How to save data in parquet format and append entries - scala

I am trying to follow this example to save some data in parquet format and read it. If I use the write.parquet("filename"), then the iterating Spark job gives error that
"filename" already exists.
If I use SaveMode.Append option, then the Spark job gives the error
".spark.sql.AnalysisException: Specifying database name or other qualifiers are not allowed for temporary tables".
Please let me know the best way to ensure new data is just appended to the parquet file. Can I define primary keys on these parquet tables?
I am using Spark 1.6.2 on Hortonworks 2.5 system. Here is the code:
// Option 1: peopleDF.write.parquet("people.parquet")
//Option 2:
// Read in the parquet file created above
val parquetFile ="people.parquet")
//Parquet files can also be registered as tables and then used in SQL statements.
val teenagers = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM people.parquet")

I believe if you use .parquet("...."), you should use .mode('append'),
not SaveMode.Append:


FileNotFoundException in Azure Synapse when trying to delete a Parquet file and replace it with a dataframe created from the original file

I am trying to delete an existing Parquet file and replace it with data in a dataframe that read the data in the original Parquet file before deleting it. This is in Azure Synapse using PySpark.
So I created the Parquet file from a dataframe and put it in the path:
I am trying to update this Parquet file. From what I am reading, you can't edit a Parquet file so as a workaround, I am reading the file into a new dataframe:
df =
I then create a new dataframe with the update:
df_variance = spark.sql("""SELECT * FROM temp_table WHERE ....""")
and the df_variance dataframe is created.
I then delete the original file with:
mssparkutils.fs.rm(full_file_path, True)
and the original file is deleted. But when I do any operation with the df_variance dataframe, like df_variance.count(), I get a FileNotFoundException error. What I am really trying to do is:
and that is also a FileNotFoundException error. But I am finding that any operation I try to do with the df_variance dataframe is producing this error. So I am thinking it might have to do with the fact that the original full_file_path has been deleted and that the df_variance dataframe maintains some sort of reference to the (now deleted) file path, or something like that. Please help. Thanks.
Spark dataframes aren't collections of rows. Spark dataframes use "deferred execution". Only when you call
is a spark job run that reads from the source, performs your transformations, and writes to the destination.
A Spark dataframe is really just a query that you can compose with other expressions before finally running it.
You might want to move on from parquet to delta.

Spark-Optimization Techniques

Hi I have 90 GB data In CSV file I'm loading this data into one temp table and then from temp table to orc table using select insert command but for converting and loading data into orc format its taking 4 hrs in spark sql.Is there any kind of optimization technique which i can use to reduce this time.As of now I'm not using any kind of optimization technique I'm just using spark sql and loading data from csv file to table(textformat) and then from this temp table to orc table(using select insert)
using spark submit as:
spark-submit \
--class class-name\
--jar file
or can I add any extra Parameter in spark submit for improving the optimization.
scala code(sample):
All Imports
object sample_1 {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//sparksession with enabled hivesuppport
var a1=sparksession.sql("load data inpath 'filepath' overwrite into table table_name")
var b1=sparksession.sql("insert into tablename (all_column) select 'ALL_COLUMNS' from source_table")
First of all, you don't need to store the data in the temp table to write into hive table later. You can straightaway read the file and write the output using the DataFrameWriter API. This will reduce one step from your code.
You can write as follows:
val spark = SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
val df = //Add header or delimiter options if needed
inputDF.write.mode("append").format(outputFormat).saveAsTable(outputDB + "." + outputTableName)
Here, the outputFormat will be orc, the outputDB will be your hive database and outputTableName will be your Hive table name.
I think using the above technique, your write time will reduce significantly. Also, please mention the resources your job is using and I may be able to optimize it further.
Another optimization you can use is to partition your dataframe while writing. This will make the write operation faster. However, you need to decide the columns on which to partition carefully so that you don't end up creating a lot of partitions.

create DataSet<Row> from Dataset created reading from a socket (Spark Java)

In Spark Streaming when the input source is a csv file and I read it through a socket (Java), a Dataset<Row> is created with only a string column and the value of each row contains each line sent through the socket.
When I know the format of each line, e.g. the first two values of the csv line are Strings the next is an integer and so on, is t possible to declare my schema and create another Dataset<Row> based on that schema and place the data accordingly?
Thank you in advance.
First of all,if it is csv i dont see any point to use spark streaming for that.It will be hisotrical data ,data is not changing.So you should use spark sql only to read and process csv.
You can create your schema by crating StructField and decalre data types.

