FHIR - Searching ALL resources - hapi

Is it possible to search for a parameter in all the resources on a FHIR based server (currently using HAPI)?
Returns the correct Basic resource but I want to be able to search through all resource types (Basic, Patient, Observation, etc.). I was hoping that there would be a way to do something like this:

You can search system wide by performing a search with this syntax
GET [base]?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}
so in your case that would be
GET [base]?_id=1
Note that this only works for parameters defined on all resources, like _id.
See http://hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/search.html for more search syntax and explanation/examples.


REST Protocol for searching and filtering

The standard REST verb for returning a value GET can take different parameters to select what to "get". Often there is one that takes an id to get a single value, and often some sort of search criteria to get a list.
Is there a standard way to specify the filtering and sorting of the data that is being searched for? For example, if I have an invoice record I'd like to write a GET query that says "give me all invoices for customer 123, with total > $345 and return in descending order of date".
If I were writing this myself I'd have something like:
GET http://example.com/mydata?query="customer=123&&total>345.00"&order="date"
(Note I didn't urlencode the url for clarity, though obviously that is required in practice, but I hope you get what I mean.)
I can certainly write something for this, but I am wondering if there is a standardized way to do this?
Is there a standard way to specify the filtering and sorting of the data that is being searched for?
Not that I'm aware of.
Note that HTTP doesn't really have queries (yet); HTTP has resource identifiers.
We've got a standard for resource identifiers (RFC 3986) and a standard for URI templates (RFC 6570) that describes how to produce a range of identifiers via variable expansion.
But as far as I can tell there is no published "standard" that automatically transforms a URI into a SQL query.
It's possible that one of the "convention over configuration" frameworks (ex: Rails) might have something useful here, but I haven't found it.

How to search for a fhir resource by Identifier?

I've notice most if not all fhir resource types have a property 'identifier', which is of type identifier.
I have set this on my resources to have a system, and a value, I'm wondering how I now search for resources with a given identifier?
Ideally I would like to search for all resources of all types with a given identifier, but I don't think there's an easy way to specify a url which searches across all types, so for example, I have a patient resource with an identifier of system:www.mydomain.com value:1, and I want to find them. My server is a hapi dstu2 instance.
You could perform a search for identifier with the standard search syntax:
GET [base]/Patient?identifier=12345
or, if you also want to specify the system:
GET [base]/Patient?identifier=www.mydomain.com|12345
and do that for each of the resource types you want to perform the search on.
As of STU3 you can also search across multiple types that share a common search parameter. Identifier is one of them. You still have to specify the types you want to search on, and can do that with this syntax - if the server supports it:
GET [base]?_type=Patient,Organization&identifier=12345
and you can also search on identifiers with a specific system without the value:
GET [base]/Patient?identifier=www.mydomain.com|
Please take a look at the search page of the spec for more information and examples.

Conflicting REST urls

So I'm building a REST api and need to make some urls. The problem is, I'm running into some conflicting paths. For example:
GET <type>/<id> gets the details of an object of a given type and id
GET <type>/summary gets the summary of objects of a given type
This simplified example shows a problem occurs when an object has id "summary". What is the best way to solve this? From a REST puritan perspective, what should be the solution?
Here's some of my ideas:
Put the <id> in query parameters. From what I understand this is against standards
Put a keyword at the start of the url. Also against standards?
Disallow certain id values. Not something I want to enforce for all my users and use cases and different entrances into my system
I may have an alternative to this. What if we have both book as wel as the plural books. Then you can have:
The URL structure is not quite right to begin with so it's difficult to solve it in a clean way.
For the sake of discussion, let's assume <type> is a books resource. So the first URL is fine - you get a book of the given ID:
GET /books/<id>
However this is not:
GET /books/summary
Because it's a bespoke URL, which I guess has a use in your application but is not restful. A GET call should return one or more resources. However a "summary" is not a resource, it's a property of a resource and that's why you end up in this situation of having IDs mixed up with book properties.
So your best option would be to change this URL to something like this:
GET /books?fields=summary
By default GET /books would return all the resources, while GET /books?fields=<list_of_fields> will return the books but with only the chosen properties.
That will be similar to your previous URL but without the ID/property conflict, and will also allow you later on to retrieve resources with specific fields (without having to create new custom URLs).
Regarding the count of books, it's still useful to reason in terms of resources. /books gives you one or more books, but it should not be used for meta-information about the collection, such as count, but also things like "most read book", or "books that start with the letter 'A'", etc. as that will make the resource more and more complex and difficult to maintain.
Depending on what you want to achieve I think there'd be two solutions:
Create a new resource that manages the collection of books. For example:
GET /bookcase
And that will give you information about the collection, for example:
"count": 1234,
"most_read": "<isbn>",
// etc. - any information that might be needed about the book collection
Or a search engine. You create a resources such as:
GET /book_search_engine/?query=
which would return a search result such as:
"count": 123,
"books": [
// Books that match the query
then a query like this would give you just the count:
// Search all the books, but provide only the "count" field
GET /book_search/?query=*&fields=count
Obviously that's a more involved solution and maybe not necessary for a simple REST API, however it can be useful as it makes it easier to create queries specific to a client.
This simplified example shows a problem occurs when an object has id "summary". What is the best way to solve this? From a REST puritan perspective, what should be the solution?
As far as REST is concerned, the URI are opaque. Spelling is absolutely irrelevant. You could use URI like
and as far as REST is concerned, that's spot on. See Stefan Tilkov's talk REST: I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Does.
What you are asking about is URI design, how to adapt conventions/best practices to your particular setting.
One thing that will help is to recognize is that summary is a resource, in the REST/HTTP sense -- it is a document that can be represented as a byte sequence. All you need to do is figure out where that resource belongs (according to your local spelling conventions).
Continuing to borrow the "books" example used by others
# Here's the familiar "URI that identifies a member of the books collection"
# Here's the summary of the /books collection
Put the in query parameters. From what I understand this is against standards
Not as much as you might think. REST doesn't care. The URI spec expresses some views about hierarchical vs non hierarchical data. HTTP supports the notion of a redirect, where one resource can reference another.
GET /books?id=12345
302 Found
Location: /books/12345
You also have options for skipping a round trip, by returning the representation you want immediately, taking advantage of Content-Location
GET /books?summary
200 OK
Content-Location: /summaries/books
I have the same issue. And all the solutions seem a little off b/c REST best practices seem to suggest none of them are ideal.
You could have just one off-limit id, like all.
GET <type>/<id>
GET <type>/all/summary
It might even be possible to use a single symbol instead, such as ~ or _.
GET <type>/<id>
GET <type>/~/summary
How satisfying this solution seems is of course very subjective.
The singular/plural approach seems more elegant to me but despite most REST best practice guides saying not to do this. Unfortunately some words don't have distinct singular and plural forms.
This isn't perfectly conventional for how some like to define their rest endpoints.
But I would would enforce a pattern where "id" cannot be any string. Instead I would use a uuid and define my routes as such.
GET /books/{id:uuid}
GET /books/{id:uuid}/summary
And if you really want a verb in the URL without an identifier it is still technically possible because we know the {id:uuid} in the path must conform to the uuid pattern.
With that GET /books/summary is still distinct from GET /books/{id:uuid}

