Why do different Appveyor builds for the same commit deliver different results? - appveyor

I have two builds failing, one failed on merge, the other was failing after selecting RE-BUILD COMMIT and two builds green, one for the pull request and one, after I selected NEW BUILD from one of the failing builds.
The builds 1.0.47, 1.0.48 and 1.0.49 are based on the same commit hash, so obviously something is different on Appveyor side, but the question is what.
The error message that made the builds fail, indicates that an environment variable is not set, but I don't really understand why this is happening.
Any ideas? Thanks.

After experimenting a lot, I found that symlinks on Windows (and therefore Appveyor) are fragile.
So I changed the build to not contain any symlinks any more and did not experience any issues after that any more.


Prevent a Jenkins build caused by git push in same job

I have written a Jenkinsfile for use in a GitHub Organization object in Jenkins. Part of the Jenkinsfile is error correcting, and often makes changes to the project. At the end of the pipeline, Jenkins commits the changes to our git repository.
Now that I have all of this working, I have realized that upon pushing the corrections to the repo, the same job that just ran and corrected the errors will run again, since it is triggered by webhooks. It wouldn't be an infinite loop because there would be no errors to correct after running the first time, but it would run one more time than it needs to.
The fact that the changes made by the job end up triggering the job is problematic because the pipeline includes a deploy step. Redeploying the same code twice in a row feels like the result of a poorly written pipeline. That said, short of searching the last commit message for keywords, I cannot figure out a good way to make commits from the job not trigger the job. Is there a less hacky way to solve this problem?
edit: I am aware of the ci-skip plugin, but I can't documentation for making it work in a declarative pipeline. I would prefer an approach that lets me do something with the default scm checkout step at the start of the build.
edit 2: I ended up just running a grep of the last commit message everytime the pipeline starts to see if the message contained the text [ci skip]. Its dirty, but it works if its placed in a setup stage of the pipeline.
In the configuration to checkout a git repo, you can specify there to ignore certain commit messages (advanced checkout behavior) Rather than using code to do it. However, I'm not sure if if a github org job can do the same thing.
Another option would be to ignore certain directories if the changes are confined to certain directories, and those directories aren't normally changes otherwise. Again, not sure if github org supports this.
Don't use webhook triggeers, possibly, but this isn't a preferred option.

How to Accomplish This Branching and Deployment Strategy Using TeamCity and Octopus

I have been researching and am trying to figure out the best branching and deployment strategy to accomplish the requirements below. Maybe I’m missing something but it is more complicated than it seems. Ideally, we’d just have one permanent branch, ‘master’, that could have specific commits tagged to mark releases to production.
Our current strategy is based on Git Flow and has permanent branches ‘master’ (only has releases to production) and ‘develop’. The primary thing that complicates using a multiple permanent-branches model is the concept of “promoting” the same build from the staging environment to production. Currently, this needs to be done in a separate source code branch (deployments to staging come from ‘develop’, deployments to prod come from ‘master’).
Tools: Git (VSTS), TeamCity, Octopus Deploy
Requirements (feature and hotfix lifecycles):
All code is reviewed via pull requests (enforced via branch policies)
All code gets deployed to a staging environment for testing
We can quickly go back to any snapshot of code that was deployed previously
If testing is successful, then the same build can be “promoted” from our staging environment to production (no need to build again)
Features accumulate over time before pushing out to production as a single release. Hotfixes have to be able to go through without getting caught up in the "all or nothing" next regular release.
I like the idea of having one permanent branch with tags (re: The master/develop split is redundant, http://endoflineblog.com/gitflow-considered-harmful), but having additional permanent branches may better facilitate deploying to different lifecycles/versions (feature and hotfix) to Octopus.
I have been wrestling with how best to pull this off and I may be over complicating things. Any feedback is appreciated.
It seems you have a number of questions and they are quite broad... I'll add some comments to each of your requirements as a conversation starter, but this whole thread might get blocked by moderators as it is definitely not the style of questions SO was made for.
All code is reviewed via pull requests (enforced via branch policies)
I haven't looked at VSTS for ages, but I'd expect they already support branch policies and pull-requests, so not sure if there's anything you need here other than configure settings in your repositories.
In case VSTS does not support that, you might consider moving to a tool that does e.g. BitBucket, GitHub, etc. Both of these have an on-premises version in case you can't (or don't want to) use the cloud hosted version.
All code gets deployed to a staging environment for testing
You achieve that with setting up lifecycles in Octopus Deploy, to make sure deployments/promotions follow the the sequence you want.
We can quickly go back to any snapshot of code that was deployed previously
You already have source control, so all you need now is traceability from the code that is deployed in an environment, to the deployment version in Octopus Deploy, the build job in TeamCity, the branch and exact commit in your source control.
There's a few things that you can do, to achieve that:
Define a versioning scheme that works for you. I like to use semantic versioning. "Major" and "Minor" versions are defined by the developers, and the "Patch" is the auto-incremented number from TeamCity (%build.number%). Every git push build the code and generates a unique build version (%major%.%minor%.%build.number%)
As part of the build steps in TeamCity, before you compile the code, make sure your source files are patched with the version number assigned by each build, the commit hash from your source control, and the branch name. e.g. if you are using .NET, make sure all the AssemblyInfo.cs files are updated with that version, so that the version is embedded in the binaries. This allows anyone to query the version looking at the properties of the binary files, and also allows you to display the app version on the app itself (e.g. status bar, footer, caption, about box, etc.)
Have TeamCity tag your source control with the version number of every build, so you can quickly see on your source control history. You probably only want to do that for the master branch, though which is what you care about.
Have Octopus tag your source control with the deployment version number and the environment name, so that you can quickly see (from your source control) what got deployed where.
Steps 1 and 2 are the most important ones, really. 3 and 4 are just nice-to-have. Most of the time you'll just open the app in the environment, check the commit hash in the "About", and do a git checkout to that commit hash...
If testing is successful, then the same build can be "promoted" from our staging environment to production (no need to build again)
Again, Octopus Deploy lifecycles, and make sure anything different in each environment is defined in the configuration file of the application, which is updated during the Octopus deployment, using environment-specific variables.
In terms of branch workflow, this last requirement makes it mandatory to merge changes into master (or whatever your "production" branch is) before the deployment lifecycle can begin.

