Rx.NET batching by condition, min and max timer - system.reactive

I'm doing batching of messages in stream want to do it by 3 conditions:
if batcher can't add incoming message (for whatever internal logic of batcher)
if there were messages and then no messages within X seconds (basically what throttle does)
if there is continious stream of messages more often then every X seconds, then after Y seconds still close batch (cap on throttle)
I need to be able to change X and Y seconds in runtime without losing current batch (doesn't matter if it is closed immediately on config change or by closing conditions).
Condition function and batch process function should not run in parallel threads.
I'm using Rx-Main 2.2.5.
So far I came up with solution below and it seems to work, but I think there may be much simpler solution with reactive extensions?
Also with this solution capTimer doesn't restart if closing condition is "batcher can't add this message".
public static class ObservableExtensions
public static IDisposable ConditionalCappedThrottle<T>(this IObservable<T> observable,
int throttleInSeconds,
int capTimeInSeconds,
Func<T, bool> conditionFunc,
Action capOrThrottleAction,
Action<T, Exception> onException,
T fakeInstance = default(T))
Subject<T> buffer = new Subject<T>();
var capTimerObservable = new Subject<long>();
var throttleTimerObservable = observable.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(throttleInSeconds)).Select(c => 1L);
IDisposable maxBufferTimer = null;
var bufferTicks = observable
.Do(c =>
if (maxBufferTimer == null)
maxBufferTimer = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(capTimeInSeconds))
.Subscribe(x => capTimerObservable.OnNext(1));
.Buffer(() => Observable.Amb(
.Do(c => Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} cap time tick closing buffer")),
.Do(c => Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} throttle time tick closing buffer"))
.Do(c =>
maxBufferTimer = null;
.Where(changes => changes.Any())
.Subscribe(dataChanges =>
var observableSubscriber = observable.Merge(buffer)
.Subscribe(subject =>
if (!subject.Equals(fakeInstance)) {
if (conditionFunc(subject))
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} condition false closing buffer");
if (!subject.Equals(fakeInstance))
catch (Exception ex)
onException(subject, ex);
return new CompositeDisposable(maxBufferTimer, observableSubscriber);
And usage:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
messagesObs = new Subject<Message>();
new Thread(() =>
while (true)
Thread.Sleep(random.Next(3) * 1000);
(messagesObs as Subject<Message>).OnNext(new Message());
while (true)
throttleTime = random.Next(8) + 2;
maxThrottleTime = random.Next(10) + 20;
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} resubscribing with {throttleTime} - {maxThrottleTime}");
Thread.Sleep((random.Next(10) + 60) * 1000);
static Random random = new Random();
static int throttleTime = 3;
static int maxThrottleTime = 10;
static IDisposable messagesSub;
static IObservable<Message> messagesObs;
static void Subscribe()
messagesSub = messagesObs.ConditionalCappedThrottle(
(msg, ex) => { },
new FakeMessage());
static bool TryAddToBatch(Message msg)
if (random.Next(100) > 85)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} can't add to batch");
return false;
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} added to batch");
return true;
static void BatchProcess()
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} Processing");
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:mm:ss.fff} Done Processing");
public class Message { }
public class FakeMessage : Message { }
Tests I want to work:
public class Test
static Subject<Base> sub = new Subject<Base>();
static int maxTime = 19;
static int throttleTime = 6;
// Batcher.Process must be always waited before calling any next Batcher.Add
static void MaxTime()
// foreach on next Batcher.Add must be called
sub.OnNext(new A());
Thread.Sleep(6 * 1000 - 100);
sub.OnNext(new A());
Thread.Sleep(6 * 1000 - 100);
sub.OnNext(new A());
Thread.Sleep(6 * 1000 - 100);
// Process must be called after 19 seconds = maxTime
static void Throttle()
// foreach on next Batcher.Add must be called
sub.OnNext(new A());
Thread.Sleep(6 * 1000 - 100);
sub.OnNext(new A());
Thread.Sleep(6 * 1000 - 100);
// Process must be called after 5.9+5.9+6 seconds = throttleTime
static void Condition()
// foreach on next Batcher.Add must be called
sub.OnNext(new A());
Thread.Sleep(6 * 1000 - 100);
sub.OnNext(new B());
// Process must be called because Batcher.Add will return false
// Batcher.Add(B) must be called after Process
static void MaxTimeOrThorttleNotTickingRandomly()
sub.OnNext(new A());
// Process called by throttle condition in 6 seconds
Thread.Sleep(1000 * 100);
// Process is not called for remaining 94 seconds
sub.OnNext(new A());
// Process called by throttle condition in 6 seconds
static void Resub()
sub.OnNext(new A());
sub.OnNext(new A());
sub.OnNext(new A());
sub.OnNext(new A());
sub.OnNext(new A());
maxTime = 15;
throttleTime = 3;
// Process is called
// Resubs with new timinig conditions
sub.OnNext(new A());
// Process called by throttle condition in 3 seconds
public class Batcher
private Type batchingType;
public bool Add(Base element)
if (batchingType == null || element.GetType() == batchingType)
batchingType = element.GetType();
return true;
return false;
public void Process()
batchingType = null;
public class Base{}
public class A : Base { }
public class B : Base { }


