<if test= "birthdate lt '20-10-2000'">
it works but is there a better way which mybatis documentation approves?
I am looking for a query where i can use either internal query returned value or direct SQL in when test= in Mybatis.
<foreach item="ID"
ACT_IND ='N', upd_by = 1234
AND rem= select REM from TABLE_1 where SLCT_ID=#{ID}
<when test="rem == 3">
AND Bbsid=#{nsid}
AND asid=#{asid}
From the above query, how can i get the rem value and use in when condition.
I have a MyBatis query that looks like this:
<if test="userIdList != null and userIdList > 0">
AND galleries.id IN (
SELECT gallery_id
FROM gallery_users
WHERE gallery_id IN (
<foreach collection="userIdList" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">
GROUP BY gallery_id HAVING COUNT(gallery_id) = ???
That part I'm stuck on is getting the collection size which will be dynamic. So how can I get the collection size so that I can properly fill in the '???' value?
You can invoke the Collection#size() method using OGNL expression. i.e.
GROUP BY gallery_id HAVING COUNT(gallery_id) = ${userIdList.size}
Note that #{userIdList.size} won't work here because the expression in #{} is parsed by MyBatis' internal expression parser and not by OGNL.
I have query written in Oracle in MyBatis Mapper xml file like below:
<select id="getUserList" resultMap="userListResult" parameterType="org.user.UserNumber>
select * from user
WHERE (1=1)
<if test="num != null">AND rownum <= #{num}</if>
I need to make this Postgres Compliant. So, converted as below:
<select id="getUserList" resultMap="userListResult" parameterType="org.user.UserNumber>
select * from user
WHERE (1=1)
<if test="num != null">AND LIMIT #{num}</if>
But it is not working and throwing exception:
PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near \"LIMIT\"\n
Can anyone help me please how to replace rownum here in Postgres?
Okay, I am trying to generate sql for a Map<String,List<String>>, I am having a nested foreach statements to generate sql. This is my mybatis xml mapper file:
<select id="UserScaleResult.listAccordingToScaleBrief" resultType="java.util.Map">
select distinct uu.id as uid, uu.fullname, ucn.card_number,
<include refid="UserScaleResult.baseCondition.from" />
<include refid="UserScaleResult.UserType.from"/>
<include refid="UserScaleResult.listAccordingToScale.from"/>
<include refid="UserScaleResult.baseConditions.where" />
<include refid="UserScaleResult.UserType.where" />
<include refid="UserScaleResult.listAccordingToScale.where" />
limit #{offset}, #{pageSize}
<sql id="UserScaleResult.listAccordingToScale.where">
<if test="#Ognl#isNotEmpty(type)">
and musr.type = #{type}
test="#Ognl#isNotEmpty(createTimeBegin) and #Ognl#isNotEmpty(createTimeEnd)">
and musr.create_time between #{createTimeBegin} and
<if test="#Ognl#isNotEmpty(missionId)">
and musr.mission_id = #{missionId}
<if test="#Ognl#isNotEmpty(scaleId)">
and musr.scale_id = #{scaleId}
<if test="#Ognl#isNotEmpty(sdl)">
and (
<foreach collection="sdl.entrySet()" item="item" open="(" separator=") or (" close=")">
tsrdl.dimension_id = #{item.key}
<if test="#Ognl#isNotEmpty(item.value)">
<foreach collection="item.value" item="iitem" open="(" separator=" or " close=")">
tsrdl.level_id = #{iitem}
The log shows the #{iitem} are all null when it put it down to sql, although the number of parameters are correct:
2016-05-13 14:47:27,837 DEBUG [java.sql.Connection] - <==> Preparing: select count(*) from user_user uu left join user_user_detail uud on uu.id = uud.user_id left join user_card_number ucn on uu.card_number_id =ucn.id left join org_org oo on ucn.org_id = oo.id inner join (SELECT user_id, MAX(IF(extension_item_id=?,DATA,'') )AS ? FROM user_extension_item_data GROUP BY user_id) AS ud on uu.id = ud.user_id inner join mission_user_scale_result musr on uu.id = musr.user_id inner join test_scale ts on musr.scale_id = ts.id inner join test_scale_result_dimension_level tsrdl on tsrdl.result_id = musr.id and ud.3 = ? and ( ( tsrdl.dimension_id = ? and ( tsrdl.level_id = ? or tsrdl.level_id = ? ) ) or ( tsrdl.dimension_id = ? and ( tsrdl.level_id = ? or tsrdl.level_id = ? or tsrdl.level_id = ? ) ) ) >
2016-05-13 14:47:27,838 DEBUG [java.sql.PreparedStatement] - <==> Parameters: 3(String), 3(String), 保密(String), 42(String), null, null, 47(String), null, null, null>
Just did some experiment, when I substitute the '#' sign in #{iitem} with '$', the value appears and the sql gets parameters all good.
We need to use ${dataBaseTable} instead of #. The difference is that # is used for PreparedStatement substitution. $ is for direct String substitution.
Replace your #{iitem} with ${iitem}
<foreach collection="item.value" item="iitem" open="(" separator=" or " close=")">
tsrdl.level_id = ${iitem}