optimize a postgres query that updates a big table [duplicate] - postgresql

I have two huge tables:
Table "public.tx_input1_new" (100,000,000 rows)
Column | Type | Modifiers
blk_hash | character varying(500) |
blk_time | timestamp without time zone |
tx_hash | character varying(500) |
input_tx_hash | character varying(100) |
input_tx_index | smallint |
input_addr | character varying(500) |
input_val | numeric |
"tx_input1_new_h" btree (input_tx_hash, input_tx_index)
Table "public.tx_output1_new" (100,000,000 rows)
Column | Type | Modifiers
tx_hash | character varying(100) |
output_addr | character varying(500) |
output_index | smallint |
input_val | numeric |
"tx_output1_new_h" btree (tx_hash, output_index)
I want to update table1 by the other table:
UPDATE tx_input1 as i
input_addr = o.output_addr,
input_val = o.output_val
FROM tx_output1 as o
i.input_tx_hash = o.tx_hash
AND i.input_tx_index = o.output_index;
Before I execute this SQL command, I already created the index for this two table:
CREATE INDEX tx_input1_new_h ON tx_input1_new (input_tx_hash, input_tx_index);
CREATE INDEX tx_output1_new_h ON tx_output1_new (tx_hash, output_index);
I use EXPLAIN command to see the query plan, but it didn't use the index I created.
It took about 14-15 hours to complete this UPDATE.
What is the problem within it?
How can I shorten the execution time, or tune my database/table?
Thank you.

Since you are joining two large tables and there are no conditions that could filter out rows, the only efficient join strategy will be a hash join, and no index can help with that.
First there will be a sequential scan of one of the tables, from which a hash structure is built, then there will be a sequential scan over the other table, and the hash will be probed for each row found. How could any index help with that?
You can expect such an operation to take a long time, but there are some ways in which you could speed up the operation:
Remove all indexes and constraints on tx_input1 before you begin. Your query is one of the examples where an index does not help at all, but actually hurts performance, because the indexes have to be updated along with the table. Recreate the indexes and constraints after you are done with the UPDATE. Depending on the number of indexes on the table, you can expect a decent to massive performance gain.
Increase the work_mem parameter for this one operation with the SET command as high as you can. The more memory the hash operation can use, the faster it will be. With a table that big you'll probably still end up having temporary files, but you can still expect a decent performance gain.
Increase checkpoint_segments (or max_wal_size from version 9.6 on) to a high value so that there are fewer checkpoints during the UPDATE operation.
Make sure that the table statistics on both tables are accurate, so that PostgreSQL can come up with a good estimate for the number of hash buckets to create.
After the UPDATE, if it affects a big number of rows, you might consider to run VACUUM (FULL) on tx_input1 to get rid of the resulting table bloat. This will lock the table for a longer time, so do it during a maintenance window. It will reduce the size of the table and as a consequence speed up sequential scans.


How to make big postgres db faster?