Restful URL design full text search on any specified field

My api should support text search on specified fields. So I am thinking what kind of URL style handles it in the best way.
The below pattern, using "q" ,is mentioned in many blogs and documents to be used for full text search but I also need to specify field names:
GET /groups?q=bank+org
So I am thinking to use wildcards like below:
GET /groups?name=*bank*&owner=*org*
I am just wondering if this is aligned with the best practices in the market?
Soheil, you are thinking right. "Search" is a "filter parameter" wich always go in the Query String.
When sending parameters that will be used to query a collection of resources you should use... Guess what! Query parameters!
As far as I know, there's no official documentation that states that. It's a common approach and it's widely adopted. The only offical documentation about query string that I'm aware of is the RFC 3986. Quoting:
3.4. Query
The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with
data in the path component, serves to identify a
resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority
(if any). The query component is indicated by the first question
mark ("?") character and terminated by a number sign ("#") character
or by the end of the URI. [...]
For a full text search, you can choose the parameter you find most convenient. Do you think q is a good one? Go for it! But provide a good documentation for it.

Boolean logic in RESTful filtering and queries

This is sort of a follow-up to someone else's question about filtering/querying a list of cars. There the recommendation for a RESTful filtering request was to put filter expressions in the query of the URI, like this:
That's fine. But what if my filtering query becomes more complicated and I need to use Boolean operators, such as:
((color=blue OR type=sedan) AND doors=4) OR color=red
That is, I want to find a four-door blue car or a four-door sedan, but if the car is red I'll take it without caring about any of the other properties.
Is there any sort of convention for providing Boolean expressions in a RESTful URI's query parameters? I suppose I could by create some new querying expression language and put it in a POST, but that seems like a heavy and proprietary approach. How are others solving this?
It is perfectly okay to use
instead of
The URL standard says only that the path should contain the hierarchical part, and the query should contain the non-hierarchical. Since this is a map-reduce, using / is perfectly valid.
In your case you need a query language to describe your filters. If I were you I would copy an already existing solution, for example the query language of a noSQL database which has a REST API.
I think resource query language is what you need. I think you could use it like this:
or forget the default queryString parser, and like this:
I suggest you to read the manual for further details.
Since I found no other URL compatible query language (yet), I think the only other option to serialize another query language and send it in a param, like SparSQL
by marklogic7. Hydra defines a freeTextQuery in its vocab, so they follow the same approach. But I'll ask Markus about this. It's a complicated topic, since according to the self-descriptive messages constraint you should describe somewhere what type of query language you use in the URL. I am not sure about this. :S
In order to support ad-hoc search queries we need a standard way to describe them in the link meta-data. Currently there are only a few standards about this. The most widely used standard is URI templates which does not support nested statements, operators, etc... for what I know. There is a draft called link descriptions which tries to fill the gap, but it is incomplete.
One possible workaround to define an URI template with a single q parameter which has rdf:type of x:SearchQuery and rdfs:range of xsd:string, and create another vocab about how to describe such a x:SearchQuery. After that the description could be used to build search forms, and validate queries sent to the server. Already existing queries could be supported too with this approach, so we don't need a new one.
So this problem can be solved with vocabs or new URI template standards.
I have seen many use a query string as you have provided - much like a SQL query string.
Here are just two examples:
Socrata (Open Data Portal company)'s SoQL (SQL variant): http://dev.socrata.com/consumers/cookbooks/querying-block-ranges.html
openFDA (API from fda.gov for open data) uses a similar string-based query parameter which maps to ElasticSearch queries, I believe: https://open.fda.gov/api/reference/#query-syntax
Try using 1 for true, 0 for false.
/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('XYZ')/items?$filter=Active eq 1