How do I perform set theory minus operation between two lists in Scala? - scala

I have the following case class
case class Cart(userId: Int, ProductId :Int, SellerId:Int, Qty: Int)
I have the following lists :
val mergedCart :List[Cart]= List(Cart(900,1,1,2),Cart(900,2,2,2),Cart(901,3,3,2),Cart(901,2,2,2),Cart(901,1,1,2),Cart(900,4,2,1))
val userCart:List[Cart] = List(Cart(900,1,1,2),Cart(900,2,2,2),Cart(900,4,2,1))
val guestCart:List[Cart] = List(Cart(901,3,3,2),Cart(901,2,2,2),Cart(901,1,1,2))
val commonCart = List(Cart(900,2,2,4), Cart(900,1,1,4))
My requirement is that I have to get the following list as the output:
The final list should have the common objects from userCart and guestCart based on the ProductId,SellerId combination and the quantity of both the objects get added. Then, the other objects present in userCart and guestCart which do not match the common objects should also be present in the final list in the output.
I am new to Scala and I am not able to solve this, kindly help me with this code.

If you don't care about ordering in resulting list (so basically your result is a Set) , it's as simple as that:
def sum(a: Cart, b: Cart) = {
//require(a.userId == b.userId)
a.copy(Qty = a.Qty + b.Qty)
(userCart ++ guestCart)
.groupBy(x => x.ProductId -> x.SellerId)
.mapValues(_.reduce(sum _))
.toList //toSet is more appropriate here
List(Cart(900,4,2,1), Cart(900,2,2,4), Cart(900,1,1,4), Cart(901,3,3,2))
(!) Be aware that I just took first userId in case of collision (see sum function). However, it preserves priority of users over guests if that's what implied.
Being represented as a Set, this result equals to your requirement:
scala> val mRes = List(Cart(900,4,2,1), Cart(900,2,2,4), Cart(900,1,1,4), Cart(901,3,3,2))
mRes: List[Cart] = List(Cart(900,4,2,1), Cart(900,2,2,4), Cart(900,1,1,4), Cart(901,3,3,2))
scala> val req = List(Cart(900,2,2,4),Cart(900,1,1,4),Cart(901,3,3,2),Cart(900,4,2,1))
req: List[Cart] = List(Cart(900,2,2,4), Cart(900,1,1,4), Cart(901,3,3,2), Cart(900,4,2,1))
scala> mRes.toSet == req.toSet
res17: Boolean = true
++ concatenates two lists
groupBy groups values by some predicate (like x.ProductId -> x.SellerId which equivalent to a tuple (x.ProductId, x.SellerId) in your case). It preserves order inside group, but groups themselves aren't ordered - that's why order in resulting list is undefined. The operator returns Map[Key, List[Value]], in your case Map[(Int, Int), List[Cart]]
mapValues iterates over lists with carts
reduce inside mapValues reduces List with carts by summing carts using sum function
I didn't have to reattach objects with unique (x.ProductId, x.SellerId) as they were represented just as lists with one element, so reduce function didn't touch them - it just returned first (and only) element.
a.copy(Qty = ...) makes copy of a with modified Qty field. In our case I take left element as a template, so elements that preced in the (userCart ++ guestCart) would have higher priority when userId is chosen.
Answering the headline's question about subtracting two sets:
scala> Set(1,2,3,4) - 4
res16: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 2, 3)
scala> Set(1,2,3,4) -- Set(3,4)
res15: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 2)
If elements of sets are instances of case classes (given that hashCode/equals methods weren't overridden) - it would compare all fields in order to check equality between two elements.
There is a theoretical connection of groupBy solution with a set theory. First, you can easily notice that my solution is representable with SQL's GROUP BY + AGGREGATE (groupBy with reduce-catamorphism in Scala). SQL is mostly based on relational-algebra, which in its turn partially based on set-theory, so here it is.
P.S. field/value/variable name in scala should always start with lowercase letter by convention. First capital letter means a constant.


