Crash due to optional string in swift 3.0 - swift

I was converting the timestamp to time but my timeStampToDate is giving this output "Optional(1476775542548)" due to which it crashes.So how i can remove this Optional string.
let timeStampToDate = (String(["timestamp"])) as String
let timeSt = Date(jsonDate:"/Date(\(timeStampToDate))/")
merchantOpenLbl.text = Date().onlyTimee(date: timeSt!)
init?(jsonDate: String) {
// "/Date(1487058855745)/"
let prefix = "/Date("
let suffix = ")/"
let scanner = Scanner(string: jsonDate)
// Check prefix:
guard scanner.scanString(prefix, into: nil) else { return nil }
// Read milliseconds part:
var milliseconds : Int64 = 0
guard scanner.scanInt64(&milliseconds) else { return nil }
// Milliseconds to seconds:
var timeStamp = TimeInterval(milliseconds)/1000.0
// Read optional timezone part:
var timeZoneOffset : Int = 0
if scanner.scanInt(&timeZoneOffset) {
let hours = timeZoneOffset / 100
let minutes = timeZoneOffset % 100
// Adjust timestamp according to timezone:
timeStamp += TimeInterval(3600 * hours + 60 * minutes)
// Check suffix:
guard scanner.scanString(suffix, into: nil) else { return nil }
// Success! Create NSDate and return.
self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: timeStamp)

Wrapped the optional value that you getting from["timestamp"].
if let timeStampToDate =["timestamp"] as? String {
let timeSt = Date(jsonDate:"/Date(\(timeStampToDate)))/")
merchantOpenLbl.text = Date().onlyTimee(date: timeSt!)
Note: If it is still not works then you need to show us declaration of Date(jsonDate:)
Edit: If it is not string then try like this way
if let timeStampToDate =["timestamp"] {
let timeSt = Date(jsonDate:"/Date(\(timeStampToDate)))/")
merchantOpenLbl.text = Date().onlyTimee(date: timeSt!)

You can use guard let to wrap the optional value. Replace your code with below code.
guard let timeStampToDate =["timestamp"] as? String else {
let timeSt = Date(jsonDate:"/Date(\(timeStampToDate))/")
merchantOpenLbl.text = Date().onlyTimee(date: timeSt!)

let timeStampToDate = (String(["timestamp"])) as String
let timeSt = Date(jsonDate:"/Date(\(timeStampToDate!))/")
merchantOpenLbl.text = Date().onlyTimee(date: timeSt!)
if let timeStampToDate = (String(["timestamp"])) as? String {
let timeSt = Date(jsonDate:"/Date(\(timeStampToDate))/")
merchantOpenLbl.text = Date().onlyTimee(date: timeSt!)


Converting text field data to decimal value and back to string

I converted text field string into a double to do calculations and then back to a string to output it on a label. I am now working with currency inputs so I need to convert it to a decimal rather than a double. Can someone help?
func calcTotal() {
let totalConv: Double? = Double(totalTextField.text!)
let tipConv: Double? = Double(tipTextField.text!)
guard totalConv != nil && tipConv != nil else {
let result = totalConv! * ((tipConv! / 100) + 1)
let output = String(format: "$ %.2f", result)
totalAmount.text = String(output)
You will just need to use Decimal(string:) initializer and NumberFormatter (currency style) to format your decimal value.
func calcTotal() {
let totalConv = Decimal(string: totalTextField.text!),
let tipConv = Decimal(string: tipTextField.text!)
else { return }
let result = totalConv * ((tipConv / 100) + 1)
totalAmount.text = Formatter.currency.string(for: result)
extension Formatter {
static let currency: NumberFormatter = {
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
return numberFormatter

