where is postgresql-docs pdf? - postgresql

So I installed postgresql-docs:
[root#me ~]# yum info postgresql93-docs.x86_64
Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper
Installed Packages
Name : postgresql93-docs
Arch : x86_64
Version : 9.3.14
Release : 1.62.amzn1
Size : 13 M
Repo : installed
From repo : amzn-main
Summary : Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
URL : http://www.postgresql.org/
License : PostgreSQL
Description : The postgresql-docs package contains some additional documentation for
: PostgreSQL. Currently, this includes the main documentation in PDF format
: and source files for the PostgreSQL tutorial.
And cheked docs:
[root#me ~]# find / -name *.pdf
None found! Only /usr/share/doc/postgresql93-docs-9.3.14/html has html docs.
Q: Is it bad package description or where in directory structure can I find that pdf file?..


Where can I get NPM package information from a Github Repository?

I want to be able to get a few information about NPM packages in a Javascript based repository on Github.
I want to believe I can see them from the package.json file the repositories.
Please any help or guideline on this?.
I will like to extract the needed information using powershell from the file.
Determine the URL for the raw content of the package.json file of interest:
E.g., for the json5 package, click on the Repository link to go to the associated GitHub repository, navigate to the package.json file and click on the Raw button to get the raw URL.
Then use Invoke-RestMethod with the raw URL to retrieve and parse the content of the package's package.json file into an object whose properties you can access (the for-display output below shows the properties in the left column, and their values to the right - note the dependencies / devDependencies properties denoting what other packages the package at hand depends on at runtime / design time):
PS> Invoke-RestMethod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/json5/json5/master/package.json
name : json5
version : 2.2.0
description : JSON for humans.
main : lib/index.js
module : dist/index.mjs
bin : lib/cli.js
browser : dist/index.js
types : lib/index.d.ts
files : {lib/, dist/}
engines : #{node=>=6}
scripts : #{build=rollup -c; build-package=node build/package.js; build-unicode=node build/unicode.js; coverage=tap --coverage-report html test; lint=eslint --fix .; prepublishOnly=npm run production; preversion=npm run production; production=npm run lint && npm test && npm run build; test=tap -Rspec --100 test; version=npm run build-package && git add package.json5}
repository : #{type=git; url=git+https://github.com/json5/json5.git}
keywords : {json, json5, es5, es2015…}
author : Aseem Kishore <aseem.kishore#gmail.com>
contributors : {Max Nanasy <max.nanasy#gmail.com>, Andrew Eisenberg <andrew#eisenberg.as>, Jordan Tucker <jordanbtucker#gmail.com>}
license : MIT
bugs : #{url=https://github.com/json5/json5/issues}
homepage : http://json5.org/
dependencies : #{minimist=^1.2.5}
devDependencies : #{core-js=^2.6.5; eslint=^5.15.3; eslint-config-standard=^12.0.0; eslint-plugin-import=^2.16.0; eslint-plugin-node=^8.0.1; eslint-plugin-promise=^4.0.1; eslint-plugin-standard=^4.0.0; regenerate=^1.4.0; rollup=^0.64.1; rollup-plugin-buble=^0.19.6; rollup-plugin-commonjs=^9.2.1; rollup-plugin-node-resolve=^3.4.0; rollup-plugin-terser=^1.0.1; sinon=^6.3.5; tap=^12.6.0; unicode-10.0.0=^0.7.5}
Deriving the URLs programmatically:
# Package name.
$npmPackageName = 'json5'
# Derive the package's npm registry URL
$npmUrl = "https://www.npmjs.com/package/$npmPackageName"
# Derive the associated API URL
$npmApiUrl = $npmUrl -replace '(?<=/)www(?=.)', 'replicate' -replace '/package'
# Derive the source-code repository URL
$repoUrl = Invoke-RestMethod $npmApiUrl |
ForEach-Object { $_.repository.url.Substring($_.repository.type.Length+1) }
# Assuming the source-code repository is a GitHub URL,
# derive the *raw* URL from it, from which files can be downloaded
# as-is.
$rawGitHubUrl= 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/' + ($repoUrl -replace '\.git$' -replace '^https://github\.com/')
# Derive the raw URL for the package.json file.
$rawPackageJsonUrl = "$rawGitHubUrl/master/package.json"
# Parse the package.json file's JSON content into an object
$objectFromPackageJson = Invoke-RestMethod $rawPackageJsonUrl
# Output an example property.

