how to access the SOAP request in the groovy script - SOAP UI - soap

I am writing a groovy script to consume the SOAP web service. First i imported my
WSDL in SOAP and created a project.
Then all the SOAP request are generated automatically.
Now am trying to write a groovy to call the SOAP service using the SOAP request generated.
Now here it is my groovy script
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
class Example {
static void main(String[] args) {
String serviceInput="";
PostMethod post = new PostMethod("http://server:30280/so_ws/SO?WSDL");
post.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/soap+xml,application/dime,multipart/related,text/*");
post.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
// access CreateNote SOAP request here to call PostMethod
I want to access the same SOAP request generated in SOAP UI - CreateNote.
How can I access it?
My actuall requirement is to access all SOAP request in the groovy script - so that i can write one single script to test all the SOAP services in one go and that too in the sequence as per required

Here is the Groovy Script which gets the request from its previous step of the same test case like you have your test case currently.
def req = context.testCase.getTestStepAt(context.currentStepIndex - 1).httpRequest.requestContent req


how to implement rest client with gluon plugin

I am following the gluon rest sample to access to a rest server. But I get nothing from the server. the object is null. so what is wrong with the code. The object is there and reachable by http.
RestClient restClient = RestClient.create()
InputStreamInputConverter<CoursFrancaisJson> converter = new JsonInputConverter<>(CoursFrancaisJson.class);
GluonObservableObject<CoursFrancaisJson> retrieveObject = DataProvider.retrieveObject(restClient.createObjectDataReader(converter));

Swagger results with `TypeError: Failed to fetch` for .net core RedirectResult

I have .net core WebApi application setup with swagger. An endpoint that responses with RedirectResult is not handled by swagger ui and shown up as Undocumented: TypeError: Failed to fetch
The redirect result itself contains a SAS url to Azure Storage Blob file.
I've tried to call this endpoint with SoapUI and Postman and the actual file appeared in response with application/octet-stream content type
The endpoint is built in format
Task<IActionResult> DownloadDocument([FromRoute] Guid id)
return Redirect(blobSasUri)
There is support for that or even some workaround or I've missed something?

How can i get failed http request details in jmeter via mail?

I am trying to send the mail through jmeter for failed http request, I want to know the sampler details like name of http request?
I have added if controller to check the assertion of previously running request sand send a mail if it fails.It gives me error message
"Message from Jmeter thread # Test failed: code expected to match /200/"
But I want to know the name of http request which has been failed so i can know specifically which request is failing?
You can use JSR223 PreProcessor to get the previous sampler details using the following code:
def sampler = ctx.getPreviousSampler()
Example usage:
def previousSamplerName = ctx.getPreviousSampler().getName()"Failed sampler name: " + previousSamplerName)
vars.put("SamplerName", previousSamplerName)
If everything goes fine you will be able to access previous sampler name as ${SamplerName} in the SMTP Request sampler
ctx is a shorthand to JMeterContext class instance, see the JavaDoc for available methods and fields
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class instance, it provides read/write access to all JMeter Variables in scope.
Also check out Groovy Is the New Black guide to get familiarized with using Groovy in JMeter tests.

RESTful call testing in Eclipse

In my case, I am running a eclipse project providing the Restful api, and I will call that api like in the following example. I am curious if I should create another project in the eclipse to run the following code to test the api.
Jersey Example
Form form = new Form();
form.add("x", "foo");
form.add("y", "bar");
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget resource ="http://localhost:8080/someresource");
Builder request = resource.request();
Response response = request.get();
if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
System.out.println("Success! " + response.getStatus());
} else {
System.out.println("ERROR! " + response.getStatus());
you can run your code as a java application using main method.
Or since you are saying you have you services running you can use POSTMAN REST Client available as a plugin for chrome and chromium browsers. i don't know about the support for the same in other browsers.
Using postman you'll be able to see exactly how your restful service is working. you'll be able to send request headers and other parameters as a part of the rest request. Postman is the way to go for end to end web service testing.

Rest assured with digest auth

I have a working spring-mvc application with rest services and some rest-assured tests which are fine :
public void createFoobarFromScratchReturns201(){
.queryParam("foo", generateFoo())
.queryParam("bar", generateBar())
=> OK
Then I implemented a digest authentication. Everything is working well, now I have to log in to use my services :
curl http://localhost:8089/foo/bar
=> HTTP ERROR 401, Full authentication is required to access this resource
curl http://localhost:8089/foo/bar --digest -u user_test:password
But when I try to upgrade my tests with the most obvious function, I still have a 401 error :
public void createFoobarFromScratchReturns201(){
.auth().digest("user_test", "password") // Digest added here
.queryParam("foo", generateFoo())
.queryParam("bar", generateBar())
=> Expected status code <201> doesn't match actual status code <401>
I found some clues with the preemptive() function, but it seems to be only implemented for basic :
// Returns an AuthenticatedScheme and stores it into the general configuration
RestAssured.authentication = preemptive().basic("user_test", "password");
// Try a similar thing, but it didn't work :
RestAssured.authentication = RestAssured.digest("user_test", "password");
Currently, I am trying to achieve two things :
I need to upgrade a couple of my tests to support digest
I need to amend the #Before of the rest of my tests suites (whose are not related to auth issues), to be already logged in.
Any ideas or documentation ?
Try enabling support for cookies in the HTTP client embedded inside Rest Assured with:
RestAssuredConfig config = new RestAssuredConfig().httpClient(new HttpClientConfig().setParam(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.BEST_MATCH));
.auth().digest("user_test", "password") // Digest added here
.queryParam("foo", generateFoo())
.queryParam("bar", generateBar())
The HTTP client (and therefore Rest Assured) supports digest authentication and the configuration of RestAssured using the digest method works well.