Mongo Db secondary setup - mongodb

From last 1 week I am trying to setup replica set for my one node mongodb (3.4.2 version) but facing multiple issues. My primary node currently have around 650 gb of data and every day it is growing by 90 gb. First time I added new secondary node with empty data directory after almost a day it failed with too much of lag in oplog issue. Next time I tried manually copying data. After copy when restarted secondary it started giving me the error that I cannot synch from primary (There was not connection problem I was able to ping). I again retried manual copy procedure but this time it failed with below error. As wired tiger issue is with specific collection file. I copied that file again and retried but it failed again with same issue. Can someone please help me in setting up secondary. Everyday it is becoming more difficult as data is growing and I cannot keep primary down for long time (During manual copy I stop all writes in primary).
2017-03-02T16:08:16.315+0000 E STORAGE [initandlisten] WiredTiger error (-31802) [1488470896:315136][17051:0x7ffdbd3d7dc0], file:mcse.45trace/collection-16-7756455024301269277.wt, WT_SESSION.open_cursor: /app/data/mcse.45trace/collection-16-7756455024301269277.wt: handle-read: pread: failed to read 4096 bytes at offset 86474874880: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error
2017-03-02T16:08:16.315+0000 I - [initandlisten] Invariant failure: ret resulted in status UnknownError: -31802: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error at src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_session_cache.cpp 95

If you can solve that first problem with the replication lag, then you will probably get everything running OK. Take a look at the Troubleshooting Replica Sets guide, it has some useful suggestions:
Possible causes of replication lag include:
Network Latency
Check the network routes between the members of your set to ensure that there is no packet loss or network routing issue.
Use tools including ping to test latency between set members and traceroute to expose the routing of packets network endpoints.
Disk Throughput
If the file system and disk device on the secondary is unable to flush data to disk as quickly as the primary, then the secondary will have difficulty keeping state. Disk-related issues are incredibly prevalent on multi-tenant systems, including virtualized instances, and can be transient if the system accesses disk devices over an IP network (as is the case with Amazon’s EBS system.)
Use system-level tools to assess disk status, including iostat or vmstat.
In some cases, long-running operations on the primary can block replication on secondaries. For best results, configure write concern to require confirmation of replication to secondaries. This prevents write operations from returning if replication cannot keep up with the write load.
Use the database profiler to see if there are slow queries or long-running operations that correspond to the incidences of lag.
Appropriate Write Concern
If you are performing a large data ingestion or bulk load operation that requires a large number of writes to the primary, particularly with unacknowledged write concern, the secondaries will not be able to read the oplog fast enough to keep up with changes.
To prevent this, request write acknowledgement write concern after every 100, 1,000, or another interval to provide an opportunity for secondaries to catch up with the primary.
For more information see:
• Write Concern
• Replica Set Write Concern
• Oplog Size

WiredTiger error (-31802) file:xxx.wt
This could be related to corrupted .wt files (e.g. WiredTiger.wt/WiredTiger.turtle) as per SERVER-31076 bug report.
Try running:
mongod --repair --dbpath /path/to/data/db
Also make sure all data/db files have the right read and write permission.


General Question about performance of mongodb replica set

I have set up a mongodb replica set on two 100% identical servers (Hardware & Software).
I am running a webcraper with writes to mongodb.
Now i can see that the performance was better as a standalone instance.
As a standalone mongodb the scraping process was running 2,5 hours with max 150 ops.
As a replica set the scraping process is running 6 hours with max 100 ops.
Is this the usual behavior of a replica set ?
See the screenshots from my grafana dashboard.
As standalone:
As replica set:
Yes this is the expected behaviour, from the official docs
The primary node receives all write operations. A replica set can have only one primary capable of confirming writes ...
Meaning the added nodes just create overhead when talking strictly about performance as Mongo has to sync them up with the primary.
This is expected as the main use of replication is for fail over.
If you're bulk scraping and want to speed up performance and don't care about unexpected errors you can change writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault replica configuration to false.
With writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault set to false, MongoDB does not wait for w: "majority" writes to be written to the on-disk journal before acknowledging the writes. As such, majority write operations could possibly roll back in the event of a transient loss (e.g. crash and restart) of a majority of nodes in a given replica set.

