Type hierarchy missing members contributed by aspects - eclipse

When I open the Quick Type Hierarchy popup (ctrl+t) on an interface method, it doesn't include any mention of implementation methods that are contributed by aspects. What can I do to make these show up?
For example, consider the following interface, classes and aspect:
public interface Editable {
void save()
Class Implementing Editable#save directly:
public class EditableItem implements Editable {
public void save() {
// do some saving
Another class, this time without direct implementation of Editable's save:
public class EditableModule implements Editable {
// o-oh.. not implemented here
But this aspect adds save to EditableModule:
privileged aspect EditableModule_Editable {
public void EditableModule.save() {
// implemented over here..
With that in mind, in Eclipse, if you position your cursor on save in Editable and press ctrl+t, the Quick Type Hierarchy popup displays Editable at the root of the hierarchy tree and a single child EditableItem. I would expect to see EditableModule there as well.
Can post pom.xml if that would help.


MvvmCross navigation on screen

Our designer created a layout something like the screen above. The main idea was to create an application with only one screen, just the red part of the screen is changing (i.e. 2 textbox instead of 1 textbox) when you tap on a button. This application will be a multiplatform application and I'm using MvvmCross to create it. My question is that how can i achieve this behavior in Mvvm? My first thought was sg. like the code below, but I'm not satisfied with this solution. Do you have any better solution to this problem? Should i somehow overwrite default navigation on ShowViewModel()?
public class MainViewModel : MvxViewModel
private MvxViewModel _currentViewModel;
public MvxViewModel CurrentViewModel
get { return _currentViewModel; }
set { _currentViewModel = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => CurrentViewModel); }
public MainViewModel()
CurrentViewModel = new DefaultViewModel();
public void OnButtonClick()
CurrentViewModel = new SecondViewModel();
public partial class MainViewModel : MvxViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
private void ViewModelPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == "CurrentViewModel")
if (Model.CurrentViewModel != null)
if (Model.CurrentViewModel is SecondViewModel)
//remove bindings
//change View
//bind new viewmodel
The alternatives for this kind of 'non-page navigation' are similar to those in MvvmCross Dialog:
You can:
Customize the MvxPresenter to allow ShowViewModel to be used
Put a special interface in the Core project and use Inversion of Control to inject the implementation from the UI project to the Core project
Use the MvxMessenger plugin and share messages between the Core and UI project which trigger this type of navigation.
Use a property with a special interface (like IInteractionRequest) on the ViewModel - that property will fire an event when the UI needs to change.
Personally, for your situation, I quite like the first of these options - intercepting ShowViewModel using a presenter.
One other alternative which I might consider is to use some kind of 'Adapter-driven' control which could very easily update it's child contents based on the CurrentViewModel property. On Android, this would be as easy as using an MvxLinearLayout with an adapter. On iOS, however, I think you'd have to write something new to do this - just because iOS doesn't really have a LinearLayout/StackPanel control.

GWT 2.4 customized ListBox doesn't fire Change event

I have added some extra functionality to the standard GWT ListBox by extending it like so:
public class FeatureListBox extends ListBox
public FeatureListBox()
public FeatureListBox(boolean isMultipleSelect)
public FeatureListBox(Element element)
Nothing fancy here. However, the Change event is not firing now, or at least the handler (attached per below) is not getting invoked.
FeatureListBox listBox = new FeatureListBox();
listBox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler()
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event)
// Do something here...
Any ideas why?
Either remove the no-argument constructor from FeatureListBox or call super() inside it, otherwise the initialization in the superclasses won't happen, which would probably result in what you're seeing.
The problem was in the way I was using my custom list box. In my application I wrap GWT Widgets around existing DOM elements on the page using the static wrap() methods of their widget classes in which the widgets get marked as attached, making them fire events. I didn't do that with my custom list box class originally, so I ended up implementing a static wrap() method similar to the one of the regular ListBox widget and using it in my code. Everything works like a charm now.

