Visual Studio Code status bar color - visual-studio-code

Visual Studio Code's default status bar color is blue, and I find it quite distracting. I used this extension to change the color, but it has stopped working after the 1.10.2 update.

You can change the colour of the statusbar by editing the user settings by adding these lines of code in it:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"statusBar.background" : "#1A1A1A",
"statusBar.noFolderBackground" : "#212121",
"statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#263238"

I am going to save 30 minutes of time to noobs like me - it has to be edited in the settings.json file.
The easiest way to access it is menu command File → Preferences → Settings, search for "Color", choose an option "Workbench: Color Customizations" → "Edit in settings.json".
This uses the solution proposed by Gama11, but note:
the final form of the code in the settings.json file should be like this - note the double curly braces around "workbench.colorCustomizations":
// fontSize just for testing purposes, commented out.
//"editor.fontSize" : 12
// StatusBar color:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"statusBar.background" : "#303030",
"statusBar.noFolderBackground" : "#222225",
"statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#511f1f"
After you copy/pasted code above, press Ctrl + S to save the changes to 'settings.json'.
The solution has been adapted from Status Bar colors.

Since every theme is so different, you probably don't want to make changes like this globally. Instead, specify them on a per-theme basis: e.g.:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Some Theme Name]": {
"statusBar.background" : "#486357",
"statusBar.foreground" : "#c8e9c5",
"[Some Other Theme Name]": {
"statusBar.background" : "#385357",
"statusBar.foreground" : "#d7e9c4",
That way when you switch between your favorite themes, your customizations of them will not be forgotten, and will make sense in that context.

These are the steps I took to set the Visual Studio Code status bar colors on macOS for a workspace (not globally).
Menu View → Command Palette... → search for "Open Workspace Settings (JSON)".
(This will open the project [project-name].code-workspace file.)
Add the color customizations in the settings property.
"folders": [],
"settings": {
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"statusBar.background": "#938e04",
"statusBar.foreground": "#ffffff"
This is really useful when you have multiple instances of Visual Studio Code open and want to visually differentiate each window without having to change the global theme.
2022 Update:
Visual Studio Code now opens settings directly on command "Open Workspace Settings (JSON)".
You can just enter the workbench customizations directly:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"statusBar.background": "#938e04",
"statusBar.foreground": "#ffffff"

There is a stronger, more robust solution than the previous answers in my opinion, and that’s to change the status bar color based on the file you're working on—it’s called ColorTabs, and it allows you to provide a list of regular expressions and change that color based on that.
Disclaimer - I wrote the extension.

I just registered so I can't comment directly on HelloWorldDude's reply, but that's exactly what I was looking for: Different colors per workspace to quickly differentiate between Visual Studio Code windows.
I'm on Windows 10 with Visual Studio Code 1.63.1 and the per-project setting is located in the .vscode folder of the project root, and the file itself is settings.json.
The syntax that worked for me does not include "folders" and "settings", but just the contents of the settings block, like so:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"statusBar.background": "#7c0101",
"statusBar.foreground": "#ffffff"

You can change the color by edit extensions:
"statusBar.background": "#505050",

There is one more extension available, Peacock, to change the color of the workplace. It allows you to choose a different color for every Visual Studio Code instance.

If you are using the Vim plugin, the best way to change status bar color depending on mode is to go to settings, search for "status bar color" and check "allow Visual Studio Code to change color based on mode"
Here is a snapshot of the Vim plugin status color control:

Visual Studio 1.75 (Jan. 2023) will propose one more option, from issue 155294:
I am becoming a power-user of our debugger (yeah, finally).
This means that most of my "VS Code time" I have some kind of debuggee running or connected.
So, I am seeing the ugly orange debug status bar treatment a lot.
I don't like it and for me it's enough to see the activitybar icon decorations.
Instead of setting statusBar.debuggingBackground in workbench.colorCustomizations, there is now (PR 168513) a dedicated setting:
debug.enableStatusBarColor: Color status bar when debugger is active
This is available in VSCode insider today.
This is also mentioned in "How to prevent status bar colour in visual studio code from changing to orange on running any java file" by Mark.

