How do I find out a PowerShell module's ArgumentList? - powershell

I'm trying to write a script that needs to be detect what the ArgumentList of a PowerShell module is. Is there any way of finding this out?
The end game is to be able to use this to create a simple DI container for loading modules.

You can use the AST parser to show you the param() block of the module file. Maybe use Get-Module to find out information about where the module files are located, then parse those and walk the AST to get the information you're after. Does this seem like something that would be useful?
function Get-ModuleParameterList {
[string] $ModuleName
$GetModParams = #{
Name = $ModuleName
# Files need -ListAvailable
if (Test-Path $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$GetModParams.ListAvailable = $true
$ModuleInfo = Get-Module #GetModParams | select -First 1 # You'll have to work out what to do if more than one module is found
if ($null -eq $ModuleInfo) {
Write-Error "Unable to find information for '${ModuleName}' module"
$ParseErrors = $null
$Ast = if ($ModuleInfo.RootModule) {
$RootModule = '{0}\{1}' -f $ModuleInfo.ModuleBase, (Split-Path $ModuleInfo.RootModule -Leaf)
if (-not (Test-Path $RootModule)) {
Write-Error "Unable to determine RootModule for '${ModuleName}' module"
[System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($RootModule, [ref] $null, [ref] $ParseErrors)
elseif ($ModuleInfo.Definition) {
[System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($ModuleInfo.Definition, [ref] $null, [ref] $ParseErrors)
else {
Write-Error "Unable to figure out module source for '${ModuleName}' module"
if ($ParseErrors.Count -ne 0) {
Write-Error "Parsing errors detected when reading RootModule: ${RootModule}"
$ParamBlockAst = $Ast.Find({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParamBlockAst] }, $false)
$ParamDictionary = [ordered] #{}
if ($ParamBlockAst) {
foreach ($CurrentParam in $ParamBlockAst.Parameters) {
$CurrentParamName = $CurrentParam.Name.VariablePath.UserPath
$ParamDictionary[$CurrentParamName] = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata (
# At this point, you can add attributes to the ParameterMetaData instance based on the Attribute
You should be able to give that a module name or the path to a module. It's barely been tested, so there are probably some instances where it won't work. Right now, it returns a dictionary like viewing the 'Parameters' property returned from Get-Command. If you want the attribute information, you'd need to do a little work to build each one.


Powershell pass code to a function, add -errorAction and process in try/catch block

