how to initialize swift enum instance dynamically [duplicate] - swift

I am trying to figure out if it's possible to pass around enum's type in the same way that you can pass Class objects in Swift.
My actual use case is a bit more complicated than this, but for discussion, let's say I have two Int enums:
enum Foo: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case firstFoo = 0
case anotherFoo = 1
var description: String {
switch self {
case .firstFoo:
return "Hello Foo"
case .anotherFoo:
return "Goodbye Foo"
enum Bar: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case firstBar = 0
case anotherBar = 1
var description: String {
switch self {
case . firstBar:
return "Hello Bar"
case . anotherBar:
return "Goodbye Bar"
I would like to be able to write a function like this:
func justAnExample(whichEnum: enum) {
let val = whichEnum(rawValue: 0)
print("description: \(String(val))")
And then use it like this:
// prints: "description: Hello Foo"
// prints: "description: Hello Bar"
Is this possible? If so, what is the signature of whichEnum in the function declaration?

You can take advantage of the fact that enums with raw values automatically conform to the RawRepresentable protocol. You can define a generic function that takes a metatype argument of a given type T (spelled as T.Type), where that T is RawRepresentable and, also in your case, its RawValue is Int.
This will allow you to pass in the metatypes of both Foo and Bar, spelled Foo.self and Bar.self respectively:
func justAnExample<T : RawRepresentable>(_ enumType: T.Type) where T.RawValue == Int {
// Note that an explicit use of init is required when creating an instance from a
// metatype. We're also using a guard, as `init?(rawValue:)` is failable.
guard let val = enumType.init(rawValue: 0) else { return }
print("description: \(val)")
justAnExample(Foo.self) // prints: "description: Hello Foo"
justAnExample(Bar.self) // prints: "description: Hello Bar"

One solution would be to write extension for RawRepresentable, E.G.
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int{
static func testPrint() {
print(Self(rawValue: 0))
enum Thing: Int {
case Test = 0
// prints "Optional(Thing.Test)"
Then you don't have to worry about passing anything. And of course it will work for more than just enums


Swift enum custom raw type not expressible by different literals

I was reading through the wonderful blog post by Jon Sundell where he is trying to demonstrate how one can use custom raw values with Swift Enums.
I had a play around with his code and made up a bit of a contrived example to see how robust the Enums with custom raw types are.
I wondered if I can make a type, instance of which can be used as a raw value whilst being expressible by both String and Integer literals. When I implemented ExpressiblebyIntegerLiteral the String part did not work the way I expected and I'm not quite sure why.
Here is the code (the question follows the code):
import Foundation
struct Path: Equatable {
var string: String
var int: Int
enum Target: Path {
case content
case resources
case images = "resources/images"
extension Path: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
init(stringLiteral: String) {
string = stringLiteral
int = 0
init(integerLiteral: Int) {
string = ""
int = integerLiteral
if let stringTarget = Target(rawValue: "content") {
print("stringTarget: \(stringTarget)")
if let intTarget = Target(rawValue: 1) {
print("intTarget: \(intTarget)")
What I expected the above code to produce is both stringTarget and intTarget being initialized to appropriate Enum cases, however, the stringTarget one turns out to be nil.
If you remove the conformance to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral protocol (and the appropriate block of code which initializes intTarget), the stringTarget automagically gets initialized as I expected: into Target.string case.
Could someone please explain to me what is going on here?
Solving your Question
What I expected the above code to produce is both stringTarget and intTarget being initialized to appropriate Enum cases, however, the stringTarget one turns out to be nil.
They aren't nil. They are this: ""
This happens because both the .content and .resources cases are not explicitly defined by a String. And because of this, they both take the ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral route, and are hence defined as this ""
init(integerLiteral: Int) {
string = "" // see
int = integerLiteral
Solved for Int
Use this fancy method in place of IntValue(rawValue: 1):
func IntValue(_ this: Int) -> String? {
return Target(rawValue: 0) != nil ? String(describing: Target(rawValue: 0)!) : nil
Solved for String
First, conform your enum to CaseIterable, like so:
enum Target: Path, CaseIterable {
Next, use this fancy method in place of Target(rawValue: "content"):
func StringValue(_ this: String) -> String? {
return Target.allCases.contains { this == String(describing: $0) } ? this : nil
Truly solved for String
Now, I've removed a crucial bug where case foo = "bar" can be found both as 'foo' or 'bar'. If you don't want this, use this code instead:
func StringValue(_ this: String) -> String? {
var found: String? = nil
_ = Target.allCases.filter {
if let a = Target(rawValue: Path.init(string: this, int: 0)) {
found = String(describing: a)
return this == String(describing: a)
found = String(describing: $0)
return this == String(describing: $0)
return found
Custom Raw Values for Enums
Here's a quick tutorial:
I am wondering if enum can conform it's rawValue to the ClosedRange struct, just like it can conform to String.
enum Foo: ClosedRange<Int> {
case bar = 1...4
Obviously this is not an option, since 1...4 is not a literal
This seems to work:
enum Foo: ClosedRange<Int> {
case foo = "1...3"
case bar = "1...4"
func overlaps(_ with: Foo) -> Bool { return self.rawValue.overlaps(with.rawValue) }
extension ClosedRange: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public typealias StringLiteralType = String
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
let v = value.split(separator: ".")
switch Bound.self {
case is Int.Type: self = (Int(v[0])! as! Bound)...(Int(v[1])! as! Bound)
default: fatalError()
It allows you to do this:
You can add more types like Double or String using this technique
Side Note: My attempt allows for non-unique rawValues (SR-13212) which is a shame. But I'm not thinking that is fixable:
enum Foo: ClosedRange<Int> {
case foo = "1...3"
case bar = "1...4"
case bar = "1...04" // Duplicate, but Swift allows it.