Press Control + Shift + P when you just open Visual Studio Code and type "open settings(UI)" and search for window.titleBarStyle and change the option from native to custom so that you can restore the colour of status bar from white to black.
Important note: This technique works for update version 1.32 of Visual Studio Code released in February 2019. Make sure that you have updated your Visual Studio Code to the latest version 1.32 or further latest ones as it may not work for the older versions.


How to Fix Dark File Names in High Contrast Theme VS Code

How come some of the text is not well seen?
This never happened previously and I searched for settings in the preferences menu, but am currently at a loss as to what the root issue is.
Any suggestion/help would be greatly appreciated.
You can customize your color scheme in the JSON format of VS Code Settings so that the text in the side bar can be seen more easily.
First, open Command Palette via Ctrl + Shift + P and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON). Press enter such that the VS Code Settings JSON file would open.
Next, add the following code into the JSON file:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[your_color_scheme_name_here]": {
"sideBar.foreground": "#ffffff",
Replace the your_color_scheme_name_here with the name of your color scheme. For example, if my color scheme is called Monokai Pro, then I type "[Monokai Pro]": { in the second line of the code snippet. Next, replace the #ffffff color code with a color you wish to have. Save the JSON file and you should be able to see the changes immediately at the side bar.
You can learn more about what other color customizations you can make in the side bar in the official documentation here.
It seems to be a bug in VS Code, I ended up just restarting the application and the issue was fixed. Strange to say to least...
This was caused by git decorations which changed the color of the text name depending on the file status (modified, added, staged, etc.).
Since I find this distracting rather than helpful, I simply did file > preferences > settings > searched "git decorations" > unchecked "Git > Decorations: Enabled"

User setting to fix the text background color

I'm coding with SQL in Visual Studio Code. I'm using the default font, Dark(Visual Studio). When my text is not highlighted/selected, it shows with a strange background color that shouldn't be there by default. What is the user setting to override this?
This was a feature introduced to SQLTools v0.22.2 to indicate what code would be executed by Run current query:
One proposed fix is to add this to your settings:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"sqltools.currentQueryBg": "#ff0000",
"sqltools.currentQueryOutline": "#ff0000"
You will need to change the above colors accordingly. It's far from ideal, since you'll need to tweak the settings every time you change themes in VS Code.

VSCode Not showing ColorPicker

i searched that VSCode have built-in ColorPicker from this Link
But i'm trying to learn code igniter with vscode and there's nothing like that. How to enable it ? i tried to enable editor.colorDecorators:true but its doesn't change anything.
When I had that same problem it was because I had "editor.hover.enabled": false, in my VS Code settings and setting it to true got the color picker working.
Go to settings, the small cog in the bottom left of the screen.
Type in 'hover' into the settings search bar and make sure 'Editor>Hover:Enabled' is checked
Now when you hover a color, the color picker should appear
If you are not seeing the color box, check CSS is selected as the language in the bottom right, if it is not, click on it and select CSS.
body {
background-color: rgb(255,255,255)
then hover over 'rgb'
I've just noticed it also works for #fff, but you need to lose the quotes
Note there is an issue which can explain the lack of color picker, for large files (typically more than 500 lines).
#139743: "Built-in color picker stops working on large css files".
This is fixed by commit c0aa5bb and available in VSCode Insiders today, to be released with VSCode 1.75 (Jan. 2023).
I had this issue the language mode is selected to postcss and not css. When I set to css the color picker boxes appeared again.
CSS-in-JS is popular nowadays, use vscode-color-picker to bring the color picker to files other than css/sass/less (the built-in color picker supports styling files only, for now)
After installation, add the languages list to the settings because the extension does not turn on the feature by default.
on Mac: press Command + Shift + P then choose Open User Settings (JSON)
Then add these settings:
"vscode-color-picker.languages": [
As I tested:
It does not work with .tsx file (although it is in the list of the supported languages)
Works well with .js and .ts.
You don't need to do any settings, just remove the double quotes from the color (from "#fff" to #fff).
If that doesn't work out then use these extension, I prefer it to the VS Code picker:

How to change error styles in VS Code?