List concatenation operations in Scala

In Scala, there are two operations available for List creation from other List objects:conc(:::) and cons(::)
::: flattens the elements from input lists.
val fruits = List("Mango","Apple","Grapes");
val veggies = List("Potato","Brinjal","Jackfruit")
val conc = fruits:::veggies
conc is List("Mango","Apple","Grapes","Potato","Brinjal","Jackfruit").
As original lists are immutable, doesn't it mean now we have duplicated data?
in case of ::, this happens:
val fruits = List("Mango","Apple","Grapes");
val veggies = List("Potato","Brinjal","Jackfruit")
val cons = fruits::veggies
cons is List(List("Mango","Apple","Grapes"),"Potato","Brinjal","Jackfruit")
It seems first element in cons is merely reference to fruits, hence negligible duplication.But last three entries are again major duplication from veggies.
In Scala, there are two operations available for List creation from
other List objects:conc(:::) and cons(::)
Only the first is for creation from List objects. The cons is for creation from Objects.
Since Lists are objects themselves, you can put a List as element into another List, but in almost all cases, you don't want to do it.
scala> val fruits = List("Mango","Apple","Grapes");
fruits: List[String] = List(Mango, Apple, Grapes)
scala> val veggies = List("Potato","Brinjal","Jackfruit")
veggies: List[String] = List(Potato, Brinjal, Jackfruit)
scala> val cons = fruits::veggies
cons: List[] = List(List(Mango, Apple, Grapes), Potato, Brinjal, Jackfruit)
See, how the type of the 3rd list varies: it is a List of [java.ioSerializable], the first common ancestor of List and String, the Compiler found. And cons.size is 4, not 6: The fruit list as first element and the 3 veggies.
As original lists are immutable, doesn't it mean now we have
duplicated data?
Yes (and no).
scala> val fruits = List ("Mango","Apple","Grapes");
fruits: List[String] = List(Mango, Apple, Grapes)
scala> val veggies = List ("Potato","Brinjal","Jackfruit")
veggies: List[String] = List(Potato, Brinjal, Jackfruit)
scala> val conc = fruits ::: veggies
conc: List[String] = List(Mango, Apple, Grapes, Potato, Brinjal, Jackfruit)
You get, what you asked for, and fruits is immutable, so you can't append veggies to it, so there is no way around it.
It seems first element in cons is merely reference to fruits, hence
negligible duplication. But last three entries are again major
duplication from veggies.
The first element is a reference to the first element of fruits, and the second element a reference the head of veggies, since both lists are immutable. But the last element of fruits, which points to Nil, can't be changed to point to the head of veggie, since this would alter fruits, which is prohibited.
However, there are mutable lists in scala.collection.mutable, which can be modified in place.
In many cases you don't need to have concerns about memory. The 3 Lists, the 2 original list and the combined are mostly links to the Strings (they don't need to store the whole String themselves, because the Strings are immutable, too), and each element has a link to the next element in the List.

How to sort a list in scala

I am a newbie in scala and I need to sort a very large list with 40000 integers.
The operation is performed many times. So performance is very important.
What is the best method for sorting?
You can sort the list with List.sortWith() by providing a relevant function literal. For example, the following code prints all elements of sorted list which contains all elements of the initial list in alphabetical order of the first character lowercased:
val initial = List("doodle", "Cons", "bible", "Army")
val sorted = initial.sortWith((s: String, t: String)
=> s.charAt(0).toLower < t.charAt(0).toLower)
Much shorter version will be the following with Scala's type inference:
val initial = List("doodle", "Cons", "bible", "Army")
val sorted = initial.sortWith((s, t) => s.charAt(0).toLower < t.charAt(0).toLower)
For integers there is List.sorted, just use this:
val list = List(4, 3, 2, 1)
val sortedList = list.sorted
just check the docs
List has several methods for sorting. myList.sorted works for types with already defined order (like Int or String and others). myList.sortWith and myList.sortBy receive a function that helps defining the order
Also, first link on google for scala List sort:
you can use List(1 to 400000).sorted

What is the difference between partition and groupBy?