TeamCity Running Too Many Builds

I have created a build configuration in TeamCity (v8.0.1) to automatically build my Github pull requests by setting my VCS branch specification to +:refs/pull/(*/merge) (I followed this blog post).
TeamCity is picking up new pull requests and changes to existing pull requests just fine, however it is kicking off multiple builds per change when I would expect it to only perform a single build.
For example, I pushed up two commits to an existing pull request which resulted in 8 builds being executed by TeamCity. When I look at the changes for each of the builds the change graph is identical except for the commit hash of the pull request's build (at least I think that is what it is), e.g.
I have confirmed that Per-checkin Triggering is disabled in the Build Trigger configuration. I have also confirmed that we are not using any of Github's TeamCity hooks.
Any ideas what the problem might be?
I'm not sure what could cause this, but have you tried to turn on "Quiet Period"

What exactly is considered "breaking the build?"

In a CI environment, what exactly is considered a broken build?
There are several answers I can imagine (any combination of compiles, tests pass, metrics are in range, documentation exists etc.) , but I am not sure which of these are cannoncial.
For example, just today it happened to me that I actually checked in all code changes but forgot to commit the Visual Studio project file, thus breaking the unit tests. (even though I literally triple checked my commit, as it's a public OSS project on google code).
I was easily able to fix this in under a minute after my first commit, but should I consider myself a buildbreaker now?
How do you configure your CI environment: Is every revision built or only the newest version after each complete build, or do you use time based checking for new revs?
Ideally, you have
automated script that is scheduled to run each night to build the application from source code.
Scripts to copy the binaries to a directory/set of directories from which another script can be run to deploy the application if it is running in your environment, or used to create deliverables for a customer.
Automated suite of tests that run and verify all components pass all tests.
Automated script that verifies that the build has been built correctly.
Automated script/monitoring system that sends out an alert if the verification script fails.
When an alert is generated by the above process, then that is considered "breaking the build".
But since procedures/processes can vary from company to company, there may be alternate definitions. In some places it may be breaking the unit tests. Others it may be checking in source code that results in the code being unabl to compile.
Breaking the build is commiting any changes that make it impossible (or possible but not smart to do) to deploy the project.
Fixing a broken build does not repair the broken build, but makes it possible to create a new non-broken build.
I configure my CI-server to create a minimal build on every commit, and create a maximum build every period of time. The period depends on the number of people working on the project (more people is more commits) and the build duration (You can run your unit test suite every time, but the 30min. acceptance test suite once or twice a day).
Breaking a build is preventing any user that relies on the same standard tools and set of code than your CI environnment to get a compiling and running system.
If your coworkers cannot compile the system when they're up to date, because some config is missing, the build is broken, isn't it ?
If you coworkers cannot be confident that unit tests pass, because one of them is flaky, the build is broken, isn'it ?
If you have automated performance tests, and you're project have to be optimized, I would go as far as too say that if you code doesn't run fast enough, you've broken the build (but that is arguable)
I would not be so strongly minded about code coverage, or other metrics for example.
Breaking the build can happen. CI is just there to make sure it doesn't happen too much on the day you're supposed to ship ;)
for us, we use the term "breaking the build" any time the test suite fails after a new commit.
so, in your instance, yes you would have broken the build (according to our company at least)
As long as you broke the build because of a simple human error (like forgetting to commit something) and as long as this is an exception and not the rule, I would say it's OK. As long as you take care to fix this quickly :)
On the other hand, if somebody breaks builds on a regular basis by not executing the complete build locally on his/her machine before committing, then this is a sign of an ill-disciplined team member who doesn't really care for other team members and for the development process.
My experience is that one effective way to make people be more careful is to set up your CI server to send an email when (and only when) the status of the build changes, with the "culprit" on the To: list and the rest of the team on the Cc:. I guess you can could call it a "shame factor" ;)
A broken build is anything that doesn't pass the automated test suite.
You're a build breaker. ;) That's not really a big deal as long as you fix it fast. The whole point of a CI environment is to catch bugs, not make people afraid to commit.
My company builds the tip of each branch that is either in production or next up for production. We do this on every commit and each day at 4am. We're using Mercurial, so commit here means pushing changes to the integration repo.

