How to detect if a sentence detection is finished in speech-to-text (Unity IBM Watson sdk)? - unity3d

I want to send to server the sentence every time it finishes detecting a sentence.
For example, when it detects I speak "How do I do". I want to send this sentence to the server. However, the following method is called every time it tries to form up a sentence. For example, when I speak "How do I do", it will print "how", "how do", "how do I do", is there a place I can know a sentence is finished?
private void OnRecognize(SpeechRecognitionEvent result)
m_ResultOutput.SendData(new SpeechToTextData(result));
if (result != null && result.results.Length > 0)
if (m_Transcript != null)
m_Transcript.text = "";
foreach (var res in result.results)
foreach (var alt in res.alternatives)
string text = alt.transcript;
if (m_Transcript != null)
// print(text);
//m_Transcript.text += string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2:0.00})\n",
// text, ? "Final" : "Interim", alt.confidence);
m_Transcript.text = text;

There is a final property in the response object.
private void OnRecognize(SpeechRecognitionEvent result)
m_ResultOutput.SendData(new SpeechToTextData(result));
if (result != null && result.results.Length > 0)
if (m_Transcript != null)
m_Transcript.text = "";
foreach (var res in result.results)
foreach (var alt in res.alternatives)
string text = alt.transcript;
if (m_Transcript != null)
// print(text);
//m_Transcript.text += string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2:0.00})\n",
// text, ? "Final" : "Interim", alt.confidence);
m_Transcript.text = text;
// do something with the final transcription


How to get list from docx file?

How to determine whether a list is bulleted or numbered? I use OpenXML
In general, what will be the list determines NumberingDefinitionsPart, I thought to find out the Numbering of a certain element, but this method did not work
I am processing the list in the recommended way, but I need to know which way it is
`public void ParagraphHandle(Elements.Paragraph paragraph, StringBuilder text)
var docPart = paragraph.DocumentPart;
var element = paragraph.Element;
var r = element.Descendants<Numbering>().ToArray();
var images = GetImages(docPart, element);
if (images.Count > 0)
foreach (var image in images)
if (image.Id != null)
string filePath = _saveResources.SaveImage(image);
_handler.ImageHandle(filePath, text);
var paragraphProperties = element.GetFirstChild<ParagraphProperties>();
var numberingProperties = paragraphProperties?.GetFirstChild<NumberingProperties>();
if (numberingProperties != null)
var numberingId = numberingProperties.GetFirstChild<NumberingId>()?.Val?.Value;
if (numberingId != null && !paragraph.IsList)
paragraph.IsList = true;
paragraph.List = new List();
_htmlGenerator.GenerateList(paragraph, text);
_htmlGenerator.GenerateList(paragraph, text);
if (paragraph.IsList)
paragraph.IsList = false;
_handler.ParagraphHandle(element, text);