I have a scenario where I am doing any number of things with a network resource, copying files or folders, deleting a ZIP file after it has been unzipped locally, checking an EXE to see if it was downloaded from the internet and needs unblocked, running a software install, etc. And all of these tasks are impacted by things like an installer that hasn't released a file lock on a log file to be deleted, or the unzip hasn't released the file lock on the zip file, or the network is for a fleeting moment "unavailable" so a network file is not found.
I have a technique that works well for handling this scenario, I do a loop and react to the specific exception, and when that exception occurs I just sleep for 6 seconds. The loop happens up to 10 times before I abandon. Here is the code for dealing with an Autodesk log that is still locked by the Autodesk installer.
$waitRetryCount = 10
:waitForAccess do {
try {
Remove-Item $odisLogPath -Recurse -errorAction:Stop
$retry = $False
} catch {
if (($PSItem.Exception -is [System.IO.IOException]) -or ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException -and ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException -is [System.IO.IOException]))) {
if ($waitRetryCount -eq 0) {
$invokeODISLogManagement.log.Add('E_Error deleting ODIS logs: retry limit exceeded')
break waitForFolderAccess
} else {
$retry = $True
$waitRetryCount --
Start-Sleep -s:6
} else {
$invokeODISLogManagement.log.Add('E_Error deleting ODIS logs')
if ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException) {
$retry = $False
} while ($retry)
The thing is, I would like to convert this to a function, since it needs to be handled in a lot of places. So I would need to pass to the function the specific exception I am looking for and the code to be run in the try block, and get back a log (as a generic.list) that I can then add to the actual log list. The first and last aspects I have, but I am unsure the best approach for the code to try. In the above example it is a single line, Remove-Item $odisLogPath -Recurse -errorAction:Stop, but it could be multiple lines I suspect.
To start playing with this I verified that this does seem to work, at least with a single line of code.
$code = {Get-Item '\\noServer\folder\file.txt' -errorAction:Stop}
try {
& $code
} catch {
Write-Host "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
But the error action is going to be duplicated a lot, so I thought to maybe address that within the function, however
$code = {Get-Item '\noServer\folder\file.txt'}
try {
& $code -errorAction:Stop
} catch {
Write-Host "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
does NOT work. I get the exception uncaught.
So, my questions are
1: Is this the right direction? I am pretty sure it is but perhaps someone has a gotcha that I am not seeing, yet. :)
2: Is there a mechanism to add the -errorAction:Stop in the try, so I don't need to do it/remember to do it, at every use of this new function.
3: I seem to remember reading about a programming concept of passing code to a function, and I can't remember what that is called, but I would like to know the generic term. Indeed, it probably would help if I could tag it for this post. I had thought it might be lama, but a quick search suggests that is not the case? Being self taught sucks sometimes.
I have now implemented a function, that starts to do what I want.
function Invoke-PxWaitForAccess {
param (
try {
(& $code -path $path)
} catch {
Return "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)!!"
$path = '\\noServer\folder\file.txt'
$code = {param ([String]$path) Write-Host "$path!"; Get-Item $path}
Invoke-PxWaitForAccess -code $code -path $path
I do wonder if the path couldn't somehow be encapsulated in the $code variable itself, since this implementation means it can ONLY be used where the code being run has a single variable called $path.
And, still wondering if this really is the best, or even a good, way to proceed? Or are there arguments for just implementing my loop 50 some odd times in all the situations where I need this behavior.
Also worth noting that this code does not yet implement the loop or address the fact that different exceptions apply in different situations.
EDIT #2:
And here is a more complete implementation, though it fails because it seems I am not actually passing a type, even though it looks like I am. So I get an error because what is to the right of -is must be an actual type.