I have big Postgres database(around 75 GB) and queries are very slow. Is there any way to make them faster?
About database:
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description
public | fingerprints | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 35 GB |
public | songs | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 26 MB |
public | songs_song_id_seq | sequence | postgres | permanent | | 8192 bytes |
\d+ fingerprints
Table "public.fingerprints"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description
hash | bytea | | not null | | extended | | |
song_id | integer | | not null | | plain | | |
offset | integer | | not null | | plain | | |
date_created | timestamp without time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | |
date_modified | timestamp without time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | |
"ix_fingerprints_hash" hash (hash)
"uq_fingerprints" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (song_id, "offset", hash)
Foreign-key constraints:
"fk_fingerprints_song_id" FOREIGN KEY (song_id) REFERENCES songs(song_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
Access method: heap
\d+ songs
Table "public.songs"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description
song_id | integer | | not null | nextval('songs_song_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | | |
song_name | character varying(250) | | not null | | extended | | |
fingerprinted | smallint | | | 0 | plain | | |
file_sha1 | bytea | | | | extended | | |
total_hashes | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | |
date_created | timestamp without time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | |
date_modified | timestamp without time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | |
"pk_songs_song_id" PRIMARY KEY, btree (song_id)
Referenced by:
TABLE "fingerprints" CONSTRAINT "fk_fingerprints_song_id" FOREIGN KEY (song_id) REFERENCES songs(song_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
Access method: heap
DB Scheme
DB Amount
No need to write to database, only read. All queries are very simple:
SELECT song_id
WHERE hash in fingerpints = X
EXPLAIN(analyze, buffers, format text) SELECT "song_id", "offset" FROM "fingerprints" WHERE "hash" = decode('eeafdd7ce9130f9697','hex');
Index Scan using ix_fingerprints_hash on fingerprints (cost=0.00..288.28 rows=256 width=8) (actual time=0.553..234.257 rows=871 loops=1)
Index Cond: (hash = '\xeeafdd7ce9130f9697'::bytea)
Buffers: shared hit=118 read=749
Planning Time: 0.225 ms
Execution Time: 234.463 ms
(5 rows)
234 ms looks fine where it is one query. But in reality there 3000 query per time, that takes about 600 seconds. It is audio recognition application, so algoritm works like that.
About indexes:
CREATE INDEX "ix_fingerprints_hash" ON "fingerprints" USING hash ("hash");
For pooler I use Odyssey.
Little bit of info from config:
shared_buffers = 4GB
huge_pages = try
work_mem = 582kB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
effective_io_concurrency = 200
max_worker_processes = 24
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 12
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 4
max_parallel_workers = 24
wal_buffers = 16MB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
max_wal_size = 16GB
min_wal_size = 4GB
random_page_cost = 1.1
effective_cache_size = 12GB
Info about hardware:
Xeon 12 core (24 threads)
NVME disk
Will the database be accelerated by purchase more RAM to handle all DB inside (128 GB in example)? And what parameters should I change to say to Postgres to store db in ram?
I read about several topics about pg_tune, etc. but experiments don't show any good results.
Increasing the RAM so that everything can stay in cache (perhaps after using pg_prewarm to get it into cache in the first place) would certainly work. But it is expensive and shouldn't be necessary.
Having a hash index on something which is already a hashed value is probably not very helpful. Have you tried just a default (btree) index instead?
If you CLUSTER the table on the index over the column named "hash" (which you can only do if it is a btree index) then rows with the same hash code should mostly share the same table page, which would greatly cut down on the number of different buffer reads needed to fetch them all.
If you could get it do a bitmap heap scan instead of an index scan, then it should be able to have a large number of read requests outstanding at a time, due to effective_io_concurrency. But the planner does not account for effective_io_concurrency when doing planning, which means it won't choose a bitmap heap scan specifically to get it that benefit. Normally an index read finding hundreds of rows on different pages would automatically choose a bitmap heap scan method, but in your case it is probably the low setting of random_page_cost which is inhibiting it from doing so. The low setting of random_page_cost is probably reasonable in itself, but it does have this unfortunate side effect. A problem with this strategy is that it doesn't reduce the overall amount of IO needed, it just allows them overlap and so make better use of multiple IO channels. But if many sessions are running many instances of this query at the same time, they will start filling up those channels and so start competing with each other. So the CLUSTER method is probably superior as it gets the same answer with less IO. If you want to play around with bitmap scans, you could temporarily increase random_page_cost or temporarily set enable_indexscan to off.
No need to write to database, only read.
So the DB is read-only.
And in comments:
db worked fine on small amount of data(few GB), but after i filled out database started to slowdown.
So indexes have been built up incrementally.
UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on (song_id, "offset", hash)
I would replace that with:
ALTER TABLE fingerprints
DROP CONSTRAINT uq_fingerprints
, ADD CONSTRAINT uq_fingerprints UNIQUE(hash, song_id, "offset") WITH (FILLFACTOR = 100)
This enforces the same constraint, but the leading hash column in the underlying B-tree index now supports the filter on hash in your displayed query. And the fact that all needed columns are included in the index, further allows much faster index-only scans. The (smaller) index should also be more easily cached than the (bigger) table (plus index).
Is a composite index also good for queries on the first field?
Also rewrites the index in pristine condition, and with FILLFACTOR 100 for the read-only DB. (Instead of the default 90 for a B-tree index.)
Hash index on (hash) and CLUSTER
The name of the column "hash" has nothing to do with the name of the index type, which also happens to be "hash". (The column should probably not be named "hash" to begin with.)
If (and only if) you also have other queries centered around one of few hash values, that cannot use index-only scans (and you actually see faster queries than without) keep the hash index, additionally. And optimize it. (Else drop it!)
ALTER INDEX ix_fingerprints_hash SET (FILLFACTOR = 100);
An incrementally grown index may end up with bloat or unbalanced overflow pages in case of a hash index. REINDEX should take care of that. While being at it, increase FILLFACTER to 100 (from the default 75 for a hash index) for your read-only (!) DB. You can REINDEX to make the change effective.
REINDEX INDEX ix_fingerprints_hash;
Or you can CLUSTER (like jjanes already suggested) on the rearranged B-tree index from above:
CLUSTER fingerprints USING uq_fingerprints;
Rewrites the table and all indexes; rows are physically sorted according to the given index, so "clustered" around the leading column(s). Effects are permanent for your read-only DB. But index-only scans do not benefit from this.
When done optimizing, run once:
VACUUM ANALYZE fingerprints;
The tiny setting for work_mem stands out:
work_mem = 582kB
Even the (very conservative!) default is 4MB.
But after reading your question again, it would seem you only have tiny queries. So maybe that's ok after all.
Else, with 16GB RAM you can typically afford a 100 times as much. Depends on your work load of course.
Many small queries, many parallel workers --> keep small work_mem (like 4MB?)
Few big queries, few parallel workers --> go high (like 256MB? or more)
Large amounts of temporary files written in your database over time, and mentions of "disk" in the output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE would indicate the need for more work_mem.
Additional questions
Will the database be accelerated by purchase more RAM to handle all DB inside (128 GB in example)?
More RAM almost always helps until the whole DB can be cached in RAM and all processes can afford all the work_mem they desire.
And what parameters should I change to say to Postgres to store db in ram?
Everything that's read from the database is cached automatically in system cache and Postgres cache, up to the limit of available RAM. (Setting work_mem too high competes for that same resource.)