I am reading through Twitter's Scala School right now and was looking at the groupBy and partition methods for collections. And I am not exactly sure what the difference between the two methods is.
I did some testing on my own:
scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).partition(_ % 2 == 0)
res8: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(2, 4, 6),List(1, 3, 5))
scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).groupBy(_ % 2 == 0)
res9: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Boolean,List[Int]] = Map(false -> List(1, 3, 5), true -> List(2, 4, 6))
So does this mean that partition returns a list of two lists and groupBy returns a Map with boolean keys and list values? Both have the same "effect" of splitting a list into two different parts based on a condition. I am not sure why I would use one over the other. So, when would I use partition over groupBy and vice-versa?
groupBy is better suited for lists of more complex objects.
Say, you have a class:
case class Beer(name: String, cityOfBrewery: String)
and a List of beers:
val beers = List(Beer("Bitburger", "Bitburg"), Beer("Frueh", "Cologne") ...)
you can then group beers by cityOfBrewery:
val beersByCity = beers.groupBy(_.cityOfBrewery)
Now you can get yourself a list of all beers brewed in any city you have in your data:
val beersByCity("Cologne") = List(Beer("Frueh", "Cologne"), ...)
Neat, isn't it?
And I am not exactly sure what the difference between the two methods
The difference is in their signature. partition expects a function A => Boolean while groupBy expects a function A => K.
It appears that in your case the function you apply with groupBy is A => Boolean too, but you don't want always to do this, sometimes you want to group by a function that don't always returns a boolean based on its input.
For example if you want to group a List of strings by their length, you need to do it with groupBy.
So, when would I use partition over groupBy and vice-versa?
Use groupBy if the image of the function you apply is not in the boolean set (i.e f(x) for an input x yield another result than a boolean). If it's not the case then you can use both, it's up to you whether you prefer a Map or a (List, List) as output.
Partition is when you need to split some collection into two basing on yes/no logic (even/odd numbers, uppercase/lowecase letters, you name it). GroupBy has more general usage: producing many groups, basing on some function. Let's say you want to split corpus of words into bins depending on their first letter (resulting into 26 groups), it simply not possible with .partition.

Scala ordered priority queue that always has the lowest number as the head, ascending order

I'd like to get a code sample that accomplishes ascending ordering of items in a priority queue.
I'd like to store Tuple2(Int, String) inside a priority queue so that it is ordered by the first element of the tuple in ascending order.
If my priority queue is called pq and I call pq.head I'd like to get the tuple with the lowest number, same thing with calling pq.dequeue.
scala> val pq = scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, String)]()
pq: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, String)] = PriorityQueue()
scala> pq += Tuple2(8, "eight")
res60: pq.type = PriorityQueue((8,eight))
scala> pq += Tuple2(4, "four")
res61: pq.type = PriorityQueue((8,eight), (4,four))
scala> pq += Tuple2(7, "seven")
res62: pq.type = PriorityQueue((8,eight), (4,four), (7,seven))
How to apply ascending ordering by first element at time of insertion to the above?
PriorityQueue.apply and PriorityQueue.empty both take an implicit Ordering instance that will be used to order the contents—the head will be the "largest" value according to that ordering. You're getting the default one for tuples, which is a lexicographic ordering on the elements of the tuple, which isn't what you want, since it'll make the tuple with the largest first element the head.
There are a couple of ways you can solve this issue. The easiest is just to call .reverse on your queue, which will give you a new queue with the same contents but the opposite ordering, which means the tuple with the lowest value will be the head.
You can also provide your own ordering when creating the queue:
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
val pq = PriorityQueue.empty[(Int, String)](
implicitly[Ordering[(Int, String)]].reverse
Or if you explicitly don't want the second element to be consulted:
val pq = PriorityQueue.empty[(Int, String)]( (Int, String))._1).reverse
This is possibly a little more efficient than reversing the queue, but probably not enough to worry about, so you should just choose the approach that you find most elegant.
If all you need is reversing the implicit ordering, you could just reverse the queue right away:
val pq = PriorityQueue.empty[(Int, String)].reverse
All you need to do is to mention ordering of the queue items. The following code will serve the purpose.
def ascendingOrder(tuple2: (Int, String)) = -tuple2._1
val pq = PriorityQueue[(Int, String)]()(
pq += Tuple2(8, "eight")
pq += Tuple2(4, "four")
pq += Tuple2(7, "seven")
for (i <- 1 to 3) (println(pq.dequeue()))
Avoid using reverse as it will create unnecessary overheads.
From the scaladoc:
Only the dequeue and dequeueAll methods will return methods in priority order (while removing elements from the heap). Standard collection methods including drop and iterator will remove or traverse the heap in whichever order seems most convenient.
That caveat seems to also apply to .head, but .dequeue returns elements in order.
The default ordering is descending (since the highest priority comes out first), but you can explicitly pass a reversed order when constructing:
val normalOrder = implicitly[Ordering[(Int, String)]]
val reversedOrder = Ordering.reverse(normalOrder)
val pq = scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, String)](reversedOrder)

How can I idiomatically "remove" a single element from a list in Scala and close the gap?

