How can I share my RCloud notebook with someone who does not have an RCloud account? - rcloud

Is it possible to share an RCloud notebook with someone who does not have an RCloud account? Does it matter if they are an internal employee or an external contact?

Share the results of a RCloud notebook by creating a view.html URL (that may be messaged or emailed to anyone). To create a view.html URL, select view.html using the Share icon drop down menu then click the Share icon.
This is the simplest method of sharing and most appropriate for quickly sharing results of an analysis that may include narrative (e.g., Markdown or RMarkdown cells) and data visualizations. This view.html link that will allow someone to see and execute the notebook within the RCloud User Interface (UI).
To share a view.html link with someone who doesn't have an RCloud account, the notebook must be Published using the Advanced menu located in the navigation bar in the edit.html mode.
Note: for the notebook to run for unregistered user, they must have access to the URL and any resources used by the notebook. (E.g., you may need to change data and directory permissions.)


how to share a product from your e commerce app

is there a way to share my e-commerce app products? like the amazon app. when you click on share. it makes a URL for you, and you can send the URL to everyone.
and if you click on share it gives you this link.
can anyone please help me on how to share my e-commerce app's products
you will have to use two packages for this...
dynamic plugin
share plugin
1. dynamic link
2. share
you use the dynamic link to generate the short link of the product then use share to share it to users. so if user click on it it will automatic bring them to the production...
dynamic video
First, you need to have a route to your product in your app. You probably already have that. If not, you need to build that. There are really too many ways to do that and the one to pick depends on what you did so far in your app and how you handle navigation.
Assuming you are at a point where you can create a link to a product by hand, you can use share_plus to open the device/platform specific sharing dialog in your application and share that link. Check out their example and go from there.

Could I create a .log file for my personal Github website to tracking who is click my page?

I have a website written by js-css-html and some php. I have uploaded all the files to the github and it is activively working. As you know, it is a web-page which you can access it via a link.
What I'm trying to do is to see who click to my website. In my search I find that log files do this what I want. How can add log file to keep tracking who is click my web-page?
A GitHub page does have analytics:
either natively through Traffic page,
or through third-party tools, like Google analytics (with this script or a pixel tracked)

In AEM, how do I proetect asset from anonymous access?

This is what I want to do, in AEM, there are some sensitive PDFs links on the page. So when people click these pdf links, I want to let the user to login first. After that, they can view these PDFs assets. Right now, all the PDFs are in the DAM. I may need to override some OTB pages that load the assets, but I just can't figure out which page I should override...
Can someone shed some light on this?
Thank you
You need to configure privileges of users on assets folder, or specific asset folder. Read more about users preveleges here
The AEM term is CUG or "Closed User Group" for resources that require authentication to access. Anonymous users requesting a resource in a CUG will be redirected to the login form (which you can also modify).
(depending on which version you are working on).

Sharing my dashboard/workbook with others without sharing my data in Tableau Online/Public?

I have purchased Tableau Online to share my workbooks with a specific group of people without providing an option to download the actual data I used to create them. But I figured that other users would also need a license to view/edit my workbooks..
My initial plan was to share my published workbooks and put them on my website so that others (that I specify) can VIEW the workbook without offering them a privilege of downloading the data. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated...
When you publish your workbook to online specify permissions so that users
- cannot download the workbook
- cannot edit the workbook
- cannot view the underlying data
If you give your audience accounts with only viewing permission and you have those restricted permissions for workbooks, then you can simply send your audience links and they will see the visualizations in their browser without having to download workbooks. Even if they did download the workbooks, their accounts would be prevented from looking any deeper into the data than your workbooks show.
Take a look at the Tableau JavaScript API. Once you have your workbooks hosted with Tableau Online you can display them using the API on your own website. Then just share the link to those you want to have viewing rights.
This will be public to whoever has the link though unless you set the location up to require login.
When you see this window, click on a User/group, and click Edit. Tableau has default roles (Viewer, Interactor, etc.). You can modify the Interactor role so that it becomes a Custom role so that someone can't download your workbook, etc.
See here for more details on permissions.

Joomla , forms with upload and custom field from inside the administration panel

I want a plugin for joomla like jforms or chronoforms in order to make a form to upload videos along with other custom fields to db and manage them. The only problem is I want this functionality to be made from inside the administrator console and not to appear on a page at my site's frontend. My site does not have a login service , so I need to make the admin able to login to administration panel and from there to upload and manage videos.
Do you know of a plugin wich supports this functionality? Thank you in advance.
Found the correct plugin. It is fabrik.