Perl Invalid version format from - perl

I'm trying to publish a module, and am running into a lot of weird errors, the latest of which is as follows:
C:\Shared\John\Perl\unifdef+.0.5.1>build disttest
Creating Makefile.PL
Invalid version format (non-numeric data) at C:/perl/lib/Module/Build/
line 134.
The code at the specified line is:
if ( my $minimum_perl = $requires->{perl} ) {
my $min_ver = version->new($minimum_perl)->numify;
print {$fh} "require $min_ver;\n";
so it looks like $minimum_perl is corrupted. I do have the line:
require 5.10.0;
In the code, but that should be OK according to the documentation I've read.
I tried upgrading various modules, and finally I tried a cpan upgrade, and upgraded my entire cpan, but I'm still getting the error. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I am running perl 5.24.1

Ok, figured it out (sort of). I'm posting an answer, as I assume others will run into the same problem, and hopefully this will help them. My Build.PL script was a cut/paste/modify from an example on the web. I had the following:
use 5.010000; # NOT 5.8.8 - needed by CPAN testers
use Module::Build;
my $builder = Module::Build->new( module_name => 'code::unifdef+'
, license => 'perl'
, requires => { perl => '>= 5.10.0' } #hmm, this doesn't work...
, dist_version => '0.005.001'
, dist_author => 'John Ulvr <>'
, dist_abstract => 'processes conditional parts of makefiles, c/c++ and kconfig files'
, create_readme => 0
, create_makefile_pl => 'traditional'
$builder->create_build_script; #generate Build
The requires line was causing the problem. I'm not sure why though, as I've seen other similar examples on the web of the requires clause, so either everyone is wrong, or there's some sort of bug in in Removing the requires line fixes the problem (I have requires in the .pl file itself, so it should catch out-of-date issues).


inet_pton is not a valid Socket macro

I am getting below error with perl package 5.10.
"inet_pton is not a valid Socket macro"
if (Socket::inet_pton (AF_INET6,$self->{'ip'}) )
$log->print("we hit here and ip=$self->{'ip'}");
$self->{'session'} = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $self->{'ip'},
-community => $self->{'community'},
-port => $self->{'port'},
-version => 'snmpv2c');
Can you pls let me know the root cause ?
Socket uses an autoloader. That's the message it produces when you try to call a sub that doesn't exist.
$ perl -MSocket -wE'my $x = Socket::some_name()'
some_name is not a valid Socket macro at -e line 1
In other words, the error message is synonymous with
Undefined subroutine &Socket::inet_pton called
You must have a version of Socket that predates the addition of the module's support for inet_pton. Therefore, the fix is simply to upgrade that module.
Your Perl is too old. As far as I can tell, inet_pton support wasn't added until 5.12. Installing a newer version of Socket from CPAN may help, but I wouldn't bet on it. Perl 5.10 came out in 2007, and the IPv6 support back then was much worse than it is today.

Undefined subroutine LWP::Protocol::https::Socket::can_read called

I'm trying to script some interaction between a Linux box and an ESXi host, using the VMware Perl library (which appears to call a SOAP service on the ESXi host).
I am getting an error for which I can't find a solution: Undefined subroutine &LWP::Protocol::https::Socket::can_read called at /usr/local/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/ line 22
I am currently running Net-HTTP-6.03. I did try with Net-HTTP-6.05 but it makes the web-based calls very slow (and subsequent ones also eventually fail, instead with about 1.2MB of XML as the error message) -- which various forums suggest is only resolvable by reverting to 6.03 (via cpan install GAAS/Net-HTTP-6.03.tar.gz).
The crux of my code is as follows:
use VMware::VIRuntime;
my $context = {
options => ParseOptions(), # result of using GetOpts::Long to parse command-line
session => undef
if ($context->{options}->{'ignore-ssl-errors'}) {
$ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} = 0; # Ignores certificate errors
## next line fails
$context->{session} = Vim::login(
service_url => $context->{options}->{url},
username => $context->{options}->{username},
password => $context->{options}->{password}
Is there something else I (can|need to) do to get this working?
I've got it. I needed to reinstall Bundle::LWP from an older version, not just Net-HTTP. Without it, I had LWP v6.05 trying to talk to Net-HTTP v6.03.
Once I realised that LWP == libwww-perl (yes, I'm that new), I found the overall package I needed:
cpan install GAAS/libwww-perl-6.03.tar.gz
Reproduced with LWP 6.05 and Net::HTTP 6.01, which is the cocktail that MacPorts installs at the time of this writing. Upgrading Net::HTTP to 6.06 (current) solved it:
sudo cpan Net::HTTP

How do I ensure that old shared content is removed when using Module::Build's share_dir option?

