NextCloud file tagging through WebDAV script - owncloud

I am using NextCloud 11 to store my personal files, and I use the simple curl script from the documentation in order to upload files to my NextCloud drive:
curl -u user:pw -T test.pdf "http://localhost/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/user/test/test.pdf"
Moreover, I would like to directly add some tags to the uploaded files. However, in the official documentation, they just show how files can be uploaded, deleted and moved through the WebDAV interface.
Does anybody have a hint how I could tag a file remotely?
I have posted the same question in the official NextCloud community forum, but I did not receive a response yet. In case I receive a response, I will post it here.

Payload is JSON:
{"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]}
You will need to authenticate yourself using Basic Auth
Edit: The API can only be called from inside Nextcloud because the CSRF token is required.

For the record, after a bit of digging I found which does the job for nextcloud as well. In a nutshell:
Get file id for a given file:
curl --silent -u user:password -X PROPFIND -H "Content-Type: text/xml" \
--data-binary "#file-propfind.xml" https://nextcloud/remote.php/webdav/file' | xmllint --format -
with a file-propfind.xml in your directory containing something like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<a:propfind xmlns:a="DAV:" xmlns:oc="">
Then get list of tags for this file using
curl --silent -u user:password -X PROPFIND -H "Content-Type: text/xml" \
--data-binary "#tags-propfind.xml" https://nextcloud/remote.php/dav/systemtags-relations/files/<FILEID>" | xmllint --format -
where FILEID is the number you got as oc:fileid in the previous response and tags-propfind.xml a file containing something like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<a:propfind xmlns:a="DAV:" xmlns:oc="">
This is for tag reading, but the API document also explain how to add a tag in the same fashion.


Trouble downloading ADYEN report

I'm using this script:
wget -O C:\FlairnetLab\output\x.csv --http-user='[My User]' --http-password='[Password]' --no-check-certificate
But i get no file found response. But if i type the url in the browser using the same credential i can download the file.
Can some help me?
The problem is likely to be the encoding of the credentials (both Adyen-generated username and password include several special characters).
An option is to generate the base64-encoded string username: password with a command line (or with an online generator)
# example on Mac
$ echo -n '<username>:<password>' | openssl base64
then pass it in the Authorization header
# example with wget
wget --header "Authorization: Basic cmVwb3J0.......5LX4="
# example with curl
curl -H "Authorization: Basic cmVwb3J0.......5LX4=" -X GET

Using the Jira REST API with cURL to upload .zip file

So I'm trying to upload a .zip file to Jiras restAPI but I'm getting error 415 unsupported media type.
What I've tried:
curl -D- -u $username:$password -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" -H "Content-Type:application/zip" -F "" $myURL/rest/api/2/issue/QTC-12/attachments
But sadly this gives 415.
This is probably due to the -H "Content-Type:application/zip" I suspect that the Jira API isn't expecting a zip as the content type.
As it is using the -F option this is probably a form which is the default content type used by Curl so have you tried removing the zip header and running the command?
Just looked at the JIRA API{issueIdOrKey}/attachments
And it is of multipart/form-data type. The example on the API shows no other content type header.

Atlassian Confluence : Updating parent container of an attachment

I'd like to move an attachment to a different space (i.e, update the parent container of an attachment in a Confluence page) using Cloud REST API and "curl" command. I looked up REST API endpoint URL and found this:
PUT /rest/api/content/{id}/child/attachment/{attachmentId}
Could somebody provide an example for a correctly constructed JSON input to achieve this? I tried the one below to move an attachment called "test.jpeg" with ID "att000" and current version 5 to parent with ID 1234, but it fails:
curl -v -u 'admin:password' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"id":"att000","type":"attachment","title":"test.jpeg","version":{"number":5,"minorEdit":false},"ancestors":[{"id":1234}]' -H ‘X-Atlassian-Token:access-token' | python -m json.tool
Given below is the error message
< HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
No JSON object could be decoded
Thank you for your time!
I believe in your curl example you are uploading it under space which is not possible. Attachments in Confluence needs to be under content. Take a look at following example:
curl -v -S -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" -F "file=#myfile.txt" -F "comment=this is my file" "http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/3604482/child/attachment" | python -mjson.tool
You have to set the container property in the request object.
Specify "container":{"id":"123456","type":"attachment"}
curl -v -u 'admin:password' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"id":"att000","type":"attachment","title":"test.jpeg","version":{"number":5,"minorEdit":false},"container":{"id":"123456","type":"attachment"}, "ancestors":[{"id":1234}]' -H ‘X-Atlassian-Token:access-token' | python -m json.tool
id => id of the page where attachment is being moved.

