Is there a way to add ui elements from code in netlogo? - netlogo

In netlogo, the way to add say, a button is to click on the add button and select button demonstrated here. is there a way to do this from code, say when the setup button is clicked? I want to generate some monitors demonstrating some information after the setup button is clicked.

The eXtraWidgets extension allows you to create additional interface tabs in the NetLogo GUI and programatically put custom widgets on them.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work (yet) with NetLogo 6.0.
There also used to be the Goo extension, but it has been unmaintained for a while.


Difference between Buttons and onTapGesture

I’m quite new to swiftui and I was curious on what’s the difference between using a button displaying an image or an image with onTapGesture modifier that make an action just like the action on buttons.
In the use case you've described you can use either but for reference, Apple provides the following guidance in their documentation for onTapGesture:
If you are creating a control that’s functionally equivalent to a Button, use ButtonStyle to create a customized button instead.
onTapGesture adds an action to perform when the view recognizes a tap gesture and can be tailored to respond to any number of taps (with 1 being the default).
Buttons are a control that performs an action when triggered and have the benefit of automatically adapting their visual style to match the expected style within different containers and contexts.
In iOS and watchOS, the user triggers a standard button by tapping on it.
In macOS, the user triggers a standard button by clicking on it.
In tvOS, the user triggers a standard button by pressing “select” on an external remote, like the Siri Remote, while focusing on the button.
For more information please refer to Apples documentation here:
I would recommend using Button when you want the feature of a button. I noticed that images cannot be used as buttons with Voice Over on. When I changed those to use Button instead, it fixes the problem.

Build some sort of workflow in JavaFX

I'm trying to build some sort of visual workflow in JavaFX. I want my application to have one main screen with the next and previous buttons, something like an installer. When a user clicks next, all the elements of the next screen appear in the same element. All previous choices of the user have to be saved. So when a user clicks on the previous button that all of his choices are still there.
How would I go on to do this?
I found these links on Google, but they don't seem to help me. Something like this is a bit the direction that I want to go, but the code in this tutorial isnt't really that good for scene's with a lot of elements.
The DataFX Framework provides a Flow API that can be used to define workflows. By doing so you can simply navigate between MVC Groups by only using annotations or configurations. You can find some examples of the API here:
I haven't worked with JavaFX in a while, but I'll start by saying I really hope you are using the JavaFX scene builder.
The way I would do it off the top of my head without going back and relearning JavaFX is to create a main window in the scene builder, and have a sort of central content display area, which holds another custom JavaFX container that contains the content you want to display, of which you can then create several of and swap out which one is being displayed programmatically.
Basically, create several smaller components representing each step or screen and display them programmatically in an owning container.

Swift- How do I make it so that if the user clicks the button it takes them to a new view?

I'm currently trying to create a small notepad app, and i'm in need of help. I am using a Tabbed View Application. Say we had a view that has two text fields for Name and short description, and then a button beneath saying "Create Note".
How can I make this button change the view to my editor/notepad view that does not have the tabs at the bottom?
If you are using storyboards, which I assume that you are, what you will want to use are triggered movements called segues.
To create one, right-click on the button and drag the line that appears to the second view, and then release.
It should look like this:
Then, when you release, a gray box will appear, with a list of segues. You can find out what each one does online, and as you get more advanced you can develop custom ones.
However, use Modal as a basic one to begin with.
Hope this helps,
PS. In the future, try and make your questions more specific, and do some research before you ask a question. It's important that you gain a good reputation on Stack Overflow if you want your questions answered properly.

draw button as combobox with ios

I'm attempting to override the onDraw method of a button because I want to create a different styled button. I want to create a button like combobox with iOS SDK. I've already found source code, but it will not work.
Try this for combo box in ios.
Depending on how many entries you're trying to choose from, you might want to look at UISegmentedControl. It's like a radial button, where you can select one "active" option (leaving one or more "inactive" options). It gets cluttered and it becomes hard for the user to select the option they want if you have a lot of different options though.

Leafet.js: add button with link to zoombox function

I need to add a control button with a "rectangle" zoom or what's called the boxZoom function in leaflet. I know that the function can be used when pressing shift and drawing a rectangle but I need a button that gets clicked and then the user can draw a rectangle which is used a bounds for the boxZoom function. I thought this wouldn't be difficult but I just can't figure it out.
Bonus points if you could tell me how to link other functions, e.g. of leaflet.draw, to my own buttons. I need to create my own button toolbar, so I need to be able to attach different functions to the buttons and would like to use already existing functions.
There isn't a one size fits all solution for this (thus the reason for L.Control.BoxZoom being its own plugin). You'll need to add buttons with click handlers, then read the API of Leaflet or the plugin you're integrating with (e.g. drawing) to find how to toggle the behavior.
The Leaflet.EasyButton plugin does a good job of encapsulating the creation of single button controls and click handlers in an easy way, and may be a good starting point if you're struggling with getting started.