Disable the instance of DUT from Test-bench - system-verilog

Please help to resolve one issue that I am facing connected with disabling DUT instanced.
My DUT top module has many instances in it, but my test does not need them.
Is there any way to disable these instances from test-bench.
For example this is my DUT module prototype:
module top (…….);
// instances needs to be disabled
module1 #(16) inst1 (.CLK(clk_100),.PAD_RSTN(ext_reset_n),.RSTN(global_reset_n));
module2 #(16) inst2 (.CLK(clk_100),.PAD_RSTN(ext_reset_n),.RSTN(pcie_reset_n));
pcie_module #(…) inst_pci (…..);
// main test target instances
target_testmodule #(…) test_inst(…);
child1_of_target_testmodule #(…) test_inst_child1(…);
child2_of_target_testmodule #(…) test_inst_child2(…);
so my test-bench will only test the target_testmodule and its child modules.
I am using bind to connect the interface to target_testmodule and then starting to drive the pins of target_testmodule. And the target_testmodule drives its child module pins.
So for this test I don’t need pci_module instace or other instaces, because they are big instances take much time, provides lots of warning and also they drive some of the target_testmodule ports which I don’t neet.
My question is there some mechanism to disable the pci module from the test-bench. I don’t have write permission to top module to comment the instances or put them inside `ifdefs.

Your first mechanism is to ask the person who locked the file to change it so you can get your job done more efficiently. They can put in generate or ifdef statements for you.
If you had separate clock or enables signals, you could force them to an inactive state
copy and modify a local copy of the top-level file and have that file used instead. The are a number of ways to substitute the local module

Beyond getting write permission, the next easiest way would be to make you own top.
Verilog (since IEEE1364-2001) and SystemVerilog do have a way to compile different modules of the same name into different libraries, then use a configuration to decided which one will be used during elaboration. You could use this technique to use swap the module instances you don't want with simplified or dummy version. Depending your testing environment is configured, implementing this configurations can be tricky. If you are up for the challenge, then read IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 33. Configuring the contents of a design


threadx module allocating module data section in run time

I see that when loading threadx module, the data section is allocated in run time from byte pool (at _txm_module_manager_internal_load).
Is there a way to define in advance (in the module preamble or such) the place where the module data will be located?
How dose the module code knows where its globals are located? the compiler can't know their addresses because the place of the data is determined at run time (I suppose somewhere in the assembly porting there is some relative address to the data section that changes for each module that the globals are accessed through it, but I am not so familiar with arm assembly to find it by myself).
The location of data for each module is determined at run-time. This is to allow loading the same module more than once, each instance having separate data, in different locations.
Globals are located in the data area. The modules are compiled as position independent code and position independent data. While loading the module the module startup code is provided with the load address of the data. The specifics of how this is achieved are different for each architecture and compiler.
#Andrés has answered correctly, but I wanted to add some info. You must build a Module with position independent code and data (e.g. ROPI and RWPI options if using the ARM compilers). The GCC options look like below (I bolded the relevant compiler options needed for position independence):
arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -g -mcpu=cortex-m4 **-fpie -fno-plt -mpic-data-is-text-relative -msingle-pic-base** txm_module_preamble.s
Let us know if you have further questions.

Prism modules : reference assembly once

EDIT : got it shorter.
We created three modules following the prism doc and our requirements.
We did a horizontal slices with modules.
In the UserInterface we are using Syncfusion components and other packages, and It would be great to put everything in the UserInterface module but how can we reference nuget assemblies from that module in the shell (to apply theming for example) to avoid having references in each modules & the shell ?
Should we add nugetpackage to each module and the shell (is it bad... ?) or is it possible to have one module which defines base class referencing external assemblies for example and that would be themable (with ResourceDictionary) & usable in the whole solution (shell & other modules) .
Very broad question, it might well be closed, but I try to give you a few guiding thoughts:
Generally, you either slice horizontally (as you did, UI-module with all the views plus logic-module with all the services) or vertically (as your Product-module suggests: views, view models, services for the product in one module, those for the user in another).
You can do both, but then you should "slice through", so one module for product-ui, one for user-ui, one for product-services, one for user-services... you get the idea. That means a lot of modules, though.
Also, when creating your modules, have an idea of what you want to achieve. Modules can encapsulate components to be reused in another app. Or they can encapsulate exchangeable components, so you could create a car-sharing app today and tomorrow swap out the car-module for a bike-module and have a bike-sharing app. Or they can be used to enforce segregation of code based on risk analysis in a regulated environment. What I'm trying to convey: don't create modules just to have modules, make each module have a defined purpose.
Also, define the interfaces for the modules. I don't like modules to reference each other, as it effectively destroys all segregation that would otherwise be there. Create seperate non-module assemblies that only contain public interfaces. Then make your modules contain the implementations as internal types. In an ideal world, no module assembly contains a public type. The interface-assemblies can be either per module or per consumer or per link between modules (those checked boxes in your N2-chart, you have one, don't you?).
You want to keep the number of modules reasonable, as well as the dependencies between them (not as in "assembly references" but through interface-assembly).
how can we reference nuget assemblies from that module in the shell (to apply theming for example) to avoid having references in each modules & the shell ?
You should separate the "interface" part (e.g. base classes or DTOs, not part of the module) and the actual services part (that's the module). Example: unity has a nuget package for the interfaces (Unity.Abstractions) and one that contains the container implementation (Unity.Container). There's nothing wrong with everyone referencing the interface, basically, that's saying "I want to use that interface".

