How to interpret the discriminator's loss and the generator's loss in Generative Adversarial Nets? - neural-network

I am reading people's implementation of DCGAN, especially this one in tensorflow.
In that implementation, the author draws the losses of the discriminator and of the generator, which is shown below (images come from
Both the losses of the discriminator and of the generator don't seem to follow any pattern. Unlike general neural networks, whose loss decreases along with the increase of training iteration. How to interpret the loss when training GANs?

Unfortunately, like you've said for GANs the losses are very non-intuitive. Mostly it happens down to the fact that generator and discriminator are competing against each other, hence improvement on the one means the higher loss on the other, until this other learns better on the received loss, which screws up its competitor, etc.
Now one thing that should happen often enough (depending on your data and initialisation) is that both discriminator and generator losses are converging to some permanent numbers, like this:
(it's ok for loss to bounce around a bit - it's just the evidence of the model trying to improve itself)
This loss convergence would normally signify that the GAN model found some optimum, where it can't improve more, which also should mean that it has learned well enough. (Also note, that the numbers themselves usually aren't very informative.)
Here are a few side notes, that I hope would be of help:
if loss haven't converged very well, it doesn't necessarily mean that the model hasn't learned anything - check the generated examples, sometimes they come out good enough. Alternatively, can try changing learning rate and other parameters.
if the model converged well, still check the generated examples - sometimes the generator finds one/few examples that discriminator can't distinguish from the genuine data. The trouble is it always gives out these few, not creating anything new, this is called mode collapse. Usually introducing some diversity to your data helps.
as vanilla GANs are rather unstable, I'd suggest to use some version
of the DCGAN models, as they contain some features like convolutional
layers and batch normalisation, that are supposed to help with the
stability of the convergence. (the picture above is a result of the DCGAN rather than vanilla GAN)
This is some common sense but still: like with most neural net structures tweaking the model, i.e. changing its parameters or/and architecture to fit your certain needs/data can improve the model or screw it.


Does it matter which algorithm you use for Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE)

I have seen MICE implemented with different types of algorithms e.g. RandomForest or Stochastic Regression etc.
My question is that does it matter which type of algorithm i.e. does one perform the best? Is there any empirical evidence?
I am struggling to find any info on the web
Thank you
Yes, (depending on your task) it can matter quite a lot, which algorithm you choose.
You also can be sure, the mice developers wouldn't out effort into providing different algorithms, if there was one algorithm that anyway always performs best. Because, of course like in machine learning the "No free lunch theorem" is also relevant for imputation.
In general you can say, that the default settings of mice are often a good choice.
Look at this example from the miceRanger Vignette to see, how far imputations can differ for different algorithms. (the real distribution is marked in red, the respective multiple imputations in black)
The Predictive Mean Matching (pmm) algorithm e.g. makes sure that only imputed values appear, that were really in the dataset. This is for example useful, where only integer values like 0,1,2,3 appear in the data (and no values in between). Other algorithms won't do this, so while doing their regression they will also provide interpolated values like on the picture to the right ( so they will provide imputations that are e.g. 1.1, 1.3, ...) Both solutions can come with certain drawbacks.
That is why it is important to actually assess imputation performance afterwards. There are several diagnostic plots in mice to do this.

Is running more epochs really a direct cause of overfitting?

