Ideal number of replicas for database - mongodb

I am looking for some best practices to be able to read enough to gauge how to decide on the number of replicas needed for Mongo. I am aware of Mongo Docs that talk about things like having odd number of nodes, and when does the need of arbiter arise, etc.
In our case the requirement for reads won’t be so high that reads will become a bottleneck. Neither are we targeting sharding at this moment. However, we are going to run mongo in a docker swarm and there could be multiple instances of certain services trying to write. Our swarm cluster won’t be very huge either most likely.
So how do I find logical answers to these:
Why not create one local mongo instance per physical node and tie it to that?
For any number of physical nodes, as long as read/write is not a bottle neck, 3 or 5 replicas are always going to be ideal for fault recovery and high availability. But why is 3 or 5 a good number. Why not 7 if I have say 10 physical nodes.
I am trying to find some good reads to be able to decide on how to arrive at a number. Any pointers?

To give you an answer, all depend on many criterias
What is your budget
How big is your data
what do you want to use your replica sets for
As an Example, In my case
We have 3 Data Centers across the country
One of them is very Small
We found our sweet spot in terms of number od nodes being 5
1 Primary + 1 Secondary in DC1
1 Arbiter in DC2
2 secondaries in DC3


Sharding with replication

Sharding with replication]1
I have a multi tenant database with 3 tables(store,products,purchases) in 5 server nodes .Suppose I've 3 stores in my store table and I am going to shard it with storeId .
I need all data for all shards(1,2,3) available in nodes 1 and 2. But node 3 would contain only shard for store #1 , node 4 would contain only shard for store #2 and node 5 for shard #3. It is like a sharding with 3 replicas.
Is this possible at all? What database engines can be used for this purpose(preferably sql dbs)? Did you have any experience?
I have a feeling you have not adequately explained why you are trying this strange topology.
Anyway, I will point out several things relating to MySQL/MariaDB.
A Galera cluster already embodies multiple nodes (minimum of 3), but does not directly support "sharding". You can have multiple Galera clusters, one per "shard".
As with my comment about Galera, other forms of MySQL/MariaDB can have replication between nodes of each shard.
If you are thinking of having a server with all data, but replicate only parts to readonly Replicas, there are settings for replicate_do/ignore_database. I emphasize "readonly" because changes to these pseudo-shards cannot easily be sent back to the Primary server. (However see "multi-source replication")
Sharding is used primarily when there is simply too much traffic to handle on a single server. Are you saying that the 3 tenants cannot coexist because of excessive writes? (Excessive reads can be handled by replication.)
A tentative solution:
Have all data on all servers. Use the same Galera cluster for all nodes.
Advantage: When "most" or all of the network is working all data is quickly replicated bidirectionally.
Potential disadvantage: If half or more of the nodes go down, you have to manually step in to get the cluster going again.
Likely solution for the 'disadvantage': "Weight" the nodes differently. Give a height weight to the 3 in HQ; give a much smaller (but non-zero) weight to each branch node. That way, most of the branches could go offline without losing the system as a whole.
But... I fear that an offline branch node will automatically become readonly.
Another plan:
Switch to NDB. The network is allowed to be fragile. Consistency is maintained by "eventual consistency" instead of the "[virtually] synchronous replication" of Galera+InnoDB.
NDB allows you to immediately write on any node. Then the write is sent to the other nodes. If there is a conflict one of the values is declared the "winner". You choose which algorithm for determining the winner. An easy-to-understand one is "whichever write was 'first'".

MongoDB Replica Set - 5 data centers - are two arbiters possible?

Is it possible to deploy MongoDB Replica Set with two arbiters? The documentation states that a replica set should contain a maximum of one arbiter, but it doesn't specify if this is a real limitation or just a recommendation.
The planned deployment would be in five data centers, where three of the data centers would hold the actual data and run on high performance hardware, and the last two data centers would hold no data and only run arbiters.
The goal is to achieve high-availability and allow the system to operate even with the loss of any two data centers.
The other option is a 4+1 setup which would of course cost more, but would that really provide any benefits over 3+2 in this case?
More than one arbiter is not recommended, because arbiters are considered voting nodes. You need to consider what happens when the two data-bearing nodes go offline, where you are left with a primary and two arbiters. This is not ideal because:
Majority write concern will wait until writes propagate to the majority of voting nodes. Since the arbiters cannot do writes, the write will hang. This is especially a problem if the replica set is part of a sharded cluster, since chunk moves requires majority write concern.
Having two arbiters and a single active data-bearing nodes means that you don't have high availability anymore. If the primary is subsequently corrupted, you have no other node that have a copy of the data.
Losing two datacenters typically means that you have a more pressing issue compared to the database not allowing writes (e.g. reliability of your hosting company). You have to wonder if a hosting company allows two datacenter to be offline for an extended period of time, what are the chances of them corrupting your data?
If you envision that two of your data-bearing nodes can be offline at the same time (due to maintenance, disasters, etc.), then the best thing to do is to have a replica set with five data-bearing nodes.
If five data-bearing nodes is not ideal for your situation, I would recommend you to go with only one arbiter (the 4+1 topology you mentioned).