Lists are immutable in Scala, so I'm trying to figure out how I can "remove" - really, create a new collection - that element and then close the gap created in the list. This sounds to me like it would be a great place to use map, but I don't know how to get started in this instance.
Courses is a list of strings. I need this loop because I actually have several lists that I will need to remove the element at that index from (I'm using multiple lists to store data associated across lists, and I'm doing this by simply ensuring that the indices will always correspond across lists).
for (i <- 0 until courses.length){
if (input == courses(i) {
//I need a map call on each list here to remove that element
//this element is not guaranteed to be at the front or the end of the list
Let me add some detail to the problem. I have four lists that are associated with each other by index; one list stores the course names, one stores the time the class begins in a simple int format (ie 130), one stores either "am" or "pm", and one stores the days of the classes by int (so "MWF" evals to 1, "TR" evals to 2, etc). I don't know if having multiple this is the best or the "right" way to solve this problem, but these are all the tools I have (first-year comp sci student that hasn't programmed seriously since I was 16). I'm writing a function to remove the corresponding element from each lists, and all I know is that 1) the indices correspond and 2) the user inputs the course name. How can I remove the corresponding element from each list using filterNot? I don't think I know enough about each list to use higher order functions on them.
This is the use case of filter:
scala> List(1,2,3,4,5)
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> res0.filter(_ != 2)
res1: List[Int] = List(1, 3, 4, 5)
You want to use map when you are transforming all the elements of a list.
To answer your question directly, I think you're looking for patch, for instance to remove element with index 2 ("c"):
List("a","b","c","d").patch(2, Nil, 1) // List(a, b, d)
where Nil is what we're replacing it with, and 1 is the number of characters to replace.
But, if you do this:
I have four lists that are associated with each other by index; one
list stores the course names, one stores the time the class begins in
a simple int format (ie 130), one stores either "am" or "pm", and one
stores the days of the classes by int
you're going to have a bad time. I suggest you use a case class:
case class Course(name: String, time: Int, ampm: String, day: Int)
and then store them in a Set[Course]. (Storing time and days as Ints isn't a great idea either - have a look at java.util.Calendar instead.)
First a few sidenotes:
List is not an index-based structure. All index-oriented operations on it take linear time. For index-oriented algorithms Vector is a much better candidate. In fact if your algorithm requires indexes it's a sure sign that you're really not exposing Scala's functional capabilities.
map serves for transforming a collection of items "A" to the same collection of items "B" using a passed in transformer function from a single "A" to single "B". It cannot change the number of resulting elements. Probably you've confused map with fold or reduce.
To answer on your updated question
Okay, here's a functional solution, which works effectively on lists:
val (resultCourses, resultTimeList, resultAmOrPmList, resultDateList)
= (courses, timeList, amOrPmList, dateList)
.filterNot(_._1 == input)
But there's a catch. I actually came to be quite astonished to find out that functions used in this solution, which are so basic for functional languages, were not present in the standard Scala library. Scala has them for 2 and 3-ary tuples, but not the others.
To solve that you'll need to have the following implicit extensions imported.
implicit class Tuple4Zipped
[ A, B, C, D ]
( val t : (Iterable[A], Iterable[B], Iterable[C], Iterable[D]) )
extends AnyVal
def zipped
= t._1.toStream
.map{ case (((a, b), c), d) => (a, b, c, d) }
implicit class IterableUnzip4
[ A, B, C, D ]
( val ts : Iterable[(A, B, C, D)] )
extends AnyVal
def unzip4
= ts.foldRight((List[A](), List[B](), List[C](), List[D]()))(
(a, z) => (a._1 +: z._1, a._2 +: z._2, a._3 +: z._3, a._4 +: z._4)
This implementation requires Scala 2.10 as it utilizes the new effective Value Classes feature for pimping the existing types.
I have actually included these in a small extensions library called SExt, after depending your project on which you'll be able to have them by simply adding an import sext._ statement.
Of course, if you want you can just compose these functions directly into the solution:
val (resultCourses, resultTimeList, resultAmOrPmList, resultDateList)
= courses.toStream
.map{ case (((a, b), c), d) => (a, b, c, d) }
.filterNot(_._1 == input)
.foldRight((List[A](), List[B](), List[C](), List[D]()))(
(a, z) => (a._1 +: z._1, a._2 +: z._2, a._3 +: z._3, a._4 +: z._4)
Removing and filtering List elements
In Scala you can filter the list to remove elements.