Rx Java 2 pre-pull next item on separate thread

Scenario: I have a stream of data I am reading from the database. What I would like to do is read a chunk of data, process it and stream it using rx-java 2. But while I am processing and streaming it I would like to load the next chunk of data on a separate thread (pre-pull the next chunk).
I have tried:
Unfortunately this causes the generate method to continually run on an io thread. I just want one pre-pull. I have tried using buffer, but that really just ends up creating lists of chunks.
So basically while I am streaming the current chunk on a separate thread I want to read the next chunk and have it ready.
Not sure if this is possible. I need to use generate because there is no concept of when the data will end.
I have tried using subscribe(new FlowableSubscriber(){...}) using Subscription::request but that did not seem to work.
There are no standard operators in RxJava that would have this type of request-response pattern. You'd need a custom observeOn that requests before it sends the current item to its downstream.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.reactivestreams.*;
import io.reactivex.*;
import io.reactivex.Scheduler.Worker;
import io.reactivex.internal.util.BackpressureHelper;
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers;
public class LockstepObserveOnTest {
public void test() {
Flowable.generate(() -> 0, (s, e) -> {
System.out.println("Generating " + s);
return s + 1;
.compose(new LockstepObserveOn<>(Schedulers.computation()))
.map(v -> {
System.out.println("Processing " + v);
return v;
static final class LockstepObserveOn<T> extends Flowable<T>
implements FlowableTransformer<T, T> {
final Flowable<T> source;
final Scheduler scheduler;
LockstepObserveOn(Scheduler scheduler) {
this(null, scheduler);
LockstepObserveOn(Flowable<T> source, Scheduler scheduler) {
this.source = source;
this.scheduler = scheduler;
protected void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) {
source.subscribe(new LockstepObserveOnSubscriber<>(
subscriber, scheduler.createWorker()));
public Publisher<T> apply(Flowable<T> upstream) {
return new LockstepObserveOn<>(upstream, scheduler);
static final class LockstepObserveOnSubscriber<T>
implements FlowableSubscriber<T>, Subscription, Runnable {
final Subscriber<? super T> actual;
final Worker worker;
final AtomicReference<T> item;
final AtomicLong requested;
final AtomicInteger wip;
Subscription upstream;
volatile boolean cancelled;
volatile boolean done;
Throwable error;
long emitted;
LockstepObserveOnSubscriber(Subscriber<? super T> actual, Worker worker) {
this.actual = actual;
this.worker = worker;
this.item = new AtomicReference<>();
this.requested = new AtomicLong();
this.wip = new AtomicInteger();
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
upstream = s;
public void onNext(T t) {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
error = t;
done = true;
public void onComplete() {
done = true;
public void request(long n) {
BackpressureHelper.add(requested, n);
public void cancel() {
cancelled = true;
if (wip.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
void schedule() {
if (wip.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
public void run() {
int missed = 1;
long e = emitted;
for (;;) {
long r = requested.get();
while (e != r) {
if (cancelled) {
boolean d = done;
T v = item.get();
boolean empty = v == null;
if (d && empty) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex == null) {
} else {
if (empty) {
if (e == r) {
if (cancelled) {
if (done && item.get() == null) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex == null) {
} else {
emitted = e;
missed = wip.addAndGet(-missed);
if (missed == 0) {