function Invoke-PxWaitForAccess {
param (
$invokeWaitForAccess = #{
success = $Null
log = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()
$waitRetryCount = 2
:waitForAccess do {
try {
Write-Host "$path ($waitRetryCount)"
& $code -path $path
$retry = $False
} catch {
Write-Host "!$($PSItem.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
if (($PSItem.Exception -is $exceptionType) -or ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException -and ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException -is $exceptionType))) {
Write-Host "($waitRetryCount)"
if ($waitRetryCount -eq 0) {
$invokeWaitForAccess.log.Add('E_retry limit exceeded')
break waitForFolderAccess
} else {
$retry = $True
$waitRetryCount --
Start-Sleep -s:6
} else {
if ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException) {
$retry = $False
} while ($retry)
if ($invokeWaitForAccess.log.Count -eq 0) {
$invokeWaitForAccess.success = $True
} else {
$invokeWaitForAccess.success = $False
return $invokeWaitForAccess
$path = '\\noServer\folder\file.txt'
$code = {param ([String]$path) Get-Item $path -errorAction:Stop}
if ($invoke = (Invoke-PxWaitForAccess -code $code -path $path -type ([System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException])).success) {
Write-Host 'Good'
} else {
foreach ($line in $invoke.log) {
Write-Host "$line"
EDIT #3: This is what I have now, and it seems to work fine. But the code I am passing will sometimes be something like Remove-Object and the error is [System.IO.IOException], but at other times I actually need to return more than an error, like here where the code involves Get-Item. And that means defining the code block outside the function with a reference to the variable inside the function, which seems, fugly, to me. It may be that what I am trying to do is just more complicated than PowerShell is really designed to handle, but it seems MUCH more likely that there is a more elegant way to do what I am trying to do? Without being able to manipulate the script block from within the function I don't see any good options.
For what it is worth this last example shows a failure where the exception I am accepting for the repeat occurs and hits the limit, as well as an exception that just immediately fails because it is not the exception I am looping on, and an example where I return something. A fourth condition would be when I am trying to delete, and waiting on [System.IO.IOException] and a success would return nothing, no item, and no error log.
function Invoke-PxWaitForAccess {
param (
$invokeWaitForAccess = #{
item = $null
errorLog = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()
$waitRetryCount = 2
:waitForSuccess do {
try {
& $code -path $path
$retry = $False
} catch {
if (($PSItem.Exception -is $exceptionType) -or ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException -and ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException -is $exceptionType))) {
if ($waitRetryCount -eq 0) {
$invokeWaitForAccess.errorLog.Add('E_Retry limit exceeded')
break waitForSuccess
} else {
$retry = $True
$waitRetryCount --
Start-Sleep -s:6
} else {
if ($PSItem.Exception.InnerException) {
$retry = $False
} while ($retry)
return $invokeWaitForAccess
$path = '\\noServer\folder\file.txt'
$code = {param ([String]$path) Get-Item $path -errorAction:Stop}
$invoke = (Invoke-PxWaitForAccess -code $code -path $path -exceptionType:([System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]))
if ($invoke.errorLog.count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Good $path"
} else {
foreach ($line in $invoke.errorLog) {
Write-Host "$line"
$path = '\\noServer\folder\file.txt'
$code = {param ([String]$path) Get-Item $path -errorAction:Stop}
$invoke = (Invoke-PxWaitForAccess -code $code -path $path -exceptionType:([System.IO.IOException]))
if ($invoke.errorLog.count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Good $path"
} else {
foreach ($line in $invoke.errorLog) {
Write-Host "$line"
$path = '\\Mac\iCloud Drive\Px Tools 3.#\# Dev 3.4.5\Definitions.xml'
$code = {param ([String]$path) $invokeWaitForAccess.item = Get-Item $path -errorAction:Stop}
$invoke = (Invoke-PxWaitForAccess -code $code -path $path -exceptionType:([System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]))
if ($invoke.errorLog.count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Good $path !"
Write-Host "$($invoke.item)"
} else {
foreach ($line in $invoke.errorLog) {
Write-Host "$line"

