Kubernetes nodeSelector not working in pods, replication controllers and deployments - kubernetes

I'm trying to set node affinity using nodeSelector as discussed here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
However, no matter if I use a Pod, a Replication Controller or a Deployment, I can't get the kubectl create to work properly. This is the error I get, and it happens with everything similarly:
Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "test-pod.yaml": Pod in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Pod: [pos 222]: json: expect char '"' but got char 't'
Substitute "Deployment" or "ReplicationController" for "Pod" and it's the same error everywhere. Here is my yaml file for the test pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
ingress: yes
If I remove the nodeSelector part of the file, the pod builds successfully. This also works with Deployments and Replication Controllers as well. I made sure that the proper label was added to the node.
Any help would be appreciated!

In yaml, the token yes evaluates to a boolean true (http://yaml.org/type/bool.html)
Internally, kubectl converts yaml to json as a preprocessing step. Your node selector is converting to "nodeSelector":{"ingress":true}, which fails when trying to decode into a string-to-string map.
You can quote the string like this to force it to be treated as a string:
ingress: "yes"


Get error: Edit cancelled, no valid changes were saved when i want edit pod with kubectl edit

When i want to edit my deployment pod with kubectl edit deployment [name] command i got this error. whats the problem?!
i found this: You cant edit the pod. You can edit only deployment. If you want to change anything in pod, you need to take a pod yaml output and then update your changes and recreate the pod.
how can i do that?
You need to update the object manifest that you first used to deploy that object. If you're using a Pod object such as:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- containerPort: 80
edit this YAML and redeploy. The reason as to why you can't edit the deployed pod (i.e. the pod listed from kubectl get po) is because pods are ephemeral, they an be killed and restarted for any reason. If you could edit a deployed pod, if for any reason, the pod terminates, you're changes are gone. That's why you edit through the YAML/Object manifest which is your source of truth (desired state).

Kubectl error upon applying agones fleet: ensure CRDs are installed first

I am using minikube (docker driver) with kubectl to test an agones fleet deployment. Upon running kubectl apply -f lobby-fleet.yml (and when I try to apply any other agones yaml file) I receive the following error:
error: resource mapping not found for name: "lobby" namespace: "" from "lobby-fleet.yml": no matches for kind "Fleet" in version "agones.dev/v1"
ensure CRDs are installed first
apiVersion: "agones.dev/v1"
kind: Fleet
name: lobby
replicas: 2
scheduling: Packed
mode: lobby
- name: default
portPolicy: Dynamic
containerPort: 7600
container: lobby
- name: lobby
image: gcr.io/agones-images/simple-game-server:0.12 # Modify to correct image
I am running this on WSL2, but receive the same error when using the windows installation of kubectl (through choco). I have minikube installed and running for ubuntu in WSL2 using docker.
I am still new to using k8s, so apologies if the answer to this question is clear, I just couldn't find it elsewhere.
Thanks in advance!
In order to create a resource of kind Fleet, you have to apply the Custom Resource Definition (CRD) that defines what is a Fleet first.
I've looked into the YAML installation instructions of agones, and the manifest contains the CRDs. you can find it by searching kind: CustomResourceDefinition.
I recommend you to first try to install according to the instructions in the docs.

Is there a one line kubectl command to add the nodeSelector in the pod yaml?

I was wondering if there was a one line kubectl command to add the nodeSelector in the pod yaml? (I have already attached a label to the node) I am trying to automate this and hence I want to avoid manually downloading the yaml file and adding the nodeSelector. Any ideas using sed or kubectl replace would be appreciated.
You can add nodeSelector in pod spec.
As the k8s doc : nodeSelector is the simplest recommended form of node selection constraint. nodeSelector is a field of PodSpec. It specifies a map of key-value pairs. For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels (it can have additional labels as well). The most common usage is one key-value pair.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
disktype: ssd
I found a way to do this:
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 -ti --rm test --image=ubuntu:20.04 --overrides='{"spec": { "nodeSelector": {"nodename": "test-node"}}}'
FYI I ended up using this command kubectl patch deployments DEPLOYMENTNAME -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"nodeSelector": {"YOURLABEL": "YOURVALUE"}}}}}

