Google Cloud print example in java - google-cloud-print

I have to integrate Google Cloud print in my current application.
I got one example of Google Cloud print in java, but it is too old not able to login. can anyone help me.


Error Accessing Bluemix Node-RED Editor

I'm using Node-RED Starter to build my app. My app URL can be accessed here.
should appear on my browser, but I got an
The app however seems to be working fine on my dashboard. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
Your app is throwing a 500 error which basically means that your app is very much broken. How did you build it? Which starter did you use?
As you are running in the IBM Cloud, I would drop what you already have, and recreate using the starter from the IBM Cloud catalog. Unless of course if that is what you used to create it in the first place. In which case as per the other suggestions look at the server side logs, from the options on IBM Cloud for your application.

How to connect the back end and the front end and use the Discovery API in IBM cloud app services?

I am very new to using APIs so please excuse me. I am currently using a Python-Django App service from IBM cloud app services and the IBM Watson Discovery resouce. I have followed all the steps given here:
I have a machine that has docker and so the app got built successfully. However I am lost as to how I am supposed to get the front end ( which I am writing in bootstrap, javascript ) to connect to the backend and link the API.
For example : I want my app to accept documents, feed them in Discovery, extract the keywords and sentiments and display them in the UI. How do I know what to access from the server side code and what to link where in the UI.
It is a very broad question but its a compulsory project I need to do and I am clueless. Pleaassee Help !
Before you try to integrate an API, you will need to be familiar with Python and Django. If that is not the case, then you really need to go through a series of tutorials.
Then before deploying to the cloud, you will be better off running your Django app locally on your laptop. Use pip to install the watson-developer-cloud pypi module and use the API documentation to build the python code in your Django application -
If none of this makes sense, then you need to brush up on your knowledge of Python, Pip, and Django.
When you have the app running on your machine, then you will be ready to package it up into either a docker image or cloud foundry container and deploy to the cloud.

Google Analytics Embed API with Server Side Authorization - Firebase Hosting

I completed the basic setup for Google Analytics and inserted the tracking code into my webpage(s). I can log in to and see historical data just fine.
I have an admin page on my website where I want to display Google Analytics information to several users automatically (no additional logon req'd) and read that this is possible using the Embed API with Server-side Authorization.
I followed the instructions and created a Service Account that shows up under Service account keys in my Google API Manager portal. I also successfully ran 'sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client' on my Cloud9 IDE and pushed the change to my hosting provider, Firebase, i.e. 'firebase deploy'. Lastly, I located and pasted my Analytics View ID in to the code sample provided with the Demo/Setup. My page is served with <!DOCTYPE html> declared.
I can't get it to work. Browser console says:
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
I am thinking that I am not invoking the get_access_token() in that Python module. In other words, I am thinking that server-side scripting is not supported with Firebase hosting.
Anyone know if and how to get Google Analytics Embed API with Server Side Authorization running with Firebase hosting?
This is not exactly a direct answer to your question, but rather an alternative solution to this problem. At least I’m using approach.
You can use Google Design Studio to build and embed amazing analytics and BI dashboards anywhere you like (also on your Admin website). But even easier would be to use Google’s authentication (via gmail) to provide access to select dashboards directly, as Google’s authentication and authorisation is likely more secure that your website’s.

Error 403: Project blocked; abuse detected., accessNotConfigured

I have a golang program running on my local laptop. I had a previous Google Cloud account that I used to upload images to a bucket (using gcloud local context). It worked.
I created another company branded Google Cloud account and linked our company card to it.
Ever since then I get the error in the title.
I contacted support and got this:
Unfortunately we are not able to identify any abuse related actions taken on your project. To resolve this issue, please reach out to the Google Cloud Platform community support.
Google Cloud Platform/API Trust & Safety Team
Do you guys have any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated.
The problem turned out to be that the JWT json file being used by my project for authentication was out-of-date.
I had to re-download a new JWT json file from the cloud console and put it in the root of my project folder.

How to add Google Cloud Storage to existing project

I am trying to get my brain wrapped around Google Services. I have an existing Google App Engine running and would like to add Google Cloud Storage to the project?
Any help appreciated.
Have a look at the following documentation and see if that helps:
Activate Google Cloud Storage