How do you write a Pester mock for task sequence variable setting

I am working on writing Pester tests for our PowerShell scripts that are used during task sequences. Several of them work with the task sequence variables and so I wrote a mock that allows for testing reading variables and am now trying to figure out how to do it for writing variables.
This is the code to read a task sequence variable:
$TsEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$Value = $TsEnv.Value('VariableNameToRead')
By passing in the $TsEnv to a function I can then mock it with the following:
$TsEnv = #{
'VariableNameToRead' = 'TestValue'
Add-Member -InputObject $TsEnv -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Value -Value {
Param( [String]$Key )
This is the code for writing a task sequence variable:
$TsEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$TsEnv.Value('VariableNameToWrite') = 'ValueToWrite'
With it being in parentheses after the $TsEnv.Value I am thinking it is treating it as a method, but I am unable to find any examples on how to assign values to a method.
With Pester 4.3.3+, you might be able to use New-MockObject to create a usable mock of that COM object.
Alternatively, you can do something similar to the below to allow you to mock the functionality of the COM object.
If that COM object is available on the machines where your CI is running, I might consider skipping the mocks and writing an integration test.
# functions.ps1
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
function GetTaskSequenceValue(
[string] $varNameToRead,
[System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $readAction = {
param([string] $readKey)
$tsEnv = New-Object -COMObject 'Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment'
) {
$value = Invoke-Command `
-ScriptBlock $readAction `
-ArgumentList #($varNameToRead)
return $value
function SetTaskSequenceValue(
[string] $varNameToWrite,
[System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $writeAction = {
param([string] $writeKey, [string] $value)
$tsEnv = New-Object -COMObject 'Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment'
$TsEnv.Value($writeKey) = $value
) {
try {
Invoke-Command `
-ScriptBlock $writeAction `
-ArgumentList #($varNameToWrite)
return $true
catch {
# Swallow it
return $false
Tests for the functions abov. The tests manually mock out the COM objects
# functions.test.ps1
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
. "$here\$sut"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
Describe "GetTaskSequenceValue" {
It "gets the expected value" {
$expected = 'value'
$mockAction = {
return 'value'
$actual = GetTaskSequenceValue `
-varNameToRead 'dummyName' `
-readAction $mockAction
$actual | Should Be $expected
Describe "SetTaskSequenceValue" {
It "sets the expected value" {
$expected = 'value'
$mockAction = {
return 'value'
$actual = SetTaskSequenceValue `
-varNameToWrite 'dummyValue' `
-writeAction $mockAction
$actual | Should Be $true
Anything to deal with getting environment variables, WMI, or dotnet static method calls, I like to contain within a small helper function, then it's very easy to mock it. Here's what that helper could look like.
Function Get-SMSTsVariable{($VariableName)
return $TSEnv.Value($VariableName)
Then you can easily mock this in various contexts to check and see how your code acts when various environmental variables are set.
For instance, if you want it to return a value of BitLockerProvisioning when you run Get-SMSTsVariable -VariableName _SMSTSCurrentActionName, and to return 'C:' when you run _OSDDetectedWinDir you setup a mock like this:
mock Get-SMSTsVariable `
-parameterFilter { $VariableName -eq '_SMSTSCurrentActionName'} `
-mockWith {return 'BitLockerProvisioning'}
mock Get-SMSTsVariable `
-parameterFilter { $VariableName -eq '_OSDDetectedWinDir'} `
-mockWith {return 'C:'}
In this way, you can begin your test setting up a handful of responses for the various ways your functions operate. It's really a breeze.