HERE API Autosuggest Geocoding search

I am looking to use the HERE Geocoding Autosuggest. I understand how the API works and it is the implementation in Flutter I seek guidance on.
There is a Javascript example for the previous version
This demonstrates the call and Json return, but I wondered if there were any Flutter examples/ guidance on implementation when it comes to displaying the data.
For example, the API returns address results for 'London', does Flutter have build in functionality to display these to the user (Such as TypeAheadField), in a dropdown style box below entry field for example, like the HERE screenshot below, where the user can select the correct suggestion? How would the call be implemented with this function?
I presume I will utilise an onChanged/SetState style function to call and display, but it is how to make the call as user types and then display the returned suggestion that I would find an example useful.
Any resources/ tips welcome
Thank you
Please check the below code ,which explains the use of auto suggest in the flutter.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/core.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/core.errors.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/gestures.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/mapview.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/search.dart';
import 'SearchResultMetadata.dart';
// A callback to notify the hosting widget.
typedef ShowDialogFunction = void Function(String title, String message);
class SearchExample {
HereMapController _hereMapController;
MapCamera _camera;
MapImage? _poiMapImage;
List<MapMarker> _mapMarkerList = [];
late SearchEngine _onlineSearchEngine;
late OfflineSearchEngine _offlineSearchEngine;
bool useOnlineSearchEngine = true;
ShowDialogFunction _showDialog;
SearchExample(ShowDialogFunction showDialogCallback, HereMapController hereMapController)
: _showDialog = showDialogCallback,
_hereMapController = hereMapController,
_camera = {
double distanceToEarthInMeters = 5000;
MapMeasure mapMeasureZoom = MapMeasure(MapMeasureKind.distance, distanceToEarthInMeters);
_camera.lookAtPointWithMeasure(GeoCoordinates(52.520798, 13.409408), mapMeasureZoom);
try {
_onlineSearchEngine = SearchEngine();
} on InstantiationException {
throw ("Initialization of SearchEngine failed.");
try {
// Allows to search on already downloaded or cached map data.
_offlineSearchEngine = OfflineSearchEngine();
} on InstantiationException {
throw ("Initialization of OfflineSearchEngine failed.");
_showDialog("Note", "Long press on the map to get the address for that location with reverse geocoding.");
Future<void> searchButtonClicked() async {
// Search for "Pizza" and show the results on the map.
// Search for auto suggestions and log the results to the console.
Future<void> geocodeAnAddressButtonClicked() async {
// Search for the location that belongs to an address and show it on the map.
void useOnlineSearchEngineButtonClicked() {
useOnlineSearchEngine = true;
_showDialog('Switched to SearchEngine', 'Requests will be calculated online.');
void useOfflineSearchEngineButtonClicked() {
useOnlineSearchEngine = false;
// Note that this app does not show how to download offline maps. For this, check the offline_maps_app example.
'Switched to OfflineSearchEngine', 'Requests will be calculated offline on cached or downloaded map data.');
void _searchExample() {
String searchTerm = "Pizza";
print("Searching in viewport for: " + searchTerm);
void _geocodeAnAddress() {
// Set map to expected location.
GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates = GeoCoordinates(52.53086, 13.38469);
double distanceToEarthInMeters = 1000 * 5;
MapMeasure mapMeasureZoom = MapMeasure(MapMeasureKind.distance, distanceToEarthInMeters);
_camera.lookAtPointWithMeasure(geoCoordinates, mapMeasureZoom);
String queryString = "Invalidenstraße 116, Berlin";
print("Finding locations for: $queryString. Tap marker to see the coordinates.");
_geocodeAddressAtLocation(queryString, geoCoordinates);
void _setTapGestureHandler() {
_hereMapController.gestures.tapListener = TapListener((Point2D touchPoint) {
void _setLongPressGestureHandler() {
_hereMapController.gestures.longPressListener = LongPressListener((GestureState gestureState, Point2D touchPoint) {
if (gestureState == GestureState.begin) {
GeoCoordinates? geoCoordinates = _hereMapController.viewToGeoCoordinates(touchPoint);
if (geoCoordinates == null) {
Future<void> _getAddressForCoordinates(GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates) async {
SearchOptions reverseGeocodingOptions = SearchOptions.withDefaults();
reverseGeocodingOptions.languageCode = LanguageCode.enGb;
reverseGeocodingOptions.maxItems = 1;
if (useOnlineSearchEngine) {
_onlineSearchEngine.searchByCoordinates(geoCoordinates, reverseGeocodingOptions,
(SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) async {
_handleReverseGeocodingResults(searchError, list);
} else {
_offlineSearchEngine.searchByCoordinates(geoCoordinates, reverseGeocodingOptions,
(SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) async {
_handleReverseGeocodingResults(searchError, list);
// Note that this can be called by the online or offline search engine.
void _handleReverseGeocodingResults(SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) {
if (searchError != null) {
_showDialog("Reverse geocoding", "Error: " + searchError.toString());
// If error is null, list is guaranteed to be not empty.
_showDialog("Reverse geocoded address:", list!.first.address.addressText);
void _pickMapMarker(Point2D touchPoint) {
double radiusInPixel = 2;
_hereMapController.pickMapItems(touchPoint, radiusInPixel, (pickMapItemsResult) {
if (pickMapItemsResult == null) {
// Pick operation failed.
List<MapMarker>? mapMarkerList = pickMapItemsResult.markers;
if (mapMarkerList.length == 0) {
print("No map markers found.");
MapMarker topmostMapMarker = mapMarkerList.first;
Metadata? metadata = topmostMapMarker.metadata;
if (metadata != null) {
CustomMetadataValue? customMetadataValue = metadata.getCustomValue("key_search_result");
if (customMetadataValue != null) {
SearchResultMetadata searchResultMetadata = customMetadataValue as SearchResultMetadata;
String title = searchResultMetadata.searchResult.title;
String vicinity = searchResultMetadata.searchResult.address.addressText;
_showDialog("Picked Search Result", title + ". Vicinity: " + vicinity);
double lat = topmostMapMarker.coordinates.latitude;
double lon = topmostMapMarker.coordinates.longitude;
_showDialog("Picked Map Marker", "Geographic coordinates: $lat, $lon.");
Future<void> _searchInViewport(String queryString) async {
GeoBox viewportGeoBox = _getMapViewGeoBox();
