I annotate my Kubernetes objects with things like version and whom to contact when there are failures. How would I relay this information to Prometheus, knowing that these annotation values will frequently change? I can't capture this information in Prometheus labels, as they serve as the primary key for a target (e.g. if the version changes, it's a new target altogether, which I don't want). Thanks!
I just wrote a blog post about this exact topic! https://www.weave.works/aggregating-pod-resource-cpu-memory-usage-arbitrary-labels-prometheus/
The trick is Kubelet/cAdvisor doesn't expose them directly, so I run a little exporter which does, and join this with the pod name in PromQL. The exporter is: https://github.com/tomwilkie/kube-api-exporter
You can do a join in Prometheus like this:
sum by (namespace, name) (
sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!=""}[5m])) by (pod_name, namespace)
* on (pod_name) group_left(name)
Here I'm using a label called "name", but it could be any label.
We use the same trick to get metrics (such as error rate) by version, which we then use to drive our continuous deployment system. kube-api-exporter exports a bunch of useful meta-information about Kubernetes objects to Prometheus.
Hope this helps!
I am trying to understand the difference between pods and annotations.
Standard documentation says that annotations captures "non-identifying information".
While on labels, selectors can be applied. Labels are used to organise objects in kubernetes cluster.
If this is the case then why istio use pod annotations instead of labels for various different settings : https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/annotations/
Isn't label is good approach ?
Just trying to understand what advantages does annotations provide, if istio developers chose to use annotations.
As Extending the Burak answer,
Kubernetes labels and annotations are both ways of adding metadata to
Kubernetes objects. The similarities end there, however. Kubernetes
labels allow you to identify, select and operate on Kubernetes
objects. Annotations are non-identifying metadata and do none of these
Labels are mostly used to attach with the resources like POD, Replica set, etc. it also get used to route the traffic and routing deployment to service and other.
Labels are getting stored in the ETCD database so you can search using it.
Annotation is mostly to store metadata and config-if any.
Metadata like : owner details, last helm release if using helm, side car injection
You can store owner details in labels, K8s use labels for traffic routing from service to deployment and labels should be the same on both resources (deployment & service) to route traffic.
What will you do in that case to match labels for resources? Use service owner name same inside all deployment & service? when you are running multiple distributed services managed by diff team and service owners.
If you notice some of annotation of istio is just for storing metadata like : install.operator.istio.io/chart-owner, install.operator.istio.io/owner-generation
Read more at : https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/annotations/
You should also check once syntax of both label and annotation.
We have a Spring Boot application, deployed into K8s cluster (with 2 instances) configured with Micrometer exporter for Prometheus and visualization in Grafana.
My custom metrics
I've implemented couple of additional Micrometer metrics, that report some information regarding business data in the database (PostgreSQL) and I could see those metrics in Grafana, however separately for each pod.
For our 2 pods in Grafana - I can see separate set of same metrics and the most recent value can be found by choosing (by label) one of the pods.
However there is no way to tell which pod reported the most recent values.
Is there a way to somehow always show the metrics values from the pod that was scraped last (ie it will contain the most fresh metric data)?
Right now in order to see the most fresh metric data - I have to switch pods and guess which one has the latest values.
(The metrics in question relate to database, therefore yielding the same values no matter the pod from which they are requested.)
In Prometheus, you can obtain the labels of the latest scrape using topk() and timestamp() function:
This can then be used in Grafana to populate a (hidden) variable containing the instance name:
Name: instance
Type: Query
Query: topk(1,timestamp(up{job="micrometer"}))
Regex: /.*instance="([^"]*)".*/
I advise to active the refresh on time range change to get the last scrape in your time range.
Then you can use the variable in all your dashboard's queries:
EDIT: requester wants to update it on each data refresh
If you want to update it on each data refresh, it needs to be used in every query of your dashboard using AND logical operator:
micrometer_other_metric AND ON(instance) topk(1,timestamp(up{job="micrometer"}))
vector1 AND vector2 results in a vector consisting of the elements of vector1 for which there are elements in vector2 with exactly matching label sets. Other elements are dropped.
Is there a way to easily query Kubernetes resources in an intuitive way? Basically I want to run queries to extract info about objects which match my criteria. Currently I face an issue where my match labels isn't quite working and I would like to run the match labels query manually to try and debug my issue.
Basically in a pseudo code way:
Select * from pv where labels in [red,blue,green]
Any third party tools who do something like this? Currently all I have to work with is the search box on the dashboard which isn't quite robust enough.
