Multi-config Support - How to set application ID? - ar.drone

Does anyone know the method / commands to send, to enable and use multi-config support so I can store application specific data?
The SDK 2.0 Developer Guide mentions the AT*CONFIG_IDS command, but I'm not able to make it work. I'm trying the sample commands below:
// set the application ID
// clear config ack
// set application description, using new app id
AT*CONFIG=15,"CUSTOM:application_desc","My SDK Test"
// clear config ack
// re-read config data
But in the returned config, nothing has changed:
custom:application_id = 00000000
custom:application_desc = Default application configuration
I've also tried prefixing the first CUSTOM:application_id config command with an CONFIG_IDS command but with no avail:
// set the application ID
Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?

After some trial and error, it seems that all configuration names should be all lower case; despite the category being upper cased in the Developer Guide examples.
Therefore the following works fine:
AT*CONFIG=15,"custom:application_desc","My SDK Test"


Accessing Raw Gamer Profile Picture

I am using the new XBox Live API for C# ( for official access through a UWP app.
I am able to authenticate fine and reference the XBox Live user in context.
SignInResult result = await user.SignInAsync();
XboxLiveUser user = new XboxLiveUser();
Success! However, I can't seem to find an appropriate API call to return XboxUserProfile or XboxSocialProfile. Both of these classes contain URLs to the player's raw gamer pics. After reviewing MSDN documentation and the GH library it isn't clear to me how this is achieved. Any help is greatly appreciated.
The below sample should work if you meet the following pre requisits:
Reference the Shared Project that contains the API from your project and don't reference the "Microsoft.Xbox.Services.UWP.CSharp" project
Copy all source code files from the "Microsoft.Xbox.Services.UWP.CSharp" project into your project
Include the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package into your project
Steps 1 & 2 are important as this allows you to access the "internal" constructors which otherwise would be protected from you.
Code to retrieve the profile data:
XboxLiveUser user = new XboxLiveUser();
await user.SignInSilentlyAsync();
if (user.IsSignedIn)
XboxLiveContext context = new XboxLiveContext(user);
PeopleHubService peoplehub = new PeopleHubService(context.Settings, context.AppConfig);
XboxSocialUser socialuser = await peoplehub.GetProfileInfo(user, SocialManagerExtraDetailLevel.None);
// Do whatever you want to do with the data in socialuser
You may still run into an issue like I did. When building the project you may face the following error:
Error CS0103 The name 'UserPicker' does not exist in the current
context ...\System\UserImpl.cs 142 Active
If you get that error make sure you target Win 10.0 Build 14393.

How to pass Proxy settings to custom updater code with Install4j API?

We are implementing the updater service using the install4j APIs (without using the Updater.exe). We could successfully use the APIs as below to get the possible update version
UpdateCheckRequest updateCheckRequest = new UpdateCheckRequest(updatesUrl).applicationDisplayMode(ApplicationDisplayMode.UNATTENDED)
UpdateDescriptor updateDescriptor = UpdateChecker.getUpdateDescriptor(updateCheckRequest);
return updateDescriptor.getPossibleUpdateEntry();
However, we are missing the below JVM arguments, (to set proxy settings and enable logging) which are available in the updater screens.
-DproxyHost= “”,
-Dinstall4j.keepLog=true -Dinstall4j.alternativeLogfile=${installer:sys.installationDir}/logs/patch-agent-updater.log
Please let us know how to pass them to the custom updater ?
In this case the update checker runs in the same process, so you can set these properties via System.setProperty.

How to allow a specific Role to edit users in Sakai via a specific Tool? (UserPermissionException)

I'm working with user properties in Sakai and I wish that through some Tool I'm developing a Teacher can alter some properties according to some criteria. I've selected the function user.upd.any in the Realm Role configuration but I keep getting the following error when I try to change the User:
org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserPermissionException user=d1dbdfee-d247-44e4-b5c2-d3d787c829ca function=user.upd.any resource=/user/115cf182-17b0-4f2c-a8fc-34fcbe98bac7
at org.sakaiproject.user.impl.BaseUserDirectoryService.unlock(
at org.sakaiproject.user.impl.BaseUserDirectoryService.editUser(
This is the code that generates the stacktrace:
UserEdit ue = userDirectoryService.editUser(userId);
ue.getProperties().addProperty(name, value);
The code should have a if(userDirectoryService.allowUpdateUser(userId)){...}, but I will put this just when this permission issue have been troubleshooted (if I put this now, nothing happens: no permission)
Any advice?

Customize URL to a failed build in MailNotifier

When my buildbot fails, it is configured to send an email.
Current configuration is:
mailNotify = MailNotifier(fromaddr="****#****.com",
extraRecipients=['*****#*****.com', '****#****.com'],
addLogs = True,
addPatch = True,
I have a buildmaster setup in my local network, at Because of that, when an email comes, it contains the following information:
Full details are available at:
Buildbot URL:
Apart from that, I have a publicly accessible server, by which I can access buildbot, i.e.
What I want to get is
Full details are available at:
Buildbot URL:
I'd love NOT to rewrite a whole message formatter, but I couldn't find a way to do that. Is it even possible?
AFAIK the best way is to write your own messageFormatter(). It is not much of a pain. I have done it for my buildbot and it works like a charm.
If you look into the sources buildbot\status\ there is function called defaultMesage(...). Just override this in your buildbot's configuration and pass it to the MailNotifier constructor ! Most likely you have to change just the line:108
def myMessageFormatter(mode, name, build, results, master_status)
# Copy everything from buildbot\status\
# Change this to point to
if master_status.getURLForThing(build):
text += "Full details are available at:\n %s\n" % master_status.getURLForThing(build)
text += "\n"

Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface and a session_id mysterie

I'm trying to setup my own Zend_Session_SaveHandler based on this code
This works great, except that my session_id behave mysteriously.
I'm using the Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Cache class as you can find it in the blog above (except that I parked it in my own library, so it's name now starts with My_).
In my bootstrap I have:
protected function _initSession()
$session = $this->getPluginResource('session');
Zend_Session::getSaveHandler()->setCache( $this->_manager->getCache( 'memcached' ) );
To get my session going based on this code in my .ini file = Core
resources.cachemanager.memcached.frontend.options.automatic_serialization = On = Libmemcached = localhost = 11213
So far so good. Until somebody tries to login and Zend_Session::rememberMe() is called. In the comments of Zend_Session one can read
normally "rememberMe()" represents a security context change, so
should use new session id
This of course is very true, and a new session id is generated. The users Zend_Auth data, after a successful log in, is written into this new session. I can see this because I added some logging functionality to the original class from the blog.
And here is where things go wrong. This new id isn't passed on the Zend_Session apparently, because Zend_Session keeps on reading the old id's session data. In other words, the one without the Zend_Auth instance. Hence, the user can no longer log in.
So the question is, how to make my saveHandler work with the new id after the regeneration?
Cheers for any help.
Ok, I'm blushing here....
I was looking at the wrong place to find this error. My session saveHandler was working just fine (so I can recommend Mike Willbanks his work if you want libmemcached session management).
What did go wrong then? Well, besides switching from file to libmemcached, I also switched from setting up my session in bootstrap to setting it up in my application.ini. So, instead of putting lines like
session.cookie_domain =
in my application.ini (which were then used in bootstrap as options to setup my session), I now, properly, wrote
resources.session.cookie_domain =
And this is were things went wrong, because.... I only changed those lines for production, I forgot to change them further down the ini file. In other words, my development env. got the cookie_domain of my production env., which is wrong as I use an other domain name during devolepment. So, on every page load, my cookie was invalidaded and a new session started. Mysterie solved...