Mongodb two nodes deployment

I know Mongodb suggest the replication set minimum is 3
Can I use two servers to install Mongodb with 4 replication sets in order to prevent Write failure when one node down?
My idea is to install two more instances on each server to fake/get rid of it:
Mongodb 1
Replcation set 1 (Master)
Replcation set 2 (Secondary)
Mongodb 2
Replcation set 3 (Secondary)
Replcation set 4 (Arbiter)
If one server down, it still has two replication sets for it.
Can anyone can comment my idea?
I would like to know is there any issue/risk needed to consider?
This is a bad idea. Your suggested configuration would be counter-productive for two main reasons:
Running two instances of MongoDB on the same hosts will lead to them both running slowly and awkwardly, competing for memory, cpu, disk i/o, etc.
If one of the hosts goes down, the two nodes on the other will not be able to continue the replica set because with only two nodes running out of four, you don't have the majority necessary to become primary.
MongoDB is intended to be run effectively on multiple hosts, so it is designed for that; even if you could find a way to shoe-horn a functioning replica set onto only two hosts, you would be working against MongoDB's design and struggling to make it work effectively.
Really, your best option is to run a single mongod instance on each of your two hosts, and to run an arbiter on a third (separate) host; that kind of normal 3-host configuration is an effective and straightforward way of achieving both data replication and high availability.
Please read
Even number of members in a set is not recommended. The only reason to add an Arbiter is to resolve this issue and increase number of members by 1 to make it odd. It makes no sense to add 2 Arbiters at all.
Similarly there is no point to put an Arbiter to the same server with any other member. It is quite lightweight, so you can co-locate it with an application server for example.
Having 2 db servers the best replica set configuration would be:
Mongodb 1
Mongodb 2
Any other server
Simple answer is, no you cannot do it..
Reason is "majority". If you loose one server of those two, you don't have majority of votes online.
This is reason, why 3 is minimum. It can be 3 data bearing nodes or 2 data bearing nodes and one arbiter. All of those have one vote and if you loose one of those, replica set still have 2/3 votes what is majority. Like 3/5 or 4/7.
Values 1/2 (or 2/4) are not majority.

