Spark convert PairRDD to data frame - scala

How can I convert a pair RDD of the following type
res16:[com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon,java.util.HashSet[com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon]] =
to a data frame?
will not work as well as


In Spark-Scala, how to copy Array of Lists into DataFrame?

I am familiar with Python and I am learning Spark-Scala.
I want to build a DataFrame which has structure desribed by this syntax:
// Prepare training data from a list of (label, features) tuples.
val training = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(1.1, Vectors.dense(1.1, 0.1)),
(0.2, Vectors.dense(1.0, -1.0)),
(3.0, Vectors.dense(1.3, 1.0)),
(1.0, Vectors.dense(1.2, -0.5))
)).toDF("label", "features")
I got the above syntax from this URL:
Currently my data is in array which I had pulled out of a DF:
val my_a = gspc17_df.collect().map{row => Seq(row(2),Vectors.dense(row(3).asInstanceOf[Double],row(4).asInstanceOf[Double]))}
The structure of my array is very similar to the above DF:
my_a: Array[Seq[Any]] =
List(-1.4830674013266898, [-0.004192832940431825,-0.003170667657263393]),
List(-0.05876766500768526, [-0.008462913654529357,-0.006880595828929472]),
List(1.0109273250546658, [-3.1816797620416693E-4,-0.006502619326182358]))
How to copy data from my array into a DataFrame which has the above structure?
I tried this syntax:
val my_df = spark.createDataFrame(my_a).toDF("label","features")
Spark barked at me:
<console>:105: error: inferred type arguments [Seq[Any]] do not conform to method createDataFrame's type parameter bounds [A <: Product]
val my_df = spark.createDataFrame(my_a).toDF("label","features")
<console>:105: error: type mismatch;
found : scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray[Seq[Any]]
required: Seq[A]
val my_df = spark.createDataFrame(my_a).toDF("label","features")
The first problem here is that you use List to store row data. List is a homogeneous data structure and since the only common type for Any (row(2)) and DenseVector is Any (Object) you end up with a Seq[Any].
The next issue is that you use row(2) at all. Since Row is effectively a collection of Any this operation doesn't return any useful type and result couldn't be stored in a DataFrame without providing an explicit Encoder.
From the more Sparkish perspective it is not the good approach neither. collect-int just to transform data shouldn't require any comment and. mapping over Rows just to create Vectors doesn't make much sense either.
Assuming that there is no type mismatch you can use VectorAssembler:
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array(df.columns(3), df.columns(4)))
assembler.transform(df).select(df.columns(2), "features")
or if you really want to handle this manually an UDF.
val toVec = udf((x: Double, y: Double) => Vectors.dense(x, y)), toVec(col(df.columns(3)), col(df.columns(4))))
In general I would strongly recommend getting familiar with Scala before you start using it with Spark.

How to create DataFrame from Scala's List of Iterables?

I have the following Scala value:
val values: List[Iterable[Any]] = Traces().evaluate(features).toList
and I want to convert it to a DataFrame.
When I try the following:
I got this error:
error: overloaded method value createDataFrame with alternatives:
[A <: Product](data: Seq[A])(implicit evidence$2: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A])org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
[A <: Product](rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[A])(implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A])org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
cannot be applied to (List[Iterable[Any]])
Thats what spark implicits object is for. It allows you to convert your common scala collection types into DataFrame / DataSet / RDD.
Here is an example with Spark 2.0 but it exists in older versions too
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val values = List(1,2,3,4,5)
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val df = values.toDF()
Edit: Just realised you were after 2d list. Here is something I tried on spark-shell. I converted a 2d List to List of Tuples and used implicit conversion to DataFrame:
val values = List(List("1", "One") ,List("2", "Two") ,List("3", "Three"),List("4","4")).map(x =>(x(0), x(1)))
import spark.implicits._
val df = values.toDF
Edit2: The original question by MTT was How to create spark dataframe from a scala list for a 2d list for which this is a correct answer. The original question is
The question was later changed to match an accepted answer. Adding this edit so that if someone else looking for something similar to the original question can find it.
As zero323 mentioned, we need to first convert List[Iterable[Any]] to List[Row] and then put rows in RDD and prepare schema for the spark data frame.
To convert List[Iterable[Any]] to List[Row], we can say
val rows ={x => Row(x:_*)}
and then having schema like schema, we can make RDD
val rdd = sparkContext.makeRDD[RDD](rows)
and finally create a spark data frame
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
Simplest approach:
val newList =
val df = spark.createDataFrame(newList).toDF("stuff")
In Spark 2 we can use DataSet by just converting list to DS by toDS API
val ds = list.flatMap(_.split(",")).toDS() // Records split by comma
val ds = list.toDS()
This more convenient than rdd or df
The most concise way I've found:
val df = spark.createDataFrame(List("A", "B", "C").map(Tuple1(_)))

