Can I make parameters mandatory without creating a parameter block for every function? - powershell

Is it possible to have powershell make every parameter for every function in a file mandatory without having to add a parameter block to every single function?

Sadly you're going to have to add [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] to all of your parameters.

Is your problem that you need the same parameters across a lot of different functions? One thing I am trying to do to simplify my scripts is if a task is happening a lot of times throughout my module, I am making it into it's own function and then calling the function instead of creating the same logic over and over.


PowerShell middleware to wrap powershell module commands

I am looking for a middleware pipeline option for PowerShell. That means I want to provide each function with pre and post statements for a module that is not a C# cmlet.
Is there already something in this direction?
The background is that I don't want to store debug functions at every command but want to measure all my functions at a central place.
Thanks a lot
There is no way to put code in front of a call to a cmdlet, or after like you can when writing your own functions or using something like try\catch\finally. You cant really emulate that type of a work flow with cmdlet calls that I have found.

Using dot source function in params

I'm going to start by saying I'm still pretty much a rookie at PowerShell and hoping there is a way to do this.
We have a utils.ps1 script that contains just functions that we dot source with in other scripts. One of the functions returns back a default value if a value is not passed in. I know I could check $args and such but what I wanted was to use the function for the default value in the parameters.
[string]$dbServer=$(Get-DefaultParam "dbServer"),
[string]$appServer=$(Get-DefaultParam "appServer")
This doesn't work since the Util script hasn't been sourced yet. I can't put the dot source first because then params doesn't work as it's not the top line. The utils isn't a module and I can't use the #require.
What I got working was this
[ValidateScript({ return $false; })]
[bool]$loadScript=$(. ./Utils.ps1; $true),
[string]$dbServer=$(Get-DefaultParam "dbServer"),
[string]$appServer=$(Get-DefaultParam "appServer")
Create a parameter that loads the script and prevent passing a value into that parameter. This will load the script in the correct scope, if I load it in the ValidateScript it's not in the correct scope. Then the rest of the parameters have access to the functions in the Utils.ps1. This probably is not a supported side effect, aka hack, as if I move the loadScript below the other parameters fail since the script hasn't been loaded.
PowerShell guarantee parameters will always load sequential?
Instead should we put all the functions in Utils.ps1 in global scope? this would need to run Utils.ps1 before the other scripts - which seems ok in scripting but less than ideal when running the scripts by hand
Is there a more supported way of doing this besides modules and #require?
Better to not use default value of params and just code all the checks after sourcing and check $args if we need to run the function?
It would be beneficial to instead turn that script into a PowerShell Module, despite your statement that you desire to avoid one. This way, your functions are always available for use as long as the module is installed. Also, despite not wanting to use it, the #Require directive is how you put execution constraints on your script, such as PowerShell version or modules that must be installed for the script to function.
If you really don't want to put this into a module, you can dot-source utils.ps1 from the executing user's $profile. As long as you don't run powershell.exe with the -NoProfile parameter, the profile loads with each session and your functions will be available for use.

How do I pass all parameters between cmdlets easily?

Using CmdletBinding, is there an easy way to regurgitate the exact parameters that a cmdlet was called with, so I can call another cmdlet with the exact same parameters?
I'm writing Powershell Cmdlets in Powershell. I'm using advanced functions. I have a cmdlet called Get-Environment, with several optional parameters like [string]EnvironmentName and [switch]Active. I have another cmdlet, called Get-Machine, with all of the same optional parameters; it calls Get-Environment. Originally, before I added the [switch]Active parameter, I simply called Get-Environment with all variables explicitly (see below).
I can't do the same thing now, because if I add "active" then it will be set. I don't want to have make a test in Get-Machine to see if Active is true and have two different versions of the Get-Environment call. I'd prefer to not have to trawl through the $PSBoundParameters hashtable and reconstruct the original strings, but that looks like the only feasible way forward (unless I'm missing something.)
Original code inside get-machine:
$environments = get-Environment -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName
Oh for Pete's sake. I found it. I was missing the big stupid easy thing. I'll leave this up for others, and in case someone has an even better answer.
$PSBoundParameters can be used to call a subordinate function or cmdlet passing the same parameters - PowerShell will automatically splat the hash table's values instead of having to type each of the parameters:
get-otherthing #PSBoundParameters

Create Custom Functions in MATLAB

I'm having problems with functions in matlab, I need to do an equalizer that uses 3 filter (high pass, low pass, band pass), I've created three diferent scripts to do this filters, now I want my main program of the equalizer call this 3 scripts, someone knows how to do this? I've serach in the internet but i don't found anything that can help me.
If I understand you correctly, you are wanting to pass the filters you have created in as functions to some script that will do the processing. This is fairly straightforward to do by passing in a function handle as an argument. If, for example, you have a function called high_pass_filter (written in a file high_pass_filter.m), then you can pass it in as an argument to a function using something like:
do_processing(#high_pass_filter, arguments);
In the function do_processing, it has as its definition something like
function do_processing(filter, arguments)
then to apply the filter (i.e. execute high_pass_filter.m), you just need to write
Then you can call the same processing function for the three different filters.
More on function handles can be found on this page of the Matlab documentation

Powershell: Hiding second function parameter when first is already defined

I'm trying to implement API of our product using Powershell. E.g., I'd like to create a function Remove-OurProductEntity. This function should have both -ById and -ByFullPath parameters to know which entity to delete. They shouldn't be both mandatory, but only one of them.
If user specified one of them in the command line, the second mustn't appear in autocompletion and Powershell shouldn't ask user to define the second. Moreover, if user specified both, function should ask to define the only one.
Is it possible to be done in Powershell? Or I should handle all the logic inside the function?
Powershell has really COOL language, and guess, something similar should be.
Parameter sets are your friend.