RxJava 2.x: serialize() doesn't work

I tried below to test the sereialize().
I called onNext 1,000,000 times to count from 2 different threads.
Then, I expected to get 2,000,000 at onComplete.
However, I couldn't get the expected value.
private static int count = 0;
private static void setCount(int value) {
count = value;
private static final int TEST_LOOP = 10;
private static final int NEXT_LOOP = 1_000_000;
public void test() throws Exception {
for (int test = 0; test < TEST_LOOP; test++) {
Flowable.create(emitter -> {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
emitter.setCancellable(() -> service.shutdown());
Future<Boolean> future1 = service.submit(() -> {
for (int i = 0; i < NEXT_LOOP; i++) {
return true;
Future<Boolean> future2 = service.submit(() -> {
for (int i = 0; i < NEXT_LOOP; i++) {
return true;
if (future1.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
&& future2.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
}, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
private int count = 0;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
public void onNext(Integer t) {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
public void onComplete() {
assertThat(count, is(NEXT_LOOP * 2));
I wonder whether serialize() doesn't work or I missunderstood the usage of serialize()
I checked the source of SerializedSubscriber.
public void onNext(T t) {
Since actual.onNext(t); is called out of synchronized block, I guess that actual.onNext(t); could be called from different threads at the same time. Also, it may be possible to call onComplete before onNext would be done, I guess.
I used RxJava 2.0.4.
This is not a bug but a misuse of the FlowableEmitter:
The onNext, onError and onComplete methods should be called in a sequential manner, just like the Subscriber's methods. Use serialize() if you want to ensure this. The other methods are thread-safe.
Applying Flowable.serialize() is too late for the create operator.

Implementing resource queue in rx

I have a hot observable Observable<Resource> resources that represents consumable resources and I want to queue up consumers Action1<Resource> for these resources. A Resource can be used by at most 1 consumer. It should not be used at all once a new value is pushed from resources. If my consumers were also wrapped in a hot observable then the marble-diagram of what I'm after would be
I've managed a naive implementation using a PublishSubject and zip but this only works if each resource is consumed before a new resource is published (i.e. instead of the required sequence [A1, C2, D3, E4] this implementation will actually produce [A1, B2, C3, D4]).
This is my first attempt at using rx and I've had a play around with both delay and join but can't quite seem to get what I'm after. I've also read that ideally Subjects should be avoided, but I can't see how else I would implement this.
public class ResourceQueue<Resource> {
private final PublishSubject<Action1<Resource>> consumers = PublishSubject.create();
public ResourceQueue(Observable<Resource> resources) {
resources.zipWith(this.consumers, new Func2<Resource, Action1<Resource>, Object>() {
public Object call(Resource resource, Action1<Resource> consumer) {
return null;
public void queue(final Action1<Resource> consumer) {
Is there a way to achieve what I'm after? Is there a more 'rx-y' approach to the solution?
EDIT: changed withLatesFrom suggestion with combineLatest.
The only solution I can think of is to use combineLatest to get all the possible combinations, and manually exclude the ones that you do not need:
final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
final Observable<String> resources = Observable.create(s -> {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final List<Integer> sleepTimes = Arrays.asList(200, 200, 200, 200, 200);
for (int i = 0; i < sleepTimes.size(); i++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String valueOf = String.valueOf((char) (i + 97));
System.out.println("new resource " + valueOf);
final Observable<Integer> consumers = Observable.create(s -> {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final List<Integer> sleepTimes = Arrays.asList(300, 400, 200, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < sleepTimes.size(); i++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("new consumer " + (i + 1));
s.onNext(i + 1);
final LatestValues latestValues = new LatestValues();
final Observable<String> combineLatest = Observable.combineLatest(consumers, resources, (c, r) -> {
if (latestValues.alreadyProcessedAnyOf(c, r)) {
return "";
System.out.println("consumer " + c + " will consume resource " + r);
latestValues.updateWithValues(c, r);
return c + "_" + r;
executorService.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
The class holding the latest consumers and resources.
static class LatestValues {
Integer latestConsumer = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String latestResource = "";
public boolean alreadyProcessedAnyOf(Integer c, String r) {
return latestConsumer.equals(c) || latestResource.equals(r);
public void updateWithValues(Integer c, String r) {
latestConsumer = c;
latestResource = r;

Reactive Extensions Group By, Unique BufferWindow till time span with cancellation