AWS RDS with Postgres : Is OOM killer configured

We are running load test against an application that hits a Postgres database.
During the test, we suddenly get an increase in error rate.
After analysing the platform and application behaviour, we notice that:
CPU of Postgres RDS is 100%
Freeable memory drops on this same server
And in the postgres logs, we see:
2018-08-21 08:19:48 UTC::#:[XXXXX]:LOG: server process (PID XXXX) was terminated by signal 9: Killed
After investigating and reading documentation, it appears one possibility is linux oomkiller running having killed the process.
But since we're on RDS, we cannot access system logs /var/log messages to confirm.
So can somebody:
confirm that oom killer really runs on AWS RDS for Postgres
give us a way to check this ?
give us a way to compute max memory used by Postgres based on number of connections ?
I didn't find the answer here:
AWS maintains a page with best practices for their RDS service:
In terms of memory allocation, that's the recommendation:
An Amazon RDS performance best practice is to allocate enough RAM so
that your working set resides almost completely in memory. To tell if
your working set is almost all in memory, check the ReadIOPS metric
(using Amazon CloudWatch) while the DB instance is under load. The
value of ReadIOPS should be small and stable. If scaling up the DB
instance class—to a class with more RAM—results in a dramatic drop in
ReadIOPS, your working set was not almost completely in memory.
Continue to scale up until ReadIOPS no longer drops dramatically after
a scaling operation, or ReadIOPS is reduced to a very small amount.
For information on monitoring a DB instance's metrics, see Viewing DB Instance Metrics.
Also, that's their recommendation to troubleshoot possible OS issues:
Amazon RDS provides metrics in real time for the operating system (OS)
that your DB instance runs on. You can view the metrics for your DB
instance using the console, or consume the Enhanced Monitoring JSON
output from Amazon CloudWatch Logs in a monitoring system of your
choice. For more information about Enhanced Monitoring, see Enhanced
There's a lot of good recommendations there, including query tuning.
Note that, as a last resort, you could switch to Aurora, which is compatible with PostgreSQL:
Aurora features a distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing storage
system that auto-scales up to 64TB per database instance. Aurora
delivers high performance and availability with up to 15 low-latency
read replicas, point-in-time recovery, continuous backup to Amazon S3,
and replication across three Availability Zones.
EDIT: talking specifically about your issue w/ PostgreSQL, check this Stack Exchange thread -- they had a long connection with auto commit set to false.
We had a long connection with auto commit set to false:
During that time we were doing a lot
of small queries and a few queries with a cursor:
In JDBC you create a connection object, and from that connection you
create statements. When you execute the statments you get a result
Now, every one of these objects needs to be closed, but if you close
statement, the entry set is closed, and if you close the connection
all the statements are closed and their result sets.
We were used to short living queries with connections of their own so
we never closed statements assuming the connection will handle the
things once it is closed.
The problem was now with this long transaction (~24 hours) which never
closed the connection. The statements were never closed. Apparently,
the statement object holds resources both on the server that runs the
code and on the PostgreSQL database.
My best guess to what resources are left in the DB is the things
related to the cursor. The statements that used the cursor were never
closed, so the result set they returned never closed as well. This
meant the database didn't free the relevant cursor resources in the
DB, and since it was over a huge table it took a lot of RAM.
Hope it helps!
TLDR: If you need PostgreSQL on AWS and you need rock solid stability, run PostgreSQL on EC2 (for now) and do some kernel tuning for overcommitting
I'll try to be concise, but you're not the only one who has seen this and it is a known (internal to Amazon) issue with RDS and Aurora PostgreSQL.
OOM Killer on RDS/Aurora
The OOM killer does run on RDS and Aurora instances because they are backed by linux VMs and OOM is an integral part of the kernel.
Root Cause
The root cause is that the default Linux kernel configuration assumes that you have virtual memory (swap file or partition), but EC2 instances (and the VMs that back RDS and Aurora) do not have virtual memory by default. There is a single partition and no swap file is defined. When linux thinks it has virtual memory, it uses a strategy called "overcommitting" which means that it allows processes to request and be granted a larger amount of memory than the amount of ram the system actually has. Two tunable parameters govern this behavior:
vm.overcommit_memory - governs whether the kernel allows overcommitting (0=yes=default)
vm.overcommit_ratio - what percent of system+swap the kernel can overcommit. If you have 8GB of ram and 8GB of swap, and your vm.overcommit_ratio = 75, the kernel will grant up to 12GB or memory to processes.
We set up an EC2 instance (where we could tune these parameters) and the following settings completely stopped PostgreSQL backends from getting killed:
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 75
vm.overcommit_memory = 2 tells linux not to overcommit (work within the constraints of system memory) and vm.overcommit_ratio = 75 tells linux not to grant requests for more than 75% of memory (only allow user processes to get up to 75% of memory).
We have an open case with AWS and they have committed to coming up with a long-term fix (using kernel tuning params or cgroups, etc) but we don't have an ETA yet. If you are having this problem, I encourage you to open a case with AWS and reference case #5881116231 so they are aware that you are impacted by this issue, too.
In short, if you need stability in the near term, use PostgreSQL on EC2. If you must use RDS or Aurora PostgreSQL, you will need to oversize your instance (at additional cost to you) and hope for the best as oversizing doesn't guarantee you won't still have the problem.