GWT TestCase: Simulating clicking a button on my page

I'm using GWT 2.4 with JUnit 4.8.1. When writing my class that extends GWTTestCase, I want to simulate clicking on a button on the page. Currently, in my onModuleLoad method, this button is only a local field ...
public void onModuleLoad() {
final Button submitButton = Button.wrap(Document.get().getElementById(SUBMIT_BUTTON_ID));
// Add a handler to send the name to the server
GetHtmlHandler handler = new GetHtmlHandler();
How do I simulate clicking on this button from the GWTTestCase? Do I have to expose this button as a public member accessor is there a more elegant way to access it? Here is what I have in my test case so far ...
public class GetHtmlTest extends GWTTestCase {
// Entry point class of the GWT application being tested.
private Productplus_gwt productPlusModule;
public String getModuleName() {
return "com.myco.clearing.productplus.Productplus_gwt";
public void prepareTests() {
productPlusModule = new Productplus_gwt();
} // setUp
public void testSuccessEvent() {
// TODO: Simulate clicking on button
} // testSuccessEvent
Thanks, - Dave
It can be as easy as buttonElement.click() (or ButtonElement.as(buttonWidget.getElement()).click(), or ButtonElement.as(Document.get().getElementById(SUBMIT_BUTTON_ID)).click())
But remember that a GWTTestCase doesn't run in your own HTML host page, but an empty one, so you'll first have to insert your button within the page before simulating your module's load.
gwt-test-utils seems to be the perfect framework to answer your need. Instead of inheriting from GWTTestCase, extend the gwt-test-utils GwtTest class and implement your click test with the Browser class, like shown in the getting starting guide :
public void checkClickOnSendMoreThan4chars() {
// Arrange
Browser.fillText(app.nameField, "World");
// Act
// Assert
assertEquals("", app.errorLabel.getText());
assertEquals("Hello, World!", app.serverResponseLabel.getHTML());
assertEquals("Remote Procedure Call", app.dialogBox.getText());
If you want to keep your button private, you'd be able to retrieve it by introspection. But my advice is to make you view's widgets package protected and to write your unit test in the same package so it could access them. It's more convinent and refactoring-friendly.
gwt-test-utils provide introspection convinence. For example, to retrieve the "dialogBox" field which could have been private, you could have do this :
DialogBox dialogBox = GwtReflectionUtils.getPrivateFieldValue(app, "dialogBox");
But note that using GwtReflectionUtils is not mandatory. gwt-test-utils allows you to use ANY java classes in GWT client side tests, without restriction :)
You can do it like this:
YourComposite view = new YourComposite();

In Prism (CAL), how can I RegisterPresenterWithRegion instead of RegisterViewWithRegion

I have a module in a Prism application and in its initialize method I want to register a presenter instead of a view with a region, i.e. I want to do this:
"MainRegion", typeof(Presenters.EditCustomerPresenter));
instead of loading a view like this:
"MainRegion", typeof(Views.EditCustomerView));
The presenter would of course bring along its own view and ultimately register this view in the region, but it would allow me to bind the presenter to the view in the presenter's constructor instead of binding the two together in XAML (which is more of a decoupled MVVM pattern which I want to avoid here).
How can I add a Presenter to a Region instead of a view?
namespace Client.Modules.CustomerModule
[Module(ModuleName = "CustomerModule")]
public class CustomerModule : IModule
private readonly IRegionManager regionManager;
public CustomerModule(IRegionManager regionManager)
this.regionManager = regionManager;
public void Initialize()
regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("MainRegion", typeof(Views.EditCustomerView));
I think your presenters should be responsible for inserting them into the region when they are activated. I usually create an IViewRegistry for my presenters to use that avoids them knowing about region names and have their presenters use this to show the view.
public class MyViewPresenter : IPresenter
IViewRegistry _viewReg;
IUnityContainer _container;
public MyViewPresenter(IViewRegistry viewRegistry, IUnityContainer container)
_viewReg = viewRegistry;
_container = container;
void IPresenter.Present()
MyView view = _container.Resolve<MyView>();
MyViewViewModel vm = _container.Resolve<MyViewViewModel>();
view.DataContext = vm;
And then of course, the implementation of ShowInMainRegion would be that region registry code you already have.
public void ShowInMainRegion(object view)
"MainRegion", view);
There is a possibility you could do something that is more like what you want (a region adapter that detects an IViewFactory, maybe), but it's probably not practical.
Hope this helps,
I'm still quite new to Prism but as I understand it, that doesn't make sense: Regions are designed to hold Views, aren't they. That's all they exist for. What are you hoping to get from your Region that your Presenter can use?
Given that your Presenter knows all about your View, can you use your Presenter in your RegisterViewWithRegion call:
"MainRegion", typeof(Presenters.EditCustomerPresenter.View));
You can try using the RegisterViewWithRegion overload that takes a delegate instead of a view type.
For example:
regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.APPLICATION_MANAGEMENT_REGION, OnGetManagementView);
public object OnGetManagementView()
return m_managementViewModel.View;
This will allow you to have your own custom logic for creating the view/viewmodel(aka presenter). The callback will be called when the named region is found.
My approach to this is to register the view with the region by passing it the View property of a resolved presenter
() => this.container.Resolve<SetupRibbonTabPresenter>().View);
My presenters constructor would look like this:
public SetupRibbonTabPresenter(ISetupRibbonTabView view)
this.view = view;
Both the view and presenter have previously been registered in the container.

