htmlTable in Rmd - conversion to Word docx - ms-word

I have the following Rmd file, which produces an html file, which I then copy-paste into a docx file (for collaborators). Here are things I'd like to know how to do with the tables, but I can't find answers in the vignettes here:
A. I want to know how to remove the blank column that gets inserted in Word in between Cgroup 1 and Cgroup 2.
B. I want to know how to set the width of the column with the row names ("1st row",...)
C. How can I change the font and font size? I tried following this but it doesn't work to have output: word_document with htmlTable()
D. To ease the conversion to Word, is there a way to specify page breaks? Landscape orientation?
Thank you so much!
title: "Example"
fig_caption: TRUE
force_captions: TRUE
```{r, echo = FALSE}
mx <-
matrix(ncol=6, nrow=8)
rownames(mx) <- paste(c("1st", "2nd",
paste0(4:8, "th")),
colnames(mx) <- paste(c("1st", "2nd",
paste0(4:6, "th")),
for (nr in 1:nrow(mx)){
for (nc in 1:ncol(mx)){
mx[nr, nc] <-
paste0(nr, ":", nc)
cgroup = c("Cgroup 1", "Cgroup 2"),
n.cgroup = c(2,4))

The styling seemed to be off for the row names and it is now fixed in version 1.10.1 that you can download using the devtools package: devtools::install_github("gforge/htmlTable", ref="develop")
Regarding the styling the function allows almost any CSS-style you could image. Unfortunately it requires copy-pasting into Word and this functionality hasn't been Microsofts highest priority. You can easily adapt you example to accomodate the requiered changes using the css.cell:
mx <-
matrix(ncol=6, nrow=8)
rownames(mx) <- paste(c("1st", "2nd",
paste0(4:8, "th")),
colnames(mx) <- paste(c("1st", "2nd",
paste0(4:6, "th")),
for (nr in 1:nrow(mx)){
for (nc in 1:ncol(mx)){
mx[nr, nc] <-
paste0(nr, ":", nc)
css.cell = rep("font-size: 1.5em;", times = ncol(mx) + 1)
css.cell[1] = "width: 4cm; font-size: 2em;"
css.cgroup = "color: red",
css.table = "color: blue",
cgroup = c("Cgroup 1", "Cgroup 2"),
n.cgroup = c(2,4))
There is no way to remove the empty column generated by cgroups. This was required for the table to look nice and is a conscious design choice.
Regarding page-breaks I doubt there is any elegant way for doing that. An alternative could possibly be the ReporteRs package. I haven't used it myself but it's closer integrated with Word and could possibly be a solution.


Why does my R notebook produce a blank html document

For some reason, my R notebook is producing a blank HTML document. When I'm ready to knit the document to an html notebook, my browser opens up the file and it is a blank document. I'm pressing the "knit" button, then "html" from R Studio.
Here is my code:
title: "Rate Hole Model"
output: html_document
veh_age <- mc2 %>%
filter(cummulative < 51)
plot_ly(veh_age, x = ~unit_age, y = ~loss_ratio, color = ~rating_class_name) %>%
add_markers(text = ~paste(rating_class_name, "<br />", 'unit age: ',
unit_age, "<br />", 'loss ratio: ', loss_ratio), hoverinfo =
'text') %>%
layout(title = 'Comp Loss Ratio by Unit Age/Rating Class')
I'm not sure what happened. I'm on R version 3.5.1Has anyone ran into this problem?
My Libraries were installed to my Home directory : \Home\firstname.lastname\documents. This directory is a network located resource. When the last step of the process ran, the proper permission was not available to the called application (Pandoc). I am running 64 bit Win 10 with 64 bit RStudio version 1.1.456 and the 3.5 version of R. When I moved (reinstalled) the packages/libraries to a local folder : c:\Program Files\RStudio\Packages the HTML rendered in the browser.

Fitting custom functions to data

I have a series of data, for example:
which I know fits best to an equation of the form:
How can I fit the custom function to this data?
Similar question had been already asked on LibreOffice forum without a proper answer. I would appreciate if you could help me know how to do this. Preferably answers applying to any custom function rather than workarounds to this specific case.
There are multiple possible solutions for this. But one approach would be the following:
For determining the aand b in the trend line function y = a*e^(b*x) there are solutions using native Calc functions (LINEST, EXP, LN).
So we could the y = a*e^(b*x)+c taking as y-c= a*e^(b*x) and so if we are knowing c, the solution for y = a*e^(b*x) could be taken too. How to know c? One approach is described in Exponential Curve Fitting. There approximation of b, a and then c are made.
