I have a CentOS VPS and a Microsoft Bot Framework program. Is there a way that I can deploy the bot onto the CentOS VPS? Thank you.
BotFramework has libraries written for NodeJs and .Net (including .Net core that works on Linux platforms) out of the box, and it has REST API that can be utilized from any language on your platforms that allows doing http/s requests.
So, the simplest way for you: write your bot on NodeJs and deploy it to CentOS. There're plenty of examples on BotFramework site how to create bots in NodeJs.
I've started working with delphi quite some while ago but I would say I'm still a newbie in all this.
So basically I tried creating REST Server, which can validate license keys. I got in working with Indy, but one thing bothers me. The GUI. The Server shouldn't have any kind of gui so it can work on any OS (Win, Linux, etc). Is there a way to make a REST Server without any GUI/FMX/VCL?
BTW: Working in Delphi 10.2.3 Professional.
Any advice is appreciated.
EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing: the server is supposed to run on an independent Data Center away from any user.
You can create the WebServer as a Windows Service.
You can use DelphiMVCFramework or any other Framework to create it.
With DMVC you can create console application, Windows Service, Linux daemon, Apache module (Windows and Linux) and IIS ISAPI (Windows).
With Intraweb you can also create Services.
Take a look at our mORMot Open Source REST framework, which works on Delphi but also on FPC/Lazarus.
FPC support ensures that you can target Linux with this free compiler. No need to upgrade to a newer version of Delphi Architect, which supports Linux, and is very pricey - and less stable (to my knowledge) since Linux support is quite new.
As you requested, the mORMot REST server has no UI part. You define your services as interface and class - like you do e.g. with DotNet - and you will have full JSON/REST support generated.
mORMot is used on production since years for very high performance and stability, hosted on both Windows and Linux. A version 2 is on its way, which would be even easier to use for new projects.
And you can create a Windows service or Linux daemon without using any third party framework. Delphi include everything you need. However, it is possible that third party framework will facilitate your programming. Don't forget you'll have to learn those third party framework.
Creating a Linux daemon service in Delphi
Creating a Windows Service in Delphi
In both cases, you can use the sample code you've found that make use of TIdTCPServer.
We are developing an application in which we need to integrate different cloud services. We need to connect to VmWare VCenter server and should do the provisioning. Is there any Rest API calls to execute the task?
Since this question was asked and answered VMware has released a vCenter REST API for version 6.5:
The VMware vSphere Automation SDKs provide support for your client application infrastructure with services to perform management operations in your vSphere environment. The vSphere Automation SDK for REST also contains samples to demonstrate how to use the new APIs.
The version 6.5 SDK enables programmatic access to the following
Session management
Content Library
Virtual Machines
vCenter Server Appliance management
Read more:
vSphere Automation SDK for REST 6.5 Release Notes
Currently, the vSphere API is largely SOAP based.
The simplest way to consume our API is via one of the existing SDKs.
For example, you can use the Python SDK (https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi) to perform most vSphere functions via the Python library.
Alternatively, you can use a configuration management platform like Chef via the vSphere specific plugin. For Chef, there is a vSphere Knife: https://github.com/chef-partners/knife-vsphere
If you tell us more about the problem you are trying to solve and the tools you are using, we can give you a more detailed answer.
We have a problem with connecting Neo4j DB to Drupal 7, is there anyone have a solution or plug-in for it?
Requirements for plug-in or solution is:
Match of skills (Nodes)
Recommendation engine / system
Fast response time
Possible to change / add the plug-in
Create users
Use it at AWS or rackspace
There is an ongoing project for Drupal here : https://www.drupal.org/project/neo4j_connector
I never tested it but I know it exist.
BTW you can easy plug in by making http requests to the neo4j rest api, there are some php http clients available on github :
I have a service that was developed in the .NET 2.0 framework. It is installed in several sites and works with my application. I would like the service to be able to "report" back to me with certain information about the application. I wanted to see if Windows Azure would be an option for me to be able to store reports in a cloud db and be able to pull them when I need to. One of my main concerns is it compatible with my .NET 2.0 service?
Thank you.
In a word: yes. Windows Azure can run code compiled against 2.0/3.5 and 4.0. You may not have access to all of the Azure SDK (some of the libraries require 3.5), but your service should run with no modifications.
If I develop a chat server using Twisted, where can I deploy it?
Suppose I develop a web application. I can deploy it on any commercial server which allows hosting of web applications.
But if I devlop a comet using twisted, where can I deploy it?
What kind of server do I need for this?
In short I want to know where can I host my comet server.
I want to deploy a application similar to http://omegle.com/.
This site also used Twisted.
You can deploy Twisted on any hosting provider who gives you a shell prompt and doesn't limit your long-running processes.
Some examples that I've used include: Tummy ltd. and Slicehost.