Github Syntax Highlighting On Wiki - github

I've read this page:
And everywhere else on Github I can do syntax highlighting inside markdown very simply.
However, on my recent project the syntax highlighting has completely given up on Wiki pages, I can't get it work at all. Everywhere I look the only answer seems to be "make sure you specify the language". It seems like no matter how I specify the language the syntax highlighting doesn't work.
Example page:
However, on that exact same project the highlighting is working as expected in the ReadMe
Seriously out of ideas here, any help is appreciated.

Reached out directly to Github support, this is an issue they're currently working to resolve.


VSCode Syntax Highlighting for Javascript doesn't work

i got a little problem over here and i don't get why. My Syntax Highlighting doesn't work on a normal .js file whilst i've Babel Javascript & the Atom One Pro Theme activated as extensions. Don't get whats going wrong here.
picture of the code how it looks right now
Try the Template Literals plugin from the visual studio marketplace. Refer to the below blog for the exact reason.

VS code syntax highlighting for GitHub Actions is broken (for me)

I use VS code. I am starting a new project that is using GitHub Actions. I am using Red Hat's YAML extension.
It usually works great. It says that is has support for GitHub Workflows and GitHub Actions. But it is very "confused" regarding what should be highlighted. The code in the screenshot below works - I have deployed successfully - and it is messing up very obvious highlighting. In the screenshot, I am hovering over elements in the env list and you can see that it is saying that environment variables must be booleans. (FWIW, I also tried putting in a boolean and then it complained about it not being a key-value pair, which is actually correct.)
It appears that others are also having this problem and there was a suggestion given here that should have fixed it but didn't.
Has anyone else had trouble setting up GitHub Actions syntax highlighting?

Github Syntax highlight on Markdown not working

GitHub wiki syntax highlight on markdown not working!
Do I need to change my wiki settings?
I think this is not a syntax problem.
cs, javascript, ruby...every not working.
Please help me :)

Why is `&&` highlighted on Github

On Github, I realized that &&s are highlighted in this file but not in the other languages such as Java, JavaScript etc in the same repo. Does anyone know what the highlight actually means?
Because it is an ASHX (WebHandler) file. The syntax highlighting on GitHub it language-specific:
What is ASHX:
Another example of GitHub syntax highlighting for ASHX:
This is a bug with GitHub Linguist, which is not selecting the right grammar for highlighting. The current grammar is expecting this kind of syntax and is unable to highlight your file.
My guess is we'd need to select a new grammar just for .ashx. If you know a TextMate, Sublime Text, or Atom grammar capable of highlighting correctly .ashx files, please open an issue or pull request at Linguist.

Syntax highlighting on GitHub Wiki refuses to work

This is driving me nuts.
Syntax highlighting doesn't work on a single Wiki page in a project on GitHub.
Take this page, for example:
Here's the source for it:
Oh, great, syntax highlighting works even there.
It seems the reason was I put C++ in some places, only c++ is accepted by the Wiki. If one place has the capital C, no highlighting will be done.