I have the main part of the delphi code from Exponential Curve Fitting : source listing translated to StarBasic for Calc. The part of the fine tuning of c is not translated until now. To-Do for you as professional and enthusiast programmers.
x y
0 0.767838478
1 0.702426493
2 0.733858228
3 0.703275979
4 0.651456058
5 0.62427187
6 0.742353261
7 0.646359026
8 0.695630431
9 0.659101665
10 0.598786652
11 0.592840135
12 0.59199059
B17: =EXP(INDEX(LINEST(LN($B$2:$B$14),$A$2:$A$14),1,2))
C17: =INDEX(LINEST(LN($B$2:$B$14),$A$2:$A$14),1,1)
y = a*e^(b*x) is also the function used for the chart's trend line calculation.
B19: =INDEX(TRENDEXPPLUSC($B$2:$B$14,$A$2:$A$14),1,1)
C19: =INDEX(TRENDEXPPLUSC($B$2:$B$14,$A$2:$A$14),1,2)
D19: =INDEX(TRENDEXPPLUSC($B$2:$B$14,$A$2:$A$14),1,3)
function trendExpPlusC(rangey as variant, rangex as variant) as variant
'get values from ranges
redim x(ubound(rangex)-1) as double
redim y(ubound(rangex)-1) as double
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)
x(i) = rangex(i+1,1)
y(i) = rangey(i+1,1)
'make helper arrays
redim dx(ubound(x)-1) as double
redim dy(ubound(x)-1) as double
redim dxyx(ubound(x)-1) as double
redim dxyy(ubound(x)-1) as double
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)-1
dx(i) = x(i+1) - x(i)
dy(i) = y(i+1) - y(i)
dxyx(i) = (x(i+1) + x(i))/2
dxyy(i) = dy(i) / dx(i)
'approximate b
s = 0
errcnt = 0
for i = lbound(dxyx) to ubound(dxyx)-1
on error goto errorhandler
s = s + log(abs(dxyy(i+1) / dxyy(i))) / (dxyx(i+1) - dxyx(i))
on error goto 0
b = s / (ubound(dxyx) - errcnt)
'approximate a
s = 0
errcnt = 0
for i = lbound(dx) to ubound(dx)
on error goto errorhandler
s = s + dy(i) / (exp(b * x(i+1)) - exp(b * x(i)))
on error goto 0
a = s / (ubound(dx) + 1 - errcnt)
'approximate c
s = 0
errcnt = 0
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)
on error goto errorhandler
s = s + y(i) - a * exp(b * x(i))
on error goto 0
c = s / (ubound(x) + 1 - errcnt)
'make y for (y - c) = a*e^(b*x)
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)
y(i) = log(abs(y(i) - c))
'get a and b from LINEST for (y - c) = a*e^(b*x)
oFunctionAccess = createUnoService( "" )
args = array(array(y), array(x))
ab = oFunctionAccess.CallFunction("LINEST", args)
if a < 0 then a = -exp(ab(0)(1)) else a = exp(ab(0)(1))
b = ab(0)(0)
trendExpPlusC = array(a, b, c)
exit function
errcnt = errcnt + 1
resume next
end function
The formula y = beax is the exponential regression equation for LibreOffice chart trend lines.
LibreOffice exports all settings
All the settings of LibreOffice, all in the LibreOffice folder.
C:\Users\a←When installing the operating system, the name
entered.\AppData←File Manager ~ "Hidden project" to open, the AppData
folder will be displayed.\Roaming\LibreOffice
Back up the LibreOffice folder, when reinstalling, put the LibreOffice folder in its original place.
1. If the installation is preview edition, because the name of preview edition is LibreOfficeDev, so the LibreOfficeDev folder will be
2. Formal edition can be installed together with preview edition, if both formal edition and preview edition are installed, LibreOffice
folder and LibreOfficeDev folder will be displayed.
3. To clear all settings, just delete the LibreOffice folder, then open the program, a new LibreOffice folder will be created.
LibreOffice exports a single toolbar I made
Common path
C:\Users\a←When installing the operating system, the name
entered.\AppData←File Manager ~ "Hidden project" to open, the AppData
folder will be
connect the branch path of the individual software below.
Branch path
\modules\StartModule\toolbar\The "Start" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\swriter\toolbar\The "writer" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\scalc\toolbar\The "calc" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\simpress\toolbar\The "impress" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\sdraw\toolbar\The "draw" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\smath\toolbar\The "math" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\dbapp\toolbar\The "base" toolbar I made is placed here.
Backup file, when reinstalling, put the file in the original place.
Because of the toolbar that I made myself, default file name, will automatically use Numbering, so to open the file, can know the name of
the toolbar.
The front file name "custom_toolbar_" cannot be changed, change will cause error, behind's file name can be changed. For example:
Do well of toolbar, can be copied to other places to use. For example: In the "writer" Do well of toolbar, can be copied to "calc"
places to use.
