Cannot receive WooCommerce emails / WP emails, Linux mail (ssh) works - email

Issue : WooCommerce emails are not received.
What does work :
1) with ssh connexion to server, if I use mail Linux command, its works.
2) With WP, Check Email plugin works as well.
3) A user changed his password, I received the email notification, as others WP emails notifications : new user created, and others ...
What does not work :
When I bought something (as a buyer), I have the PayPal email, but any WC email.
Someone else did the same test, same issue.
When I send (as admin) manually, an email to a customer (myself) with WC, it does not work as well.
I think I set up correctly emails with WC : check box => activate notification.
I did not change the look of emails.
Either HTML or text emails does not work.
At the moment, I would not like to use any SMTP plugin, as my server can send emails.
I don't know where to look for about this issue ?
Might PayPal forbid WC to send emails ?
Thank you for your help !

I just had to set up reverse DNS with domain name to make it works.


(Google Workspace) Email not being received from one sender only

I have a Google Workspace (I think that is what it is called) that I use to manage a private email address for a small business.
Everything has been working fine, and I can see the user (richard) in the admin area with associated email set up. I have sent test emails to and from their email account to make sure it is working okay and everything seems to be working fine.
I have two email addresses associated with the domain, for example: (me) and (richard)
I use the first email address as an admin account, and they use the second one.
They've had this email account for a long time, and have had no problems, however recently they have stopped receiving emails from one sender (their accountant).
I can still send emails to the account from my own personal email address to them, and they are receiving emails from other businesses, but just this one person is sending emails to them and they aren't being received.
Things I've tried:
Checked the spam/junk folders and no emails are there
Checked to make sure the sender isn't on the blocked list
Looked at the email logs as per this suggested article and don't see any record of the incoming email that has been sent
Sent a test email to and from and they both receive my email. When the accountant presses "reply all" the email only gets received by and never arrives at
Sent a test email from to and she receives the email. When she replies, he doesn't get the reply.
All I can think of is she has somehow blocked him via her email client, but I need to check out all the possibilities of it being a problem at our end as she's not great with email and not sure how I'm going to navigate that one :)
Any suggestions welcome!

Forms not sending emails, but it works in Install tools

I have a TYPO3 default form with 2 text fields. I submit the form and I get the "Thank you" message, but I dont receive the email in my Gmail inbox.
I checked the spam folder but nothing. I tested to send email via Install tools and I received the email.
I use SMTP :
[MAIL][transport] = smtp
how can I know why mails are not sent in TYPO3 default form ?
I found the solution,
I just have to change the Sender address to the same as [MAIL][defaultMailFromAddress]

Gmail is not receiving emails from SendGrid

I have a Django app set up to send emails from my contact form via SendGrid.
The contact form should send emails to, which is an account using G Suite, so the client opens the email on Gmail.
However, the emails from the contact form are getting stuck on SendGrid with status deferred or block.
I tried changing the destination email from to and it worked just fine.
I don't know what else to do.
Here is my Activity Feed from SendGrid dashboard:
I read when the status is deferred, SendGrid keep trying to send the email again for the next 72h, but I have emails sent 3 days ago that never arrived on the inbox.
Anyone knows what could I do to fix that?
I solved it! Thanks to #Selcuk comment.
I had my domain pointing to a server with cPanel all set up.
Then I developed a new app, deployed it on Heroku and installed the PointDNS to get my domain poiting to the Heroku app.
When I did this, I lost my MX records set up on my server with cPanel.
All I had to do was to add the MX records for G Suite on PointDNS:

Can't receive emails send from php

I have set up several email accounts on my vps hosting but I can't receive any emails that are send via php from another hosting. Everything works fine when I send emails from gmail for example, I receive them without a trouble. Does anyone know any reason why emails sent from php can't be received?
Try using phpmailer, it's a good mailing class which automatically sets well defined headers so that the mail is more likely to not land in the spam folder.
Sounds like a spam filter issue. Have you set up a proper Sender ID/SPF framework in your domain name service so that the host appears to be a valid MTA for this domain? Look here for a detailed explanation of Sender ID/SPF/DKIM, etc.
Check your spam folder.
GMail is able to differenciate if a mail has been sent from outlook for example or an automated application. (I dont know how, but they can). If i send an email from my work account to GMAil works, if its a web app or executable with the same email adress, it ends up on the spam folder.

sendmail disabled

My host has Sendmail() disabled. I'm basically looking for a way to bypass this. I want visitors to be able to send me (gmail account) an email where they first fill in their e-mail address, so they become the sender. It's for support questions and remarks.
If there is no way to bypass this, is there and alternative, perhaps using mailchimp..?
You can always use an alternative public send mail servers available. You can use one of them. Here is one Public Send Mail server list
use phpmailer library. you can send email via connecting smtp (works with gmail too.) 1st configure one of your accounts with phpmailer. when the user fills in their email set the sender as user's email.
even though you are actually sending the email through your account to receiver of the email will show as sent by user's email address.