all explorer for "every possible REST API." Some APIs follow conventions that others don't.
apigee and apihub (now part of mulesoft) are two that I frequently visit. Of the two, apigee is my preferred provider.
One of the reasons that you're not going to see a lot of websites like this is because of the same-origin policy. This means that you can't access a RESTful API located at from a web app running at, say, without sending all the API traffic through's servers. Sites like JSFiddle can exist (and are used widely) because all the processing is done on the client side.
Browser plugins, however, are exempt from the same-origin policy. If you're using Chrome, try Postman. If your REST client doesn't need to be web-based, check out SoapUI. IntelliJ IDEA has a nice REST client as well.
Try Restlet Studio, it's the only visual API designer I've found, and seems pretty good, it imports and exports swagger & RAML.

Portal URL from Portlet

Is it possible to get the Portal base URL (like from a Portlet using Portlet 2.0 API?
Right now I'm planning to manually build it concatenating PorletRequest.getServerName(), PortletRequest.getServerPort() and PortletRequest.getContextPath(); but it seems kind of clumsy (and there's no PortletRequest.getProtocol())
While it is clumsy, it is the safest way to construct the URL; and while there is no PortletRequest.getProtocol() method, you can conclude the protocol using the PortletRequest.isSecure() method.
I would advise against using an external configuration for the base URL, for a couple of reasons.
First, it would be yet another configuration item for you to maintain across environments (test, integration, production and so forth). There's very little justification to hold, in configuration, something that is fully reproducible using the current request.
Second, under certain circumstances, it might be impossible to designate a particular URL as a "base URL" for the portal. An example would be the case in which the portal server is associated with multiple hosts, or multiple host aliases.
We had those configuration properties in Resource Environment Provider for the purpose of generating external URLs for sending them in emails. It was specific solution and it wasn't a problem for us as we had other properties stored there as well so we knew it will be available at runtime. I don't know if that suits your needs. It depends on your scenario.
Also, we used https only during login, so we always generated http URLs.
Hope this helps.