I have a Hot stream of events coming of following type:
string name;
int state ; // its 1 or 2 ie active or unactive
there is a function which provides parent name of given name - string GetParent(string name)
I need to buffer event per parent for 2 minutes, if during this 2 minute , i recv any event for child with state =2 for a given parent , this buffer should cancel and should output 0 otherwise i get the count of the events recvd .
I know I have to use GroupBy to partition, and then buffer and then count but i am unable to think of a way by which i create Buffer which is unique per parent, i though of using Distinct but this doesnt solve the problem, for i only dont want to create buffer till the parent is active (as once the parent's buffer gets cancelled or 2 minutes is over, the parent buffer can be created again)
So I understand I need to create a custom buffer which checks the condition for creating buffer, but how do i do this via reactive extensions.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Brandon for your help. This is the main program I am using for testing. Its not working.As I am new to reactive extension problem can be in the way i am testing
namespace TestReactive
class Program
static int abc = 1;
static void Main(string[] args)
Subject<AEvent> memberAdded = new Subject<AEvent>();
//ISubject<AEvent, AEvent> syncedSubject = new ISubject<AEvent, AEvent>();
var timer = new Timer { Interval = 5 };
timer.Enabled = true;
timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => MyElapsedMethod(sender, e, memberAdded);
var bc = memberAdded.Subscribe();
var cdc = memberAdded.GroupBy(e => e.parent)
.SelectMany(parentGroup =>
var children = parentGroup.Publish().RefCount();
var inactiveChild = children.SkipWhile(c => c.state != 2).Take(1).Select(c => 0);
var timer1 = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
var activeCount = children.TakeUntil(timer1).Count();
return Observable.Amb(activeCount, inactiveChild)
.Select(count => new { ParentName = parentGroup.Key, Count = count });
Observable.ForEachAsync(cdc, x => WriteMe("Dum Dum " + x.ParentName+x.Count));
// group.Dump("Dum");
static void WriteMe(string sb)
static void MyElapsedMethod(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e, Subject<AEvent> s)
AEvent ab = HelperMethods.GetAlarm();
Console.WriteLine(abc + " p =" + ab.parent + ", c = " + ab.name + " ,s = " + ab.state);
public static AEvent GetAlarm()
if (gp> 4)
gp = 1;
if (p > 4)
p = 1;
if (c > 4)
c = 1;
AEvent a = new AEvent();
a.parent = "P" + gp + p;
a.name = "C" + gp + p + c;
if (containedKeys.ContainsKey(a.name))
a.state = containedKeys[a.name];
if (a.state == 1)
containedKeys[a.name] = 2;
containedKeys[a.name] = 1;
containedKeys.TryAdd(a.name, 1);
gp++; p++; c++;
return a;
So this method , generates a event for Parent at each tick. It generates event for parent P11,P22,P33,P44 with State =1 and then followed by events for Parent P11,P22,P33,P44 with State =2
I am using Observable.ForEach to print the result, I see its being called 4 times and after that its nothing, its like cancellation of group is not happening
Assuming that a two minute buffer for each group should open as soon as the first event for that group is seen, and close after two minutes or a zero state is seen, then I think the following works:
public static IObservable<EventCount> EventCountByParent(
this IObservable<Event> source, IScheduler scheduler)
return Observable.Create<EventCount>(observer => source.GroupByUntil(
evt => GetParent(evt.Name),
evt => evt,
group =>
#group.Where(evt => evt.State == 2)
TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2), scheduler).Select(_ => Event.Null)))
go =>
go.Aggregate(0, (acc, evt) => (evt.State == 2 ? 0 : acc + 1))
.Select(count => new EventCount(go.Key, count))).Subscribe(observer));
With EventCount (implementing equality overrides for testing) as:
public class EventCount
private readonly string _name;
private readonly int _count;
public EventCount(string name, int count)
_name = name;
_count = count;
public string Name { get { return _name; } }
public int Count { get { return _count; } }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Name: {0}, Count: {1}", _name, _count);
protected bool Equals(EventCount other)
return string.Equals(_name, other._name) && _count == other._count;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
return Equals((EventCount) obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((_name != null ? _name.GetHashCode() : 0)*397) ^ _count;
And Event as:
public class Event
public static Event Null = new Event(string.Empty, 0);
private readonly string _name;
private readonly int _state;
public Event(string name, int state)
_name = name;
_state = state;
public string Name { get { return _name; } }
public int State { get { return _state; } }
I did a quick (i.e. not exhaustive) test with Rx-Testing:
public class EventCountByParentTests : ReactiveTest
private readonly TestScheduler _testScheduler;
public EventCountByParentTests()
_testScheduler = new TestScheduler();
public void IsCorrect()
var source = _testScheduler.CreateHotObservable(
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).Ticks, new Event("A", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20).Ticks, new Event("B", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30).Ticks, new Event("A", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(40).Ticks, new Event("B", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50).Ticks, new Event("A", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60).Ticks, new Event("B", 2)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(70).Ticks, new Event("A", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(140).Ticks, new Event("A", 1)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(150).Ticks, new Event("A", 1)));
var results = _testScheduler.CreateObserver<EventCount>();
var sut = source.EventCountByParent(_testScheduler).Subscribe(results);
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60).Ticks, new EventCount("B", 0)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(130).Ticks, new EventCount("A", 4)),
OnNext(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(260).Ticks, new EventCount("A", 2)));
something like....
source.GroupBy(e => GetParent(e.name))
.SelectMany(parentGroup =>
var children = parentGroup.Publish().RefCount();
var inactiveChild = children.SkipWhile(c => c.state != 2).Take(1).Select(c => 0);
var timer = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
var activeCount = children.TakeUntil(timer).Count();
return Observable.Amb(activeCount, inactiveChild)
.Select(count => new { ParentName = parentGroup.Key, Count = count };
This will give you a sequence of { ParentName, Count } objects.