Dot-sourcing a script without executing it

Is it possible in Powershell to dot-source or re-use somehow script functions without it being executed? I'm trying to reuse the functions of a script, without executing the script itself. I could factor out the functions into a functions only file but I'm trying to avoid doing that.
Example dot-sourced file:
function doA
Write-Host "DoAMethod"
Write-Host "reuseme.ps1 main."
Example consuming file:
. ".\reuseme.ps1"
Write-Host "consume.ps1 main."
Execution results:
reuseme.ps1 main.
consume.ps1 main.
Desired result:
consume.ps1 main.
You have to execute the function definitions to make them available. There is no way around it.
You could try throwing the PowerShell parser at the file and only executing function definitions and nothing else, but I guess the far easier approach would be to structure your reusable portions as modules or simply as scripts that don't do anything besides declaring functions.
For the record, a rough test script that would do exactly that:
$file = 'foo.ps1'
$tokens = #()
$errors = #()
$result = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($file, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$errors)
$tokens | %{$s=''; $braces = 0}{
if ($_.TokenFlags -eq 'Keyword' -and $_.Kind -eq 'Function') {
$inFunction = $true
if ($inFunction) { $s += $_.Text + ' ' }
if ($_.TokenFlags -eq 'ParseModeInvariant' -and $_.Kind -eq 'LCurly') {
if ($_.TokenFlags -eq 'ParseModeInvariant' -and $_.Kind -eq 'RCurly') {
if ($braces -eq 0) {
$inFunction = $false;
if (!$inFunction -and $s -ne '') {
$s = ''
} | iex
You will have problems if functions declared in the script reference script parameters (as the parameter block of the script isn't included). And there are probably a whole host of other problems that can occur that I cannot think of right now. My best advice is still to distinguish between reusable library scripts and scripts intended to be invoked.
After your function, the line Write-Host "reuseme.ps1 main." is known as "procedure code" (i.e., it is not within the function). You can tell the script not to run this procedure code by wrapping it in an IF statement that evaluates $MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne "."
$MyInvocation.InvocationName looks at how the script was invoked and if you used the dot (.) to dot-source the script, it will ignore the procedure code. If you run/invoke the script without the dot (.) then it will execute the procedure code. Example below:
function doA
Write-Host "DoAMethod"
If ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne ".")
Write-Host "reuseme.ps1 main."
Thus, when you run the script normally, you will see the output. When you dot-source the script, you will NOT see the output; however, the function (but not the procedure code) will be added to the current scope.
The best way to re-use code is to put your functions in a PowerShell module. Simply create a file with all your functions and give it a .psm1 extension. You then import the module to make all your functions available. For example, reuseme.psm1:
function doA
Write-Host "DoAMethod"
Write-Host "reuseme.ps1 main."
Then, in whatever script you want to use your module of functions,
# If you're using PowerShell 2, you have to set $PSScriptRoot yourself:
# $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot reuseme.psm1 -Resolve)
While looking a bit further for solutions for this issue, I came across a solution which is pretty much a followup to the hints in Aaron's answer. The intention is a bit different, but it can be used to achieve the same result.
This is what I found:
It needed it for some testing with Pester where I wanted to avoid changing the structure of the file before having written any tests for the logic.
It works quite well, and gives me the confidence to write some tests for the logic first, before refactoring the structure of the files so I no longer have to dot-source the functions.
Describe "SomeFunction" {
# Import the ‘SomeFunction’ function into the current scope
. (Get-FunctionDefinition –Path $scriptPath –Function SomeFunction)
It "executes the function without executing the script" {
SomeFunction | Should Be "fooBar"
And the code for Get-FunctionDefinition
#Requires -Version 3
Retrieves a function's definition from a .ps1 file or ScriptBlock.
Returns a function's source definition as a Powershell ScriptBlock from an
external .ps1 file or existing ScriptBlock. This module is primarily
intended to be used to test private/nested/internal functions with Pester
by dot-sourcsing the internal function into Pester's scope.
The source function's name to return as a [ScriptBlock].
Path to a Powershell script file that contains the source function's
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Literal path to a Powershell script file that contains the source
function's definition.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A Powershell [ScriptBlock] that contains the function's definition.
If the following functions are defined in a file named 'PrivateFunction.ps1'
function PublicFunction {
param ()
function PrivateFunction {
param ()
Write-Output 'InnerPrivate'
Write-Output (PrivateFunction)
The 'PrivateFunction' function can be tested with Pester by dot-sourcing
the required function in the either the 'Describe', 'Context' or 'It'
Describe "PrivateFunction" {
It "tests private function" {
## Import the 'PrivateFunction' definition into the current scope.
. (Get-FunctionDefinition -Path "$here\$sut" -Function PrivateFunction)
PrivateFunction | Should BeExactly 'InnerPrivate'
function Get-FunctionDefinition {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
[System.String] $Path = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem),
[Parameter(Position = 0,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath')]
[System.String] $LiteralPath,
[Parameter(Position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position =1,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[System.String] $Function
begin {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') {
$Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path);
elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LiteralPath') {
## Set $Path reference to the literal path(s)
$Path = $LiteralPath;
} # end begin
process {
$errors = #();
$tokens = #();
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') {
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($ScriptBlock.ToString(), [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors);
else {
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors);
[System.Boolean] $isFunctionFound = $false;
$functions = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true);
foreach ($f in $functions) {
if ($f.Name -eq $Function) {
Write-Output ([System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]::Create($f.Extent.Text));
$isFunctionFound = $true;
} # end foreach function
if (-not $isFunctionFound) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') {
$errorMessage = 'Function "{0}" not defined in script block.' -f $Function;
else {
$errorMessage = 'Function "{0}" not defined in "{1}".' -f $Function, $Path;
Write-Error -Message $errorMessage;
} # end process
} #end function Get-Function

How to verify whether the share has write access?