I'm using Module::Build's share_dir option to install read-only supplementary content when users install my Perl module.
How do I ensure that the old content added by previous versions of my module is deleted when a new version of my module is installed?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Yanick Champoux has recently been dealing with this problem. To do so he has created File::ShareDir::Tarball and its Dist::Zilla counterpart Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball. The idea is that your entire sharedir is tarred so that it is only one directory. Then when your module is upgraded, the tarball is replaced and it is in the state you expect.
If you're removing files from a distribution I recommend making Makefile.PL or Build.PL refuse to install, add this
my $mod = 'CGI';
if( eval "require $mod; 1" ){
die "
YOU HAVE TO UNINSTALL $mod before you can upgrade, use one of
cpanp -u $mod --force
pm-uninstall -vf $mod
Or better yet, add a pre-amble which does the actual uninstalling (maybe with ExtUtils::Install::uninstall($packlist) )
Usually you'll know which version of your module requires complete uninstalling, so you might want to add a version check ...
FWIW, this would make a good Module::Build/Module::Install/ExtUtils::MakeMaker addition/extension/plugin that accepts something like
requires_uninstall_if_installed => '<3000' ,
requires_uninstall_if_installed => { CGI => '<3000', 'CGI::Util' => '<3000' },
requires_uninstall_if_installed => [ qw' CGI CGI::Util '],
requires_uninstall_if_installed( '<3000' );
requires_uninstall_if_installed( { CGI => '<3000', 'CGI::Util' => '<3000' } );
requires_uninstall_if_installed( [ qw' CGI CGI::Util '] );
I have now uploaded Module::Build::CleanInstall to hopefully address issues like this. Hopefully it helps. A big thanks goes to Yanick and so-not-like-openid-anonymity for the inspiration.

I keep getting failures installing modules at BEGIN { plan tests => 5 }. What do I need to get past this?

The module it's failing to install is JSON::XS. Really it's failing to install anything
that has the following code:
BEGIN { plan tests => 5 };
From the build.log:
syntax error at t/04_dwiw_encode.t line 13, near "plan tests"
The offending line:
13 BEGIN { plan tests => 5 }
I read that there's a problem with but there are quite a few modules
using it and furthermore this just started happening recently.
I just tried reinstalling perlbrew and also tried updating outdated modules
but I keep getting the same failures.
Any one have an idea what might have caused this and how to fix it?
I suspect you either have an older-than-expected version of the Test module, or you created your own module named and it's getting picked up instead of the expected module.
You can address the first issue by upgrading Test.
cpan Test
You should address the second issue by renaming your to something else, but you might also be able to address it by changing directory and temporarily clearing the PERL5LIB env var.
pushd / ; PERL5LIB= cpan JSON::XS ; popd

How do I find the standard site_perl directory for Perl?

How can I find the standard site_perl (non-arch specific) location? Is it safe to just loop over #INC and find the path ending with "site_perl", or is there a standard way to do this?
The reason for trying to find this, is I have a very large project built up from hundreds of individual modules, all with their own Makefile.PL files (pretty much every .pm file has been built as its own CPAN style module). Along with this, each module may have artifacts (templates, .cgi's, etc), in various locations, all which need to be deployed to various locations, nothing is standard. This is the first step in trying to get this under control, basically having a single Makefile which can find and deploy everything, the next step will be getting it in sensible layout in version control.
I've spent time trying to do this with standard installation tools, but have had no luck.
C:\Temp> perl -MConfig -e "print qq{$_ => $Config{$_}\n} for grep { /site/ } keys %Config"
d_sitearch => define
installsitearch => C:\opt\perl\site\lib
installsitebin => C:\opt\perl\site\bin
installsitehtml1dir =>
installsitehtml3dir =>
installsitelib => C:\opt\perl\site\lib
installsiteman1dir =>
installsiteman3dir =>
installsitescript => C:\opt\perl\site\bin
sitearch => C:\opt\perl\site\lib
sitearchexp => C:\opt\perl\site\lib
sitebin => C:\opt\perl\site\bin
sitebinexp => C:\opt\perl\site\bin
sitehtml1dir =>
sitehtml1direxp =>
sitehtml3dir =>
sitehtml3direxp =>
sitelib => C:\opt\perl\site\lib
sitelib_stem =>
sitelibexp => C:\opt\perl\site\lib
siteman1dir =>
siteman1direxp =>
siteman3dir =>
siteman3direxp =>
siteprefix => C:\opt\perl\site
siteprefixexp => C:\opt\perl\site
sitescript =>
sitescriptexp =>
usesitecustomize => define
Or, as #ysth points out in comments, you can use:
C:\Temp> perl -V:.*site.*
on Windows and
$ perl '-V:.*site.*'
in *nix shells.
Is there a reason not to use one of the module installers (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build, Module::Install)?
But if you must, the directory is available (after loading Config) as $Config::Config{'installsitelib'}. Note that some platforms may configure perl such that this directory doesn't literally appear in #INC, instead having some other directory that's symlinked to the installsitelib directory.
Just run perl -V. It will print the default #INC at the end.
It is not safe to loop over #INC as it can be modified by code or the environment, and, therefore, may contain multiple directories that end in site_perl.
If you are trying to determine where a given module is installed use %INC.