TextQueryArea queryArea = TextQueryArea.withBox(viewportGeoBox);
TextQuery query = TextQuery.withArea(queryString, queryArea);
SearchOptions searchOptions = SearchOptions.withDefaults();
searchOptions.languageCode = LanguageCode.enUs;
searchOptions.maxItems = 30;
if (useOnlineSearchEngine) {
_onlineSearchEngine.searchByText(query, searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) async {
_handleSearchResults(searchError, list, queryString);
} else {
_offlineSearchEngine.searchByText(query, searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) async {
_handleSearchResults(searchError, list, queryString);
// Note that this can be called by the online or offline search engine.
void _handleSearchResults(SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list, String queryString) {
if (searchError != null) {
// Note: When using the OfflineSearchEngine, the HERE SDK searches only on cached map data and
// search results may not be available for all zoom levels.
// Please also note that it may take time until the required map data is loaded.
// Subsequently, the cache is filled when a user pans and zooms the map.
_showDialog("Search", "Error: " + searchError.toString());
// If error is null, list is guaranteed to be not empty.
int listLength = list!.length;
_showDialog("Search for $queryString", "Results: $listLength. Tap marker to see details.");
// Add new marker for each search result on map.
for (Place searchResult in list) {
Metadata metadata = Metadata();
metadata.setCustomValue("key_search_result", SearchResultMetadata(searchResult));
// Note: getGeoCoordinates() may return null only for Suggestions.
_addPoiMapMarkerWithMetadata(searchResult.geoCoordinates!, metadata);
Future<void> _autoSuggestExample() async {
GeoCoordinates centerGeoCoordinates = _getMapViewCenter();
SearchOptions searchOptions = SearchOptions.withDefaults();
searchOptions.languageCode = LanguageCode.enUs;
searchOptions.maxItems = 5;
TextQueryArea queryArea = TextQueryArea.withCenter(centerGeoCoordinates);
if (useOnlineSearchEngine) {
// Simulate a user typing a search term.
"p", // User typed "p".
searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) async {
_handleSuggestionResults(searchError, list);
"pi", // User typed "pi".
searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) async {
_handleSuggestionResults(searchError, list);
"piz", // User typed "piz".
searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) async {
_handleSuggestionResults(searchError, list);
} else {
// Simulate a user typing a search term.
"p", // User typed "p".
searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) async {
_handleSuggestionResults(searchError, list);
"pi", // User typed "pi".
searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) async {
_handleSuggestionResults(searchError, list);
"piz", // User typed "piz".
searchOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) async {
_handleSuggestionResults(searchError, list);
void _handleSuggestionResults(SearchError? searchError, List<Suggestion>? list) {
if (searchError != null) {
print("Autosuggest Error: " + searchError.toString());
// If error is null, list is guaranteed to be not empty.
int listLength = list!.length;
print("Autosuggest results: $listLength.");
for (Suggestion autosuggestResult in list) {
String addressText = "Not a place.";
Place? place =;
if (place != null) {
addressText = place.address.addressText;
print("Autosuggest result: " + autosuggestResult.title + " addressText: " + addressText);
Future<void> _geocodeAddressAtLocation(String queryString, GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates) async {
AddressQuery query = AddressQuery.withAreaCenter(queryString, geoCoordinates);
SearchOptions geocodingOptions = SearchOptions.withDefaults();
geocodingOptions.languageCode = LanguageCode.deDe;
geocodingOptions.maxItems = 30;
if (useOnlineSearchEngine) {
_onlineSearchEngine.searchByAddress(query, geocodingOptions, (SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) async {
_handleGeocodingResults(searchError, list, queryString);
} else {
_offlineSearchEngine.searchByAddress(query, geocodingOptions,
(SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list) async {
_handleGeocodingResults(searchError, list, queryString);
// Note that this can be called by the online or offline search engine.
void _handleGeocodingResults(SearchError? searchError, List<Place>? list, String queryString) {
if (searchError != null) {
_showDialog("Geocoding", "Error: " + searchError.toString());
String locationDetails = "";
// If error is null, list is guaranteed to be not empty.
for (Place geocodingResult in list!) {
// Note: getGeoCoordinates() may return null only for Suggestions.
GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates = geocodingResult.geoCoordinates!;
Address address = geocodingResult.address;
locationDetails = address.addressText +
". GeoCoordinates: " +
geoCoordinates.latitude.toString() +
", " +
print("GeocodingResult: " + locationDetails);
int itemsCount = list.length;
_showDialog("Geocoding result for $queryString. Results: $itemsCount", locationDetails);
Future<MapMarker> _addPoiMapMarker(GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates) async {
// Reuse existing MapImage for new map markers.
if (_poiMapImage == null) {
Uint8List imagePixelData = await _loadFileAsUint8List('poi.png');
_poiMapImage = MapImage.withPixelDataAndImageFormat(imagePixelData, ImageFormat.png);
MapMarker mapMarker = MapMarker(geoCoordinates, _poiMapImage!);
return mapMarker;
Future<Uint8List> _loadFileAsUint8List(String fileName) async {
// The path refers to the assets directory as specified in pubspec.yaml.
ByteData fileData = await rootBundle.load('assets/' + fileName);
return Uint8List.view(fileData.buffer);
Future<void> _addPoiMapMarkerWithMetadata(GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates, Metadata metadata) async {
MapMarker mapMarker = await _addPoiMapMarker(geoCoordinates);
mapMarker.metadata = metadata;
GeoCoordinates _getMapViewCenter() {
return _camera.state.targetCoordinates;
GeoBox _getMapViewGeoBox() {
GeoBox? geoBox = _camera.boundingBox;
if (geoBox == null) {
"GeoBox creation failed, corners are null. This can happen when the map is tilted. Falling back to a fixed box.");
GeoCoordinates southWestCorner = GeoCoordinates(
_camera.state.targetCoordinates.latitude - 0.05, _camera.state.targetCoordinates.longitude - 0.05);
GeoCoordinates northEastCorner = GeoCoordinates(
_camera.state.targetCoordinates.latitude + 0.05, _camera.state.targetCoordinates.longitude + 0.05);
geoBox = GeoBox(southWestCorner, northEastCorner);
return geoBox;
void _clearMap() {
_mapMarkerList.forEach((mapMarker) {
For more details please check enter link description here

