Spring MVC #RequestParam default value not resolved - rest

I have this method:
#GetMapping(value = "warehouses/{warehouseId}/issues", headers = BOOTGRID_REQUEST)
public ResponseEntity<BootgridResponse<T>> listWarehouseIssues(
#PathVariable final long warehouseId,
#RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = ISSUE_STATE_ALL) final String state,
#Valid #ModelAttribute final BootgridRequest request,
final BindingResult bindingResult
Worked great in all cases until I registered a new filter that wraps the request into a wrapper.
public FilterRegistrationBean someFilterRegistration() {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registration;
public Filter crossScriptingFilter() {
return new CrossScriptingFilter();
Since, the argument "state" is given null when not specified in the request params.
When I remove the filter registration, I get the default value instead of null.
I am missing a piece here, I don't get why the default value wouldn't be given ?

I think that the "value" property is missing. This value represent the name of the request param:
#RequestParam(value = "state", required = false, defaultValue = ISSUE_STATE_ALL) final String state

It seems I had environment issues, other services also had default values but was provided.
After a while, it seems all was back to normal and working again.
This question could also be deleted, since it provides nothing concrete to readers.


REST Api Spring boot with mongodb how to get json?

public Account validateAccount(#RequestBody) {
Very new to spring boot. My account file has 5+ values all strings, username, password, id, and some etc things.
Given this
"username": "bob"
"password": "password"
It should give this with 200 response code OK
"id": "45645646546"
"username": "bob"
"password": "password"
"status": "Single"
"filler": "filler"
However I'm not sure how to read the "username" and "password" json in my validateAccount function
Not really related to this question but does anyone know how to send a response code in the function? Like .sendresponseheader(400) something like that
public class AccountDTO {
private Long id;
private String username;
private String password;
private String status;
private String filler;
// getters & setters
You may want to create a DTO (Data Transaction Object) as shown above. Here's a link to it's wiki.
Next pass map user input into this DTO using #RequestBody annotation.
public class AccountController {
public ResponseEntity<Account> validateAccount(#RequestBody AccountDTO accountDTO) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(accountService.validate(accountDTO), HttpStatus.OK);
Or you can use
public class AccountController {
public Response validateAccount(#RequestBody AccountDTO accountDTO) {
return new ResponseEntity().ok(accountService.validate(accountDTO));
The user input will be converted from json to AccountDTO using whatever JSON processor your're using most probably it'll be com.fasterxml.jackson.core.
The #JsonIgnore and #NotNull annotation will ensure only username and password fields are used and others are ignored while taking input from user.
You can pass this DTO to your service classes and use something like findByUsername() in your Business Logic and return populated AccountDTO using the below mapper function or some external libraries like Model Mapper or MapStruct.
public toAccountDTO(Account account) {
AccountDTO accountDTO = new AccountDTO();
// and so on...
return accountDTO;
And for your last query, wrap the returned AccountDTO object in ResponseEntity wrapper to provide a proper Response Code with your payload. Here's a link to ResponseEntity Java docs.
class AccountDto{
private Long id;
private String username;
private String password;
private String status;
private String filler;
//getters & setters
public ResponseEntity validateAccount(#RequestBody AccountDto accountDto) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(accountServie.validate(accountDto),HttpStatus.OK);
You can do your custom operations before returning the response. Take a look Best Practice of REST
For json response nothing specific just mark class with #RestController.
For #RequestBody just use a pojo to bind the values
For error code and status you can use ResponseEntity

Optional path-parameter in jersey 2.6 sub-resource without constant-part-path

I have 2 almost identical sub-resources:
public Response getParameterValue(#PathParam("device") final String device,
#PathParam("property") final String property) {
public Response getFieldValue(#PathParam("device") final String device,
#PathParam("property") final String property,
#PathParam("field") final String field ) {
that I want to replace with a single one using regular expressions. I saw among other related many articles about this for example this post and this one on SO.
So I was almost sure to achive my goal writting the sub-resource like so:
public Response getParameterOrFieldValue(#PathParam("device") final String device,
#PathParam("property") final String property,
#PathParam("field") final String field ) {
Unfortunately if a value is present for the field path-parameter:
, I got:
HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed
But if there is no value for field:
it works fine.
I than introduced a constant part 'just2C' in the path of the sub-resource:
public Response getParameterOrFieldValue(#PathParam("device") final String device,
#PathParam("property") final String property,
#PathParam("field") final String field ) {
it works in both cases: with or without a value for the path-parameter 'field'.
I'd like to undestand why?
I am using jersey2.6