I'm trying to highlight the error in more aggressive way, is it possible in VS Code?
Basically to change style of this:
UPD: example of aggressive highlight in webStorm:
UPDATE - Nov 2020
Properties to set a background color on error styles are finally coming! Merged PR here
This is not shipped yet - I suppose it will likely ship in the next major version (v1.16). Will update here to confirm the version when this happens.
v1.12 and above
Customization of error underline colors are now available natively via workbench.colorCustomizations in workspace settings. See the docs here.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorError.foreground": "#000000", // squiggly line
"editorError.border": "#ffffff" // additional border under squiggly line
Unfortunately, as far as I can find, for now the native customizations are limited to this. To highlight the error with a background color, for example, you will still have to resort to the plugin method below...
v1.7.2 and above
Error styles can be fully customised via css with the vscode-custom-css extension.
Create a file custom-styles.css with the following (change the styles as preferred)
.monaco-editor.vs .redsquiggly,
.monaco-editor.vs-dark .redsquiggly {
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
Point the extension to custom-styles.css by adding the following in Preferences > User Settings (settings.json)
"vscode_custom_css.imports" : [
Open up the command palette (Mac: cmd+shift+P, Windows/Linux: ctrl+shift+P) and search for and execute Enable Custom CSS and JS, then restart VS Code.
You're done!
Screenshot with the above styles applied:
If you get any mistakes in the config, or you make any changes in custom-styles.css, try restarting VS Code completely, and it should refresh and pick up the correctly configured/new styles.
N.B. Thanks #Stepan Suvorov for raising the github issue and #Matt Bierner for pointing out the appropriate css, so I could get this fixed with the extension.
If any VS Code devs happen to be reading this, firstly thanks - VS Code is awesome - but the built-in error styling is a significant accessibility issue for colourblind people. I'm red-green colourblind and the red squiggle on a black background is quite a strain to notice for me, particularly with single characters.
The ability to customise the error styles is last thing I really missed, switching to VS Code from atom. Official support for this would be a great feature!
After almost a year, unfortunately, vscode-custom-css stop working for me; in the meantime vscode introduced some settings to customize the layout.
Try to add this in the user settings:
// ...,
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorError.border": "#ca2323a4",
"editorError.foreground": "#ffffffb7"
It will show the errors in this way:
You will soon be able to modify the background color of errors, warnings and info. See, should be in v1.52.
Previously, the background color could not be changed.
This works in version 1.58.0:
The following JSON goes into your settings.json, which I accessed via settings -> Workbench -> Appearance -> Color Customization:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"errorForeground": "#ffffff",
"editorError.background": "#ff0000",
"editorWarning.foreground": "#ffffff",
"editorWarning.background": "#dddd00",
"editorInfo.foreground": "#ffffff",
"editorInfo.background": "#0000ff"
To my knowledge, changing the styling of errors is not something that VSCode themes or extensions can currently do. This logic is built in. Here's the css used to render the redsquiggly currently
I suggest you open a feature request against VSCode

How can I edit VS Code settings so that the tabs of modified files are highlighted?

In Sublime, this was supported by changing
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
under Preferences | Settings. How can I get this in Visual Studio Code?
Some ability to highlight the top border of a modified tab was added in v1.29, highlight modified tabs.
workbench.editor.highlightModifiedTabs: true;
It is not much of a change though.
With these colorCustomizations in settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"tab.activeModifiedBorder": "#ff0000",
"tab.inactiveModifiedBorder": "#ff0000",
"tab.unfocusedActiveModifiedBorder": "#ff0000",
"tab.unfocusedInactiveModifiedBorder": "#ff0000",
Well this isn't the best answer, but I ended up hacking one of vscode's core css files:
/Applications/Visual Studio
I'm not sure where this file will exist on other platforms.
I put this css at the bottom of the file:
.tab.dirty .label-name {
color: #ffcc66;
Restart VSCode after this. It will complain at you saying the install is corrupt... but just click ignore and don't notify me. I'm pretty frustrated that I couldn't find a better solution, but it works...