PostgreSQL 13 - Performance Improvement to delete large table data

I am using PostgreSQL 13 and has intermediate level experience with PostgreSQL.
I have a table named tbl_employee. it stores employee details for number of customers.
Below is my table structure, followed by datatype and index access method
Column | Data Type | Index name | Idx Access Type
id | bigint | |
name | character varying | |
customer_id | bigint | idx_customer_id | btree
is_active | boolean | idx_is_active | btree
is_delete | boolean | idx_is_delete | btree
I want to delete employees for specific customer by customer_id.
In table I have total 18,00,000+ records.
When I execute below query for customer_id 1001 it returns 85,000.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001;
When I perform delete operation using below query for this customer then it takes 2 hours, 45 minutes to delete the records.
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001
My concern is that this query should take less than 1 min to delete the records. Is this normal to take such long time or is there any way we can optimise and reduce the execution time?
Below is Explain output of delete query
The values of seq_page_cost = 1 and random_page_cost = 4.
Below are no.of pages occupied by the table "tbl_employee" from pg_class.
Please guide. Thanks
During :
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001
Is there any other operation accessing this table? If only this SQL accessing this table, I don't think it will take so much time.
In RDBMS systems each SQL statement is also a transaction, unless it's wrapped in BEGIN; and COMMIT; to make multi-statement transactions.
It's possible your multirow DELETE statement is generating a very large transaction that's forcing PostgreSQL to thrash -- to spill its transaction logs from RAM to disk.
You can try repeating this statement until you've deleted all the rows you need to delete:
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001 LIMIT 1000;
Doing it this way will keep your transactions smaller, and may avoid the thrashing.
SQL: DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001 LIMIT 1000;
will not work then.
To make the batch delete smaller, you can try this:
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE ctid IN (SELECT ctid FROM tbl_employee where customer_id=1001 limit 1000)
Until there is nothing to delete.
Here the "ctid" is an internal column of Postgresql Tables. It can locate the rows.

Can Postgres table partitioning by hash boost query performance?

I have an OLTP table on a Postgres 14.2 database that looks something like this:
Column | Type | Nullable |
id | character varying(32) | not null |
user_id | character varying(255) | not null |
slug | character varying(255) | not null |
created_at | timestamp without time zone | not null |
updated_at | timestamp without time zone | not null |
"playground_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"playground_user_id_idx" btree (user_id)
The database host has 8GB of RAM and 2 CPUs.
I have roughly 500M records in the table which adds up to about 80GB in size.
The table gets about 10K INSERT/h, 30K SELECT/h, and 5K DELETE/h.
The main query run against the table is:
SELECT * FROM playground WHERE user_id = '12345678' and slug = 'some-slug' limit 1;
Users have anywhere between 1 record to a few hundred records.
Thanks to the index on the user_id I generally get decent performance (double-digit milliseconds), but 5%-10% of the queries will take a few hundred milliseconds to maybe a second or two at worst.
My question is this: would partitioning the table by hash(user_id) help me boost lookup performance by taking advantage of partition pruning?
No, that wouldn't improve the speed of the query at all, since there is an index on that attribute. If anything, the increased planning time will slow down the query.
If you want to speed up that query as much as possible, create an index that supports both conditions:
CREATE INDEX ON playground (user_id, slug);
If slug is large, it may be preferable to index a hash:
CREATE INDEX ON playground (user_id, hashtext(slug));
and query like this:
FROM playground
WHERE user_id = '12345678'
AND slug = 'some-slug'
AND hashtext(slug) = hashtext('some-slug');
Of course, partitioning could be a good idea for other reasons, for example to speed up autovacuum or CREATE INDEX.

