Docker - Karaf image with Mongo Image - mongodb

I have created the karaf dockerfile from scratch and it works with my application. Now, the postgreSQL and the MongoDB containers need to be running on the same network as the karaf container for the final step. Essentially, what i have so far is three separate dockerfiles. And what i need is for them to be able to communicate with each other. How do i approach this?

Use docker network ls command firstly, it will show the networks exist in the machine.
Then run your MongoDB container and set --net param.
docker run --net karaf_default mongo
The mongo and karaf will be in the same network now. (you can check doc of --link)


Docker Postgres data host volume mapping

I'm trying to docker-containerize PostgreSQL server and this container will have many other applications as well. The need is that, PostgreSQL server data should be mapped to the host volume so that when container is stopped, we won't lose the data. Also that, the next time when we start the container, the same directory can be mapped again and postgres can use the old data. Below is the DOCKERFILE. Note that I'm using ubuntu 22.04 on the host.
FROM ubuntu:22.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt install -y postgresql
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
Docker image is built using the command
docker build -t pg_test .
and the container is run using the command
docker run --name test -v /home/me/data:/var/lib/postgresql/14/main pg_test
'/home/me/data' is the host directory which is empty where I want to map the postgres server data. '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main' is the directory inside the docker container where the postgres is supposed to store the data.
Once the docker container starts, I enter the docker container using the command
docker exec -it test bash
and once I'm inside, I'm trying to start the PostgreSQL service. But PostgreSQL fails to start as there is no data in '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main' directory. I understand that since I have mapped an empty host directory to '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main' directory, postgres doesn't have the files required to start.
I understand that I'm doing it the wrong way, but I couldn't find a way around it. Can anyone please help me to do this the right way, if there is one?
Any help would be appreciable.
You should use the postgres docker image, it will set up the db for you when you start the container, you can find instructions on
If you must use a custom image, you will need to initialize the db yourself, usually by running initdb or whatever your system provides.
But really you should use the appropriate docker image, and if you need more services you start them in their own container and connect them to the postgres one

MongoDB: Is it ok to run multiple mongod on the same directory(dbpath)?

I'm currently working with Docker, I use mongo image for my DB container. For persistent storage, I mounted host machine's directory(e.g. /var/docker/data/db) to container(e.g. /data/db).
By now, whenever I wanted to run mongo shell and connect to my db I was doing these things:
Attach to running MongoDB container using docker exec -it <container> bash
Run mongo shell inside the container
Do some job
But I think it'll be much better if I could run mongod separately on the host machine, not in the container, and then connect to it even when the container is not running.
So is it possible to doing so? If I run two mongod process on the same directory(files), will there be an file access conflict?
If someone did similar kind of work, share me your experience please. Thanks.

How to use docker with mongo to achieve replication and with opening authentication

I want to use docker run a vm mongodb, at the same time, the mongo configure file use my own defined configure file to archive replication and open authentication.
Scanning some files but don't resolve the problem.
Any ideas?
The docker mongo image has a it calls in the Dockerfile
Check if you can:
create your own image which would create the right user and restart mongo with authentication on: see "umputun/mongo-auth" and its script
or mount a createUser.js script in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d.
See "how to make a mongo docker container with auth"

Expose mongo port in other container

I have this (custom) container which runs a java program which requires mongo locally. Now, with docker I would like to setup mongo in its own container. So I guess, in order to expose this 27017 port locally in this java-container I need to setup an SSH-tunnel, right ? If there is a easier way please let me know.
So, there is this official mongo image image, but I get the impression ssh is not install or running. What would be the best approach to do this?
UPDATE: I've rephrased the question more focussed on port-forwarding here
You have to make your container run on the same network. No need to ssh into your mongo or app container.
First define a network
docker network create --driver bridge isolated_nw
Start you containers using that newly network
docker run -p 27017:27017 --network=isolated_nw -itd --name=mongo-cont mongo
docker run --network=isolated_nw -itd --name=app your_image
The image of mongo includes EXPOSE 27017 so from your app container, you should be able to access to the mongo container using its name mongo-cont
You can build your custom image on top of mongodb official image, which gives you the flexibility to install additional required packages.
FROM mongo:latest
RUN apt-get install ssh
Also try to use docker-compose to build and link your containers together, it will ease the process greatly.
version: '2'
image: mongo:latest
- "27017"
context: . # Parent directory address of Dockerfile
dockerfile: Dockerfile-Custom # Name of Dockerfile
command: /root/
This is the image used for mongodb official image.
You are trying to SSH into your container to gain access to it, but that isn't how you connect. Docker provides functionality to securely connect via the following methods.
Connect into a running container - Docs:
docker exec -it <container name> bash
$ root#665b4a1e17b6:/#
Start a container from image, and connect to it - Docs:
docker run -it <image name> bash
$ root#665b4a1e17b6:/#
Note: If it is an Alpine based image, it may not have Bash installed. In that case using sh instead of bash in your commands should work. Mongo's Dockerfile looks to use debian:jessie which will have bash support.

How to alter the official mongo docker for authentication and data separation?

I want to make two minor improvements on the official MongoDB docker so that it starts with the --auth enabled and uses a separate data container to store the data. What's the best way to do this?
If all are set, how should I start the shell? Will it be possible for someone without a username and password to access any of the databases available? Which directory should I backup?
Apparently, this is not enough:
docker run --name mymongoname1 -v /my/local/dir:/data/db -d -P mongo:latest
OK, so partial answer, because I haven't messed around with docker auth.
Containerising storage is done with a storage container. That's basically a container created off a token instance, with some volumes assigned.
So for elasticsearch (which I know isn't mongo, but it is at least a NoSQL db) I've been using:
docker create -v /es_data:/es_data --name elasticsearch_data es-base /bin/true
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 --vols-from elasticsearch_data elasticsearch-2.1.0
This connects the container volume to my es container - in this example it passes through a host volume, but you don't actually need to any more, because the container can hold the data in the docker filesystem. (And then I think you can push the data container around too, but I've not got that far!)
If you run ps -a you will see the data container in Created state. Just watch if you're doing a cleanup script that you don't delete it, because unlike running containers, you can freely delete it...