Databricks - failing to write from a DataFrame to a Delta location

I wanted to change a column name of a Databricks Delta table.
So I did the following:
// Read old table data
val old_data_DF ="delta")
// Created a new DF with a renamed column
val new_data_DF = old_data_DF
.withColumnRenamed("column_a", "metric1")
// Dropped and recereated the Delta files location
dbutils.fs.rm("dbfs:/mnt/main/sales", true)
// Trying to write the new DF to the location
Here I'm getting an Error at the last step when writing to Delta: dbfs:/mnt/main/sales/sale_date_partition=2019-04-29/part-00000-769.c000.snappy.parquet
A file referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. This occurs when data has been manually deleted from the file system rather than using the table `DELETE` statement
Obviously the data was deleted and most likely I've missed something in the above logic. Now the only place that contains the data is the new_data_DF.
Writing to a location like dbfs:/mnt/main/sales_tmp also fails
What should I do to write data from new_data_DF to a Delta location?
In general, it is a good idea to avoid using rm on Delta tables. Delta's transaction log can prevent eventual consistency issues in most cases, however, when you delete and recreate a table in a very short time, different versions of the transaction log can flicker in and out of existence.
Instead, I'd recommend using the transactional primitives provided by Delta. For example, to overwrite the data in a table you can:
If you have a table that has already been corrupted, you can fix it using FSCK.
You could do that in the following way.
// Read old table data
val old_data_DF ="delta")
// Created a new DF with a renamed column
val new_data_DF = old_data_DF
.withColumnRenamed("column_a", "metric1")
// Trying to write the new DF to the location
.mode("overwrite") // this would overwrite the whole data files
.option("overwriteSchema", "true") //this is the key line.
OverWriteSchema option will create new physical files with latest schema that we have updated during transformation.

Convert csv.gz files into Parquet using Spark

I need to implement converting csv.gz files in a folder, both in AWS S3 and HDFS, to Parquet files using Spark (Scala preferred). One of the columns of the data is a timestamp and I only have a week of dataset. The timestamp format is:
'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'
The output that I desire is that for every day, there is a folder (or partition) where the Parquet files for that specific date is located. So there would 7 output folders or partitions.
I only have a faint idea of how to do this, only sc.textFile is on my mind. Is there a function in Spark that can convert to Parquet? How do I implement this in S3 and HDFS?
Thanks for you help.
If you look into the Spark Dataframe API, and the Spark-CSV package, this will achieve the majority of what you're trying to do - reading in the CSV file into a dataframe, then writing the dataframe out as parquet will get you most of the way there.
You'll still need to do some steps on parsing the timestamp and using the results to partition the data.
old topic but ill think it is important to answer even old topics if not answered right.
in spark version >=2 csv package is already included before that you need to import databricks csv package to your job e.g. "--packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.5.0".
Example csv:
1,pete,2017-10-01 16:12
2,paul,2016-10-01 12:23
3,steve,2016-10-01 03:32
4,mary,2018-10-01 11:12
5,ann,2018-10-02 22:12
6,rudy,2018-10-03 11:11
7,mike,2018-10-04 10:10
First you need to create the hivetable so that the spark written data is compatible with the hive schema. (this might be not needed anymore in future versions)
create table:
create table part_parq_table (
id int,
name string
partitioned by (date string)
stored as parquet
after youve done that you can easy read the csv and save the dataframe to that table.The second step overwrites the column date with the dateformat like"yyyy-mm-dd". For each of the value a folder will be created with the specific lines in it.
SCALA Spark-Shell example:
spark.sqlContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true")
spark.sqlContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict")
First two lines are hive configurations which are needed to create a partition folder which not exists already.
after the insert is done you can directly query the table like "select * from part_parq_table".
The folders will be created in the tablefolder on default cloudera e.g. hdfs:///users/hive/warehouse/part_parq_table
hope that helps
Read csv file /user/hduser/wikipedia/pageviews-by-second-tsv
"timestamp" "site" "requests"
"2015-03-16T00:09:55" "mobile" 1595
"2015-03-16T00:10:39" "mobile" 1544
The following code uses spark2.0
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
var wikiPageViewsBySecondsSchema = StructType(Array(StructField("timestamp", StringType, true),StructField("site", StringType, true),StructField("requests", LongType, true) ))
var wikiPageViewsBySecondsDF ="header", "true").option("delimiter", "\t").csv("/user/hduser/wikipedia/pageviews-by-second-tsv")
Convert String-timestamp to timestamp
wikiPageViewsBySecondsDF= wikiPageViewsBySecondsDF.withColumn("timestampTS", $"timestamp".cast("timestamp")).drop("timestamp")
wikiPageViewsBySecondsDF=$"timestamp".cast("timestamp"), $"site", $"requests")
Write into parquet file.