Optional #Pathvariable in REST controller spring 4

I'm writing a Rest Service (HTTP Get endpoint), where in the below uri does the following
fetch the details for the customer_id passed in the uri
if the customer_id is not passed (http://localhost:8080/customers), fetch all the customers details.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "customers/{customer_id}")
public List<Customer> getCustomers(
#PathVariable(name = "customer_id", required = false) final String customerId) {
LOGGER.debug("customer_id {} received for getCustomers request", customerId);
However, with the above code, for the second scenario control is flowing to getCustomers().
Note: I'm using Java8 and spring-web 4.3.10 version
Highly appreciate any help on this.
Optional #PathVariable is used only if you want to map both GET /customers/{customer_id} and GET customers into single java method.
You cannot send request which will be sent to GET /customers/{customer_id} if you don't send customer_id.
So in your case it will be:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = {"/customers", "customers/{customer_id}"})
public List<Customer> getCustomers(#PathVariable(name = "customer_id", required = false) final String customerId) {
LOGGER.debug("customer_id {} received for getCustomers request", customerId);
public abstract boolean required
Whether the path variable is required.
Defaults to true, leading to an exception being thrown if the path variable is missing in the incoming request. Switch this to false if you prefer a null or Java 8 java.util.Optional in this case. e.g. on a ModelAttribute method which serves for different requests.
You can use null or Optional from java8
This may help someone that is trying to use multiple optional path variables.
If you have more than one variable, you can always accept multiple paths.
For instance:
#GetMapping(value = {"customers/{customerId}&{startDate}&{endDate}",
public Customer getCustomerUsingFilter(#PathVariable String customerId, #PathVariable Optional<Date> startDate, #PathVariable Optional<Date> endDate)
Then you would call this URL using all the path separators (in this case &)
Like GET /customers/1&& or
GET /customers/1&&2018-10-31T12:00:00.000+0000 or
GET /customers/1&2018-10-31T12:00:00.000+0000& or
GET /customers/1&2018-10-31T12:00:00.000+0000&2018-10-31T12:00:00.000+0000
You should create two end-point here to handle the individual request :
public List<Customer> getCustomers() {
LOGGER.debug("Fetching all customer");
public List<Customer> getCustomers(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
LOGGER.debug("Fetching customer by Id {} ",id);
#GetMapping is equivalent to #RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) and #GetMapping("/customers/{id}") is equivalent to #RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "customers/{id}")
Better approach would be like this :
public class CustomerController {
public List<Customer> getAllCustomers() {
LOGGER.debug("Fetching all customer");
public Customer getCustomerById(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
LOGGER.debug("Fetching customer by Id {} ",id);

Spring boot REST application

I am trying to make a RESTful application in Java using Spring boot by following the tutorial here. I want to modify it so that I can extract an identifier from the URL and use it to serve requests.
So http://localhost:8080/members/<memberId> should serve me a JSON object with information about the member whose ID is <memberId>. I don't know how to
Map all http://localhost:8080/members/* to a single controller.
Extract the from the URL.
Should the logic of extracting the memberId and using it be part of the controller or a separate class, as per the MVC architecture?
I am new to Spring/Spring-boot/MVC. It is quite confusing to get started with. So please bear with my newbie questions.
Map all http://localhost:8080/members/* to a single controller.
You can use a placeholder in a request mapping to so it'll handle multiple URLs. For example:
Extract the id from the URL
You can have the value of a placeholder injected into your controller method using the #PathVariable annotation with a value that matches the name of the placeholder, "id" in this case:
public Member getMember(#PathVariable("id") long id) {
// Look up and return the member with the matching id
Should the logic of extracting the memberId and using it be part of the controller or a separate class, as per the MVC architecture?
You should let Spring MVC extract the member id from the URL as shown above. As for using it, you'll probably pass the URL to some sort of repository or service class that offers a findById method.
As you can see in the code below, service for customer are in one controller to get one and to add new customer.
So, you will have 2 services:
public class SampleController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Customer greetings(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
Customer customer = new Customer();
return customer;
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void add(#RequestBody Customer customer) {
class Customer implements Serializable {
private String name;
private String lastname;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public void setLastname(String lastname) {
this.lastname = lastname;
public String getLastname() {
return lastname;

Spring mvc, fileds not in form will get cleared because of null value

I have a simple POJO:
#Document(collection = "questions")
public class Question {
private String title;
private Date createdAt;
//..... all the getter and setters
I did not add the createdAt on the edit form, because it should not be changed after creation. But the update controller method will get a null value in createdAt due to the binding.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = "text/html")
public String update(#Valid Question question, BindingResult bindingResult,
Model uiModel, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
populateEditForm(uiModel, question);
return "questions/update";
return "redirect:/questions/"
+ encodeUrlPathSegment(question.getId().toString(),
So after updating the Question, the createdAt field will get cleared. Any idea how to solve it? I don't want to create another class without createdAt field and do the update.
You could add a hidden field in your form, pre-populated with createdAt.