Silent Installation of FortiClient.msi VPN Only - powershell

I am trying to do a silent installation of FortiClient.msi, and here is what I have so far:
Start-Process "[Insert MSI Path]" /qn -Wait
I would like to make sure that the VPN is the only part that is installed. Is there a parameter that tells the msi to only install VPN, or will the installer automatically install VPN only?

You can open the msi file with ORCA and check the possible Properties. For example there is a property DISABLEFEATURE which could do your wanted stuff.


Find argument list for an installation exe

I am a complete Noob on Windows and, for the first time of my life, I have to make a Powershell script to install various services on a server. From what I understood, silent installations are made this way:
Start-Process "C:\Path\To\some_installer.exe" -ArgumentList "/some /argument" -Wait -PassThru
But I cant figure a way to identify what the arguments should be for this given .exe. On Linux, I would launch the installer and answer to the prompts one by one to know what the arguments are supposed to be. Then:
(echo arg1; echo arg2) | my command
But since Start-Process does not display a similar behavior (or I am not using it properly), I am lost. I tried the -RedirectStandardOutput but getting nothing in the output file. How do you identify the argument list to provide?
Just like Linux, Windows has many package installation tools. The difference is that the Windows installers are mostly designed for GUI. So there is no standard for CLI. For each installation, you need to check for the installer.
If it's an MSI file, you can use the Microsoft docs. If it's an executable, you need to check for the installer. Many software use common installation wizards, but many of them use custom ones.
If you want to use it like Linux, you can use scoop or chocolatey. You can have a local repository in your network then share. Or just use internet. Then you can have silent installation by default.

Having issues scripting .msi custom setup

I'm currently trying to install an .msi silently, but can't get past the custom setup part.
I've tried the code below, but it keeps popping up with the Windows Installer help guide.
$AppSetup = msiexec --% /i '\deploy\PostImageInstall\Logger Pro 3.msi' INSTALLDATASHARE="INSTALL" /qn /L*v %TEMP%\LoggerPro3_msilog.txt
The code is supposed to silently install the .msi with the custom setup option.

Silent MSI Popup

I am running a silent install of an msi driver install, at the end it has a popup that requires the user to hit "OK". I am unable to see this during silent mode or passive mode, is there a way in powershell that I can execute this and force it to pass-through? Anyway to hit "ok" to this without showing the user it is running will be the best option.
PowerShell simply invokes the installation process. The Windows Installer service is responsible for interpreting the MSI file and handling installation correctly. If Windows Installer is preventing the window from being displayed, then PowerShell won't be able to see it either.
Make sure you're calling msiexec.exe correctly:
msiexec /i <path to MSI> /q /l*v "$env:TEMP\install.log"
That runs it quietly (use /qb for just a simple, passive dialog-based install). If it still pops up a dialog, you need to contact the owner of the MSI package and have them fix it. They're breaking the Windows Installer guidelines and there's really no good workaround for it.

How to Create an MSI which runs in passive mode using WIX?

How can I create an MSI using WIX that can run in passive mode?
If I double click on the msi it should launch in passive mode. This should be equivalent of running MSI package with /passive or /qb!- command line option. This is required to start the MSI installation from another application.
Is there any way of embedding command line options into MSI package?
Please post ideas that would help?
Just don't use UIRef to include any UI: If the .msi package doesn't have dialogs in it, MSI will run it with basic UI (the equivalent of /qb-).

ActiveX not installed after confirm installation prompt

I have a cabinet to deploy an activex inside my site.
The installation prompts correctly and when i click "confirm" seem that activex will be installed, but unfortunatly is not...its ask me for installation every time...
How install works?
There is a way to see errors of installation?
My cabinet .inf file is this:
[Setup Hooks]
run="""msiexec.exe""" /i """%EXTRACT_DIR%\Setup.msi""" /qn
To view ActiveX intallation log you can use Code Download Log Viewer. Download from Microsoft
Other than that, maybe try running msi without /qn and check that installation