Mashape multipart-form POST request

I have a POST method in my API which uses multipart encoded form data. I have set up the correct header and data settings so that the mashape web interface generated the following curl:
curl -X POST --include '' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic ***********' \
-H 'X-Mashape-Key: ************' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'file=#sample.docx' \
-F 'meta={"documentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"};type=application/json'
Basically i'm trying to upload a file with a simple paragraph of text for processing. The curious part is that when I run this exact curl in a bash script, everything works smoothly, but when I try to run it through mashape, it says either 400 Bad Request or 500 Internal Server Error
In my particular case, these errors are generated when I don't pass correct form or headers. So my question is: Is there an error in the curl syntax or should I keep looking for the error on server side?
EDIT: I figured out what the problem was. -F 'file=#sample.docx' was passed before -F 'meta....' and that was causing the 500 Internal Server Error So now the question is: Is there any way to specifically arrange the order of the form fields (because mashape rearranges them aplhabetically)?

Create jobs and execute them in jenkins using REST

I am trying to create a WCF REST client that will communicate to Jenkins and create a job from an XML file and then build the job. My understanding is that you can do that with Jenkins.
Can some one please provide some commands that you can type on a browser's address bar to create and build jobs? ie: http:localhost/jenkins/createItem?name=TESTJOB something along those lines.
Usually, when parsing through the documentation, it can take one or two days. It is helpful to be able to access code or curl commands to get you up and running in one hour. That is my objective with a lot of third party software.
See the post at which lists several of the curl commands. You will have to replace (ie JENKINS_HOST) with the your own url.
To create a job, for instance, try:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -d "<project><builders/><publishers/><buildWrappers/></project>" "http://JENKINS_HOST/createItem?name=AA_TEST_JOB2"
This uses a generic config. You can also download a config from a manually created job and then use that as a template.
curl "http://JENKINS_HOST/job/MY_JOB_NAME/config.xml" > config.xml
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -d #config.xml "http://JENKINS_HOST/createItem?name=AA_TEST_JOB3"
To execute the job (and set string parameters), use:
curl "http://JENKINS_HOST/job/MY_JOB_NAME/build"
See the Jenkins API Wiki page (including the comments at the end). You can fill in the gaps using the documentation provided by Jenkins itself; for example, http://JENKINS_HOST/api will give you the URL for creating a job and http://JENKINS_HOST/job/JOBNAME/api will give you the URL to trigger a build.
I highly recommend avoiding the custom creation of job configuration XML files and looking at something like the Job DSL plugin instead. This gives you a nice Groovy-based DSL to create jobs programmatically - much more concise and less error-prone.
Thanks to a GIST -
Check if job exists
curl -XGET 'http://jenkins/checkJobName?value=yourJobFolderName' --user
With folder plugin
curl -s -XPOST 'http://jenkins/job/FolderName/createItem?name=yourJobName' --data-binary #config.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --user
Without folder plugin
curl -s -XPOST 'http://jenkins/createItem?name=yourJobName' --data-binary #config.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --user
Create folder
curl -XPOST 'http://jenkins/createItem?name=FolderName&mode=com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder&from=&json=%7B%22name%22%3A%22FolderName%22%2C%22mode%22%3A%22com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder%22%2C%22from%22%3A%22%22%2C%22Submit%22%3A%22OK%22%7D&Submit=OK' --user -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
If you want to create a job into a view given the view exists.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -d #build.xml "http://jenkins_host/view/viewName/createItem?name=itemName"
the build.xml filetemplate could be found in the root directory of a job's workspace
if you want to create a view:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -d #view.xml "http://jenkins_host/createView?name=viewName"
the content of the file view.xml could be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<properties class="hudson.model.View$PropertyList"/>
<comparator class="hudson.util.CaseInsensitiveComparator"/>
and to check if a view exists:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" "http://jenkins_host/checkViewName?value=viewName"
to check if a job exists:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" "http://jenkins_host/checkJobName?value=jobName"
To create a job:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -d "<project><builders/><publishers/><buildWrappers/></project>" -u username: API_Token http://JENKINS_HOST/createItem?name=AA_TEST_JOB2
To build a job:
curl -X POST -u username:API_TOKEN http://JENKINS_HOST/job/MY_JOB_NAME/build
In case you need to make the same HTTP calls using the Python requests library, instead of CURL...
Download a job config:
import requests
auth = ("username", "api_token")
url = "http://" + JENKINS_HOST + "/job/" + JOB_NAME + "/config.xml"
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
open('config.xml', 'wt').write(response.text)
Create a new job using same config:
url = "http://" + JENKINS_HOST + "/createItem?name=" + NEW_JOB_NAME
headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml'}
data = response.text
response =, auth=auth, headers=headers, data=data)
Omit auth parameter when not needed.