How do accumulate functions actually work? - drools

Let's say we have the next example :
There are certain products that belong to certain product groups, and we want the total price summed up in an logical fact as either the products in the product group change or as their price changes.
private class ProductGroup {
private String name;
public class Product {
private ProductGroup productGroup;
private int price;
This is the class that will be intended for the logical facts that will get inserted by the summation rule in Drools.
private class ProductGroupTotalPrice {
private ProductGroup productGroup;
private int totalPrice;
There is a rule that sums up the total price for a given ProductGroup.
rule "total price for product group"
$productGroup : ProductGroup()
$totalPrice : Number() from accumulate(
Product(productGroup == $productGroup, $price : price),
insertLogical(new ProductGroupTotalPrice($productGroup, $totalPrice));
So my question is what will the logic be when Products from a given ProductGroup are added/deleted from the working memory, they change the ProductGroup or their price is being changed?
- Lets say that the summation is done at the beggining of the application based on the current state and the logical fact is inserted into the working memory with the total price. Then the price for one Product is changed at one point so the totalPrice needs to be updated.
Here are three cases how the process would possibly be done :
Incrementally with doing a constant time calculation. Only take into account the change that has happened and subtract the old price from the total and add the new one for the one Product that was changed. (Excelent)
The whole summation is done again but the Product instances that meet the criteria(that are from the given ProductGroup) are already known, they are not searched for. (Good)
Besides the summation a loop through all the Product instances in the working memory is done to see which ones meet the criteria(that are from the given ProductGroup). (Bad)
Is the logic that is implemented one of these three cases or it is something else?

You can look at the documentation of the other form of accumulate, i.e., the one where you can define the steps for initialization, processings (note the plural!) and returning an arbitrary function. Some functions permit the reverse operation so that removing a fact that has been used for computing the function result can be handled: e.g., 'sum'. (But compare 'max'.)
So I think that your accumulate pattern will be updated efficiently.
However, I think that this does not mean that your logically inserted ProductGroupTotalPrice will be updated. (Try it, I may be wrong.)
I would use a simple rule
rule "total price for product group"
$productGroup: ProductGroup()
Number( $totalPrice: intValue ) from accumulate(
Product(productGroup == $productGroup, $price : price),
$pgtp: ProductGroupTotalPrice( productGroup == $productGroup,
totalPrice != $totalPrice )
modify( $pgtp ){ setTotalPrice( $totalPrice ) }
and an addition rule to insert an initial ProductGroupTotalPrice for the product group with totalPrice 0.


magento2 - How to get a product's stock status enabled/disabled?

I'm trying to get whether the product's stock status is instock/outofstock (Integers representing each state are fine. i don't necessarily need the "in stock"/"out of stock" strings per se).
I've tried various things to no avail.
$inStock = $obj->get('Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface')->getisInStock()'
// Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface :: getisInStock returns true no matter what, even for 0qty products
// summary: not useful. How do you get the real one?
$inStock = $obj->get('\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStateInterface')->verifyStock($_product->getId());
// test results for "verifyStock":
// a 0 qty product is in stock
// a 0 qty product is out of stock
// summary: fail. find correct method, with tests.
$stockItemRepository = $obj->get('Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\Stock\StockItemRepository');
stockItem = $stockItemRepository->get($_product->getId());
$inStock = $stockItem->getIsInStock();
// Uncaught Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException: Stock Item with id "214"
// summmary: is stockitem not 1to1 with proudctid?
The weird thing is, getting stock quantities works just fine.
$availability = (String)$obj->get('\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStateInterface')->getStockQty($_product->getId(), $_product->getStore()->getWebsiteId());
So why isn't getIsInStock working?
This was one way I did it.
$stockItemResource = $obj->create('Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\ResourceModel\Stock\Item');
// grab ALL stock items (i.e. object that contains stock information)
$stockItemSelect = $stockItemResource->getConnection()->select()->from($stockItemResource->getMainTable());
$stockItems = $stockItemResource->getConnection()->fetchAll($stockItemSelect);
$inStock = null;
foreach($stockItems as $k => $item) {
if ($item['product_id'] == $_productId) {
$inStock = $item['is_in_stock'];
break; // not breaking properly. 'qz' still prints
Notes on efficiency:
I'm sure there are another ways to target the single item specifically, instead of getting all. Either through a method, or by adjusting the query passed in somehow.
But this method is probably more efficient for large n, avoiding the n+1 query problem.
You do still end up iterating through a lot, but perhaps theta(n) of iterating through a cached PHP variable is probably lower than n+1 querying the database. Haven't tested, just a hypothesis.
The returned structure is an array of arrays, where the sub-array (which also happens to be a stock item) has the product ID and the stock status value. And because the product ID and the stock status value is on the same level of nesting, we have no choice but to iterate through each sub-array to check the product_id, choose that sub-array, and grab the stock value. In short, we can't just utilize the hashmap, since the keys of the sub-array are not product IDs.
Ultimately, the efficiency of this depends on your use case. Rarely will you grab all stock items, unless doing mass exports. So the ultimate goal is to really just stay within the configured time limit is allowed for a request to persist.