converting all elements of an RDD[string] to float in scala

I'm trying to convert all the values of RDD[string] to float
The RDD contains data similar to this
an so on
RDD is in RDD[string] format.
I need to calculate the sum of all these values and hence need to convert them into float.
I found a code for this problem in python, but I need it in scala
python code :
val massData1 = [map(float,i) for i in massData]
massData is the RDD[string]
Can anyone please tell me how I can add all the values in the RDD [string] by converting them into float.
Suppose you have an strRDD which contains string, do transform as below:
val doubleRDD =
Then add them up:
val result = doubleRDD.reduce(_ + _)

Spark DataFrame zipWithIndex

I am using a DataFrame to read in a .parquet files but than turning them into an rdd to do my normal processing I wanted to do on them.
So I have my file:
val dataSplit = sqlContext.parquetFile("input.parquet")
val convRDD = dataSplit.rdd
val columnIndex = convRDD.flatMap(r => r.zipWithIndex)
I get the following error even when I convert from a dataframe to RDD:
:26: error: value zipWithIndex is not a member of
Anyone know how to do what I am trying to do, essentially trying to get the value and the column index.
I was thinking something like:
val dataSplit = sqlContext.parquetFile(inputVal.toString)
val schema = dataSplit.schema
val columnIndex = dataSplit.flatMap(r => 0 until schema.length
but getting stuck on the last part as not sure how to do the same of zipWithIndex.
You can simply convert Row to Seq:
convRDD.flatMap(r => r.toSeq.zipWithIndex)
Important thing to note here is that extracting type information becomes tricky. Row.toSeq returns Seq[Any] and resulting RDD is RDD[(Any, Int)].

How to convert Scala RDD to Map

I have a RDD (array of String) org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MappedRDD[18]
and to convert it to a map with unique Ids. I did 'val vertexMAp = vertices.zipWithUniqueId'
but this gave me another RDD of type 'org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Long)]' but I want a 'Map[String, Long]' . How can I convert my 'org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Long)] to Map[String, Long]' ?
There's a built-in collectAsMap function in PairRDDFunctions that would deliver you a map of the pair values in the RDD.
val vertexMAp = vertices.zipWithUniqueId.collectAsMap
It's important to remember that an RDD is a distributed data structure. You can visualize it a 'pieces' of your data spread over the cluster. When you collect, you force all those pieces to go to the driver and to be able to do that, they need to fit in the memory of the driver.
From the comments, it looks like in your case, you need to deal with a large dataset. Making a Map out of it is not going to work as it won't fit on the driver's memory; causing OOM exceptions if you try.
You probably need to keep the dataset as an RDD. If you are creating a Map in order to lookup elements, you could use lookup on a PairRDD instead, like this:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ // import implicits conversions to support PairRDDFunctions
val vertexMap = vertices.zipWithUniqueId
val vertixYId = vertexMap.lookup("vertexY")
Collect to "local" machine and then convert Array[(String, Long)] to Map
val rdd: RDD[String] = ???
val map: Map[String, Long] = rdd.zipWithUniqueId().collect().toMap
You do not need to convert. The implicits for PairRDDFunctions detects a Two-Tuple based RDD and applies the PairRDDFunctions methods automatically.