Error in QGIS The following layers were not correctly generated

I new in qgis and i have error when trying to polygonize raster layer in vector. I dont understand - why its not working.
Image from photoshop in 2 colors - black and transparent.
Can somebody help me?
QGIS version: 3.8.2-Zanzibar
QGIS code revision: 4470baa1a3
Qt version: 5.11.2
GDAL version: 2.4.1
GEOS version: 3.7.2-CAPI-1.11.0 b55d2125
PROJ version: Rel. 5.2.0, September 15th, 2018
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'Polygonize (raster to vector)' starting…
Input parameters:
{ 'BAND' : 1, 'EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS' : False, 'FIELD' : 'DN', 'INPUT' : 'C:/Users/Ya/Desktop/youdrive_countur_modified.tif', 'OUTPUT' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT' }
GDAL command:
python3 -m gdal_polygonize C:/Users/Ya/Desktop/youdrive_countur_modified.tif C:/Users/Ya/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_10b1eb77e9d647d793fbad6baec49774/30543f2183314e709d1b01c30ffa56ab/OUTPUT.shp -b 1 -f "ESRI Shapefile" OUTPUT DN
GDAL command output:
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...Creating output C:/Users/Ya/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_10b1eb77e9d647d793fbad6baec49774/30543f2183314e709d1b01c30ffa56ab/OUTPUT.shp of format ESRI Shapefile.
100 - done.
Execution completed in 6.84 seconds
{'OUTPUT': 'C:/Users/Ya/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_10b1eb77e9d647d793fbad6baec49774/30543f2183314e709d1b01c30ffa56ab/OUTPUT.shp'}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/Users/Ya/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_10b1eb77e9d647d793fbad6baec49774/30543f2183314e709d1b01c30ffa56ab/OUTPUT.shp</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
I dont know why, but after reinstall qgis all works fine. Before i used qgis 3.8. Now install 3.4 and all fine. System Win 10.

pacman -Syuu : error: failed retrieving file ("Operation too slow" and "SSL certificate problem")