Memory issues with new version of Mongodb

I'm using Mongodb on my Windows server 2012 for more than two years. Since the last update some weird issues started to happen which in the end lead to usage of the entire RAM memory.
The service Iv'e configured for Mongodb is as follows:
#override port
#configsvr = true
shardsvr = true
And in order to limit the Cache memory usage Iv'e added the following line:
And this is where the weird stuff started happening. When I check the task manager it says that now Mongodb is really limited to 10GB as I defined in the service but it is actually using a lot more than 10GB.
In the first image you can see the memory consumption sorted by RAM consumption
While in fact the machine I'm using has 28GB in total
This crazy consumption leads to failure in the scripts I'm running, even the most basic ones, even when I only run simple queries like 'count' or 'distinct', I believe that this is a direct results of the memory consumption.
When I checked the log files I saw that there are many open connections that even when the session ends it indicates that still the same amount of connections is opened:
So in the end I have two major questions:
1. Is there a way of solving this issue without downgrading the Mongodb version?
2. The config file looks right? is everything there is necessary?
Memory usage in WiredTiger is a two-level cache:
First is the WiredTiger cache as controlled by --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB
Second is the Operating System filesystem cache. MongoDB automatically uses all free memory that is not used by the WiredTiger cache or by other processes
See also WiredTiger memory usage
For OS filesystem cache, MongoDB doesn't manage the memory it uses directly - it lets the OS manage it. Windows will try to use every last scrap of physical memory if it can - but lots of it should and will be thrown out if other processes request memory.
An alternative is to run mongod in a container (e.g. lxc, cgroups, Docker, etc.) that does not have access to all of the RAM available in a system.
Having said the above:
You are also running another database in the server i.e. mysqld. MongoDB, like some databases will perform better on a dedicated server to reduce memory contention.
Task Manager shows mongod is using 10GB, although the machine is using up to ~28GB. This may or may not be mongod as you have other processes as well.
Useful resources:
FAQ: Memory diagnostics for WiredTiger
FAQ: MongoDB Cache Handling
MongoDB Production Notes

Deploying large data on mongodb replicaset

Can I deploy large database by copying its files (eg. testing database with files: testing.0,testing.1,testing.ns found on mongodb dbpath) from another server to the target servers (replica set) to avoid usage of communication bandwidth for replication (in case it is only deployed to the primary)? So basically I want to avoid the slow process of replication.
If journaling is enabled, what is the effect on the process?
Yes you can, this is a perfectly valid way of solving having to do tedious and time consuming replication between members of a distanced or latenced network.
If journaling is enabled nothing really happens, copying via the file system goes around MongoDB.

MongoDB Replica-Set Disk Cleanup

I am trying to shrink the size of my MongoDB replica-set(the collections are the same size but disk space keeps growing). According to the MongoDB website, I should just run mongod --repair on the master node to compact all collections. The problem would be downtime for the website. So, I have two options(that I know about):
Take secondary node off of replica-set and run mongod --repair on it and restart back on replica-set. I tried this and couldn't get past permission errors on 'local' collection.
Shut down secondary node and delete all files in the data directory. Restart mongo and let it recover from master. This actually worked for me but my only concern is, what if your journal collection is full and since it's a capped collection, will you only receive the data that is in the journal or will you actually copy over all of master's data?
Has anyone else run into this scenario? I'm surprised by the lack of information when trying to search for this.
Take secondary node off of replica-set and run mongod --repair on it and restart back on replica-set.
This is a common practice which is usually referred to as a "rolling repair". You take each secondary out of the replica set and repair it, and eventually step down the primary for repair as a last step. As long as you always have a majority of your replica set nodes available this approach will minimize potential downtime.
If you are frequently deleting data you should consider using the new PowerOf2Sizes collection option in MongoDB 2.2. This changes the allocation method to allocate document space in powers of two (eg. a 500 byte document would be allocated 512 bytes), which allows for more effective reuse of the space from deleted documents (at the slight expense of a few more bytes per document).
I tried this and couldn't get past permission errors on 'local' collection.
Permission errors on the 'local' collection sound like file system permissions (i.e. based on the user you were running your mongod as). You should run the repair process with the same user.
Shut down secondary node and delete all files in the data directory. Restart mongo and let it recover from master. This actually worked for me but my only concern is, what if your journal collection is full and since it's a capped collection, will you only receive the data that is in the journal or will you actually copy over all of master's data?
It sounds like you are conflating the Journal which is used for durability and crash recovery with the Oplog used for replication.
If you resync a node from the primary, all data will be copied over. During this initial period the
node will be in RECOVERING state and is not considered a "healthy" node (i.e. available for queries).
Once the node is caught up it will change to a normal SECONDARY state at which point the oplog will be used for ongoing sync.
Some further reading:
Replication fundamentals
Replica set status reference