I've seen some comments in online articles/tutorials or Stack Overflow questions which suggest that increasing number of epochs can result in overfitting. But my intuition tells me that there should be no direct relationship at all between number of epochs and overfitting. So I'm looking for answer which explains if I'm right or wrong (or whatever's in between).
Here's my reasoning though. To overfit, you need to have enough free parameters (I think this is called "capacity" in neural networks) in your model to generate a function which can replicate the sample data points. If you don't have enough free parameters, you'll never overfit. You might just underfit.
So really, if you don't have too many free parameters, you could run infinite epochs and never overfit. If you have too many free parameters, then yes, the more epochs you have the more likely it is that you get to a place where you're overfitting. But that's just because running more epochs revealed the root cause: too many free parameters. The real loss function doesn't care about how many epochs you run. It existed the moment you defined your model structure, before you ever even tried to do gradient descent on it.
In fact, I'd venture as far as to say: assuming you have the computational resources and time, you should always aim to run as many epochs as possible, because that will tell you whether your model is prone to overfitting. Your best model will be the one that provides great training and validation accuracy, no matter how many epochs you run it for.
While reading more into this, I realise I forgot to take into account that you can arbitrarily vary the sample size as well. Given a fixed model, a smaller sample size is more prone to being overfit. And then that kind of makes me doubt my intuition above. Still happy to get an answer though!
Your intuition to me seems completely correct.
But here is the caveat. The whole purpose of deep models is that they are "deep" (duh!!). So what happens is that your feature space gets exponentially larger as you grow your network.
Here is an example to compare a deep model with a simpler mode:
Assume you have a 10-variable data set. With a crazy amount of feature engineering, you might be able to extract 50 features out of it. Then if you run a traditional model (let's say a logistic regression), you will have 50 parameters (capacity in your word, or degree of freedom) to train.
But, if you use a very simple deep model with Layer 1: 10 unit, layer2: 10 units, layer3: 5 units, layer4: 2 units, you will end up with (10*10 + 10*10 + 5*2 = 210) parameters to train.
Therefore, usually when we train a neural net for a long time, we end of with a memorized version of our data set(this gets worse if our data set is small and easy to be memorized).
But as you also mentioned, there is no intrinsic reason why higher number of epochs result in overfitting. Early stopping is usually a very good way for avoiding this. Just set patience equal to 5-10 epochs.
If the amount of trainable parameters is small with respect to the size of your training set (and your training set is reasonably diverse) then running over the same data multiple times will not be that significant, since you will be learning some features about your problem, rather than just memorizing the training data set. The problem arises when the amount of parameters is comparable to your training data set size (or bigger), it is basically the same problem as with any machine learning technique that uses too many features. This is quite common if you use large layers with dense connections. To combat this overfitting problem there are lots of regularization techniques (dropout, L1 regularizer, constraining certain connections to be 0 or equal such as in CNN).
The problem is that might still be left with too many trainable parameters. A simple way to regularize even further is to have a small learning rate (i.e. don't learn too much from this particular example lest you memorize it) combined with monitoring the epochs (if there is a large gap increase between validation/training accuracy, you are starting to overfit your model). You can then use the gap info to stop your training. This is a version of what is known as early stopping (stop before you reach the minimum in your loss function).

Number of Q values for a deep reinforcement learning network

I am currently developing a deep reinforcement learning network however, I have a small doubt about the number of q-values I will have at the output of the NN. I will have a total of 150 q-values, which personally seems excessive to me. I have read on several papers and books that this could be a problem. I know that it will depend from the kind of NN I will build, but do you guys think that the number of q-values is too high? should I reduce it?
There is no general principle what is "too much". Everything depends solely on the problem and throughput one can get in learning. In particular number of actions does not have to matter as long as internal parametrisation of Q(a, s) is efficient. To give some example lets assume that the neural network is actually of form NN(a, s) = Q(a, s), in other words it accepts action as an input, together with the state, and outputs the Q value. If such an architecture can be trained in a problem considered, than it might be able to scale to big action spaces; on the other hand if the neural net basically has independent output per action, something of form NN(s)[a] = Q(a, s) then many actions can lead to relatively sparse learning signal for the model and thus lead to slow convergence.
Since you are asking about reducing action space it sounds like the true problem has complex control (maybe it is a continuous control domain?) and you are looking for some discretization to make it simpler to learn. If this is the case you will have to follow the typical approach of trial and error - try with simple action space, observe the dynamics, and if the results are not satisfactory - increase the complexity of the problem. This allows making iterative improvements, as opposed to going in the opposite direction - starting with too complex setting to get any results and than having to reduce it without knowing what are the "reasonable values".

Neural Network Retraining

I am coding a simple Neural Network, but I have thought of one issue that is bothering me.
This NN is for finding categories in the input. To better understand this, say the categories are "the numbers" (0,1,2...9).
To implement this the output layer is 10 nodes. Say I train this NN with several input -output pairs and save the learned weights somewhere. As the learning process takes quite a lot of time, after that I go and take a break. Come fresh the next day and re-start learning with new input -output pairs. So fair so goo
But what happen if on that time, I decide that I want to recognize hexadecimals (0,1,...9,A,B,,,E,F)... ergo the categories are increasing.
I suspect that would imply changing the structure of the NN and therefore I should retrain the NN from scratch.
Is this so?
Any comment, advice or your share of experience will be greatly appreciated
EDIT: This question has been marked as duplicate. I read the other question and although similar, my question is more concrete. While the other question speaks in generalities and the answer also is quite general- mine is very concrete as I use an example:
If I train a NN to recognize decimal numbers and later on decide to add data to make it recognize hexadecimals, can this be possible? How? Do I have to retrain the whole NN? In other words, does the structure of the NN needs to stay stationary with 10 OR 16 outputs since the beginning?
I would very much appreciate for a concrete answer to this. Thanks
A few considerations
Your training set and testing set should have the same distribution
Unless you have some way of specifying sample weights like some algorithms can you should at all costs avoid training on biased data. This is true for machine learning in general, not only neural networks.
Resuming training from a previous session is equivalent of using good initial values
Technically, you're just using the previous network as initial value instead of a random value. You should keep training in the whole dataset as always, to avoid a biased network.
Short Answer
Yes, you should always retrain your network if by retrain, you mean doing a training routine with the full dataset.
If you just mean retrain as doing a really long training iteration, it isn't your choice anyway. You must always train the network until the training error and testing error (or cross validated error) converge. If you reuse the previously trained network, that will probably happen faster.
You see, this is true no matter what kind of model change. If you change the network architecture, or the dataset, or both (your example), or some other parameter.
Of course, if you change the network architecture, you're going to have a bit of trouble on reusing the previous network. You could reuse the learned parameters from nodes that were kept and randomly initialize the parameters for the new nodes.