I am having troubles when trying to upgrade my Portable Msys2 under Win 10 with pacman -Syuu, as detailed below.
I did this before with no problem.
What could the problem and solution be?
$ pacman -Syuu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
mingw32 is up to date
mingw64 is up to date
msys is up to date
:: Starting core system upgrade...
there is nothing to do
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: grep: downgrading from version 3.1-1 to version 3.0-2
warning: libgc: downgrading from version 8.0.0-1 to version 7.6.8-1
warning: mingw-w64-x86_64-binutils: downgrading from version 2.31.1-2 to version 2.30-5
:: Replace mingw-w64-x86_64-minizip with mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-zlib? [Y/n] y
:: Replace mingw-w64-x86_64-vulkan with mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-vulkan-loader? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (217) autogen-5.18.16-1 bison-3.3.2-1 brotli-1.0.7-1 ca-certificates-20180409-1 cmake-3.13.2-1 curl-7.64.0-2 diffutils-3.7-1 doxygen-1.8.15-1
Total Download Size: 1400.65 MiB
Total Installed Size: 9648.15 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 261.06 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
error: failed retrieving file 'mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-5.12.1-5-any.pkg.tar.xz' from repo.msys2.org : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds
error: failed retrieving file 'mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-5.12.1-5-any.pkg.tar.xz' from sourceforge.net : SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
error: failed retrieving file 'mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-5.12.1-5-any.pkg.tar.xz' from www2.futureware.at : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds
error: failed retrieving file 'mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-5.12.1-5-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.yandex.ru : SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
warning: failed to retrieve some files
error: failed to commit transaction (download library error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
As per this, my repo configuration seems to be ok:
$ pacman-conf.exe
RootDir = /
DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
HoldPkg = pacman
Architecture = i686
UseDelta = 0.000000
CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
SigLevel = PackageRequired
SigLevel = PackageTrustedOnly
SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
SigLevel = DatabaseTrustedOnly
LocalFileSigLevel = PackageOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = PackageTrustedOnly
Usage = All
Server = http://repo.msys2.org/mingw/i686/
Server = https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/REPOS/MINGW/i686/
Server = http://www2.futureware.at/~nickoe/msys2-mirror/mingw/i686/
Server = https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/msys2/mingw/i686/
Usage = All
Server = http://repo.msys2.org/mingw/x86_64/
Server = https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/REPOS/MINGW/x86_64/
Server = http://www2.futureware.at/~nickoe/msys2-mirror/mingw/x86_64/
Server = https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/msys2/mingw/x86_64/
Usage = All
Server = http://repo.msys2.org/msys/i686/
Server = https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/REPOS/MSYS2/i686/
Server = http://www2.futureware.at/~nickoe/msys2-mirror/msys/i686/
Server = https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/msys2/msys/i686/
It was suggested in a comment that I execute pacman-mirrors ...
There seems to be no such executable in my system (either script, alias, etc.)
On the other hand, it seems I already have pacman-mirrors, and that it does not provide any executable (at least in msys2). Is this correct?
$ updatedb
$ locate pacman-mirrors
$ pacman -Ql pacman-mirrors
pacman-mirrors /etc/
pacman-mirrors /etc/pacman.d/
pacman-mirrors /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.mingw32
pacman-mirrors /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.mingw64
pacman-mirrors /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.msys
$ pacman --needed -S bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime
warning: bash-4.4.023-1 is up to date -- skipping
warning: pacman-5.1.2-2 is up to date -- skipping
warning: pacman-mirrors-20180604-2 is up to date -- skipping
warning: msys2-runtime-2.11.2-1 is up to date -- skipping
You can disable the timeout of pacman with the parameter --disable-download-timeout. Then you should be able to download
It's described on the man-page for pacman.
Also --gpgdir to Specify a directory of files used by GnuPG to verify package signatures might be useful.
Additional you can consider using the parameter --noconfirm
to bypass any and all “Are you sure?” messages.
About the certificates I'm not sure, perhaps the local paths are not configured correctly. Nevertheless you've two domains, that still serve by http.
In browser the download works btw. it just has finished, the screenshot is still showing the download in progress:
I've also faced this problem but I got the solution: Open Add or Remove Softwares and go to Preferences and then change your official repositories to Canada then Refresh mirror lists
It may work now
The following were the steps I used to solve the problem;
sudo nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (to open the mirror list on manjaro or any arch based distro)
In the mirror list, all the source servers will be active. Put a hash at the beginning of each line of a selected active server to prevent the server from being contacted during the download process. You don't need all of the servers to be active, so only allow countries close to you and place a hash in front of all other servers that aren't.
## Generated on 2022-08-16 12:13
## Please use 'pacman-mirrors -f [NUMBER] [NUMBER]' to modify mirrorlist
## (Use 0 for all mirrors)
## Country : Poland
# Server = https://mirror.tuchola-dc.pl/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Hungary
# Serve<p>r = http://mirror.infotronik.hu/mirrors/pub/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Germany
Server = http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Brazil
# Server = http://linorg.usp.br/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Costa_Rica
# Server = https://mirrors.ucr.ac.cr/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Australia
Server = http://mirror.ventraip.net.au/Manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Australia
Server = http://mirror.ventraip.net.au/Manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Germany
Server = http://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/manjaro.org/repos/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Germany
Server = https://repo.rhindon.net/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Brazil
#Server = https://manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : United_States
Server = https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Poland
#Server = http://mirror.chmuri.net/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : China
#Server = https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/manjarostable/$repo/$arch
## Country : China</p>
#Server = https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
## Country : Germany
Server =https://mirror.netzspielplatz.de/manjaro/packages/stable/$repo/$arch```