LibreOffice self-made symbol toolbar
Step 1 Start "Recording Macros function" Tools\Options\Advanced\Enable macro recording(Tick), in the
"Tools\Macros", the "Record Macro" option will appear.
Step 2 Recording Macros Tools\Macros\Record Macro→Recording action (click "Ω" to enter symbol→select symbol→Insert)→Stop
Recording→The name Macros stored in "Module1" is Main→Modify Main
Step 3 Add item new toolbar Tools\Customize\Toolbar→Add→Enter a name (example: symbol)→OK, the new toolbar will appear in the top
Step 4 Will Macros Add item new toolbar Tools\Customize\Toolbar\Category\Macros\My
Macros\Standard\Module1\Main→Click "Main"→Add item→Modify→Rename (can
be named with symbol)→OK→OK.

Using tikz graphdrawing library within RMarkdown ... Need to use lualatex engine, but can't get it to work

I have the following code in an rmd file which leverages tikz for diagrams:
title: "TestNonTufteLua"
author: "Me"
pdf_document :
latex_engine: lualatex
Prove tikz works:
```{r tikTest1, engine = "tikz"}
\node[ellipse, draw=black, align = center] (Data) {Data $y_{n}$};
Then, when you set `eval = TRUE` in the below code, it will not work.
```{r tikTest2, eval = FALSE, engine = "tikz"}
\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing}
\tikz [gr/.style={gray!50}, font=\bfseries]
\graph [layered layout] {
% A and F are horizontally aligned if you also set weight=0.5 for A -- C.
A -- [minimum layers=2] C -- F,
{ [nodes=gr, edges=gr] A -- B -- { E, D -- F } }
When changing to eval=TRUE in the second chunk, I get the following
Quitting from lines 24-29 (testNonTufteLua.Rmd) Error: running
'texi2dvi' on '.\tikz36747a021b22.tex' failed
LaTeX errors: rarygraphdrawing.code.tex:22: Package pgf Error: You
need to run LuaTeX to use the graph drawing library.
This error occurs when using the knit button from RStudio or using render("testNonTufteLua.Rmd", output_format = pdf_document(keep_tex = TRUE, latex_engine = "lualatex"). I have also experimented with setting options(tikzDefaultEngine = "luatex") to get tikzDevice to handle it properly, but it still does not work. I just can't seem to get the graphdrawing library to work even though the tikz-shapes library can be loaded and also that the rest of the document seems to be compiled with lualatex. Thanks for any help!!
Update: Meanwhile knitr no longer uses tools::texi2dvi but tinytex::latexmk. One therefore has to use options(tinytex.engine = 'lualatex') in a set-up chunk.
This is rather tricky, since you are not using tikzDevice but the tikz engine, which uses tools::texi2dvi to convert to PDF. You can change this using options(texi2dvi = "lualatex"). However, the default template does not work with LuaLaTeX. I have therefore created a modified template:
And specify that file with engine.opts = list(template = "tikz2pdf.tex"). Putting it all together here my working file:
title: "TestNonTufteLua"
author: "Me"
pdf_document :
latex_engine: lualatex
options(texi2dvi = "lualatex")
```{r tikTest2, eval = TRUE, engine = "tikz", engine.opts = list(template = "tikz2pdf.tex")}
\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing}
\tikz [gr/.style={gray!50}, font=\bfseries]
\graph [layered layout] {
% A and F are horizontally aligned if you also set weight=0.5 for A -- C.
A -- [minimum layers=2] C -- F,
{ [nodes=gr, edges=gr] A -- B -- { E, D -- F } }
how to set engine options
preview and LuaLaTeX
knitr using texi2pdf
A small running variation of the example above is the following using tinytex.
title: "lualatex. Using `tinytex.engine`"
df_print: paged
latex_engine: lualatex
## Latex engines
By default, PDF documents are rendered using `pdflatex`. You can specify an
alternate engine using the `latex_engine` option. Available engines
are `pdflatex`, `xelatex`, and `lualatex.`
```{r setup}
options(tinytex.engine = "lualatex")
```{r tikzLua, eval = TRUE, engine = "tikz", engine.opts = list(template = "tikz2pdf.tex")}
\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing}
\tikz [gr/.style={gray!50}, font=\bfseries]
\graph [layered layout] {
% A and F are horizontally aligned if you also set weight=0.5 for A -- C.
A -- [minimum layers=2] C -- F,
{ [nodes=gr, edges=gr] A -- B -- { E, D -- F } }
After an update in knitr the example above stopped running.