Choose the right classification algorithm. Linear or non-linear? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I find this question a little tricky. Maybe someone knows an approach to answer this question. Imagine that you have a dataset(training data) which you don't know what it is about. Which features of training data would you look at in order to infer classification algorithm to classify this data? Can we say anything whether we should use a non-linear or linear classification algorithm?
By the way, I am using WEKA to analyze the data.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
This is in fact two questions in one ;-)
Feature selection
Linear or not
add "algorithm selection", and you probably have three most fundamental questions of classifier design.
As an aside note, it's a good thing that you do not have any domain expertise which would have allowed you to guide the selection of features and/or to assert the linearity of the feature space. That's the fun of data mining : to infer such info without a priori expertise. (BTW, and while domain expertise is good to double-check the outcome of the classifier, too much a priori insight may make you miss good mining opportunities). Without any such a priori knowledge you are forced to establish sound methodologies and apply careful scrutiny to the results.
It's hard to provide specific guidance, in part because many details are left out in the question, and also because I'm somewhat BS-ing my way through this ;-). Never the less I hope the following generic advice will be helpful
For each algorithm you try (or more precisely for each set of parameters for a given algorithm), you will need to run many tests. Theory can be very helpful, but there will remain a lot of "trial and error". You'll find Cross-Validation a valuable technique.
In a nutshell, [and depending on the size of the available training data], you randomly split the training data in several parts and train the classifier on one [or several] of these parts, and then evaluate the classifier on its performance on another [or several] parts. For each such run you measure various indicators of performance such as Mis-Classification Error (MCE) and aside from telling you how the classifier performs, these metrics, or rather their variability will provide hints as to the relevance of the features selected and/or their lack of scale or linearity.
Independently of the linearity assumption, it is useful to normalize the values of numeric features. This helps with features which have an odd range etc.
Within each dimension, establish the range within, say, 2.5 standard deviations on either side of the median, and convert the feature values to a percentage on the basis of this range.
Convert nominal attributes to binary ones, creating as many dimensions are there are distinct values of the nominal attribute. (I think many algorithm optimizers will do this for you)
Once you have identified one or a few classifiers with a relatively decent performance (say 33% MCE), perform the same test series, with such a classifier by modifying only one parameter at a time. For example remove some features, and see if the resulting, lower dimensionality classifier improves or degrades.
The loss factor is a very sensitive parameter. Try and stick with one "reasonnable" but possibly suboptimal value for the bulk of the tests, fine tune the loss at the end.
Learn to exploit the "dump" info provided by the SVM optimizers. These results provide very valuable info as to what the optimizer "thinks"
Remember that what worked very well wih a given dataset in a given domain may perform very poorly with data from another domain...
coffee's good, not too much. When all fails, make it Irish ;-)
Wow, so you have some training data and you don't know whether you are looking at features representing words in a document, or genese in a cell and need to tune a classifier. Well, since you don't have any semantic information, you are going to have to do this soley by looking at statistical properties of the data sets.
First, to formulate the problem, this is more than just linear vs non-linear. If you are really looking to classify this data, what you really need to do is to select a kernel function for the classifier which may be linear, or non-linear (gaussian, polynomial, hyperbolic, etc. In addition each kernel function may take one or more parameters that would need to be set. Determining an optimal kernel function and parameter set for a given classification problem is not really a solved problem, there are only useful heuristics and if you google 'selecting a kernel function' or 'choose kernel function', you will be treated to many research papers proposing and testing various approaches. While there are many approaches, one of the most basic and well travelled is to do a gradient descent on the parameters-- basically you try a kernel method and a parameter set , train on half your data points and see how you do. Then you try a different set of parameters and see how you do. You move the parameters in the direction of best improvement in accuracy until you get satisfactory results.
If you don't need to go through all this complexity to find a good kernel function, and simply want an answer to linear or non-linear. then the question mainly comes down to two things: Non linear classifiers will have a higher risk of overfitting (undergeneralizing) since they have more dimensions of freedom. They can suffer from the classifier merely memorizing sets of good data points, rather than coming up with a good generalization. On the other hand a linear classifier has less freedom to fit, and in the case of data that is not linearly seperable, will fail to find a good decision function and suffer from high error rates.
Unfortunately, I don't know a better mathematical solution to answer the question "is this data linearly seperable" other than to just try the classifier itself and see how it performs. For that you are going to need a smarter answer than mine.
Edit: This research paper describes an algorithm which looks like it should be able to determine how close a given data set comes to being linearly seperable.