Controlled Integration of Changes with Continuous Integration

I have a NSIS installer that we previously built using nAnt scripts that copy some files around and run makensis.exe via a exec task to build the installer exe. After the nant script completes, I have the compelte structure for our CD and also our download.
I was just doing a get from sourcesafe onto an unused desktop and using it as a build box, compiling there. Sometimes we would have a couple of files checked in that fix something critical. In those cases I would go to the build box, and very selectively get only those files, to avoid getting other changed files that we aren't ready to release yet. Basically I am able to allow development to continue and selectively include certain changed files into the installer for release.
Now we no longer have a free box, and need to build from our server. So I am setting up CI Factory so that the developer can kick the build off without remoting into the server. The one issue I am struggling with, is the best way to continue to allow this selective change control to occur. The default concept of CI that CI Factory implements is fine for internal development "head". However, I also want to setup a CCNet project that is run only on demand via a Force Build for this "public release" type of build.
This is what I've brain stormed so far, without being sure how well this will work, if at all(still figuring out what CCNet and CI Factory are all about). The "public release" CCNet project config/build would be setup such that it would not get latest. Modifications would not trigger a build. Since the other CCNet project that is using the default CI methodology(we'll call it the "CI project") of getting latest when changes are detected, then these two projects can't share the same working directory. So the "public release" would need a different working copy, so that its files won't get updated when the CI project's build is triggered. The developer would need to remote into the server, one VSS, selectively do a get into the "public release"'s working copy, and then force a build through CI Factory.
The disadvantage's I see with this is
1) Having to remote in to selectively do gets.
2) I have no idea how to allow a single CI Factory project to have two different working copies of the Product folder, so that each project configuration block has it's own.
3) I'm afraid of what kind of strangeness this might cause. I'm not quite sure yet how to specify a source control block in CCNet project config block, but prevent it from doing a get latest when it builds. I'm still gradually figuring out what things are in scripts and can be easily taken out without breaking other things, versus what is not meant to be mucked around with and/or is not configurable.
I would really like to hear about how others deal with this issue of selectively releasing changes, if you have a similar situation. I am constrained to VSS, so my immediate need is to solve this with that in mind, but at the same time I'd be interested in hearing how you manage this with other source control systems. I guess you would probably have a branch that is your latest developments branch, and then merge changes into the trunk whenever you want to release them? I really don't trust VSS for branching/merging, and I think the branching concepts might be a little too much overhead and learning curve for this shop. Like I said though, stories with other source control systems would be useful future knowledge for me.
Thanks in advance.
You need a branching structure in your repository to facilitate this. Something like the release branch method. Only select individuals can commit to this branch (or have a release/stable for that). Set up your manual CI launches to pull from the release branch as release nightly promote to milestone or final from there. I don't like the idea of manually modifying things on your build machine. Set up the changes in version control, in a safe place to prepare your release and let CI build from there, but manually triggered.
Check out these branching patterns. I suggested C3, codeline-per-release, often called release branching.
Heres an article on VSS branching that includes a link to merging.
This question looks similar.
Maybe you could move to another source control system with better support for this kind of thing. Any suggestions from MS people out there?