Is there a Swift type for a string-based enum?

I have a function that takes a String tag argument:
func findFooByTag(_ tag: String) -> Foo
Now I would like to make the code shorter and safer by introducing an enum for the valid tag values:
enum Tags: String {
case one
case two
case three
But I still have to call the function with a String:
let foo = findFooByTag(
Is there a way to say “findFooByTag takes any string-based enum”? I have found this:
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: T) -> Foo where T: RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == String
But that’s quite a mouthful. Is it at least possible to sweep that under the rug with a type alias somehow?
What you have found looks awesome, but still I would suggest something like the following:
protocol Taggable {
var raw: String { get }
extension String: Taggable {
var raw: String { return self }
enum Tag: String, Taggable {
var raw: String {
return self.rawValue
case one = "aa"
case two = "bb"
case three = "cc"
func findByTag(_ tag: Taggable) {
if tag.raw == "aa" { ... }
// do something...
findByTag( // works
findByTag("abc") // also works
As there is nothing in common between enum's having a String RawValue, there is no common type for these or no protocol to which all would conform.
However, Swift 4 introduces type constraints on associated types using where clauses as described in SE-0142. Using this new capability, you can define a protocol with an associated type the type constraints describing an enum with a String rawValue, then you only need to make your Tags enum conform to this protocol and you won't need the type constraint in your function definition anymore.
class Foo {}
protocol StringEnum {
associatedtype EnumType: RawRepresentable = Self where EnumType.RawValue == String
static func findFooByTag<EnumType>(_ tag: EnumType) -> Foo
extension StringEnum where EnumType == Self {
static func findFooByTag<EnumType>(_ tag: EnumType) -> Foo {
return Foo()
enum Tags: String, StringEnum {
case one
case two
case three
let foo = Tags.findFooByTag(
This is implementation of course could be improved, but this is just an example showing how you can use a where clause to implement the type constraint using a protocol and its associatedType.
Due to the default implementation fo the findFooByTag func in the protocol extension, you don't need to implement the function for all of your custom enum types having a String rawValue, you only need to declare them as conforming to the StringEnum protocol.
If you don't have Xcode9 installed, you can play around with this code in the IBM Swift Sandbox using this link.
Maybe you can try do that with CustomStringConvertible?
enum Tags: String, CustomStringConvertible {
case one
case two
case three
var description: String {
return self.rawValue
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: T) -> Foo where T: CustomStringConvertible
looks more better
or just
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: CustomStringConvertible) -> Foo
For this purpose you can use any kind of wrapper object. For example:
enum TypeNotSpecifiedTag {
case one
enum StringTag: String {
case one
enum IntTag: Int {
case one = 1
enum Wrapper<T>: RawRepresentable {
typealias RawValue = T
case value(T)
init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = .value(rawValue)
var rawValue: RawValue {
switch self {
case let .value(item):
return item
print(Wrapper.value( // "one"
print(Wrapper.value( // "one"
print(Wrapper.value( // 1
Notice, that according to documentation about RawValue, you doesn't always need to specify RawValue, that's why first example also compile.

Possible to pass an enum type name as an argument in Swift?