Difference between Sharding And Replication on MongoDB

I am just confuse about the Sharding and Replication that how they works..According to Definition
Replication: A replica set in MongoDB is a group of mongod processes that maintain the same data set.
Sharding: Sharding is a method for storing data across multiple machines.
As per my understanding if there is data of 75 GB then by replication (3 servers), it will store 75GB data on each servers means 75GB on Server-1, 75GB on server-2 and 75GB on server-3..(correct me if i am wrong)..and by sharding it will be stored as 25GB data on server-1, 25Gb data on server-2 and 25GB data on server-3.(Right?)...but then i encountered this line in the tutorial
Shards store the data. To provide high availability and data
consistency, in a production sharded cluster, each shard is a replica
As replica set is of 75GB but shard is of 25GB then how they can be equivalent...this makes me confuse a lot...I think i am missing something great in this. Please help me in this.
Lets try with this analogy. You are running the library.
As any person who has is running a library you have books in the library. You store all the books you have on the shelf. This is good, but your library became so good that your rival wants to burn it. So you decide to make many additional shelves in other places. There is one the most important shelf and whenever you add some new books you quickly add the same books to other shelves. Now if the rival destroys a shelf - this is not a problem, you just open another one and copy it with the books.
This is replication (just substitute library with application, shelf with a server, book with a document in the collection and your rival is just failed HDD on the server). It just makes additional copies of the data and if something goes wrong it automatically selects another primary.
This concept may help if you
want to scale reads (but they might lag behind the primary).
do some offline reads which do not touch main server
serve some part of the data for a specific region from a server from that specific region
But the main reason behind replication is data availability. So here you are right: if you have 75Gb of data and replicate it with 2 secondaries - you will get 75*3 Gb of data.
Look at another scenario. There is no rival so you do not want to make copy of your shelves. But right now you have another problem. You became so good that one shelf is not enough. You decide to distribute your books between many shelves. You decide to distribute them between shelves based on the author name (this is not be a good idea and read how to select sharding key here). So everything that starts with name less then K goes to one shelf everything that is K and more goes to another. This is sharding.
This concept may help you:
distribute a workload
be able to save data which much more then can fit on a single server
do map-reduce things
store more data in ram for faster queries
Here you are partially correct. If you have 75Gb, then in sum on all the servers there will be still 75 Gb, but it does not necessarily be divided equally.
But here is a problem with only sharding. Right now your rival appeared and he just came to one of your shelves and burned it. All the data on that shelf is lost. So you want to replicate every shard as well. Basically the notion that
each shard is a replica set
is not true. But if you are doing sharding you have to create a replication for every shard. Because the more shards you have, the bigger is the probability that at least one will die.
Answering Saad's followup answer:
Also you can have shards and replicas together on the same server, it is not recommended way of doing it. Each server should have a single role in the system. If for example you decide to have 2 shards and to replicate it 3 times, you will end up with 6 machines.
I know that this might sound too costly, but you have to remember that this is a commodity hardware and if the service you providing is already so good, that you think about high availability and does not fit one machine, then this is a rather cheap price to pay (in comparison to a dedicated one big machine).
I am writing it as an answer but actually its a question to #Salvador Sir's answer.
Like you said that in sharding 75 GB data "may be" stored as 25GB data on server-1, 25GB on server-2 and 25Gb on server-3. (this distribution depends on the Sharding Key)...then to prevent it from loss we also need to replicate the shard. so this means now every server contains it shards and also the replication of other shards present on other server..means Server-1 will have
1) Its own shard.
2) Replication of Shard present on server-2
3) Replication of Shard present on server-3
same goes with Server-2 and server-3. Am i right?..if this is the case then each server again have 75GB of data again. Right or wrong?
Since we want to make 3 shards and also replicate the data so following is the solution to the above problem.
r has shard and also replica set then in that case the failure of that server will lead to loss of replica set and shard.
However you can have the shard 1 and replica set (replica of shard 2 and shard 3) on same server but this is not advisable..
Sharding is like partition of data.
Lets say you have around 3GB of data, and you defined 3 shards, So each shard MIGHT take 1GB of data(And it truly depends on the shard key)
Why sharding is needed? Searching a specific data out of 3GB is 3 times complex than searching in 1GB of data. So its almost similar to partition. And sharding helps for fast accessing of data.
Now coming to Replica, Lets say you have the same 3GB of data without any replication(That means only a single copy of data exists) so if anything happens to that machine or the drive, your data is gone. So replication comes into picture to solve this problem, Lets say when you set up the DB, you have given your Replication as 3, which means the same 3GB of data is available 3 times(So the total size could be 9GB divided by each of 3GB copies). Replication helps for fail over.

Do I absolutely need a minimum of 3 nodes/servers for a Cassandra cluster or will 2 suffice?

Surely one can run a single node cluster but I'd like some level of fault-tolerance.
At present I can afford to lease two servers (8GB RAM, private VLAN #1GigE) but not 3.
My understanding is that 3 nodes is the minimum needed for a Cassandra cluster because there's no possible majority between 2 nodes, and a majority is required for resolving versioning conflicts. Oh wait, am I thinking of "vector clocks" and Riak? Ack! Cassandra uses timestamps for conflict resolution.
For 2 nodes, what is the recommended read/write strategy? Should I generally write to ALL (both) nodes and read from ONE (N=2; W=N/2+1; W=2/2+1=2)? Cassandra will use hinted-handoff as usual even for 2 nodes, yes?
These 2 servers are located in the same data center FWIW.
If you need availability on a RF=2, clustersize=2 system, then you can't use ALL or you will not be able to write when a node goes down.
That is why people recommend 3 nodes instead of 2, because then you can do quorum reads+writes and still have both strong consistency and availability if a single node goes down.
With just 2 nodes you get to choose whether you want strong consistency (write with ALL) or availability in the face of a single node failure (write with ONE) but not both. Of course if you write with ONE cassandra will do hinted handoff etc as needed to make it eventually consistent.