Gist index on Postgres/PostGIS still slow

I am not an expert at Postgres/GIS subjects and I have an issue with a large database (over 20 million records) of geometries. First of all my set up looks like this:
mmt=# select version();
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
version | PostgreSQL 13.2 (Debian 13.2-1.pgdg100+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0, 64-bit
mmt=# select PostGIS_Version();
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+--------------------------------------
postgis_version | 3.1 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1
The table that I am querying contains the following columns:
mmt=# \d titles
Table "public.titles"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
ogc_fid | integer | | not null | nextval('titles_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass)
wkb_geometry | bytea | | |
timestamp | timestamp with time zone | | |
end | timestamp with time zone | | |
gml_id | character varying | | |
validfrom | character varying | | |
beginlifespanversion | character varying | | |
geom_bounding_box | geometry(Geometry,4326) | | |
"titles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ogc_fid)
"geom_idx" gist (geom_bounding_box)
The geom_bounding_box column holds the bounding box of the wkb_geometry. I have created that bounding box column because the wkb geometries exceed the default size limits for items in a GIST index. Some of them are quite complex geometries with several dozens of points making up a polygon. Using a bounding box instead meant I was able to put an index on that column as a way of speeding up the search.. at least that's the theory.
My search aims to find geometries which fall within 100 metres of a given point as follows, however this takes well over two minutes to return. I want to get that under one second!:
select ogc_fid, web_geometry from titles where ST_DWithin(geom_bounding_box, 'SRID=4326;POINT(-0.145872 51.509691)'::geography, 100);
Below is a basic explain output. What can I do to speed this thing up?
Thank you!
mmt=# explain select ogc_fid from titles where ST_DWithin(geom_bounding_box, 'SRID=4326;POINT(-0.145872 51.509691)'::geography, 100);
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUERY PLAN | Gather (cost=1000.00..243806855.33 rows=2307 width=4)
-[ RECORD 2 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUERY PLAN | Workers Planned: 2
-[ RECORD 3 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUERY PLAN | -> Parallel Seq Scan on titles (cost=0.00..243805624.63 rows=961 width=4)
-[ RECORD 4 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUERY PLAN | Filter: st_dwithin((geom_bounding_box)::geography, '0101000020E61000006878B306EFABC2BF6308008E3DC14940'::geography, '100'::double precision, true)
-[ RECORD 5 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[ RECORD 6 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUERY PLAN | Functions: 4
-[ RECORD 7 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUERY PLAN | Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true
The problem is that you are mixing geometry and geography, and PostgreSQL casts geom_bounding_box to geography so that they match.
Now you have indexed geom_bounding_box, but not geom_bounding_box::geography, which is something different.
Either use 'SRID=4326;POINT(-0.145872 51.509691)'::geometry as second operand or create the GiST index on ((geom_bounding_box::geography)) (note the double parentheses).
As pointed out by mlinth, my answer below is not really valid. It raises a danger though: beware of the arguments given to the ST_DWithin function, because the unit of distance argument is inferred differently depending if you give geographies (meters) or geometries (srid unit).
According to the ST_DWithin doc, the distance is specified in SRID unit. In your case, the spatial reference system is a geographic one, so your 100 value means 100 degree radius, not 100 meters. That means approximately the entire world. In such case, efficiently using the index is impossible.
If you want to find geometries in a 100 meter radius, you must convert a 100 meter in degree unit, but that depends on latitude (if you want to be accurate).
To start, I'd recommend you to use a (very) approximate shortcut: 100 meters at the equator is (very) approximately equal to 0.001 degrees. So replace your distance value with it, and if it speed up things (and I'm pretty convinced it will), then you will be able to refine your query to be more accurate.
I did resolve this and it was a combination of all of the above things, although not any one of them alone. As a quick summary:
Laurenz Albe was right in spotting the mix of geography and geometry types, which was easy to fix by removing the cast.
Ian Turton was also right in spotting that dozens of points shouldn't be an issue for a gist index, so I abandoned the bounding box approximation approach and went back to exploring the index issues. What I found was that the geometry column was defined with a data type of 'byte array' (bytea), which prevents creation of an spgist index due to 'no default operator class for access method "spgist"' This was resolved by changing the column type as follows:
mmt=# ALTER TABLE titles
ALTER COLUMN wkb_geometry
TYPE geometry
USING wkb_geometry::geometry;
The index then creates successfully (either gist or spgist) and I have been able to benchmark the two side by side, finding gist to be slightly more efficient in my use-case.
Amanin was also right to point out the differences between meters and radial degrees according to the spatial reference system. In some of my tests I was erroneously using the latter, but on very large radii. Since I'm indexing and searching with geometry types, that radius value needs to be very small in radial degrees in order to cover quite large areas. Fixed!
All put together, and searches across 26 million records consistently complete in 200ms to 500ms, with occasional spikes up to 1.1s. This is pretty good.
Thanks all who contributed input, ideas and discussion.