I am having share with write access. I am writing a powershell script to write a log file in that share.
I would like to check the condition whether i am having write access to this share before writing in it.
How to check for write access/Full control using powershell?
I have tried with Get-ACL cmdlet.
$Sharing= GEt-ACL "\\Myshare\foldername
If ($Sharing.IsReadOnly) { "REadonly access" , you can't write" }
It has Isreadonly property, But is there any way to ensure that the user has Fullcontrol access?
This does the same thing as #Christian's C# just without compiling C#.
function Test-Write {
param (
[parameter()] [ValidateScript({[IO.Directory]::Exists($_.FullName)})]
[IO.DirectoryInfo] $Path
try {
$testPath = Join-Path $Path ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
[IO.File]::Create($testPath, 1, 'DeleteOnClose') > $null
# Or...
<# New-Item -Path $testPath -ItemType File -ErrorAction Stop > $null #>
return $true
} catch {
return $false
} finally {
Remove-Item $testPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Test-Write '\\server\share'
I'd like to look into implementing GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl in PowerShell because that will better answer the question....
I use this way to check if current user has write access to a path:
# add this type in powershell
add-type #"
using System;
using System.IO;
public class CheckFolderAccess {
public static string HasAccessToWrite(string path)
using (FileStream fs = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, "Testing.txt"), 1, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose))
{ }
return "Allowed";
catch (Exception e)
return e.Message;
# use it in this way:
if ([checkfolderaccess]::HasAccessToWrite( "\\server\share" ) -eq "Allowed") { this stuff } else { this other stuff.. }
Code doesn't check ACL but just if is possible to write a file in the path, if it is possible returns string 'allowed' else return the exception's message error.
Here's a pretty simple function I built. It returns "Read", "Write", "ReadWrite", and "" (for no access):
function Test-Access()
$guid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
$d = dir $Path -ea SilentlyContinue -ev result
if ($result.Count -eq 0){
$access += "Read"
Set-Content $Path\$guid -Value $null -ea SilentlyContinue -ev result
if ($result.Count -eq 0){
$access += "Write";
Remove-Item -Force $Path\$guid

How to use POWERSHELL to set MimeTypes in an IIS6 website?

I want to be able to replicate this adsutil.vbs behaviour in PowerShell:
cscript adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/$(ProjectWebSiteIdentifier)/MimeMap
and I've gotten as far as getting the website object:
$website = gwmi -namespace "root\MicrosoftIISv2" -class "IISWebServerSetting"
-filter "ServerComment like '%$name%'"
if (!($website -eq $NULL)) {
#add some mimetype
and listing out the MimeMap collection:
Anyone know how to fill in the blanks so that I can add mimetypes to an exiting IIS6 website?
Ok well after much frustration and research, this is the solution I've come up with...
a) Grab the COM DLL "Interop.IISOle.dll" and put it somewhere easily referenced
(eg. reference the COM component "Active DS IIS Namespace Provider" in a dummy project, build and grab the DLL from the bin folder)
function AddMimeType ([string] $websiteId, [string] $extension,
[string] $application)
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("yourpath\Interop.IISOle.dll") | Out-Null;
$directoryEntry = New-Object System
try {
$mimeMap = $directoryEntry.Properties["MimeMap"]
$mimeType = New-Object "IISOle.MimeMapClass";
$mimeType.Extension = $extension
$mimeType.MimeType = $application
finally {
if ($directoryEntry -ne $null) {
if ($directoryEntry.psbase -eq $null) {
} else {
c) Sample usage:
AddMimeType "123456" ".pdf" "application/pdf"
References: Can I setup an IIS MIME type in .NET?
I had this same problem. An alternative to the Interop.IISOle.dll is to use InvokeMember to set the COM bindings.
$adsiPrefix = "IIS://$serverName"
$iisPath = "W3SVC"
$iisADSI = [ADSI]"$adsiPrefix/$iisPath"
$site = $iisADSI.Create("IISWebServer", $script:webSiteNumber)
$xapMimeType = New-Object -comObject MimeMap
SetCOMProperty $xapMimeType "Extension" ".xap"
SetCOMProperty $xapMimeType "MimeType" "application/x-silverlight-app"
function SetCOMProperty($target, $member, $value) {
$target.psbase.GetType().InvokeMember($member, [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::SetProperty, $null, $target, $value)