scala> val courses = List("Artificial Intelligence", "Programming Languages", "Compilers", "Networks", "Databases")
courses: List[java.lang.String] = List(Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages, Compilers, Networks, Databases)
Let's remove a couple of classes:
courses.filterNot(p => p == "Compilers" || p == "Databases")
You can also use remove but it's deprecated in favor of filter or filterNot.
If you want to remove by an index you can associate each element in the list with an ordered index using zipWithIndex. So, courses.zipWithIndex becomes:
List[(java.lang.String, Int)] = List((Artificial Intelligence,0), (Programming Languages,1), (Compilers,2), (Networks,3), (Databases,4))
To remove the second element from this you can refer to index in the Tuple with courses.filterNot(_._2 == 1) which gives the list:
res8: List[(java.lang.String, Int)] = List((Artificial Intelligence,0), (Compilers,2), (Networks,3), (Databases,4))
Lastly, another tool is to use indexWhere to find the index of an arbitrary element.
courses.indexWhere(_ contains "Languages")
res9: Int = 1
Re your update
I'm writing a function to remove the corresponding element from each
lists, and all I know is that 1) the indices correspond and 2) the
user inputs the course name. How can I remove the corresponding
element from each list using filterNot?
Similar to Nikita's update you have to "merge" the elements of each list. So courses, meridiems, days, and times need to be put into a Tuple or class to hold the related elements. Then you can filter on an element of the Tuple or a field of the class.
Combining corresponding elements into a Tuple looks as follows with this sample data:
val courses = List(Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages, Compilers, Networks, Databases)
val meridiems = List(am, pm, am, pm, am)
val times = List(100, 1200, 0100, 0900, 0800)
val days = List(MWF, TTH, MW, MWF, MTWTHF)
Combine them with zip:
courses zip days zip times zip meridiems
val zipped = List[(((java.lang.String, java.lang.String), java.lang.String), java.lang.String)] = List((((Artificial Intelligence,MWF),100),am), (((Programming Languages,TTH),1200),pm), (((Compilers,MW),0100),am), (((Networks,MWF),0900),pm), (((Databases,MTWTHF),0800),am))
This abomination flattens the nested Tuples to a Tuple. There are better ways. => (x._1._1._1, x._1._1._2, x._1._2, x._2)).toList
A nice list of tuples to work with.
List[(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)] = List((Artificial Intelligence,MWF,100,am), (Programming Languages,TTH,1200,pm), (Compilers,MW,0100,am), (Networks,MWF,0900,pm), (Databases,MTWTHF,0800,am))
Finally we can filter based on course name using filterNot. e.g. filterNot(_._1 == "Networks")
List[(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)] = List((Artificial Intelligence,MWF,100,am), (Programming Languages,TTH,1200,pm), (Compilers,MW,0100,am), (Databases,MTWTHF,0800,am))
The answer I am about to give might be overstepping what you have been taught so far in your course, so if that is the case I apologise.
Firstly, you are right to question whether you should have four lists - fundamentally, it sounds like what you need is an object which represents a course:
* Represents a course.
* #param name the human-readable descriptor for the course
* #param time the time of day as an integer equivalent to
* 12 hour time, i.e. 1130
* #param meridiem the half of the day that the time corresponds
* to: either "am" or "pm"
* #param days an encoding of the days of the week the classes runs.
case class Course(name : String, timeOfDay : Int, meridiem : String, days : Int)
with which you may define an individual course
val cs101 =
Course("CS101 - Introduction to Object-Functional Programming",
1000, "am", 1)
There are better ways to define this type (better representations of 12-hour time, a clearer way to represent the days of the week, etc), but I won't deviate from your original problem statement.
Given this, you would have a single list of courses:
val courses = List(cs101, cs402, bio101, phil101)
And if you wanted to find and remove all courses that matched a given name, you would write:
val courseToRemove = "PHIL101 - Philosophy of Beard Ownership"
courses.filterNot(course => == courseToRemove)
Equivalently, using the underscore syntactic sugar in Scala for function literals:
courses.filterNot( == courseToRemove)
If there was the risk that more than one course might have the same name (or that you are filtering based on some partial criteria using a regular expression or prefix match) and that you only want to remove the first occurrence, then you could define your own function to do that:
def removeFirst(courses : List[Course], courseToRemove : String) : List[Course] =
courses match {
case Nil => Nil
case head :: tail if head == courseToRemove => tail
case head :: tail => head :: removeFirst(tail)
Use the ListBuffer is a mutable List like a java list
var l = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer("a","b" ,"c")
print(l) //ListBuffer(a, b, c)
print(l) //ListBuffer(b, c)