Aligning and italicising table column headings using Rmarkdown and pander

I am writing a rmarkdown document knitting to pdf with tables taken from portions of lists from the ezANOVA package. The tables are made using the pander package. Toy Rmarkdown file with toy dataset below.
title: "Table Doc"
output: pdf_document
```{r global_options, include=FALSE}
#set global knit options parameters.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=12, fig.height=8, fig.path='Figs/',
echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, dev = 'pdf')
```{r, echo=FALSE}
# toy data
id <- rep(c(1,2,3,4), 5)
group1 <- factor(rep(c("A", "B"), 10))
group2 <- factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10))
dv <- runif(20, min = 0, max = 10)
df <- data.frame(id, group1, group2, dv)
``` {r anova, echo = FALSE}
# create anova object
anOb <- ezANOVA(df,
dv = dv,
wid = id,
between = c(group1, group2),
type = 3,
detailed = TRUE)
# extract the output table from the anova object, reduce it down to only desired columns
anOb <- data.frame(anOb[[1]][, c("Effect", "F", "p", "p<.05")])
# format entries in columns
anOb[,2] <- format( round (anOb[,2], digits = 1), nsmall = 1)
anOb[,3] <- format( round (anOb[,3], digits = 4), nsmall = 1)
pander(anOb, justify = c("left", "center", "center", "right"))
Now I have a few problems
a) For the last three columns I would like to have the column heading in the table aligned in the center, but the actual column entries underneath those headings aligned to the right.
b) I would like to have the column headings 'F' and 'p' in italics and the 'p' in the 'p<.05' column in italics also but the rest in normal font. So they read F, p and p<.05
I tried renaming the column headings using plyr::rename like so
anOb <- rename(anOb, c("F" = "italic(F)", "p" = "italic(p)", "p<.05" = ""))
But it didn't work
In markdown, you have to use the markdown syntax for italics, which is wrapping text between a star or underscore:
> names(anOb) <- c('Effect', '*F*', '*p*', '*p<.05*')
> pander(anOb)
Effect *F* *p* *p<.05*
--------------- ------ -------- ---------
(Intercept) 52.3 0.0019 *
group1 1.3 0.3180
group2 2.0 0.2261
group1:group2 3.7 0.1273
If you want to do that in a programmatic way, you can also use the pandoc.emphasis helper function to add the starts to a string.
But your other problem is due to a bug in the package, for which I've just proposed a fix on GH. Please feel free to give a try to that branch and report back on GH -- I will try to get some time later this week to clean up the related unit tests and merge the branch if everything seem to be OK.

Display Superscript in SSRS reports

I m working on SSRS 2008.
i want to display date as 1st January 2011..
but "st" should be in superscipt ..
not like "1st".
is there any way to display "st", "nd","rd" and "th" in superscipt without installing any custom font type(other Font Type).
just copy and paste from the following list:
ABC⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾
ABC₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₊ ₋ ₌ ₍ ₎
ABCᵃ ᵇ ᶜ ᵈ ᵉ ᶠ ᵍ ʰ ⁱ ʲ ᵏ ˡ ᵐ ⁿ ᵒ ᵖ ʳ ˢ ᵗ ᵘ ᵛ ʷ ˣ ʸ ᶻ
ABCᴬ ᴮ ᴰ ᴱ ᴳ ᴴ ᴵ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ ᴹ ᴺ ᴼ ᴾ ᴿ ᵀ ᵁ ᵂ
ABCₐ ₑ ᵢ ₒ ᵣ ᵤ ᵥ ₓ
ABC½ ¼ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ № ℠ ™ © ®
ABC^ ± ¶
You are limited to what can be done with String.Format. Font size and spacing also refer to the whole text box. So it isn't "native"
However, superscript is unicode so you may be able to to do it with some fancy expression that concatenate characters. I'd suggest custom code.
I haven't tried this, but these articles mention it
I am not looking for credit here as above solution has answered it for you but for beginners sake, I use a code function within my report.
So in my SQL say I have Number field, then I add a new field OrdinalNumber:
SELECT ..., Number,
CASE WHEN (Number % 100) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 THEN 4
WHEN (Number % 10) = 1 THEN 1
WHEN (Number % 10) = 2 THEN 2
WHEN (Number % 10) = 3 THEN 3
ELSE 4 END AS OrdinalNumber,
Then my code function:
Function OrdinalText(ByVal OrdinalNumber As Integer) As String
Dim result As String
Select Case OrdinalNumber
Case 1
result = "ˢᵗ"
Case 2
result = "ⁿᵈ"
Case 3
result = "ʳᵈ"
Case Else
result = "ᵗʰ"
End Select
Return result
End Function
Then in the report textbox I use the expression:
=CStr(Fields!Number.Value) & Code.OrdinalText(Fields!OrdinalNumber.Value)