VSTS-Agent cannot chmod

(target machines : RedHat 7)
I use the "Copy File" task, which works fine when using the "Overwrite" option
but when not using that option , I receive a EPERM permission denied when the vstsagent tries to chmod some files already there
there is an obvious security policy that forbids anything else but root (and sudo commands) to do chmod's on the file system
how can we adress this issue without compromising our system security ?
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9255736Z ##[section]Starting: Copy Files to: /data/apache/var/www/html/******
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9380638Z ==============================================================================
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9408913Z Task : Copy Files
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9437816Z Description : Copy files from source folder to target folder using match patterns (The match patterns will only match file paths, not folder paths)
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9466225Z Version : 2.117.0
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9494054Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9522338Z Help : [More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)
2018-06-19T13:03:59.9550616Z ==============================================================================
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5528521Z found 7 files
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5585656Z Copying /home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/r3/a/artifact/drop/delete_files.sh to /data/apache/var/www/html/******/delete_files.sh
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5743041Z Copying /home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/r3/a/artifact/drop/images/home/blog-image01.png to /data/apache/var/www/html/******/images/home/blog-image01.png
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5773633Z Copying /home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/r3/a/artifact/drop/images/home/blog-image02.png to /data/apache/var/www/html/******/images/home/blog-image02.png
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5803794Z Copying /home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/r3/a/artifact/drop/images/home/blog-image03.png to /data/apache/var/www/html/******/images/home/blog-image03.png
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5833235Z Copying /home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/r3/a/artifact/drop/index.php to /data/apache/var/www/html/******/index.php
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5861627Z shell.js: internal error
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5890403Z Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod '/data/apache/var/www/html/******/index.php'
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5918532Z at Error (native)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5946236Z at Object.fs.chmodSync (fs.js:1168:18)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.5975560Z at copyFileSync (/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/node_modules/shelljs/src/cp.js:41:6)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6005484Z at /home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/node_modules/shelljs/src/cp.js:198:5
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6034026Z at Array.forEach (native)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6063516Z at Object._cp (/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/node_modules/shelljs/src/cp.js:157:11)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6094451Z at Object.cp (/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/node_modules/shelljs/src/common.js:186:23)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6124783Z at Object.cp (/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/node_modules/vsts-task-lib/task.js:827:15)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6154870Z at matchedFiles.forEach.err (/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/copyfiles.js:119:20)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6183521Z at Array.forEach (native)
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6774571Z ##[error]Exit code 1 returned from process: file name '/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/externals/node/bin/node', arguments '"/home/saehqvsts/vstsagent2/_work/_tasks/CopyFiles_5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c/2.117.0/copyfiles.js"'.
2018-06-19T13:04:00.6890413Z ##[section]Finishing: Copy Files to: /data/apache/var/www/html/******
That's because the files are existing there, you just need to clean up the existing files in that path or using the "Overwrite" option to overwrite them.

Beaker Notebook start Anaconda Python on Windows

How should I configure Beaker to use my pre-installed Anaconda Python3? I followed the instructions here, and then here, but with no success. My beaker.pref.json file looks like:
"autocomplete-parameters" : "true",
"pref-format" : "1",
"allow-anonymous-usage-tracking" : true,
"languages" : {
"IPython" : {
"path" : "c:\\Python\\Anaconda"
"Python2" : {
"path" : "c:\\Python\\Anaconda\\envs\\py27"
"Python3" : {
"path" : "c:\\Python\\Anaconda"
"advanced-mode" : false,
"edit-mode" : "default"
I tried it without Python2, but still not work. My browser always open, but it's unable to connect to the server.
The output of beaker.pref.json run is:
c:\Beaker>REM limitations under the License.
starting nginx instance (c:\Beaker/nginx)
nginx-stderr>nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: CreateFile() "C:\Users\itsme\.beaker\v1\nginx8685613245756631317/logs/error.log" failed (1113: Form
atMessage() error:(15100))
nginx-stderr>2016/04/29 16:03:50 [emerg] 3548#14984: CreateFile() "C:\Users\itsme\.beaker\v1\nginx8685613245756631317/conf/nginx.conf" failed (1113: FormatMes
sage() error:(15105))
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-8.1.13.v20130916
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started SelectChannelConnector#
Connecting to
Of course, Jupyter works perfectly.
Thank you for any help!!
It looks like BeakerX is the successor of Beaker! Check BeakerX over the Internet.
To install it, just do: conda install -c beakerx beakerx
Don't use Beaker anymore, otherwise, you may lose much time trying to solve it.