Java TimerTask , wont stop when cancel is called

I'm creating a plugin.
I have a main Class called Basics
Globally in Basics I create:
static Timer enterdungeon = new Timer();
static Timer finddungeon = new Timer();
static Timer lootdungeon = new Timer();
Also I have a class named task
the enterdungeon timer is a fixed period of time, and seems to work as expected when used.
As is the same for thee lootdungeon timer.
The finddungeon timer can be interrupted IF an event in basics is triggered.
The event DOES trigger fine
the top line in this event is:
after it starts the lootdungeon timer.
the problem is the finddungeon timer does not cancel, it continues to run, below is the task class:
import java.util.TimerTask;
import me.boduzapho.Basics.DoWarp.Returner;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class task extends TimerTask
private final Player _player;
private final int ticks;
private int cnt = 0;
private final int _sec;
private final String _message;
public task(Player player, int sec, String message)
this._player = player;
this._sec = sec;
this._message = message;
this.ticks = sec;
private void timetoloot(Player p)
p.sendMessage("SUCCESS! Nice Job, Enjoy the loot!");
Returner loc1 = DoWarp.getwarp("launch", Basics.warps, Basics.wx,Basics.wy, Basics.wz, p);
DoWarp.warpme(loc1.x, loc1.y, loc1.z, p, false, Basics.plugin);
private void failedwhiteblock(Player p)
p.sendMessage("FAIL! You did not find the white block. Sending you back. TRY AGAIN!");
Returner loc1 = DoWarp.getwarp("launch", Basics.warps, Basics.wx, Basics.wy, Basics.wz, p);
DoWarp.warpme(loc1.x, loc1.y, loc1.z, p, false, Basics.plugin);
private void enterdungeon(Player p)
Basics.Stage.setLine(3, "Off you Go!");
Basics.Stage.setLine(0, "");
Basics.Stage.setLine(1, "");
Basics.Stage.setLine(2, "");
Basics.Stage.setLine(3, "");
Returner loc1 = DoWarp.getwarp("dstart", Basics.warps, Basics.wx, Basics.wy, Basics.wz, p);
DoWarp.warpme(loc1.x, loc1.y, loc1.z, p, false, Basics.plugin);
Basics.DungeonPlayer = p;
p.sendMessage("Welcome to the Dungeon, you have 1 minuite to locate and click the white block.");
p.sendMessage("If you fail you will be returned to spawn. If you find it the treasures will be revieled");
p.sendMessage("and the monsters banished for 1 min so you can loot the chests! After which you will");
p.sendMessage("Be warped back to spawn with your Loot!");
Basics.finddungeon.schedule(new task(_player, 30, "Time left to find the WHITE block :"), 0, 1000);
public void run()
while (cnt < ticks)
Thread.sleep(1 * 1000);
_player.sendMessage(_message + " " + Integer.toString(_sec - cnt));
catch (InterruptedException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (_message == "Time left:")
if (_message == "Time left to find the WHITE block :")
if (_message == "Time left to LOOT:")
Here is the function called in Basics (main class) that is supposed to cancel the finddungeon timer.
// white block in dungeon
if (DungeonPlayer == player)
if ((block != null) && (block.getType() == Material.WOOL))
player.sendMessage("Canceling finddungeon from Basics");
player.sendMessage("Congradulations! Time to Loot your rewards for finding the White Block!");
Timer lootdungeon = new Timer();
lootdungeon.schedule(new task(player, 10, "Time left to LOOT:"), 0, 1000);
// ***
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Cause TimerTask.cancel doesn't do anything to the active task, it just clears the scheduler. You'll have to override cancel method, or just use this as a starting point:
class MyTimerTask extends TimerTask {
private volatile Thread thread;
public void run() {
thread = Thread.currentThread();
//do your task and keep your eye on InterruptedException when doing Sleeps, Waits
//also check Thread.interrupted()
public boolean cancel() {
Thread thread = this.thread;
if (thread != null) {
return super.cancel();