Postgres: How to efficiently bucketize random event ids below (hour,config_id,sensor_id)

I have a large table "measurement" with 4 columns:
measurement-service=> \d measurement
Table "public.measurement"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
hour | timestamp without time zone | | not null |
config_id | bigint | | not null |
sensor_id | bigint | | not null |
event_id | uuid | | not null |
Partition key: RANGE (hour)
"hour_config_id_sensor_id_event_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (hour, config_id, sensor_id, event_id)
Number of partitions: 137 (Use \d+ to list them.)
An example of a partition name: "measurement_y2019m12d04"
And then i insert a lot of events as CSV via COPY to a temporary table, and from there i copy the table directly into the partition using ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 'tmp_measurement_y2019m12d04T02_12345' (
hour timestamp without timezone,
config_id bigint,
sensor_id bigint,
event_id uuid
COPY tmp_measurement_y2019m12d04T02_12345 FROM STDIN DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
INSERT INTO measurement_y2019m12d04 (SELECT * FROM tmp_measurement_y2019m12d04T02_12345) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
I think i help postgres by sending CSV with data of the same hour only. Also within that hour, i remove all duplicates in the CSV. Therefore the CSV only contains unique rows.
But i send many batches for different hours. There is no order. It can be the hour of today, yesterday, the last week. Etc.
My approach worked alright so far, but i think i have reached a limit now. The insertion speed has become very slow. While the CPU is idle, i have 25% i/o wait. Subsystem is a RAID with several TB, using disks, that are not SSD.
maintenance_work_mem = 32GB
max_wal_size = 1GB
fsync = off
max_worker_processes = 256
wal_buffers = -1
shared_buffers = 64GB
temp_buffers = 4GB
effective_io_concurrency = 1000
effective_cache_size = 128GB
Each partition per day is around 20gb big and contains no more than 500m rows. And by maintaining the unique index per partition, i just duplicated the data once more.
The lookup speed, on the other hand, is quick.
I think the limit is in the maintenance of the btree with the rather random UUIDs in (hour,config_id,sensor_id). I constantly change it, its written out and has to be re-read.
I am wondering, if there is another approach. Basically i want uniqueness for (hour,config_id,sensor_id,event_id) and then a quick lookup per (hour,config_id,sensor_id).
I am considering removal of the unique index and only having an index over (hour,config_id,sensor_id). And then providing the uniqueness on the reader side. But it may slow down the reading, as the event_id can no longer be delivered via the index, when i lookup via (hour,config_id,sensor_id). It has to access the actual row to get the event_id.
Or i provide uniqueness via a hash index.
Any other ideas are welcome!
Thank you.
When you do the insert, you should specify an ORDER BY which matches the index of the table being inserted into:
INSERT INTO measurement_y2019m12d04
SELECT * FROM tmp_measurement_y2019m12d04T02_12345
order by hour, config_id, sensor_id, event_id
Only if this fails to give enough improvement would I consider any of the other options you list.
Hash indexes don't provide uniqueness. You can simulate it with an exclusion constraint, but I think they are less efficient. Exclusion constraints do support DO NOTHING, but not support DO UPDATE. So as long as your use case does not evolve to want DO UPDATE, you would be good on that front, but I still doubt it would actually solve the problem. If your bottleneck is IO from updating the index, hash would only make it worse as it is designed to scatter your data all over the place, rather than focus it in a small cacheable area.
You also mention parallel processing. For inserting into the temp table, that might be fine. But I wouldn't do the INSERT...SELECT in parallel. If IO is your bottleneck, that would probably just make it worse. Of course if IO is no longer the bottleneck after my ORDER BY suggestion, then ignore this part.