How to bind with static actions like buttons, dropdowns, inputs with FooTable V3? - footable

FooTable V3 comes with pagination, filtering and sorting controls within it self. I have "Custom dropdown" and "Custom search" that required but out of the FooTable controls. I am new to FooTable V3. Can someone guide me how to bind it. Here is my test demo:
Thanks in advance!

My issue is solved. below is the answer from #steveush:


Using react-datepicker with agGrid

Im trying to incorporate react-date picker with ag-grid
ag-grid provides documentation on using custom date picker but with using flatpickr
was wondering if anyone has successfully attempted to use react-datepicker with ag-grid and if so, could provide and example?
Ag Grid example:
The react-datepicker is a bit more tricky to work with but I have a solution that works:
The portalId is key here, it allows us to append the popup to the root which allows the popup to be visible inside the filter menu:
Please see this example

GWT SuggestBox: add multiple ClickHandlers to each suggestion

Add multiple ClickHandlers to each suggestion. For example, for each suggestion I want to have 2 links 'exclude' and 'include' and add a handlers to each link.
SuggestBox let's you provide your own SuggestionDisplay if you don't like the default one.
It might be helpful to include more details in the question (I would comment but cant until i get more rep).
What type of widget/widgets are you using?
If its a suggestbox then the answer Thomas Broyer supplied should work.
To do this create a new class and extend
We have a similar implementation at my workplace. We have a custom suggestion display class which extends SuggestBox.SuggestionDisplay. It is a PopupPanel at heart, with a VerticalPanel that holds our custom Suggestions. Those items have click handlers.
The project advanced suggest box handles this kind of needs: you can use the Table layout for example to have your buttons (see the demo)

Wordpress TinyMCE button to add a piece of code at the bottom of the post?

I'm currently looking to see if there's a Wordpress plugin like a tinyMCE button that will allow me to add custom code at the end of the post, something like:
<h3>please enter title</h3
<div id="content">please enter content</div>
If you don't know of any plugin could you direct me to some tutorials on how to create a custom button?
Thanks a lot!
Here is a WP specific tut
Here is a link to a tutorial on how to write a custom plugin. You will need to use it to insert a custom button with a custom functionality. It is not that difficult.

JQGrid - Add buttons to a Form Edit dialog

I have been using JQGrid for about a year now and I love it. Just wondering if someone knows a way to add a button or two that will trigger my own code on a Form Edit page? Not on the grid itself - the edit dialog.
Would I just use the onInitializeForm event?
I used jQuery to do this. In my case I had a drop-down select item as a field on the edit for and I wanted to add a link next to it. I used the beforeShowForm event.
beforeShowForm: function(form) {
$("#MyDropDownList").after("<a href='#' id='link'>A Link To Something</a>");
Hope this helps, even though it's a few weeks late.

How do you programatically remove (not disable) a button from TinyMCE?

I can disable the table button using this:
but what I'm interested in is actually hiding it. Any idea on how to accomplish that?
Thank you!
First, you have to use the advanced theme.
Then, add this option in the TinyMCE init code.
theme_advanced_disable : "bold, justifyleft, justifyright"
I hope this might help someone.
list of elements' name here
I'm not familiar with TinyMCE myself, but since you appear to have javascript access to the element itself, all you need to do is set it's display property to "none".
document.getElementById("theButton").style.display = "none";
incase ur trying to hide a specific button, use the following code.
$('.mce_cut').hide() //hides cut button
lookup other button titles using firebug in case u wish to hide something specific.
Incase you are looking to hide specific editor's button, modifiy the jquery selector to select correct sibling/descendent.
alternately, try this ..
Note that ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_g_5005db96_e035_4197_a958_75f008b35061_ctl00_tbKeywords is my control's id. Don't bother about this if ur not using serverside textbox control. In case you are.. <% theTextBoxID.ClientID %> gets u that.
Use the following (using jQuery; a non-jQuery approch is easily built):
var elem = $('_'+'divId_table')