Can't make accumulate to work properly

I have the following class structure (Class A contains Class B):
class A {
B object;
and I'm trying to do something whenever the average of the accumulation of a specific field in class B is above a given value.
so I'm trying to write the following :
A($var1 : object)
accumulate( B($num:num) from $var1;
$avg1 : avg ($num); $avg1 < 10000)
then ...
what happens is that instead of accumulating all entities in the session and calculating the average for all of them, the average is being calculated on each entity separately.
so if the session already contains 5 numeric values which bigger than 10000 and another one is inserted then the "then" part is invoked 6 times (each one with average value the equals to the numeric value itself) instead of only once.
Do you have some hint that might help me to solve that?
You have to accumulate over all A facts accessing the field num of field object.
accumulate( A( $var1: object );
$avg1: avg($var1.getNum()); $avg1 < 10000)
then ...
Inserting all B objects as facts as well would permit you to write the straightforward
accumulate( B( $num: num );
$avg1: avg($num); $avg1 < 10000)
then ...

Drools accumulate method that returns zero if no matching source fact

I am trying to implement a rule in Drools that calculates the sum of a some property of a fact. That works great using accumulate and sum. The problem is that when there are not fact that matches the criteria in the source part of the accumulate method the rule is not executed.
I would like the sum method to return zero if no fact is matching and that the rest of the when clauses is checked. Is that possible somehow?
I am using Drools 6.0.1
The problem seems to lie in the the and clause. Here is a code that is my problem.
rule "accu"
$n: Number()
from accumulate( $o: Order() and OrderLine( $v: quantity ),
System.out.println("*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* Accu has fired *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#");
With only Order or OrderLine it works. I have a feeling I am attacking the problem the wrong way. In my real case the value I want to sum up is in the OrderLine but the criteria is in another class.
$ol : OrderLine($q : quantity)
$ac : ArticleClass(orderLine == $ol, crtiteria1=efg, criteria2=abc)
But accumulate does return 0 when there are no matching elements.
rule accu
$n: Number()
from accumulate( Fact( prop == "C", $v: value ),
This fires in the absence of Fact facts with prop == "C" and it fires if there are no Fact facts at all. (Drools 5.5.0)
Please provide full code reproducing the error, Drools version, etc.

Create Accumulate function on Drools Decision table

I am trying to create accumulate function condition on Decision table. Please help me that How to create on Decision table.
My accumulate rule function is
$i : Double(doubleValue > 1000 ) from accumulate( Product($productQty:quantity),sum($productQty))
System.out.println( "The quantity is exceeded more than 1000 and the total value is " + $i );
You can create a column
n condition
n+1 $i : Double() from accumulate( Product($productQty:quantity),sum($productQty))
n+2 doubleValue > $param
n+3 add quantitities and check
n+4 1000
Two comments.
This is not well-suited for decision tables unless you plan to check for different ranges of the accumulated value.
Why do you use double for counting what is, most likely, integral quantities? I'd be surprise if the accumulated stock exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE. In short: use Number in the pattern and intValue in the constraint.

To satisfy x out of y constraints

I am making a timetabling program which does one to one matches from SubjectTeacherPeriod (planning entity) to Period. There comes a case when I need to: "for y periods, atleast x of the SubjectTeacherPeriod must match a match_condition"
For example, I want to constrain 3 particular periods, atleast two of them to be taught by teachers who match to asst prof.
Here is the data structure holding such a constraint:
Class XOfYPeriods
SomeType match_condition
int x
List<Period> Periods //problem
SubjectTeacherPeriod has a Period, of course
class SubjectTeacherPeriod
int id
SomeType attrib
Period period
How do I write a rule that evaluates individual Periods from a list to check if x number of SubjectTeacherPeriods that are allocated those Periods meet the match condition?
Do correct me if I am defining my classes in bad form.
For the sake of example, here is a statement to be evaluated to determine a match: eval(matches($stp_attrib,$match_condition))
Sorry for the use of Pseudocode if it confused more than clarified. The SomeType is actually List< String> and thus the match condition is checked with a Collections.disjoint
I will give it a try, but not sure I completely understand your problem statement:
rule "X of Y Periods"
$c : XOfYPeriods( )
$list : List( size > $c.x ) from
accumulate( $stp : SubjectTeacherPeriod( matches(attrib, $c.match_condition),
period memberOf $c.periods ),
collectList( $stp ) )
// $list of STP that match the condition and
// whose period matches one of the periods in the list
Hope it helps.