More than one V4L-DVB driver on the same host machine

I have a question related to V4L-DVB drivers. Following the
Building/Compiling the Latest V4L-DVB Source Code link, there are 3 ways to
compile. I am curious about the last approach (More "Manually
Intensive" Approach). It allows me to choose the components that I
wish to build and install using the "make menuconfig". Some of these components (i.e. "CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH") are used in pre-processor directives that define a function in one shape if defined, and a function in another if not defined (i.e.
dvb_attach, dvb_detach) in the resulting modules (i.e. dvb_core.ko)
that will be loaded by most of the DVB drivers. What happens if there are two
drivers (*.ko modules) on the same host machine, one that needs dvb_core.ko with
CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH defined and another that needs dvb_core.ko with
CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH undefined, is there a clean way to handle this?
What is also not clear to me is: Since the V4L compilation environment seems very customizable (by setting the .config file), if I develop a driver using V4L-DVB structures, there is a big chance that it has conflicts with other drivers since each driver has its own custom settings. Is my understanding correct?

Variable subsystem implementation in Simulink 2007a

I've seen that it's already implemented in Matlab R2013 in the form of Variant Subsystems, but budget and convenience don't show the upgrade necessary yet:
I am seeking a subsystem in which a concrete implementation can be selected prior to running the simulation, in Matlab R2007a.
A bunch of enabled subsystems along with a switch block connected to a masked variable would do the trick, however the whole family of selectable implementations must coexist inside the "container" subsystem.
Any workaround, other than upgrading to R2013?
Thank you.
I have come up with the following workaround.
1- Include all the possible implementations in a Library
2- Create a Configurable Subsystem block in the Library and edit it to include all the desired implementations
3- Right clicking in a Configurable Subsystem instance will show the "Block Choice" option where the desired implementation can be chosen.
Regardless of differences that may exist with respect to the Variant Subsystem solution when it comes to code generation, RT targets etc..., this solution works for me.

Logging within utility classes

I want to adopt logging within several utility classes, e. g. DBI. What is the best practice to do it with Log::Log4perl?
I think it is OK to subclass DBI (say, MyDBI) and override some methods there to make them do the logging. But there's a problem with categories. If you create a logger with
Log::Log4perl->get_logger(ref $self || $self)
then all log entries belong to MyDBI and it would be hard to filter them. So it seems better to me to pass a logger to MyDBI from the calling module (say, MyModule), so that category would be semantically right. The first question, is it OK in general? I mean, are there any hidden reefs regarding such approach?
The second question, how to pass the logger to MyDBI? I have an idea to declare a global variable, e. g. $MyDBI::logger and set in the calling method:
local $MyDBI::logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(ref $self || $self);
There's a traditional dislike for global variables. Can you think of a better way?
EDIT: Of course, the best code is no code. caller would suffice, if it took inheritance into account.
The third question, is it possible to log into both categories, MyDBI and MyModule, with Log::Log4perl, if they are hierarchically unrelated?
I would strongly encourage you to to log independently on the caller in a separate logger either per function or per module, so that you can run your module independently of log4perl used in your caller.
Each module will create its own logger with Log::Log4perl->get_logger("module name").If the caller does not create any appender, the program will simply not log anything and the log4perl in the modules will be ignored from a functional stand point. Log4Perl implements a singleton pattern for creating a logger, which is similar to a global variable.
Your Logging should be fine-grained as possible and as a rule of thumb I log in debug any input parameter and any result of a function/method. If really necessary, you can also use the stack trace to find out the caller which has lead to the error condition. Adding it into the parameters does just add additional complexity.
The following recipes might give you some more ideas about the flexibility on the configuration side of log4perl.Log4Perl Recipes The whole idea for me is to keep the code unchanged and change the logging configuration depending on my actual logging/bug tracing requirements (which might change in the future). To keep the code unchanged if possible is even more important with modules as you want to avoid testing all calling programs.
To answer your questions in brief.
1.) Each module should have its own logger
2.) Thus do not add the loggers into the interface
3.) Log4Perl will log on all levels depending on your appender configuration. This way you control what you will see not see - normal level will usually be INFO and specific modules might be in debug. In bad cases the Pattern layout will allow you to add the stack trace into the logging purely with configuration.