How to separate values from an array using Swift 4

How to separate values from an array using Swift 4. Following are my data:
arrWeekly == (
date = "2018-04-30";
units = "g/dL";
value = 12;
date = "2017-06-27";
units = "g/dL";
value = "14.5";
My Code:
if let arrMonthly = dictPeriod["monthly"] as? [Any], arrMonthly.count > 0
self.arrMonth = NSMutableArray(array: arrMonthly)
print("arrMonthly == ",self.arrMonth)
self.arrMonth = NSMutableArray()
I want to separate both dates & Values.
if let arrMonthly = dictPeriod["monthly"] as? [[AnyHasahble:String]], ! arrMonthly.isEmpty {
for disc in arrMonthly{
if let date = disc["date"] as? String{
if let units = disc["units"] as? String{
if let value = disc["value"] as? String{
let dictPeriod = YOUR_DICTIONARY
guard let arrMonthly = dictPeriod["monthly"] as? [[String: Any]], !arrMonthly.isEmpty else { return }
let dateArr ={ $0["date"] as! String })
let unitsArr ={ $0["units"] as! String })
let valueArr ={ $0["value"] as! String })

Swift 4 function returning 0 for multiple return values

I have been searching around but couldn't find a solution. can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong.
here is my function code: in my database I have hour=5 as Int and Minute=45 as Int
but when I print, the values of the function prints 0,0
var docRefF : DocumentReference!
func getTime()-> (Int, Int){
var FHour = Int()
var FMinute = Int()
docRefF = Firestore.firestore().document("sampleTime/worktime")
dataListener = docRefF.addSnapshotListener { (docSnapshot, error) in
guard let docSnapshot = docSnapshot, docSnapshot.exists else { return }
let data =
let Hour:Int = data["Hour"]! as! Int
let Minute: Int = data["Minute"]! as! Int
FHour = Hour
FMinute = Minute
return (FHour, FMinute)
let time = getTime()
print("\(time.0),\(time.1)" )
//printed 0,0
Clearly its issue of asynchronous execution. Use * function with Closure* Instead of function with returning value.
Please refer following code
var docRefF : DocumentReference!
func getTime(_ then:(_ first:Int, _ second:Int)->()){
var FHour = Int()
var FMinute = Int()
docRefF = Firestore.firestore().document("sampleTime/worktime")
dataListener = docRefF.addSnapshotListener { (docSnapshot, error) in
guard let docSnapshot = docSnapshot, docSnapshot.exists else { return }
let data =
let Hour:Int = data["Hour"]! as! Int
let Minute: Int = data["Minute"]! as! Int
FHour = Hour
FMinute = Minute
//TODO:- Use other firebase related task same as your code, so that uncomment other lines same as your origional
then(FHour, FMinute) // This is closure call back line
//Calling your function
getTime { (first, second) in

Check the language of numbers if it is English or Arabic/Persian

In my project I am planning to change the language of any type number to Persian and here is what I have done:
public extension String {
func perstianString (string: String)->String {
let digitSet = CharacterSet.decimalDigits
var finalString = String()
for ch in string.unicodeScalars {
if digitSet.contains(ch) {
let sh = convertoPersianNum(num: "\(ch)")
finalString += sh
} else {
finalString += "\(ch)"
return finalString
func convertoPersianNum(num: String)->String{
var retVlue = String()
var num1 = num
let number = NSNumber(value: Int(num1)!)
let numb = (num as NSString).intValue
let format = NumberFormatter()
format.locale = Locale(identifier: "fa_IR")
let faNumber = format.string(from: number)
return faNumber!
But when the source value has Persian numbers, the app crashes. Simply said, I want to check if it is a Persian number, don't do anything, else do the the conversion above:
let string = "ییسس ۱۲۳۴"
with this type do not do anything else do something.
public extension String {
private var isPersian: Bool {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %#", "(?s).*\\p{Arabic}.*")
return predicate.evaluate(with: self)
private var toPersianNum: String {
let number = NSDecimalNumber(string: self)
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "fa_IR")
return formatter.string(from: number) ?? ""
var persian:String {
var retVal = String()
self.enumerateSubstrings(in: startIndex..<endIndex, options: .byComposedCharacterSequences) { (string, _, _, _) in
guard let string = string else {return}
if string.isPersian {
retVal += string
}else {
retVal += string.toPersianNum
return retVal
let string = "9001ییسس2345777 ۱۲۳۴2345"
string.persian // "۹۰۰۱ییسس۲۳۴۵۷۷۷ناعدد۱۲۳۴۲۳۴۵" (result)