I am trying to figure out if it's possible to pass around enum's type in the same way that you can pass Class objects in Swift.
My actual use case is a bit more complicated than this, but for discussion, let's say I have two Int enums:
enum Foo: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case firstFoo = 0
case anotherFoo = 1
var description: String {
switch self {
case .firstFoo:
return "Hello Foo"
case .anotherFoo:
return "Goodbye Foo"
enum Bar: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case firstBar = 0
case anotherBar = 1
var description: String {
switch self {
case . firstBar:
return "Hello Bar"
case . anotherBar:
return "Goodbye Bar"
I would like to be able to write a function like this:
func justAnExample(whichEnum: enum) {
let val = whichEnum(rawValue: 0)
print("description: \(String(val))")
And then use it like this:
// prints: "description: Hello Foo"
// prints: "description: Hello Bar"
Is this possible? If so, what is the signature of whichEnum in the function declaration?
You can take advantage of the fact that enums with raw values automatically conform to the RawRepresentable protocol. You can define a generic function that takes a metatype argument of a given type T (spelled as T.Type), where that T is RawRepresentable and, also in your case, its RawValue is Int.
This will allow you to pass in the metatypes of both Foo and Bar, spelled Foo.self and Bar.self respectively:
func justAnExample<T : RawRepresentable>(_ enumType: T.Type) where T.RawValue == Int {
// Note that an explicit use of init is required when creating an instance from a
// metatype. We're also using a guard, as `init?(rawValue:)` is failable.
guard let val = enumType.init(rawValue: 0) else { return }
print("description: \(val)")
justAnExample(Foo.self) // prints: "description: Hello Foo"
justAnExample(Bar.self) // prints: "description: Hello Bar"
One solution would be to write extension for RawRepresentable, E.G.
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int{
static func testPrint() {
print(Self(rawValue: 0))
enum Thing: Int {
case Test = 0
// prints "Optional(Thing.Test)"
Then you don't have to worry about passing anything. And of course it will work for more than just enums

Unwrapping either one of two types in Swift

I have a method which does exactly the same thing for two types of data in Swift.
To keep things simple (and without duplicating a method) I pass AnyObject as an argument to my method which can be either of these two types. How to I unwrap it with an || (OR) statement so I can proceed? Or maybe this done otherwise?
func myFunc(data:AnyObject) {
if let data = data as? TypeOne {
// This works fine. But I need it to look something like unwrapping below
if let data = data as? TypeOne || let data = data as? TypeTwo { // <-- I need something like this
// Do my stuff here, but this doesn't work
I'm sure this is trivial in Swift, I just can't figure out how to make it work.
You can't unify two different casts of the same thing. You have to keep them separate because they are two different casts to two different types which the compiler needs to treat in two different ways.
var x = "howdy" as AnyObject
// x = 1 as AnyObject
// so x could have an underlying String or Int
switch x {
case let x as String:
case let x as Int:
default: break
You can call the same method from within those two different cases, if you have a way of passing a String or an Int to it; but that's the best you can do.
func printAnything(what:Any) {
switch x {
case let x as String:
case let x as Int:
default: break
Of course you can ask
if (x is String || x is Int) {
but the problem is that you are no closer to performing an actual cast. The casts will still have to be performed separately.
Building on Clashsoft's comment, I think a protocol is the way to go here. Rather than pass in AnyObject and unwrap, you can represent the needed functionality in a protocol to which both types conform.
This ought to make the code easier to maintain, since you're coding toward specific behaviors rather then specific classes.
I mocked up some code in a playground that shows how this would work.
Hopefully it will be of some help!
protocol ObjectBehavior {
var nickname: String { get set }
class TypeOne: ObjectBehavior {
var nickname = "Type One"
class TypeTwo: ObjectBehavior {
var nickname = "Type Two"
func myFunc(data: ObjectBehavior) -> String {
return data.nickname
let object1 = TypeOne()
let object2 = TypeTwo()
Find if that shared code is exactly the same for both types. If yes:
protocol TypeOneOrTypeTwo {}
extension TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedCode() {
print("Hello, I am instance of \(self.dynamicType).")
extension TypeOne: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {}
extension TypeTwo: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {}
If not:
protocol TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedMethod()
extension TypeOne: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedMethod() {
// code here:
extension TypeTwo: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedMethod() {
// code here:
And here you go:
func myFunc(data: AnyObject) {
if let data = data as? TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
data.thatSharedCode() // Or `thatSharedMethod()` if your implementation differs for types.
You mean like this?
enum IntOrString {
case int(value: Int)
case string(value: String)
func parseInt(_ str: String) -> IntOrString {
if let intValue = Int(str) {
return intValue)
return IntOrString.string(value: str)
switch parseInt("123") {
case .int(let value):
print("int value \(value)")
case .string(let value):
print("string value \(value)")
switch parseInt("abc") {
case .int(let value):
print("int value \(value)")
case .string(let value):
print("string value \(value)")
int value 123
string value abc