You could use kubectl with JSONPath (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/jsonpath/). More information on JSONPath: https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath
It allows you to query any resource property, example:
kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{$.items[?(#.metadata.namespace=="default")].metadata.name}'
This would list all pod names in namespace "default". Your pseudo code would be something along the lines:
kubectl get pv -o=jsonpath='{$.items[?(#.metadata.label in ["red","blue","green"])]}'
I am newbie to grafana and prometheus. I setup prometheus, grafana, alertmanager, nodeexporter and cadvisor using the docker-compose.yml from this post https://github.com/vegasbrianc/prometheus
And imported grafana dashboard #893 from https://grafana.com/dashboards/893
But the dashboard is not working as I can see N/A in some panels. For example below are the queries used by the panels and I couldn't figure out how to get the values for the template variable in the query. I looked at http://node-exporter:9100/metrics and do not see a value for variable '$server'
Query1: time() - node_boot_time{instance=~"$server:.*"}
Query2:min((node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype=~"xfs|ext4",instance=~"$server:.*"} - node_filesystem_free_bytes{fstype=~"xfs|ext4",instance=~"$server:.*"} )/ node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype=~"xfs|ext4",instance=~"$server:.*"})
What should I configure for node-exporter and prometheus to evaluate the template variable $server in the queries?
$server is a Grafana template variable. These usually show up as dropdowns at the top of the Grafana dashboard.
label_values is a Prometheus-specific Grafana function that is applied to a Prometheus query. Your particular example, label_values(node_boot_time, instance) will return all values of the instance label for all node_boot_time metrics collected by Prometheus (i.e. all node exporter targets monitored by Prometheus).
I have no experience with the particular dashboard you are using (or node exporter, for that matter), but usually the cause for some panels displaying "N/A" or no values while other panels work just fine is that the underlying metric names might have changed. You can click on the header of the problematic panel in Grafana, select Edit, then click on the Metrics tab to try different metric names. For "inspiration", check the /metrics endpoint of your node exporter. If you don't know how to get to it, on the Prometheus web interface navigate to Status > Targets and click on the URL of your node exporter.
An old question, but it still didn't work for me.
The reason is that the label_values(...) works fine obtaining all the instance names that have a node_boot_time metric.
The problem is in the regex that follows the expression (next line). In my case it was something tricky resembling "/([^:].*):/". My instance names start with "i-" and contain no colon, so nothing was being selected. I just used a ProductCode to figure out the right instances instead.
There's an article "Tracking Every Release" which tells about displaying a vertical line on graphs for every code deployment. They are using Graphite. I would like to do something similar with Prometheus 2.2 and Grafana 5.1. More specifically I want to get an "application start" event displayed on a graph.
Grafana annotations seem to be the appropriate mechanism for this but I can't figure out what type of prometheus metric to use and how to query it.
The simplest way to do this is via the same basic approach as in the article, by having your deployment tool tell Grafana when it performs a deployment.
Grafan has a built-in system for storing annotations, which are displayed on graphs as vertical lines and can have text associated with them. It would be as simple as creating an API key in your Grafana instance and adding a curl call to your deploy script:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <apikey>" http://grafana:3000/api/annotations -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"version 1.2.3 deployed","tags":["deploy","production"]}'
For more info on the available options check the documentation:
Once you have your deployments being added as annotations, you can display those on your dashboard by going to the annotations tab in the dashboard settings and adding a new annotation source:
Then the annotations will be shown on the panels in your dashboard:
You can get the same result purely from Prometheus metrics, no need to push anything into Grafana:
If you wanted to track all restarts your search expression could be something like:
changes(start_time_seconds{job="foo",env="prod"} > 0
Or something like this if you only wanted to track version changes (and you had some sort of info metric that provided the version):
alertmanager_build_info unless max_over_time(alertmanager_build_info[1d] offset 5m)
The latter expression should only produce an output for 5 minutes whenever a new alertmanager_build_info metric appears (i.e. one with different labels such as version). You can further tweak it to only produce an output when version changes, e.g. by aggregating away all other labels.
A note here as technology has evolved. We get deployment job state information in Prometheus metrics format scraped directly from the community edition of Hashicorp's Nomad and we view this information in Grafana.
In your case, you would just add an additional query to an existing panel to overlay job start events, which is equivalent to a new deployment for us. There are a lot of related metrics "out of the box," such as for a change in job version that can be considered as well. The main point is no additional work is required besides adding a query in Grafana.