Swift 2.0 Guard Statement Fails Struct Initializer

There was a similarly named topic but the example was an error due to user mistake. I believe this example is an actual XCode issue.
I was following a treehouse tutorial and in the spirit of swift 2.0 I used guard statements instead of if lets in the initializer. My code was identical to the instruction except for the use of guard statements. It had one error that said "return from initializer without initializing all stored properties". Once I changed it to if let statements, it worked. Perhaps I made a mistake somewhere but I stared at it for atleast an hour, no properties were left un-initialized.
I made the properties equal to nil in the else clauses just in case but that didnt affect anything.
struct DailyWeather {
let maxTemp: Int?
let minTemp: Int?
let humidity: Int?
let precipChance: Int?
var summary: String?
var icon: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "default.png")
var largeIcon: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "default_large.png")
var sunriseTime: String?
var sunsetTime: String?
var day: String?
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
init(dailyWeatherDictionary: [String:AnyObject]) {
minTemp = dailyWeatherDictionary["temperatureMin"] as? Int
maxTemp = dailyWeatherDictionary["temperatureMax"] as? Int
guard let humidityFloat = dailyWeatherDictionary["humidity"] as? Double else { humidity = nil ; return }
humidity = Int(humidityFloat * 100)
guard let precipFloat = dailyWeatherDictionary["precipProbability"] as? Double else { precipChance = nil ; return }
precipChance = Int(precipFloat * 100)
summary = dailyWeatherDictionary["summary"] as? String
guard let
iconString = dailyWeatherDictionary["icon"] as? String,
iconEnum = Icon(rawValue: iconString) else { icon = nil ; largeIcon = nil ; return }
(icon, largeIcon) = iconEnum.toImage()
guard let sunriseDate = dailyWeatherDictionary["sunriseTime"] as? Double else { sunriseTime = nil ; return }
sunriseTime = timeStringFromUnixTime(sunriseDate)
guard let sunsetDate = dailyWeatherDictionary["sunsetTime"] as? Double else { sunsetTime = nil ; return }
sunsetTime = timeStringFromUnixTime(sunsetDate)
guard let time = dailyWeatherDictionary["time"] as? Double else { day = nil ; return }
day = dayStringFromUnixTime(time)
func timeStringFromUnixTime(unixTime: Double) -> String {
let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: unixTime)
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "hh:mm a"
return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)
func dayStringFromUnixTime(unixTime: Double) -> String {
let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: unixTime)
dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: NSLocale.currentLocale().localeIdentifier)
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE"
return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)
let's have
struct S {
var i: Int?
init(b: Bool){
guard b == false else { return }
//if b == true { return }
i = 0 // if b == true, this statement doesn't execute
let s1 = S(b: true)
let s2 = S(b: false)
print(s1, s2) // S(i: nil) S(i: Optional(0))
because var i: Int? has a default value nil, even though i = 0 is not reachable if parameter of init is true, the compiler doesn't complain.
struct S {
let i: Int?
init(b: Bool){
guard b == false else { return }
//if b == true { return }
i = 0 // if b == true, this statement doesn't execute
will NOT compile, with error: return from initializer without initializing all stored properties and note: 'self.i' not initialized, because constant let i: Int? doesn't have any default value
Your trouble is, that you return from init. Normally, avoid return from an initializer if your initializer is not fail-able / init? /. In case of fail-able init? the only accepted return value is nil.