Invalid spec when I run pod.yaml

When I run my Pod I get the Pod (cas-de) is invalid spec : forbidden pod updates may not change fields other than the spec.containers[*].image, spec.initContainers[*].image, spec.activeDeadlineSeconds or spec.tolerations (only additions to existing tolerations)
However, I searched on the kubernetes website and I didn't find anything wrong:
(I really don't understand where is my mistake)
Does it better to set volumeMounts in a Pod or in Deployment?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: cas-de
namespace: ds-svc
- name: ds-mg-cas
image: "docker-all.xxx.net/library/ds-mg-cas:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 8443
- containerPort: 6402
value: "/apps/ds-cas/configs"
value: "-Djava.security.auth.login.config=./config/jaas.config -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=6402"
- name: ds-cas-config
mountPath: "/apps/ds-cas/context"
- name: ds-cas-config
path: "/apps/ds-cas/context"
YAML template is valid. Some of the fields might have been changed that are forbidden and then kubectl apply .... is executed.
Looks like more like a development. Solution is to delete the existing pod using kubectl delete pod cas-de command and then execute kubectl apply -f file.yaml or kubectl create -f file.yaml.
There are several fields on objects that you simply aren't allowed to change after the object has initially been created. As a specific example, the reference documentation for Containers notes that volumeMounts "cannot be updated". If you hit one of these cases, you need to delete and recreate the object (possibly creating the new one first with a different name).
Does it better to set volumeMounts in a Pod or in Deployment?
Never use bare Pods; always prefer using one of the Controllers that manages Pods, most often a Deployment.
Changing to a Deployment will actually solve this problem because updating a Deployment's pod spec will go through the sequence of creating a new Pod, waiting for it to become available, and then deleting the old one for you. It never tries to update a Pod in place.

Running kubectl proxy from same pod vs different pod on same node - what's the difference?

I'm experimenting with this, and I'm noticing a difference in behavior that I'm having trouble understanding, namely between running kubectl proxy from within a pod vs running it in a different pod.
The sample configuration run kubectl proxy and the container that needs it* in the same pod on a daemonset, i.e.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
# ...
# ...
# this container needs kubectl proxy to be running:
- name: l5d
# ...
# so, let's run it:
- name: kube-proxy
image: buoyantio/kubectl:v1.8.5
- "proxy"
- "-p"
- "8001"
When doing this on my cluster, I get the expected behavior. However, I will run other services that also need kubectl proxy, so I figured I'd rationalize that into its own daemon set to ensure it's running on all nodes. I thus removed the kube-proxy container and deployed the following daemon set:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
name: kube-proxy
app: kube-proxy
app: kube-proxy
- name: kube-proxy
image: buoyantio/kubectl:v1.8.5
- "proxy"
- "-p"
- "8001"
In other words, the same container configuration as previously, but now running in independent pods on each node instead of within the same pod. With this configuration "stuff doesn't work anymore"**.
I realize the solution (at least for now) is to just run the kube-proxy container in any pod that needs it, but I'd like to know why I need to. Why isn't just running it in a daemonset enough?
I've tried to find more information about running kubectl proxy like this, but my search results drown in results about running it to access a remote cluster from a local environment, i.e. not at all what I'm after.
I include these details not because I think they're relevant, but because they might be even though I'm convinced they're not:
*) a Linkerd ingress controller, but I think that's irrelevant
**) in this case, the "working" state is that the ingress controller complains that the destination is unknown because there's no matching ingress rule, while the "not working" state is a network timeout.
namely between running kubectl proxy from within a pod vs running it in a different pod.
Assuming your cluster has an software defined network, such as flannel or calico, a Pod has its own IP and all containers within a Pod share the same networking space. Thus:
- name: c0
command: ["curl", ""]
- name: c1
command: ["kubectl", "proxy", "-p", "8001"]
will work, whereas in a DaemonSet, they are by definition not in the same Pod and thus the hypothetical c0 above would need to use the DaemonSet's Pod's IP to contact 8001. That story is made more complicated by the fact that kubectl proxy by default only listens on, so you would need to alter the DaemonSet's Pod's kubectl proxy to include --address='' --accept-hosts='.*' to even permit such cross-Pod communication. I believe you also need to declare the ports: array in the DaemonSet configuration, since you are now exposing that port into the cluster, but I'd have to double-check whether ports: is merely polite, or is actually required.