How to handle property sheet from customized editor in eclipse plugin development?

I have to bind my editor widget objects in property sheet.So that i can the property of my widget from property view.
Please help me on this, if possible provide me some code snippets.
You have a good example in the Getting started with Properties
Using the Properties view is simple enough.
Since it shows properties for the selected object, the first step to using it is to make sure that the workbench selection service knows about the object selected in your view. There’s an entire Eclipse Corner article written on the subject of the selection service
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
viewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
viewer.setContentProvider(new ViewContentProvider());
viewer.setLabelProvider(new ViewLabelProvider());
Once you have your view contributing to the workbench selection, you need to make sure that the objects that your view is selecting contribute properties
public class Person implements IPropertySource {
private String name;
private Object street;
private Object city;
public Person(String name) {
this.name = name;
this.street = "";
this.city = "";
public Object getEditableValue() {
return this;
public IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
return new IPropertyDescriptor[] {
new TextPropertyDescriptor("name", "Name"),
new TextPropertyDescriptor("street", "Street"),
new TextPropertyDescriptor("city", "City")
I indicated earlier that this solution is “not necessarily [the] most correct”. This is because, for this to work, my domain object needs to know about the very view-centric (and Eclipse-centric) notion of being a property source; in short, there is a tight-coupling between the model and view and this not a good thing™.
Using adapter is a better approach, as described in this article:
Person should implement IAdaptable.
See also this recent article on how to create a custom property view
how to hack the Properties View to listen only to a specific view.
The isImportant() method is the one which decides whether to create an IPage for the specific IWorkbenchPart or not.
The idea is to override that method and return false for all the workbenchPart that we are not interested in. Lets create the view first:
name="My Properties View">
The CustomPropertiesView should extend PropertySheet and override the isImportant():
public class CustomPropertiesView extends PropertySheet {
protected boolean isImportant(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part.getSite().getId().equals(IPageLayout.ID_PROJECT_EXPLORER))
return true;
return false;
In this case, I'm making the view only to respond to Project Explorer and ignore other views
According to this thread, the same principle should be valid for an Editor instead of a View.
The property sheet listens to the workbench page selection provider.
The selection provider depends on what viewer/editor is active.
Each editor/viewer provides their own selection provider to use when that editor/viewer is active.
This way the property sheet doesn't care who is active, it just listens to the selection provider.
That way depending upon the view, a different set of properties are displayed.
For example, the Navigator view provides IResource selections, so the property sheet then displays IResource properties when the Navigator is active.
The Workbench Selection mechanism is illustrated in this article
The ISelectionListener is a simple interface with just one method.
A typical implementation looks like this:
private ISelectionListener mylistener = new ISelectionListener() {
public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart sourcepart, ISelection selection) {
if (sourcepart != MyView.this && // 1
selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) { // 2
doSomething(((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList()); // 3
Depending on your requirements your listener implementation probably needs to deal with the following issues as shown in the code snippet above:
In case we also provide selections (e.g. a view or editor) we should exclude our own selection events from processing. This avoids unexpected results when the user selects elements within our part (1).
Check whether we can handle this kind of selection (2).
Get the selected content from the selection and process it (3).