Filter out a range of characters in dart

I have a string like <p>[var # example] <h1>Title</h1>[visual compose]</p>I want to filter out all the substrings which are inside square brackets, including the square brackets.
Do you mean you want to remove them?
You can do it with RegExp, but I would use a parser when html is involved.
One solution is this:
String filterShortcodes(String input,
{String opening = '[', String closing = ']'}) {
assert(opening.runes.length == 1);
assert(closing.runes.length == 1);
final openingRune = opening.runes.first;
final closingRune = closing.runes.first;
bool filter = false;
final buf = StringBuffer();
for (final rune in input.runes) {
if (filter == false && rune == openingRune) {
filter = true;
} else if (filter == true && rune == closingRune) {
filter = false;
} else if (!filter) {
return buf.toString();
void main() {
var input = '<p>[var # example] <h1>Title</h1>[visual compose]</p>';
print(filterShortcodes(input)); // <p> <h1>Title</h1></p>
String removeTextBetweenSquareBrackets(String input) {
return input.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\[.*?\]'), "");
void main() {
print(removeTextBetweenSquareBrackets('<p>[var # example] <h1>Title</h1>[visual compose]</p>'));

Can somebody shorten this code?

I just finished creating a program (I am a beginner at this programming stuff) Now I might be doing this the total wrong way or my logic might not be the greatest at programming but any help would be amazing I will post my code so far below
This code is used when a button is clicked, the button will send a text then the textbox will get the text.
if (txt1.Text == "")
txt1.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt1.Text != "")
if (txt2.Text == "")
txt2.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt2.Text != "")
if (txt3.Text == "")
txt3.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt3.Text != "")
if (txt4.Text == "")
txt4.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt4.Text != "")
if (txt5.Text == "")
txt5.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt5.Text != "")
if (txt6.Text == "")
txt6.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt6.Text != "")
if (txt7.Text == "")
txt7.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt7.Text != "")
if (txt8.Text == "")
txt8.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt8.Text != "")
You need to get all of these text cases into an array for the following loop to work (I have called the array 'txt' here). Based on what you have written this loop should do the same thing as your code but I'm not sure if that's what you really want to do. Your code is setting a single text box to "J" and then hiding your button only if every preceding text field is not an empty string (This will include any of the fields set to null, for example). The conditional then exits.
`for (int i = 0; i < txt.Length; i++) {
if(txt[i] != "") {
else if(txt[i] == "") {
txt[i] = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
Note: I don't know whether this works for C# 3 or not (it should). Try it.
First, you should put all of your text fields into an array:
TextField[] textFields = { txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, txt5, txt6, txt7, txt8, };
Then, loop through the text fields to find a text field that has no text in it:
foreach (TextField tf in textFields) {
if (tf.Text == "") {
After we find it, we want to set its text to "J" and make btn1 invisible. Since we already found the text field, we don't need to continue the loop anymore, so we break:
tf.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
If this doesn't work in C# 3, just update to C# 5 or 6 alright?