Swift enum with custom initializer loses rawValue initializer

I have tried to boil this issue down to its simplest form with the following.
Xcode Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a)
An enum defined in MyEnum.swift:
internal enum MyEnum: Int {
case Zero = 0, One, Two
extension MyEnum {
init?(string: String) {
switch string.lowercaseString {
case "zero": self = .Zero
case "one": self = .One
case "two": self = .Two
default: return nil
and code that initializes the enum in another file, MyClass.swift:
internal class MyClass {
let foo = MyEnum(rawValue: 0) // Error
let fooStr = MyEnum(string: "zero")
func testFunc() {
let bar = MyEnum(rawValue: 1) // Error
let barStr = MyEnum(string: "one")
Xcode gives me the following error when attempting to initialize MyEnum with its raw-value initializer:
Cannot convert the expression's type '(rawValue: IntegerLiteralConvertible)' to type 'MyEnum?'
Per the Swift Language Guide:
If you define an enumeration with a raw-value type, the enumeration automatically receives an initializer that takes a value of the raw value’s type (as a parameter called rawValue) and returns either an enumeration member or nil.
The custom initializer for MyEnum was defined in an extension to test whether the enum's raw-value initializer was being removed because of the following case from the Language Guide. However, it achieves the same error result.
Note that if you define a custom initializer for a value type, you will no longer have access to the default initializer (or the memberwise initializer, if it is a structure) for that type. [...]
If you want your custom value type to be initializable with the default initializer and memberwise initializer, and also with your own custom initializers, write your custom initializers in an extension rather than as part of the value type’s original implementation.
Moving the enum definition to MyClass.swift resolves the error for bar but not for foo.
Removing the custom initializer resolves both errors.
One workaround is to include the following function in the enum definition and use it in place of the provided raw-value initializer. So it seems as if adding a custom initializer has a similar effect to marking the raw-value initializer private.
init?(raw: Int) {
self.init(rawValue: raw)
Explicitly declaring protocol conformance to RawRepresentable in MyClass.swift resolves the inline error for bar, but results in a linker error about duplicate symbols (because raw-value type enums implicitly conform to RawRepresentable).
extension MyEnum: RawRepresentable {}
Can anyone provide a little more insight into what's going on here? Why isn't the raw-value initializer accessible?
This bug is solved in Xcode 7 and Swift 2
extension TemplateSlotType {
init?(rawString: String) {
// Check if string contains 'carrousel'
if rawString.rangeOfString("carrousel") != nil {
} else {
In your case this would result in the following extension:
extension MyEnum {
init?(string: String) {
switch string.lowercaseString {
case "zero":
case "one":
case "two":
return nil
You can even make the code simpler and useful without switch cases, this way you don't need to add more cases when you add a new type.
enum VehicleType: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case car = 4
case moped = 2
case truck = 16
case unknown = -1
// MARK: - Helpers
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .car: return "Car"
case .truck: return "Truck"
case .moped: return "Moped"
case .unknown: return "unknown"
static let all: [VehicleType] = [car, moped, truck]
init?(rawDescription: String) {
guard let type = VehicleType.all.first(where: { description == rawDescription })
else { return nil }
self = type
Yeah this is an annoying issue. I'm currently working around it using a global-scope function that acts as a factory, i.e.
func enumFromString(string:String) -> MyEnum? {
switch string {
case "One" : MyEnum(rawValue:1)
case "Two" : MyEnum(rawValue:2)
case "Three" : MyEnum(rawValue:3)
default : return nil
This works for Swift 4 on Xcode 9.2 together with my EnumSequence:
enum Word: Int, EnumSequenceElement, CustomStringConvertible {
case apple, cat, fun
var description: String {
switch self {
case .apple:
return "Apple"
case .cat:
return "Cat"
case .fun:
return "Fun"
let Words: [String: Word] = [
"A": .apple,
"C": .cat,
"F": .fun
extension Word {
var letter: String? {
return Words.first(where: { (_, word) -> Bool in
word == self
init?(_ letter: String) {
if let word = Words[letter] {
self = word
} else {
return nil
for word in EnumSequence<Word>() {
if let letter = word.letter, let lhs = Word(letter), let rhs = Word(letter), lhs == rhs {
print("\(letter) for \(word)")
A for Apple
C for Cat
F for Fun
Add this to your code:
extension MyEnum {
init?(rawValue: Int) {
switch rawValue {
case 0: self = .Zero
case 1: self = .One
case 2: self = .Two
default: return nil