Row_number() over partition - row-number

I am working on peoplesoft. I have a requirement where I have to update the column value in a sequence ordered based on some ID.
For eg.
CA24100001648- 1
CA24100001648- 2
CA24100001664- 1
CA24100001664- 2
CA24100001664- 3
CA24100001664- 4
CA24100001664- 5
CA24100001664- 6
But, I am getting '1' as the value for all the rows on updating.
Here is my query, can anyone please help out on this.
order by D.CONTRACT_NUM)
Thanksenter image description here

update emp a
set comm =
(with cnt as ( select deptno,empno,row_number() over (partition by deptno order by deptno) rn from emp)
select c.rn from cnt c where c.empno=a.empno)


Subsetting records that contain multiple values in one column

In my postgres table, I have two columns of interest: id and name - my goal is to only keep records where id has more than one value in name. In other words, would like to keep all records of ids that have multiple values and where at least one of those values is B
UPDATE: I have tried adding WHERE EXISTS to the queries below but this does not work
The sample data would look like this:
> test
id name
1 1 A
2 2 A
3 3 A
4 4 A
5 5 A
6 6 A
7 7 A
8 2 B
9 1 B
10 2 B
and the output would look like this:
> output
id name
1 1 A
2 2 A
8 2 B
9 1 B
10 2 B
How would one write a query to select only these kinds records?
Based on your description you would seem to want:
select id, name
from (select t.*, min(name) over (partition by id) as min_name,
max(name) over (partition by id) as max_name
from t
) t
where min_name < max_name;
This can be done using EXISTS:
select id, name
from test t1
where exists (select *
from test t2
where =
and <> -- this will select those with multiple names for the id
and exists (select *
from test t3
where =
and = 'B') -- this will select those with at least one b for that id
Those records where for their id more than one name shines up, right?
This could be formulated in "SQL" as follows:
select * from table t1
where id in (
select id
from table t2
group by id
having count(name) > 1)

Aggregation Column must be in Group By

In postgresql i can't execute this code
SELECT name, SUM(sws) as sws, SUM(sws) over (partition by sws) swsrange FROM professoren
JOIN vorlesungen on persnr = gelesenvon
group by name
order by sws desc
The Error code is this:
FEHLER: Spalte »vorlesungen.sws« muss in der GROUP-BY-Klausel erscheinen oder in einer Aggregatfunktion verwendet werden
LINE 1: SELECT name, SUM(sws) as sws, SUM(sws) over (partition by s...
which means he wants "sws" must be in the group by or in a aggregation function (which it actually is).
i changed it to
SELECT name, SUM(sws) as swscount, SUM(sws) over (partition by name) swsrange FROM professoren
JOIN vorlesungen on persnr = gelesenvon
group by name, sws
the output is:
but it should be like the first Column is the name, the second is the sum() of all lessons he gives and the third is like a ranking who has the most lessons:
i can't see the issue here.
thanks for your help.
You specified SUM(sws) over (partition by sws) but sws is not specified in GROUP BY.
After your edit of question, could it be what you are looking for?:
INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Augustinus',2), ('Kant',8), ('Popper',2), ('Russel',2), ('Russel',6),('Sokrates',2),('Sokrates',8);
name swscount
1 Augustinus 2
2 Kant 8
3 Popper 2
4 Russel 2
5 Russel 6
6 Sokrates 2
7 Sokrates 8
name swscount dense_rank
1 Sokrates 10 1
2 Kant 8 2
3 Russel 8 2
4 Popper 2 3
5 Augustinus 2 3

TSQL - Get latest rows which their title is not null

I have following table:
Id SubCode Title
1 1 test1
1 2 test2
1 3 NULL
1 4 NULL
2 1 k1
2 2 k2
2 3 k3
2 4 NULL
No I want to select latest rows which their title is not null, for example for Id 1 then query must show test2 and for Id 2 it must be k3:
Id SubCode Title
1 2 test2
2 3 k3
I have written this query:
select t.Id, t.SubCode, t.Title from Test t
inner join (
select max(Id) as Id, max(SubCode) as SubCode
from Test
group by Id
) tm on t.Id = tm.Id and t.SubCode = tm.SubCode
But this code gives the wrong result:
Id SubCode Title
1 4 NULL
2 4 NULL
Any idea?
You forgot to exclude NULLs by writing an appropriate WHERE clause (where title is not null).
However such problems (to get a best / last / ... record) are usually best solved with analytic functions (RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER) anyway, because with them you access the table only once:
select id, subcode, title
select id, subcode, title, rank() over (partition by id order by subcode desc) as rn
from test
where title is not null
) ranked
where rn = 1;
You need a Title is not null where clause in your inner select:
select t.Id, t.SubCode, t.Title from Test t
inner join (
select max(Id) as Id, max(SubCode) as SubCode
from Test
where Title is not null
group by Id
) tm on t.Id = tm.Id and t.SubCode = tm.SubCode

Remove duplicate with separate column check TSQL

I have 2 tables having same columns and permission records in it.
One columns named IsAllow is available in both tables.
I am getting records of both tables in combine using UNION
But want to skip similar records if IsAllow = 0 in any one column - I don't want those records. But UNION returns all records and am getting confused.
Below are columns
IsAllow, UserId, FunctionActionId
I tried union but it gives both records. I want to exclude IsAllow = 0 in either table.
Sample data table 1
IsAllow UserId FunctionActionId
1 2 5
1 2 8
Sample data table 2
IsAllow UserId FunctionActionId
0 2 5 (should be excluded)
1 2 15
You can try this:
;with cte as(select *, row_number()
over(partition by UserId, FunctionActionId order by IsAllow desc) rn
(select * from table1
union all
select * from table2) t)
select * from cte where rn = 1 and IsAllow = 1
select distinct coalesce(t1.UserId, t2.UserId) as UserId,
coalesce(t1.FunctionActionId, t2.FunctionActionId) as FunctionActionId,
1 as IsAllow
from tabl1 t1
full join table2 t2 on t1.UserId = t2.UserId and
t1.FunctionActionId = t2.FunctionActionId
where (t1.IsAllow = 1 and t2.IsAllow = 1) or
(t1.IsAllow = 1 and t2.IsAllow is null) or
(t1.IsAllow is null and t2.IsAllow = 1)

Summing Multiple Records by maxdate

I have a table with the following data
Bldg Suit SQFT Date
1 1 1,000 9/24/2012
1 1 1,500 12/31/2011
1 2 800 8/31/2012
1 2 500 10/1/2005
I want to write a query that will sum the max date for each suit record, so the desired result would be 1,800, and must be in one cell/row. This will ultimately be part of subquery, I am just not getting what I expect with the queries I have writtren so far.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the following (See SQL Fiddle with Demo):
select sum(t1.sqft) Total
from yourtable t1
inner join
select max(dt) mxdt, suit, bldg
from yourtable
group by suit, bldg
) t2
on t1.dt = t2.mxdt
and t1.bldg = t2.bldg
and t1.suit = t2.suit
; With Data As
Select Bldg, Suit, SQFT, Row_Number() Over (Partition By Bldg, Suit Order By Date DESC) As RowID
From YourTableNameHere
Select Bldg, Sum(SQFT) As TotalSQFT
From Data
Where RowId = 1
Group By Bldg