Replace bookmark contents in Word using OpenXml

I can't find any working code examples for replacing bookmark contents. The code should be able to handle both the case replace empty bookmark and replace bookmark with preexisting content.
For example: If I have this text in a Word document:
"Between the following periods comes Bookmark1.. Between next periods comes Bookmark2.."
and I want to insert the text "BM1" between the first periods, and "BM2" between the next.
After the first replacement run, the replacements are inserted correctly.
But after the next replacement run, all of the text on the line after Bookmark1 gets deleted, and then the replacement for Bookmark2 gets inserted.
This is my c# code:
var doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(#"file.docx", true);
public static Dictionary<string, wd.BookmarkStart> FindAllBookmarksInWordFile(WordprocessingDocument file)
var bookmarkMap = new Dictionary<String, wd.BookmarkStart>();
foreach (var headerPart in file.MainDocumentPart.HeaderParts)
foreach (var bookmarkStart in headerPart.RootElement.Descendants<wd.BookmarkStart>())
if (!bookmarkStart.Name.ToString().StartsWith("_"))
bookmarkMap[bookmarkStart.Name] = bookmarkStart;
foreach (var bookmarkStart in file.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants<wd.BookmarkStart>())
if (!bookmarkStart.Name.ToString().StartsWith("_"))
bookmarkMap[bookmarkStart.Name] = bookmarkStart;
return bookmarkMap;
/*extension methods*/
public static bool IsEndBookmark(this OpenXmlElement element, BookmarkStart startBookmark)
return IsEndBookmark(element as BookmarkEnd, startBookmark);
public static bool IsEndBookmark(this BookmarkEnd endBookmark, BookmarkStart startBookmark)
if (endBookmark == null)
return false;
return endBookmark.Id.Value == startBookmark.Id.Value;
/* end of extension methods */
public static void SetText(BookmarkStart bookmark, string value)
bookmark.Parent.InsertAfter(new Run(new Text(value)), bookmark);
private static void RemoveAllTexts(BookmarkStart bookmark)
if (bookmark.ColumnFirst != null) return;
var nextSibling = bookmark.NextSibling();
while (nextSibling != null)
if (nextSibling.IsEndBookmark(bookmark) || nextSibling.GetType() == typeof(BookmarkStart))
foreach (var item in nextSibling.Descendants<Text>())
nextSibling = nextSibling.NextSibling();
I have looked around a long time for a general solution.
Any help is appreciated! -Victor
Maybe this can help you
first:delete bookmarkContent
second:find bookMark => insert value
public static void InsertTest1(WordprocessingDocument doc, string bookMark, string txt)
RemoveBookMarkContent(doc, bookMark);
MainDocumentPart mainPart = doc.MainDocumentPart;
BookmarkStart bmStart = findBookMarkStart(doc, bookMark);
if (bmStart == null)
Run run = new Run(new Text(txt));
bmStart.Parent.InsertAfter<Run>(run, bmStart);
catch (Exception c)
//not Exception
public static void RemoveBookMarkContent(WordprocessingDocument doc, string bmName)
BookmarkStart bmStart = findBookMarkStart(doc, bmName);
BookmarkEnd bmEnd = findBookMarkEnd(doc, bmStart.Id);
while (true)
var run = bmStart.NextSibling();
if (run == null)
if (run is BookmarkEnd && (BookmarkEnd)run == bmEnd)
private static BookmarkStart findBookMarkStart(WordprocessingDocument doc, string bmName)
foreach (var footer in doc.MainDocumentPart.FooterParts)
foreach (var inst in footer.Footer.Descendants<BookmarkStart>())
if (inst.Name == bmName)
return inst;
foreach (var header in doc.MainDocumentPart.HeaderParts)
foreach (var inst in header.Header.Descendants<BookmarkStart>())
if (inst.Name == bmName)
return inst;
foreach (var inst in doc.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants<BookmarkStart>())
if (inst is BookmarkStart)
if (inst.Name == bmName)
return inst;
return null;
This code works but not when the bookmark is placed within a field/formtext (a gray box).
private static void SetNewContents(wd.BookmarkStart bookmarkStart, string text)
if (bookmarkStart.ColumnFirst != null) return;
var itemsToRemove = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
var nextSibling = bookmarkStart.NextSibling();
while (nextSibling != null)
if (IsEndBookmark(nextSibling, bookmarkStart))
if (nextSibling is wd.Run)
nextSibling = nextSibling.NextSibling();
foreach (var item in itemsToRemove)
bookmarkStart.Parent.InsertAfter(new wd.Run(new wd.Text(text)), bookmarkStart);